blob: bdffe3ec8e974a6ec6b3f15ff64946980a46097c [file] [log] [blame]
import keyword
from pycharm_generator_utils.util_methods import *
from pycharm_generator_utils.constants import *
class emptylistdict(dict):
"""defaultdict not available before 2.5; simplest reimplementation using [] as default"""
def __getitem__(self, item):
if item in self:
return dict.__getitem__(self, item)
it = []
self.__setitem__(item, it)
return it
class Buf(object):
"""Buffers data in a list, can write to a file. Indentation is provided externally."""
def __init__(self, indenter): = []
self.indenter = indenter
def put(self, data):
if data:
def out(self, indent, *what):
"""Output the arguments, indenting as needed, and adding an eol"""
for item in what:
def flush_bytes(self, outfile):
for data in
outfile.write(data.encode(OUT_ENCODING, "replace"))
def flush_str(self, outfile):
for data in
if version[0] < 3:
flush = flush_bytes
flush = flush_str
def isEmpty(self):
return len( == 0
class ClassBuf(Buf):
def __init__(self, name, indenter):
super(ClassBuf, self).__init__(indenter) = name
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyBroadException
class ModuleRedeclarator(object):
def __init__(self, module, outfile, mod_filename, indent_size=4, doing_builtins=False):
Create new instance.
@param module module to restore.
@param outfile output file, must be open and writable.
@param mod_filename filename of binary module (the .dll or .so)
@param indent_size amount of space characters per indent
self.module = module
self.outfile = outfile # where we finally write
self.mod_filename = mod_filename
# we write things into buffers out-of-order
self.header_buf = Buf(self)
self.imports_buf = Buf(self)
self.functions_buf = Buf(self)
self.classes_buf = Buf(self)
self.classes_buffs = list()
self.footer_buf = Buf(self)
self.indent_size = indent_size
self._indent_step = " " * self.indent_size
self.split_modules = False
self.imported_modules = {"": the_builtins} # explicit module imports: {"name": module}
self.hidden_imports = {} # {'real_mod_name': 'alias'}; we alias names with "__" since we don't want them exported
# ^ used for things that we don't re-export but need to import, e.g. certain base classes in gnome.
self._defined = {} # stores True for every name defined so far, to break circular refs in values
self.doing_builtins = doing_builtins
self.ret_type_cache = {}
self.used_imports = emptylistdict() # qual_mod_name -> [imported_names,..]: actually used imported names
def _initializeQApp4(self):
try: # QtGui should be imported _before_ QtCore package.
# This is done for the QWidget references from QtCore (such as QSignalMapper). Known bug in PyQt 4.7+
# Causes "TypeError: C++ type 'QWidget*' is not supported as a native Qt signal type"
import PyQt4.QtGui
except ImportError:
# manually instantiate and keep reference to singleton QCoreApplication (we don't want it to be deleted during the introspection)
# use QCoreApplication instead of QApplication to avoid blinking app in Dock on Mac OS
from PyQt4.QtCore import QCoreApplication = QCoreApplication([])
except ImportError:
def _initializeQApp5(self):
from PyQt5.QtCore import QCoreApplication = QCoreApplication([])
except ImportError:
def indent(self, level):
"""Return indentation whitespace for given level."""
return self._indent_step * level
def flush(self):
init = None
if self.split_modules:
mod_path = module_to_package_name(self.outfile)
fname = build_output_name(mod_path, "__init__")
init = fopen(fname, "w")
for buf in (self.header_buf, self.imports_buf, self.functions_buf, self.classes_buf):
data = ""
for buf in self.classes_buffs:
fname = build_output_name(mod_path,
dummy = fopen(fname, "w")
data += self.create_local_import(
init = fopen(self.outfile, "w")
for buf in (self.header_buf, self.imports_buf, self.functions_buf, self.classes_buf):
for buf in self.classes_buffs:
if init is not None and not init.closed:
# Some builtin classes effectively change __init__ signature without overriding it.
# This callable serves as a placeholder to be replaced via REDEFINED_BUILTIN_SIGS
def fake_builtin_init(self):
pass # just a callable, sig doesn't matter
fake_builtin_init.__doc__ = object.__init__.__doc__ # this forces class's doc to be used instead
def create_local_import(self, name):
if len(name.split(".")) > 1: return ""
data = "from "
if version[0] >= 3:
data += "."
data += name + " import " + name + "\n"
return data
def find_imported_name(self, item):
Finds out how the item is represented in imported modules.
