blob: 063ad3bc7bb61413cce03be6dc81941a902ed62e [file] [log] [blame]
package org.jetbrains.plugins.github.api;
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HeaderElement;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.plugins.github.api.GithubConnection.PagedRequest;
import org.jetbrains.plugins.github.exceptions.GithubConfusingException;
import org.jetbrains.plugins.github.exceptions.GithubJsonException;
import org.jetbrains.plugins.github.exceptions.GithubStatusCodeException;
import org.jetbrains.plugins.github.util.GithubUtil;
import java.util.*;
public class GithubApiUtil {
private static final Logger LOG = GithubUtil.LOG;
public static final String DEFAULT_GITHUB_HOST = "";
private static final String PER_PAGE = "per_page=100";
private static final Header ACCEPT_V3_JSON_HTML_MARKUP = new BasicHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3.html+json");
private static final Header ACCEPT_V3_JSON = new BasicHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json");
@NotNull private static final Gson gson = initGson();
private static Gson initGson() {
GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder();
return builder.create();
public static <T> T fromJson(@Nullable JsonElement json, @NotNull Class<T> classT) throws IOException {
if (json == null) {
throw new GithubJsonException("Unexpected empty response");
T res;
try {
//cast as workaround for early java 1.6 bug
//noinspection RedundantCast
res = (T)gson.fromJson(json, classT);
catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new GithubJsonException("Parse exception while converting JSON to object " + classT.toString(), e);
catch (JsonParseException e) {
throw new GithubJsonException("Parse exception while converting JSON to object " + classT.toString(), e);
if (res == null) {
throw new GithubJsonException("Empty Json response");
return res;
public static <Raw extends DataConstructor, Result> Result createDataFromRaw(@NotNull Raw rawObject, @NotNull Class<Result> resultClass)
throws GithubJsonException {
try {
return rawObject.create(resultClass);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new GithubJsonException("Json parse error", e);
* Operations
public static void askForTwoFactorCodeSMS(@NotNull GithubConnection connection) {
try {
connection.postRequest("/authorizations", null, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
catch (IOException e) {;
public static Collection<String> getTokenScopes(@NotNull GithubConnection connection) throws IOException {
Header[] headers = connection.headRequest("/user", ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
Header scopesHeader = null;
for (Header header : headers) {
if (header.getName().equals("X-OAuth-Scopes")) {
scopesHeader = header;
if (scopesHeader == null) {
throw new GithubConfusingException("No scopes header");
Collection<String> scopes = new ArrayList<String>();
for (HeaderElement elem : scopesHeader.getElements()) {
return scopes;
public static String getScopedToken(@NotNull GithubConnection connection, @NotNull Collection<String> scopes, @NotNull String note)
throws IOException {
GithubAuthorization token = findToken(connection, note);
if (token == null) {
return getNewScopedToken(connection, scopes, note).getToken();
if (token.getScopes().containsAll(scopes)) {
return token.getToken();
return updateTokenScopes(connection, token, scopes).getToken();
private static GithubAuthorization updateTokenScopes(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull GithubAuthorization token,
@NotNull Collection<String> scopes) throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/authorizations/" + token.getId();
GithubAuthorizationUpdateRequest request = new GithubAuthorizationUpdateRequest(new ArrayList<String>(scopes));
return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(connection.patchRequest(path, gson.toJson(request), ACCEPT_V3_JSON), GithubAuthorizationRaw.class),
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't update token: scopes - " + scopes);
throw e;
private static GithubAuthorization getNewScopedToken(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull Collection<String> scopes,
@NotNull String note)
throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/authorizations";
GithubAuthorizationCreateRequest request = new GithubAuthorizationCreateRequest(new ArrayList<String>(scopes), note, null);
return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(connection.postRequest(path, gson.toJson(request), ACCEPT_V3_JSON), GithubAuthorizationRaw.class),
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't create token: scopes - " + scopes + " - note " + note);
throw e;
private static GithubAuthorization findToken(@NotNull GithubConnection connection, @NotNull String note) throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/authorizations";
PagedRequest<GithubAuthorization> request =
new PagedRequest<GithubAuthorization>(path, GithubAuthorization.class, GithubAuthorizationRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
List<GithubAuthorization> tokens = request.getAll(connection);
for (GithubAuthorization token : tokens) {
if (note.equals(token.getNote())) return token;
return null;
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get available tokens");
throw e;
public static String getMasterToken(@NotNull GithubConnection connection, @NotNull String note) throws IOException {
// "repo" - read/write access to public/private repositories
// "gist" - create/delete gists
