blob: 9b1c272e43c0300d6e90a6711f43e02c5f7c7ff9 [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Support remote operation over HTTP.
As a happy Git integration user
I want to be able to work with Git remotes via HTTP protocol.
Scenario: Clone from HTTP url containing username
When I clone http://gituser@deb6-vm7-git/projectA.git
Then I should be asked for the password
When I provide password 'gitpassword'
Then repository should be cloned to projectA
Scenario: Clone from HTTP url without username
When I clone http://deb6-vm7-git/projectA.git
Then I should be asked for the username
When I provide username 'gituser'
Then I should be asked for the password
When I provide password 'gitpassword'
Then repository should be cloned to projectA
Scenario: Clone from HTTP url containing username, provide incorrect password
When I clone http://gituser@deb6-vm7-git/projectA.git
Then I should be asked for the password
When I provide password 'incorrect'
Then repository should not be cloned to projectA
And error notification is shown 'Clone failed'
fatal: Authentication failed