blob: 0a33e907bb7ef3f8007b8787890e0fbdb1b7a89f [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Git Add
As a happy Git integration user,
I want to be able to add files to the VCS.
Scenario: Add one simple file
Given unversioned file unv.txt
When I add unv.txt to VCS
Then unv.txt should become ADDED
Scenario: Add a directory
Given unversioned file dir/unv.txt
When I add dir to VCS
Then dir/unv.txt should become ADDED
Scenario: Add file from different roots
Given unversioned file unv.txt
And unversioned file community/com.txt
When I add unv.txt, community/com.txt to VCS
Then unv.txt should become ADDED
And community/com.txt should become ADDED
Scenario: Add a file from subroot by calling "add" on the upper root
Given unversioned file community/com.txt
When I add the project dir to VCS
Then community/com.txt should become ADDED
Scenario: Add a file from nested root and the directory above the nested root
Given unversioned file community/com.txt
And unversioned file community/unv.txt
When I add the project dir, community/com.txt to VCS
Then community/com.txt should become ADDED
And community/unv.txt should become ADDED