List<String> scopes = Arrays.asList("repo", "gist");
return getScopedToken(connection, scopes, note);
public static String getReadOnlyToken(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull String user,
@NotNull String repo,
@NotNull String note)
throws IOException {
GithubRepo repository = getDetailedRepoInfo(connection, user, repo);
// TODO: use read-only token for private repos when it will be available
List<String> scopes = repository.isPrivate() ? Collections.singletonList("repo") : Collections.<String>emptyList();
return getScopedToken(connection, scopes, note);
public static GithubUser getCurrentUser(@NotNull GithubConnection connection) throws IOException {
try {
JsonElement result = connection.getRequest("/user", ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(result, GithubUserRaw.class), GithubUser.class);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get user info");
throw e;
public static GithubUserDetailed getCurrentUserDetailed(@NotNull GithubConnection connection) throws IOException {
try {
JsonElement result = connection.getRequest("/user", ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(result, GithubUserRaw.class), GithubUserDetailed.class);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get user info");
throw e;
public static List<GithubRepo> getUserRepos(@NotNull GithubConnection connection) throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/user/repos?" + PER_PAGE;
PagedRequest<GithubRepo> request = new PagedRequest<GithubRepo>(path, GithubRepo.class, GithubRepoRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
return request.getAll(connection);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get user repositories");
throw e;
public static List<GithubRepo> getUserRepos(@NotNull GithubConnection connection, @NotNull String user) throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/users/" + user + "/repos?" + PER_PAGE;
PagedRequest<GithubRepo> request = new PagedRequest<GithubRepo>(path, GithubRepo.class, GithubRepoRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
return request.getAll(connection);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get user repositories: " + user);
throw e;
public static List<GithubRepo> getAvailableRepos(@NotNull GithubConnection connection) throws IOException {
try {
List<GithubRepo> repos = new ArrayList<GithubRepo>();
// We already can return something useful from getUserRepos, so let's ignore errors.
// One of this may not exist in GitHub enterprise
try {
catch (GithubStatusCodeException ignore) {
try {
catch (GithubStatusCodeException ignore) {
return repos;
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get available repositories");
throw e;
public static List<GithubRepoOrg> getMembershipRepos(@NotNull GithubConnection connection) throws IOException {
String orgsPath = "/user/orgs?" + PER_PAGE;
PagedRequest<GithubOrg> orgsRequest = new PagedRequest<GithubOrg>(orgsPath, GithubOrg.class, GithubOrgRaw[].class);
List<GithubRepoOrg> repos = new ArrayList<GithubRepoOrg>();
for (GithubOrg org : orgsRequest.getAll(connection)) {
String path = "/orgs/" + org.getLogin() + "/repos?type=member&" + PER_PAGE;
PagedRequest<GithubRepoOrg> request =
new PagedRequest<GithubRepoOrg>(path, GithubRepoOrg.class, GithubRepoRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
return repos;
public static List<GithubRepo> getWatchedRepos(@NotNull GithubConnection connection) throws IOException {
String pathWatched = "/user/subscriptions?" + PER_PAGE;
PagedRequest<GithubRepo> requestWatched =
new PagedRequest<GithubRepo>(pathWatched, GithubRepo.class, GithubRepoRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
return requestWatched.getAll(connection);
public static GithubRepoDetailed getDetailedRepoInfo(@NotNull GithubConnection connection, @NotNull String owner, @NotNull String name)
throws IOException {
try {
final String request = "/repos/" + owner + "/" + name;
JsonElement jsonObject = connection.getRequest(request, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(jsonObject, GithubRepoRaw.class), GithubRepoDetailed.class);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get repository info: " + owner + "/" + name);
throw e;
public static void deleteGithubRepository(@NotNull GithubConnection connection, @NotNull String username, @NotNull String repo)
throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/repos/" + username + "/" + repo;
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't delete repository: " + username + "/" + repo);
throw e;
public static void deleteGist(@NotNull GithubConnection connection, @NotNull String id) throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/gists/" + id;
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't delete gist: id - " + id);
throw e;
public static GithubGist getGist(@NotNull GithubConnection connection, @NotNull String id) throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/gists/" + id;
JsonElement result = connection.getRequest(path, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(result, GithubGistRaw.class), GithubGist.class);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get gist info: id " + id);
throw e;
public static GithubGist createGist(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull List<GithubGist.FileContent> contents,
@NotNull String description,
boolean isPrivate) throws IOException {
try {
String request = gson.toJson(new GithubGistRequest(contents, description, !isPrivate));
