blob: 4472cf7ab550fc11273076aaf50ba539aeb8cdf6 [file] [log] [blame]
<project name="StructuralSearchPlugin" default="jar_plugin" basedir="">
<property name="plugname" value="StructuralSearchPlugin"/>
<property name="releasePlugname" value="SS"/>
<property name="build.path" value="${project.path}/build_out"/>
<property name="version" value=""/>
<property name="description" value="This is experimental yet useful plugin for searching source code
in terms of java syntax (query code by example :-). It is intended to be used for:
&amp;lt;LI&amp;gt;understanding new libraries, finding highlevel code patterns (singletons, serialization implementation,
Struts actions, ejbs, servlets, filters, source metadata, etc), analyzing
opportunities for aspect refactoring (finding exception handling, methods with
specific signatures and structure, etc). For instance, for exploring source code of JDK 1.5 with Aurora
one could use search to find added entities (classes, methods, etc), generic classes, methods and declarations or just
parameterized symbols. Note, that the plugin could miss some generic stuff that is not supported by Aurora (e.g. anonymous typed vars).
&amp;lt;LI&amp;gt; finding expressions, statements or group of statements regardsless of particular whitespace indentation.
This could be useful e.g. after applying extract method refactoring to find the other occurences the such extracted code.
&amp;lt;LI&amp;gt;Find code fragments (symbols, references, constants) like given pattern.
&amp;lt;BR&amp;gt;Warning, the plugin is PSI dependent, works with 1156 and 706" />
<target name="clean">
<delete includeEmptyDirs="true" failonerror="false">
<fileset dir="${build.path}" includes="**/*.class,**/*.html,META-INF/*.xml,META-INF/*.txt"/>
<mkdir dir="${build.path}"/>
<target name="copy_files">
<copy todir="${build.path}/META-INF" >
<fileset dir="${project.path}/META-INF" includes="plugin.xml,version.txt"/>
<copy todir="${build.path}/resources">
<fileset dir="${project.path}/resources"/>
<copy todir="${build.path}">
<fileset dir="${project.path}/classes" includes="**/*.class">
<target name="version" depends="copy_files">
<replace dir="${build.path}" includes="**/*.xml **/*.html **/*.txt">
<replacefilter token="@PLUGIN.VERSION@" value="${version}"/>
<replacefilter token="@PLUGIN.DESCRIPTION@" value="${description}"/>
<target name="jar_plugin" depends="clean,copy_files,version" >
<jar jarfile="${build.path}/${plugname}.jar" basedir="${build.path}"
<copy todir="${idea.path}/debug/plugins">
<fileset dir="${build.path}" includes="*.jar" />