blob: 11b69081855cce7f48c3ba798352749a9a7a781a [file] [log] [blame]
<font face="verdana" size="-1">This inspection reports usages of
<li><code>@SuppressWarning</code> annotation, or</li>
<li><code>// noinspection</code> line comment, or</li>
<li><code>/** noinspection */</code> JavaDoc comment</li>
which can be safely removed because inspection they affect is no longer applicable in this context.
For example:
<b><font color="#000080">public class</font></b> C {
// symbol is already private,
// but annotation is still around
<b><font color="#000080">private boolean</font></b> CONST = <b><font color="#000080">true</font></b>;
<b><font color="#000080">void</font></b> f() {
CONST = <b><font color="#000080">false</font></b>;