@param item what to check
@return qualified name (like "sys.stdin") or None
# TODO: return a pair, not a glued string
if not isinstance(item, SIMPLEST_TYPES):
for mname in self.imported_modules:
m = self.imported_modules[mname]
for inner_name in m.__dict__:
suspect = getattr(m, inner_name)
if suspect is item:
if mname:
mname += "."
elif self.module is the_builtins: # don't short-circuit builtins
return None
return mname + inner_name
return None
_initializers = (
(dict, "{}"),
(tuple, "()"),
(list, "[]"),
def invent_initializer(self, a_type):
Returns an innocuous initializer expression for a_type, or "None"
for initializer_type, r in self._initializers:
if initializer_type == a_type:
return r
# NOTE: here we could handle things like defaultdict, sets, etc if we wanted
return "None"
def fmt_value(self, out, p_value, indent, prefix="", postfix="", as_name=None, seen_values=None):
Formats and outputs value (it occupies an entire line or several lines).
@param out function that does output (a Buf.out)
@param p_value the value.
@param indent indent level.
@param prefix text to print before the value
@param postfix text to print after the value
@param as_name hints which name are we trying to print; helps with circular refs.
@param seen_values a list of keys we've seen if we're processing a dict
SELF_VALUE = "<value is a self-reference, replaced by this string>"
ERR_VALUE = "<failed to retrieve the value>"
if isinstance(p_value, SIMPLEST_TYPES):
out(indent, prefix, reliable_repr(p_value), postfix)
if sys.platform == "cli":
imported_name = None
imported_name = self.find_imported_name(p_value)
if imported_name:
out(indent, prefix, imported_name, postfix)
# TODO: kind of self.used_imports[imported_name].append(p_value) but split imported_name
# else we could potentially return smth we did not otherwise import. but not likely.
if isinstance(p_value, (list, tuple)):
if not seen_values:
seen_values = [p_value]
if len(p_value) == 0:
out(indent, prefix, repr(p_value), postfix)
if isinstance(p_value, list):
lpar, rpar = "[", "]"
lpar, rpar = "(", ")"
out(indent, prefix, lpar)
for value in p_value:
if value in seen_values:
value = SELF_VALUE
elif not isinstance(value, SIMPLEST_TYPES):
self.fmt_value(out, value, indent + 1, postfix=",", seen_values=seen_values)
out(indent, rpar, postfix)
elif isinstance(p_value, dict):
if len(p_value) == 0:
out(indent, prefix, repr(p_value), postfix)
if not seen_values:
seen_values = [p_value]
out(indent, prefix, "{")
keys = list(p_value.keys())
except TypeError:
pass # unsortable keys happen, e,g, in py3k _ctypes
for k in keys:
value = p_value[k]
is_seen = value in seen_values
is_seen = False
value = ERR_VALUE
if is_seen:
value = SELF_VALUE
elif not isinstance(value, SIMPLEST_TYPES):
if isinstance(k, SIMPLEST_TYPES):
self.fmt_value(out, value, indent + 1, prefix=repr(k) + ": ", postfix=",",
# both key and value need fancy formatting
self.fmt_value(out, k, indent + 1, postfix=": ", seen_values=seen_values)
self.fmt_value(out, value, indent + 2, seen_values=seen_values)
out(indent + 1, ",")
out(indent, "}", postfix)
else: # something else, maybe representable
# look up this value in the module.
if sys.platform == "cli":
out(indent, prefix, "None", postfix)
found_name = ""
for inner_name in self.module.__dict__:
if self.module.__dict__[inner_name] is p_value:
found_name = inner_name
if self._defined.get(found_name, False):
out(indent, prefix, found_name, postfix)
# a forward / circular declaration happens
notice = ""
representation = repr(p_value)
except Exception:
import traceback
real_value = cleanup(representation)
if found_name:
if found_name == as_name:
notice = " # (!) real value is %r" % real_value
real_value = "None"
notice = " # (!) forward: %s, real value is %r" % (found_name, real_value)
if SANE_REPR_RE.match(real_value):
out(indent, prefix, real_value, postfix, notice)
if not found_name:
notice = " # (!) real value is %r" % real_value
out(indent, prefix, "None", postfix, notice)
def get_ret_type(self, attr):
Returns a return type string as given by T_RETURN in tokens, or None
if attr:
ret_type = RET_TYPE.get(attr, None)
if ret_type:
return ret_type
thing = getattr(self.module, attr, None)
if thing:
if not isinstance(thing, type) and is_callable(thing): # a function
return None # TODO: maybe divinate a return type; see pygame.mixer.Channel
return attr
# adds no noticeable slowdown, I did measure. dch.
for im_name, im_module in self.imported_modules.items():
cache_key = (im_name, attr)
cached = self.ret_type_cache.get(cache_key, None)
if cached:
return cached
ret_type = getattr(im_module, attr, None)
if ret_type:
if isinstance(ret_type, type):
# detect a constructor
constr_args = detect_constructor(ret_type)
if constr_args is None:
constr_args = "*(), **{}" # a silly catch-all constructor
reference = "%s(%s)" % (attr, constr_args)
elif is_callable(ret_type): # a function, classes are ruled out above
return None
reference = attr
if im_name:
result = "%s.%s" % (im_name, reference)
else: # built-in
result = reference
self.ret_type_cache[cache_key] = result
return result
# TODO: handle things like "[a, b,..] and (foo,..)"
return None
SIG_DOC_NOTE = "restored from __doc__"
SIG_DOC_UNRELIABLY = "NOTE: unreliably restored from __doc__ "
def restore_by_docstring(self, signature_string, class_name, deco=None, ret_hint=None):
@param signature_string: parameter list extracted from the doc string.
@param class_name: name of the containing class, or None
@param deco: decorator to use
@param ret_hint: return type hint, if available
@return (reconstructed_spec, return_type, note) or (None, _, _) if failed.
action("restoring func %r of class %r", signature_string, class_name)
# parse
parsing_failed = False
ret_type = None
# strict parsing
tokens = paramSeqAndRest.parseString(signature_string, True)
ret_name = None
if tokens:
ret_t = tokens[-1]
if ret_t[0] is T_RETURN:
ret_name = ret_t[1]
ret_type = self.get_ret_type(ret_name) or self.get_ret_type(ret_hint)
except ParseException:
# it did not parse completely; scavenge what we can
parsing_failed = True
tokens = []
# most unrestrictive parsing
tokens = paramSeq.parseString(signature_string, False)
except ParseException:
seq = transform_seq(tokens)
# add safe defaults for unparsed
if parsing_failed:
doc_node = self.SIG_DOC_UNRELIABLY
starred = None
double_starred = None
for one in seq:
if type(one) is str:
if one.startswith("**"):
double_starred = one
elif one.startswith("*"):
starred = one
if not starred:
if not double_starred:
doc_node = self.SIG_DOC_NOTE
# add 'self' if needed YYY
if class_name and (not seq or seq[0] != 'self'):
first_param = propose_first_param(deco)
if first_param:
seq.insert(0, first_param)
seq = make_names_unique(seq)
return (seq, ret_type, doc_node)
def parse_func_doc(self, func_doc, func_id, func_name, class_name, deco=None, sip_generated=False):
@param func_doc: __doc__ of the function.
@param func_id: name to look for as identifier of the function in docstring
@param func_name: name of the function.
@param class_name: name of the containing class, or None
@param deco: decorator to use
@return (reconstructed_spec, return_literal, note) or (None, _, _) if failed.
if sip_generated:
overloads = []
for part in func_doc.split('\n'):
signature = func_id + '('
i = part.find(signature)
if i >= 0:
overloads.append(part[i + len(signature):])
if len(overloads) > 1:
docstring_results = [self.restore_by_docstring(overload, class_name, deco) for overload in overloads]
ret_types = []
for result in docstring_results:
rt = result[1]
if rt and rt not in ret_types:
if ret_types:
ret_literal = " or ".join(ret_types)
ret_literal = None
param_lists = [result[0] for result in docstring_results]
spec = build_signature(func_name, restore_parameters_for_overloads(param_lists))
return (spec, ret_literal, "restored from __doc__ with multiple overloads")
# find the first thing to look like a definition
prefix_re = re.compile("\s*(?:(\w+)[ \\t]+)?" + func_id + "\s*\(") # "foo(..." or "int foo(..."
match = # Note: this and previous line may consume up to 35% of time
# parse the part that looks right
if match:
ret_hint =
params, ret_literal, doc_note = self.restore_by_docstring(func_doc[match.end():], class_name, deco, ret_hint)
spec = func_name + flatten(params)
return (spec, ret_literal, doc_note)
return (None, None, None)
def is_predefined_builtin(self, module_name, class_name, func_name):
return self.doing_builtins and module_name == BUILTIN_MOD_NAME and (
class_name, func_name) in PREDEFINED_BUILTIN_SIGS
def redo_function(self, out, p_func, p_name, indent, p_class=None, p_modname=None, classname=None, seen=None):
Restore function argument list as best we can.
