blob: dedd7e3a0852ad11df8fe5557271b8aa627d2da0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o.
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package org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.refactoring.inline
import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode
import com.intellij.lang.refactoring.InlineHandler
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.codeStyle.CodeEditUtil
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.TreeElement
import com.intellij.refactoring.BaseRefactoringProcessor
import com.intellij.refactoring.inline.GenericInlineHandler
import com.intellij.refactoring.util.CommonRefactoringUtil
import com.intellij.testFramework.fixtures.JavaCodeInsightTestFixture
import com.intellij.testFramework.fixtures.LightCodeInsightFixtureTestCase
import junit.framework.Assert
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.GroovyFileType
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.GroovyPsiElement
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.statements.GrVariable
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.statements.expressions.GrExpression
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.statements.expressions.GrReferenceExpression
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.statements.typedef.members.GrMethod
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.impl.PsiImplUtil
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.util.TestUtils
* @author ilyas
public class InlineMethodTest extends LightCodeInsightFixtureTestCase {
final String basePath = TestUtils.testDataPath + "groovy/refactoring/inlineMethod/";
public void testAbstr1() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testBlock1() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testBlock2() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testBlock3() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testBlock4() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testCase1() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testCase2() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testClos_arg1() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testClos_arg2() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testClos_arg3() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testCond() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void _testExpr1() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testExpr2() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testExpr3() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void _testExpr4() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testFact() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testFact2() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testInit1() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testMap_arg1() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testQual1() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testQual2() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testQual3() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testQual4() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testQual5() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testRef1() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testRename1() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testRename2() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testRet1() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testRet2() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testRet3() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testRet4() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testRet5() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testTail1() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testTail1_1() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testTail2() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testTail3() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testTail4() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testTail5() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testTail6() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testVen_tail() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testVen_tail2() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testVoid() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testExpressionInParameter() throws Throwable {doTest();}
public void testFinalParameter() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testParameterIsUsedAfterCall() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testFieldAsParameter() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testWritableVariable() throws Throwable { doTest(); }
public void testSingleExpression() {doTest();}
public void testNamedArg() {doTest();}
public void _testInlineInGString() throws Throwable {doTest(); }
public void testDontRemoveReturnValueExpr() {doTest();}
public void testDontRemoveLastStatement() {doTest();}
public void testSideEffectInitializer() {doTest();}
public void testVarargs() {doTest();}
public void testTypeParameterDeclaredInFile() { doTest() }
public void testBadReturns() { doTest() }
public void testInlineAll() {
private void doInlineAllTest() {
doTest(new GroovyInlineHandler() {
public InlineHandler.Settings prepareInlineElement(PsiElement element, Editor editor, boolean invokedOnReference) {
return { false } as InlineHandler.Settings
public void testInlineNamedArgs() {doTest(); }
public void testInlineVarargs() {doTest()}
public void testCannotInlineMethodRef() {
try {
assert false
catch (BaseRefactoringProcessor.ConflictsInTestsException e) {
assertEquals("Cannot inline reference 'new A().&foo'", e.message)
public void testSuperCall() { doTest() }
protected void doTest() {
doTest(new GroovyInlineHandler());
protected void doTest(InlineHandler handler) {
doInlineTest(myFixture, testDataPath + getTestName(true) + ".test", handler);
public static void doInlineTest(final JavaCodeInsightTestFixture fixture,
final String testFile,
InlineHandler inlineHandler) {
final List<String> data = TestUtils.readInput(testFile);
String fileText = data.get(0);
fixture.configureByText(GroovyFileType.GROOVY_FILE_TYPE, fileText);
final PsiFile file = fixture.file;
final Editor editor = fixture.editor;
indentationToNode = file.node;
int startOffset = editor.selectionModel.selectionStart;
int endOffset = editor.selectionModel.selectionEnd;
GroovyPsiElement selectedArea = PsiImplUtil.findElementInRange(file, startOffset, endOffset, GrReferenceExpression.class);
if (selectedArea == null) {
PsiElement identifier = PsiImplUtil.findElementInRange(file, startOffset, endOffset, PsiElement.class);
if (identifier != null) {
if (identifier.parent instanceof GrVariable) {
selectedArea = (GroovyPsiElement)identifier.parent;
else if (identifier instanceof GrMethod) {
selectedArea = identifier
else {
this.assertTrue("Selected area doesn't point to method or variable", false)
Assert.assertNotNull("Selected area reference points to nothing", selectedArea);
PsiElement element = selectedArea instanceof GrExpression ? selectedArea.reference.resolve() : selectedArea;
Assert.assertNotNull("Cannot resolve selected reference expression", element);
try {
GenericInlineHandler.invoke(element, editor, inlineHandler);
fixture.checkResult(data.get(1), true);
catch (CommonRefactoringUtil.RefactoringErrorHintException e) {
assertEquals(data.get(1), "FAIL: " + e.message);
private static void setIndentationToNode(ASTNode element){
if (element instanceof TreeElement) {
CodeEditUtil.setOldIndentation(((TreeElement) element), 0);
for (ASTNode node : element.getChildren(null)) {
indentationToNode = node;