blob: d25134e5bbe92c3ef7da625ea778ac34fb644b7a [file] [log] [blame]
* Some code is bound to specific functions or classes or some other objects somewhere in namespace.
* Say, you want to add reference contributor to "my.package.some_function". You can not just check "callee text" here, because this
* function could be imported "from my.package import some_function as foo" and then used as "foo". So, you need to resolve it first.
* Additionally, there are some functions which should be processed identically. patterns() and i18n_patterns() from django is good example.
* So, you need to:
* <ol>
* <li>Create some enum that implements {@link com.jetbrains.python.nameResolver.FQNamesProvider} (see its javadoc for more info)</li>
* <li>Use {@link com.jetbrains.python.nameResolver.NameResolverTools#isName(com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyElement, FQNamesProvider)}
* to check that some element matches some names from that enum</li>
* </ol>
* @author Ilya.Kazakevich
package com.jetbrains.python.nameResolver;