@param out output function of a Buf
@param p_func function or method object
@param p_name function name as known to owner
@param indent indentation level
@param p_class the class that contains this function as a method
@param p_modname module name
@param seen {id(func): name} map of functions already seen in the same namespace;
id() because *some* functions are unhashable (eg _elementtree.Comment in py2.7)
action("redoing func %r of class %r", p_name, p_class)
if seen is not None:
other_func = seen.get(id(p_func), None)
if other_func and getattr(other_func, "__doc__", None) is getattr(p_func, "__doc__", None):
# _bisect.bisect == _bisect.bisect_right in py31, but docs differ
out(indent, p_name, " = ", seen[id(p_func)])
out(indent, "")
seen[id(p_func)] = p_name
# real work
if classname is None:
classname = p_class and p_class.__name__ or None
if p_class and hasattr(p_class, '__mro__'):
sip_generated = [base_t for base_t in p_class.__mro__ if 'sip.simplewrapper' in str(base_t)]
sip_generated = False
deco = None
deco_comment = ""
mod_class_method_tuple = (p_modname, classname, p_name)
ret_literal = None
is_init = False
# any decorators?
action("redoing decos of func %r of class %r", p_name, p_class)
if self.doing_builtins and p_modname == BUILTIN_MOD_NAME:
deco = KNOWN_DECORATORS.get((classname, p_name), None)
if deco:
deco_comment = " # known case"
elif p_class and p_name in p_class.__dict__:
# detect native methods declared with METH_CLASS flag
descriptor = p_class.__dict__[p_name]
if p_name != "__new__" and type(descriptor).__name__.startswith('classmethod'):
# 'classmethod_descriptor' in Python 2.x and 3.x, 'classmethod' in Jython
deco = "classmethod"
elif type(p_func).__name__.startswith('staticmethod'):
deco = "staticmethod"
if p_name == "__new__":
deco = "staticmethod"
deco_comment = " # known case of __new__"
action("redoing innards of func %r of class %r", p_name, p_class)
if deco and HAS_DECORATORS:
out(indent, "@", deco, deco_comment)
if inspect and inspect.isfunction(p_func):
out(indent, "def ", p_name, restore_by_inspect(p_func), ": # reliably restored by inspect", )
out_doc_attr(out, p_func, indent + 1, p_class)
elif self.is_predefined_builtin(*mod_class_method_tuple):
spec, sig_note = restore_predefined_builtin(classname, p_name)
out(indent, "def ", spec, ": # ", sig_note)
out_doc_attr(out, p_func, indent + 1, p_class)
elif sys.platform == 'cli' and is_clr_type(p_class):
is_static, spec, sig_note = restore_clr(p_name, p_class)
if is_static:
out(indent, "@staticmethod")
if not spec: return
if sig_note:
out(indent, "def ", spec, ": #", sig_note)
out(indent, "def ", spec, ":")
if not p_name in ['__gt__', '__ge__', '__lt__', '__le__', '__ne__', '__reduce_ex__', '__str__']:
out_doc_attr(out, p_func, indent + 1, p_class)
elif mod_class_method_tuple in PREDEFINED_MOD_CLASS_SIGS:
sig, ret_literal = PREDEFINED_MOD_CLASS_SIGS[mod_class_method_tuple]
if classname:
ofwhat = "%s.%s.%s" % mod_class_method_tuple
ofwhat = "%s.%s" % (p_modname, p_name)
out(indent, "def ", p_name, sig, ": # known case of ", ofwhat)
out_doc_attr(out, p_func, indent + 1, p_class)
# __doc__ is our best source of arglist
sig_note = "real signature unknown"
spec = ""
is_init = (p_name == "__init__" and p_class is not None)
funcdoc = None
if is_init and hasattr(p_class, "__doc__"):
if hasattr(p_func, "__doc__"):
funcdoc = p_func.__doc__
if funcdoc == object.__init__.__doc__:
funcdoc = p_class.__doc__
elif hasattr(p_func, "__doc__"):
funcdoc = p_func.__doc__
sig_restored = False
action("parsing doc of func %r of class %r", p_name, p_class)
if isinstance(funcdoc, STR_TYPES):
(spec, ret_literal, more_notes) = self.parse_func_doc(funcdoc, p_name, p_name, classname, deco,
if spec is None and p_name == '__init__' and classname:
(spec, ret_literal, more_notes) = self.parse_func_doc(funcdoc, classname, p_name, classname, deco,
sig_restored = spec is not None
if more_notes:
if sig_note:
sig_note += "; "
sig_note += more_notes
if not sig_restored:
# use an allow-all declaration
decl = []
if p_class:
first_param = propose_first_param(deco)
if first_param:
spec = p_name + "(" + ", ".join(decl) + ")"
out(indent, "def ", spec, ": # ", sig_note)
# to reduce size of stubs, don't output same docstring twice for class and its __init__ method
if not is_init or funcdoc != p_class.__doc__:
out_docstring(out, funcdoc, indent + 1)
# body
if ret_literal and not is_init:
out(indent + 1, "return ", ret_literal)
out(indent + 1, "pass")
if deco and not HAS_DECORATORS:
out(indent, p_name, " = ", deco, "(", p_name, ")", deco_comment)
out(0, "") # empty line after each item
def redo_class(self, out, p_class, p_name, indent, p_modname=None, seen=None, inspect_dir=False):
Restores a class definition.
