blob: 4f5d92f0e0119ed211bbaffb8480ccce30f34085 [file] [log] [blame]
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This inspection checks for any implicit conversions between the predefined XPath-types STRING, NUMBER, BOOLEAN and
NODESET. While this is usually not a problem as the conversions are well-defined by the standard, this inspection can
help to write XSLT scripts that are more expressive about types and can even help to avoid subtle bugs:
<code>&lt;xsl:if test="<b>foo</b>" /></code> is not the same as <code>&lt;xsl:if test="<b>string(foo)</b>" /></code>
The first test checks whether the element "foo" exists (<code>count(foo) > 0)</code>, the latter one however is only
true if the element actually contains any text (<code>string-length(foo) > 0</code>). The plugin will then offer to
make the type-conversion more explicit.
There are several options to adjust the inspection to personal preferences by offering the possibility to
individually enable it for implicit conversions between certain types.<br>
The plugin can also be told to always flag explicit conversions that do not result in the actually expected type, such
as <code>&lt;xsl:if test="number(foo)" /></code> and provides a special option to ignore the conversion from NODESET
to BOOLEAN by using the <code>string()</code> function as a shortcut for writing <code>string-length() > 0</code>.
<p id="footer">Powered by XPathView + XSLT-Support</p>