blob: aaf6a136c4dd886a9423d775d133b3727b062e89 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE task PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "../dtd/task.dtd">
<task id="t_app-testing-monkey" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>Testing Your Application with the UI/Application Exerciser Monkey</title>
<shortdesc>The Android UI/Application Exerciser Monkey sends pseudo-random events (within limits you set) to your
application. This can prove to be an effective way to exercise little-used paths within your code, thus uncovering
bugs you might otherwise not find. The Monkey tool itself is provided as part of the Android SDK, but it has a
command-line interface. MOTODEV Studio for Android provides an interface for Monkey, so that you can exercise your
applications from within the same environment you use to build them.</shortdesc>
<p>Within MOTODEV Studio for Android you use "Test events with Monkey" launch configurations to test your apps
with the UI/Application Exerciser Monkey. </p>
<note type="important">Unlike other launch configurations, a "Test events with Monkey" configuration does not load
your app onto the target device. You must have previously installed the app(s) you wish to test prior to setting
up and running a Monkey configuration.</note>
<cmd>Create the launch configuration using one of the following methods:</cmd>
<choice>If the emulator you wish to use is running, or the device you wish to use is connected to your
development computer, right-click the emulator or device in the Device Management view and select <uicontrol
>Test events with Monkey</uicontrol>.</choice>
<choice>Select <uicontrol>Run Configurations</uicontrol> from the <uicontrol>Run</uicontrol> menu. From the
left pane of the Run Configurations dialog select <uicontrol>Test events with Monkey</uicontrol> and click
'New' <image href="../images/new-config-button.png"/> to create a new configuration.</choice>
<cmd>Using the <uicontrol>Device</uicontrol> field (on the <uicontrol>Main</uicontrol> tab), select the device
instance to be used to run the Monkey test. Note that you can only select from among running emulators and
connected devices; if there are no device instances from which to choose, you'll first need to launch an
emulator or connect a handset. </cmd>
<cmd>Select those packages that Monkey should exercise from the package list. You can select one or several
packages; Monkey will limit its scope only to the selected packages. To select a single package, click it. To
select a block of adjacent packages, click the first and then Shift-click the last. To select several
individual packages, click the first one and then Control-click (Command-click, on Macintosh) the remaining
<cmd>Using the <uicontrol>Event count</uicontrol> field, specify the number of pseudo-random events to be sent
to the selected packages.</cmd>
<cmd>To further customize the way that that Monkey tests your applications, select the <uicontrol
>Options</uicontrol> tab and fill in the desired fields. See the UI/Application Exerciser Monkey documentation
provided with the Android SDK for information on the purpose and allowable values for each of these fields.
Note that you can select <uicontrol>General</uicontrol> and supply options as command-line parameters, rather
than as form values.</cmd>
<cmd>Click <uicontrol>Run</uicontrol> to save your new configuration and run it. Or, click <uicontrol
>Apply</uicontrol> and then <uicontrol>Close</uicontrol> to save your new configuration without running it.
<result>When Monkey runs it posts its progress to the MOTODEV Studio for Android Console view.</result>
<postreq>You can re-run your Monkey configuration at any time by selecting it from your Run configurations and
clicking <uicontrol>Run</uicontrol>.</postreq>