@param out output function of a relevant buf
@param p_class the class object
@param p_name class name as known to owner
@param indent indentation level
@param p_modname name of module
@param seen {class: name} map of classes already seen in the same namespace
action("redoing class %r of module %r", p_name, p_modname)
if seen is not None:
if p_class in seen:
out(indent, p_name, " = ", seen[p_class])
out(indent, "")
seen[p_class] = p_name
bases = get_bases(p_class)
base_def = ""
skipped_bases = []
if bases:
skip_qualifiers = [p_modname, BUILTIN_MOD_NAME, 'exceptions']
skip_qualifiers.extend(KNOWN_FAKE_REEXPORTERS.get(p_modname, ()))
bases_list = [] # what we'll render in the class decl
for base in bases:
if [1 for (cls, mdl) in KNOWN_FAKE_BASES if cls == base and mdl != self.module]:
# our base is a wrapper and our module is not its defining module
# somehow import every base class
base_name = base.__name__
qual_module_name = qualifier_of(base, skip_qualifiers)
got_existing_import = False
if qual_module_name:
if qual_module_name in self.used_imports:
import_list = self.used_imports[qual_module_name]
if base in import_list:
bases_list.append(base_name) # unqualified: already set to import
got_existing_import = True
if not got_existing_import:
mangled_qualifier = "__" + qual_module_name.replace('.', '_') # -> __foo_bar
bases_list.append(mangled_qualifier + "." + base_name)
self.hidden_imports[qual_module_name] = mangled_qualifier
base_def = "(" + ", ".join(bases_list) + ")"
for base in bases_list:
local_import = self.create_local_import(base)
if local_import:
out(indent, local_import)
out(indent, "class ", p_name, base_def, ":",
skipped_bases and " # skipped bases: " + ", ".join(skipped_bases) or "")
out_doc_attr(out, p_class, indent + 1)
# inner parts
methods = {}
properties = {}
others = {}
we_are_the_base_class = p_modname == BUILTIN_MOD_NAME and p_name == "object"
field_source = {}
if hasattr(p_class, "__dict__") and not inspect_dir:
field_source = p_class.__dict__
field_keys = field_source.keys() # Jython 2.5.1 _codecs fail here
field_keys = dir(p_class) # this includes unwanted inherited methods, but no dict + inheritance is rare
field_keys = ()
for item_name in field_keys:
if item_name in ("__doc__", "__module__"):
if we_are_the_base_class:
item = "" # must be declared in base types
continue # in all other cases must be skipped
elif keyword.iskeyword(item_name): # for example, PyQt4 contains definitions of methods named 'exec'
item = getattr(p_class, item_name) # let getters do the magic
except AttributeError:
item = field_source[item_name] # have it raw
except Exception:
if is_callable(item) and not isinstance(item, type):
methods[item_name] = item
elif is_property(item):
properties[item_name] = item
others[item_name] = item
if we_are_the_base_class:
others["__dict__"] = {} # force-feed it, for __dict__ does not contain a reference to itself :)
# add fake __init__s to have the right sig
if p_class in FAKE_BUILTIN_INITS:
methods["__init__"] = self.fake_builtin_init
note("Faking init of %s", p_name)
elif '__init__' not in methods:
init_method = getattr(p_class, '__init__', None)
if init_method:
methods['__init__'] = init_method
seen_funcs = {}
for item_name in sorted_no_case(methods.keys()):