return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(connection.postRequest("/gists", request, ACCEPT_V3_JSON), GithubGistRaw.class), GithubGist.class);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't create gist");
throw e;
public static List<GithubRepo> getForks(@NotNull GithubConnection connection, @NotNull String owner, @NotNull String name)
throws IOException {
String path = "/repos/" + owner + "/" + name + "/forks?" + PER_PAGE;
PagedRequest<GithubRepo> requestWatched =
new PagedRequest<GithubRepo>(path, GithubRepo.class, GithubRepoRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
return requestWatched.getAll(connection);
public static GithubPullRequest createPullRequest(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull String user,
@NotNull String repo,
@NotNull String title,
@NotNull String description,
@NotNull String head,
@NotNull String base) throws IOException {
try {
String request = gson.toJson(new GithubPullRequestRequest(title, description, head, base));
return createDataFromRaw(
fromJson(connection.postRequest("/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/pulls", request, ACCEPT_V3_JSON), GithubPullRequestRaw.class),
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't create pull request");
throw e;
public static GithubRepo createRepo(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull String name,
@NotNull String description,
boolean isPrivate)
throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/user/repos";
GithubRepoRequest request = new GithubRepoRequest(name, description, isPrivate);
return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(connection.postRequest(path, gson.toJson(request), ACCEPT_V3_JSON), GithubRepoRaw.class),
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't create repository: " + name);
throw e;
* Open issues only
public static List<GithubIssue> getIssuesAssigned(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull String user,
@NotNull String repo,
@Nullable String assigned,
int max,
boolean withClosed) throws IOException {
try {
String state = "state=" + (withClosed ? "all" : "open");
String path;
if (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(assigned)) {
path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/issues?" + PER_PAGE + "&" + state;
else {
path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/issues?assignee=" + assigned + "&" + PER_PAGE + "&" + state;
PagedRequest<GithubIssue> request = new PagedRequest<GithubIssue>(path, GithubIssue.class, GithubIssueRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
List<GithubIssue> result = new ArrayList<GithubIssue>();
while (request.hasNext() && max > result.size()) {
return result;
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get assigned issues: " + user + "/" + repo + " - " + assigned);
throw e;
* All issues - open and closed
public static List<GithubIssue> getIssuesQueried(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull String user,
@NotNull String repo,
@Nullable String query,
boolean withClosed) throws IOException {
try {
String state = withClosed ? "" : " state:open";
query = URLEncoder.encode("repo:" + user + "/" + repo + " " + query + state, "UTF-8");
String path = "/search/issues?q=" + query;
//TODO: Use bodyHtml for issues - GitHub does not support this feature for SearchApi yet
JsonElement result = connection.getRequest(path, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(result, GithubIssuesSearchResultRaw.class), GithubIssuesSearchResult.class).getIssues();
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get queried issues: " + user + "/" + repo + " - " + query);
throw e;
public static GithubIssue getIssue(@NotNull GithubConnection connection, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo, @NotNull String id)
throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/issues/" + id;
JsonElement result = connection.getRequest(path, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(result, GithubIssueRaw.class), GithubIssue.class);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get issue info: " + user + "/" + repo + " - " + id);
throw e;
public static List<GithubIssueComment> getIssueComments(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull String user,
@NotNull String repo,
long id)
throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/issues/" + id + "/comments?" + PER_PAGE;
PagedRequest<GithubIssueComment> request =
new PagedRequest<GithubIssueComment>(path, GithubIssueComment.class, GithubIssueCommentRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON_HTML_MARKUP);
return request.getAll(connection);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get issue comments: " + user + "/" + repo + " - " + id);
throw e;
public static void setIssueState(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull String user,
@NotNull String repo,
@NotNull String id,
boolean open)
throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/issues/" + id;
GithubChangeIssueStateRequest request = new GithubChangeIssueStateRequest(open ? "open" : "closed");
JsonElement result = connection.patchRequest(path, gson.toJson(request), ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
createDataFromRaw(fromJson(result, GithubIssueRaw.class), GithubIssue.class);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't set issue state: " + user + "/" + repo + " - " + id + "@" + (open ? "open" : "closed"));
throw e;