item = methods[item_name]
self.redo_function(out, item, item_name, indent + 1, p_class, p_modname, classname=p_name, seen=seen_funcs)
handle_error_func(item_name, out)
known_props = KNOWN_PROPS.get(p_modname, {})
a_setter = "lambda self, v: None"
a_deleter = "lambda self: None"
for item_name in sorted_no_case(properties.keys()):
item = properties[item_name]
prop_docstring = getattr(item, '__doc__', None)
prop_key = (p_name, item_name)
if prop_key in known_props:
prop_descr = known_props.get(prop_key, None)
if prop_descr is None:
continue # explicitly omitted
acc_line, getter_and_type = prop_descr
if getter_and_type:
getter, prop_type = getter_and_type
getter, prop_type = None, None
out(indent + 1, item_name,
" = property(", format_accessors(acc_line, getter, a_setter, a_deleter), ")"
if prop_type:
if prop_docstring:
out(indent + 1, '"""', prop_docstring)
out(0, "")
out(indent + 1, ':type: ', prop_type)
out(indent + 1, '"""')
out(indent + 1, '""":type: ', prop_type, '"""')
out(0, "")
out(indent + 1, item_name, " = property(lambda self: object(), lambda self, v: None, lambda self: None) # default")
if prop_docstring:
out(indent + 1, '"""', prop_docstring, '"""')
out(0, "")
if properties:
out(0, "") # empty line after the block
for item_name in sorted_no_case(others.keys()):
item = others[item_name]
self.fmt_value(out, item, indent + 1, prefix=item_name + " = ")
if p_name == "object":
out(indent + 1, "__module__ = ''")
if others:
out(0, "") # empty line after the block
if not methods and not properties and not others:
out(indent + 1, "pass")
def redo_simple_header(self, p_name):
"""Puts boilerplate code on the top"""
out = self.header_buf.out # 1st class methods rule :)
out(0, "# encoding: %s" % OUT_ENCODING) # line 1
# NOTE: maybe encoding should be selectable
if hasattr(self.module, "__name__"):
self_name = self.module.__name__
if self_name != p_name:
mod_name = " calls itself " + self_name
mod_name = ""
mod_name = " does not know its name"
out(0, "# module ", p_name, mod_name) # line 2
BUILT_IN_HEADER = "(built-in)"
if self.mod_filename:
filename = self.mod_filename
elif p_name in sys.builtin_module_names:
filename = BUILT_IN_HEADER
filename = getattr(self.module, "__file__", BUILT_IN_HEADER)
out(0, "# from %s" % filename) # line 3
out(0, "# by generator %s" % VERSION) # line 4
if p_name == BUILTIN_MOD_NAME and version[0] == 2 and version[1] >= 6:
out(0, "from __future__ import print_function")
out_doc_attr(out, self.module, 0)
def redo_imports(self):
module_type = type(sys)
for item_name in self.module.__dict__.keys():
item = self.module.__dict__[item_name]
if type(item) is module_type: # not isinstance, py2.7 + PyQt4.QtCore on windows have a bug here
self.imported_modules[item_name] = item
ref_notice = getattr(item, "__file__", str(item))
if hasattr(item, "__name__"):
self.imports_buf.out(0, "import ", item.__name__, " as ", item_name, " # ", ref_notice)
self.imports_buf.out(0, item_name, " = None # ??? name unknown; ", ref_notice)
def add_import_header_if_needed(self):
if self.imports_buf.isEmpty():
self.imports_buf.out(0, "")
self.imports_buf.out(0, "# imports")
def redo(self, p_name, inspect_dir):
Restores module declarations.
Intended for built-in modules and thus does not handle import statements.
@param p_name name of module
action("redoing header of module %r %r", p_name, str(self.module))
if "pyqt4" in p_name.lower(): # qt4 specific patch
elif "pyqt5" in p_name.lower(): # qt5 specific patch
# find whatever other self.imported_modules the module knows; effectively these are imports
action("redoing imports of module %r %r", p_name, str(self.module))
action("redoing innards of module %r %r", p_name, str(self.module))
module_type = type(sys)
# group what we have into buckets
vars_simple = {}
vars_complex = {}
funcs = {}
classes = {}
module_dict = self.module.__dict__
if inspect_dir:
module_dict = dir(self.module)
for item_name in module_dict:
note("looking at %s", item_name)
if item_name in (
"__dict__", "__doc__", "__module__", "__file__", "__name__", "__builtins__", "__package__"):
continue # handled otherwise
item = getattr(self.module, item_name) # let getters do the magic
except AttributeError:
if not item_name in self.module.__dict__: continue
item = self.module.__dict__[item_name] # have it raw
# check if it has percolated from an imported module
except NotImplementedError:
if not item_name in self.module.__dict__: continue
item = self.module.__dict__[item_name] # have it raw
# unless we're adamantly positive that the name was imported, we assume it is defined here
mod_name = None # module from which p_name might have been imported
# IronPython has non-trivial reexports in System module, but not in others:
skip_modname = sys.platform == "cli" and p_name != "System"
surely_not_imported_mods = KNOWN_FAKE_REEXPORTERS.get(p_name, ())
## can't figure weirdness in some modules, assume no reexports:
#skip_modname = skip_modname or p_name in self.KNOWN_FAKE_REEXPORTERS
if not skip_modname:
mod_name = getattr(item, '__module__', None)
# we assume that module never imports foo; foo may import (see pygame and pygame.rect)
maybe_import_mod_name = mod_name or ""
import_is_from_top = len(p_name) > len(maybe_import_mod_name) and p_name.startswith(maybe_import_mod_name)
note("mod_name = %s, prospective = %s, from top = %s", mod_name, maybe_import_mod_name, import_is_from_top)
want_to_import = False
if (mod_name
and mod_name != BUILTIN_MOD_NAME
and mod_name != p_name
and mod_name not in surely_not_imported_mods
and not import_is_from_top
# import looks valid, but maybe it's a .py file? we're certain not to import from .py
# e.g. this rules out _collections import collections and builtins import site.
imported = __import__(mod_name) # ok to repeat, Python caches for us
if imported:
qualifiers = mod_name.split(".")[1:]
for qual in qualifiers:
imported = getattr(imported, qual, None)
if not imported:
imported_path = (getattr(imported, '__file__', False) or "").lower()
want_to_import = not (imported_path.endswith('.py') or imported_path.endswith('.pyc'))
note("path of %r is %r, want? %s", mod_name, imported_path, want_to_import)
except ImportError:
want_to_import = False
# NOTE: if we fail to import, we define 'imported' names here lest we lose them at all
if want_to_import:
import_list = self.used_imports[mod_name]
if item_name not in import_list:
if not want_to_import:
if isinstance(item, type) or type(item).__name__ == 'classobj':
classes[item_name] = item
elif is_callable(item): # some classes are callable, check them before functions
funcs[item_name] = item
elif isinstance(item, module_type):
continue # self.imported_modules handled above already
if isinstance(item, SIMPLEST_TYPES):
vars_simple[item_name] = item
vars_complex[item_name] = item
# sort and output every bucket
action("outputting innards of module %r %r", p_name, str(self.module))
omitted_names = OMIT_NAME_IN_MODULE.get(p_name, [])
if vars_simple:
out = self.functions_buf.out
prefix = "" # try to group variables by common prefix
PREFIX_LEN = 2 # default prefix length if we can't guess better
out(0, "# Variables with simple values")
for item_name in sorted_no_case(vars_simple.keys()):
if item_name in omitted_names:
out(0, "# definition of " + item_name + " omitted")
item = vars_simple[item_name]
# track the prefix
if len(item_name) >= PREFIX_LEN:
prefix_pos = string.rfind(item_name, "_") # most prefixes end in an underscore
if prefix_pos < 1:
prefix_pos = PREFIX_LEN
beg = item_name[0:prefix_pos]
if prefix != beg:
out(0, "") # space out from other prefix
prefix = beg
prefix = ""
# output
replacement = REPLACE_MODULE_VALUES.get((p_name, item_name), None)
if replacement is not None:
out(0, item_name, " = ", replacement, " # real value of type ", str(type(item)), " replaced")
elif is_skipped_in_module(p_name, item_name):
t_item = type(item)
out(0, item_name, " = ", self.invent_initializer(t_item), " # real value of type ", str(t_item),
" skipped")
self.fmt_value(out, item, 0, prefix=item_name + " = ")