public static GithubCommitDetailed getCommit(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull String user,
@NotNull String repo,
@NotNull String sha) throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/commits/" + sha;
JsonElement result = connection.getRequest(path, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(result, GithubCommitRaw.class), GithubCommitDetailed.class);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get commit info: " + user + "/" + repo + " - " + sha);
throw e;
public static List<GithubCommitComment> getCommitComments(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull String user,
@NotNull String repo,
@NotNull String sha) throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/commits/" + sha + "/comments";
PagedRequest<GithubCommitComment> request =
new PagedRequest<GithubCommitComment>(path, GithubCommitComment.class, GithubCommitCommentRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON_HTML_MARKUP);
return request.getAll(connection);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get commit comments: " + user + "/" + repo + " - " + sha);
throw e;
public static List<GithubCommitComment> getPullRequestComments(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull String user,
@NotNull String repo,
long id) throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/pulls/" + id + "/comments";
PagedRequest<GithubCommitComment> request =
new PagedRequest<GithubCommitComment>(path, GithubCommitComment.class, GithubCommitCommentRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON_HTML_MARKUP);
return request.getAll(connection);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get pull request comments: " + user + "/" + repo + " - " + id);
throw e;
public static GithubPullRequest getPullRequest(@NotNull GithubConnection connection, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo, int id)
throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/pulls/" + id;
return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(connection.getRequest(path, ACCEPT_V3_JSON_HTML_MARKUP), GithubPullRequestRaw.class),
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get pull request info: " + user + "/" + repo + " - " + id);
throw e;
public static List<GithubPullRequest> getPullRequests(@NotNull GithubConnection connection, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo)
throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/pulls?" + PER_PAGE;
PagedRequest<GithubPullRequest> request =
new PagedRequest<GithubPullRequest>(path, GithubPullRequest.class, GithubPullRequestRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON_HTML_MARKUP);
return request.getAll(connection);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get pull requests" + user + "/" + repo);
throw e;
public static PagedRequest<GithubPullRequest> getPullRequests(@NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo) {
String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/pulls?" + PER_PAGE;
return new PagedRequest<GithubPullRequest>(path, GithubPullRequest.class, GithubPullRequestRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON_HTML_MARKUP);
public static List<GithubCommit> getPullRequestCommits(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull String user,
@NotNull String repo,
long id)
throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/pulls/" + id + "/commits?" + PER_PAGE;
PagedRequest<GithubCommit> request =
new PagedRequest<GithubCommit>(path, GithubCommit.class, GithubCommitRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
return request.getAll(connection);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get pull request commits: " + user + "/" + repo + " - " + id);
throw e;
public static List<GithubFile> getPullRequestFiles(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull String user,
@NotNull String repo,
long id)
throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/pulls/" + id + "/files?" + PER_PAGE;
PagedRequest<GithubFile> request = new PagedRequest<GithubFile>(path, GithubFile.class, GithubFileRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
return request.getAll(connection);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get pull request files: " + user + "/" + repo + " - " + id);
throw e;
public static List<GithubBranch> getRepoBranches(@NotNull GithubConnection connection, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo)
throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/branches?" + PER_PAGE;
PagedRequest<GithubBranch> request =
new PagedRequest<GithubBranch>(path, GithubBranch.class, GithubBranchRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
return request.getAll(connection);
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't get repository branches: " + user + "/" + repo);
throw e;
public static GithubRepo findForkByUser(@NotNull GithubConnection connection,
@NotNull String user,
@NotNull String repo,
@NotNull String forkUser) throws IOException {
try {
String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/forks?" + PER_PAGE;
PagedRequest<GithubRepo> request = new PagedRequest<GithubRepo>(path, GithubRepo.class, GithubRepoRaw[].class, ACCEPT_V3_JSON);
while (request.hasNext()) {
for (GithubRepo fork : {
if (StringUtil.equalsIgnoreCase(fork.getUserName(), forkUser)) {
return fork;
return null;
catch (GithubConfusingException e) {
e.setDetails("Can't find fork by user: " + user + "/" + repo + " - " + forkUser);
throw e;