self._defined[item_name] = True
out(0, "") # empty line after vars
if funcs:
out = self.functions_buf.out
out(0, "# functions")
out(0, "")
seen_funcs = {}
for item_name in sorted_no_case(funcs.keys()):
if item_name in omitted_names:
out(0, "# definition of ", item_name, " omitted")
item = funcs[item_name]
self.redo_function(out, item, item_name, 0, p_modname=p_name, seen=seen_funcs)
handle_error_func(item_name, out)
self.functions_buf.out(0, "# no functions")
if classes:
self.classes_buf.out(0, "# classes")
self.classes_buf.out(0, "")
seen_classes = {}
# sort classes so that inheritance order is preserved
cls_list = [] # items are (class_name, mro_tuple)
for cls_name in sorted_no_case(classes.keys()):
cls = classes[cls_name]
ins_index = len(cls_list)
for i in range(ins_index):
maybe_child_bases = cls_list[i][1]
if cls in maybe_child_bases:
ins_index = i # we could not go farther than current ins_index
break # ...and need not go fartehr than first known child
cls_list.insert(ins_index, (cls_name, get_mro(cls)))
self.split_modules = self.mod_filename and len(cls_list) >= 30
for item_name in [cls_item[0] for cls_item in cls_list]:
buf = ClassBuf(item_name, self)
out = buf.out
if item_name in omitted_names:
out(0, "# definition of ", item_name, " omitted")
item = classes[item_name]
self.redo_class(out, item, item_name, 0, p_modname=p_name, seen=seen_classes, inspect_dir=inspect_dir)
self._defined[item_name] = True
out(0, "") # empty line after each item
if self.doing_builtins and p_name == BUILTIN_MOD_NAME and version[0] < 3:
# classobj still supported
txt = classobj_txt
self.classes_buf.out(0, txt)
if self.doing_builtins and p_name == BUILTIN_MOD_NAME:
txt = create_generator()
self.classes_buf.out(0, txt)
txt = create_function()
self.classes_buf.out(0, txt)
txt = create_method()
self.classes_buf.out(0, txt)
# Fake <type 'namedtuple'>
if version[0] >= 3 or (version[0] == 2 and version[1] >= 6):
namedtuple_text = create_named_tuple()
self.classes_buf.out(0, namedtuple_text)
self.classes_buf.out(0, "# no classes")
if vars_complex:
out = self.footer_buf.out
out(0, "# variables with complex values")
out(0, "")
for item_name in sorted_no_case(vars_complex.keys()):
if item_name in omitted_names:
out(0, "# definition of " + item_name + " omitted")
item = vars_complex[item_name]
if str(type(item)) == "<type 'namespace#'>":
continue # this is an IronPython submodule, we mustn't generate a reference for it in the base module
replacement = REPLACE_MODULE_VALUES.get((p_name, item_name), None)
if replacement is not None:
out(0, item_name + " = " + replacement + " # real value of type " + str(type(item)) + " replaced")
elif is_skipped_in_module(p_name, item_name):
t_item = type(item)
out(0, item_name + " = " + self.invent_initializer(t_item) + " # real value of type " + str(
t_item) + " skipped")
self.fmt_value(out, item, 0, prefix=item_name + " = ", as_name=item_name)
self._defined[item_name] = True
out(0, "") # empty line after each item
values_to_add = ADD_VALUE_IN_MODULE.get(p_name, None)
if values_to_add:
self.footer_buf.out(0, "# intermittent names")
for value in values_to_add:
self.footer_buf.out(0, value)
# imports: last, because previous parts could alter used_imports or hidden_imports
if self.imports_buf.isEmpty():
self.imports_buf.out(0, "# no imports")
self.imports_buf.out(0, "") # empty line after imports
def output_import_froms(self):
"""Mention all imported names known within the module, wrapping as per PEP."""
out = self.imports_buf.out
if self.used_imports:
for mod_name in sorted_no_case(self.used_imports.keys()):
import_names = self.used_imports[mod_name]
if import_names:
self._defined[mod_name] = True
right_pos = 0 # tracks width of list to fold it at right margin
import_heading = "from % s import (" % mod_name
right_pos += len(import_heading)
names_pack = [import_heading]
indent_level = 0
import_names = list(import_names)
for n in import_names:
self._defined[n] = True
len_n = len(n)
if right_pos + len_n >= 78:
out(indent_level, *names_pack)
names_pack = [n, ", "]
if indent_level == 0:
indent_level = 1 # all but first line is indented
right_pos = self.indent_size + len_n + 2
names_pack.append(", ")
right_pos += (len_n + 2)
# last line is...
if indent_level == 0: # one line
names_pack[0] = names_pack[0][:-1] # cut off lpar
names_pack[-1] = "" # cut last comma
else: # last line of multiline
names_pack[-1] = ")" # last comma -> rpar
out(indent_level, *names_pack)
out(0, "") # empty line after group
if self.hidden_imports:
for mod_name in sorted_no_case(self.hidden_imports.keys()):
out(0, 'import ', mod_name, ' as ', self.hidden_imports[mod_name])
out(0, "") # empty line after group
def module_to_package_name(module_name):
return re.sub(r"(.*)\.py$", r"\1", module_name)