blob: 506b3cf6fa30bcab8839b4069ad94d45205db155 [file] [log] [blame]
Reports on any calls to <b>String.valueOf()</b> used in string concatenations and as arguments to the
<b>print()</b> and <b>println()</b> methods of <b></b> and <b></b>, the <b>append()</b>
method of <b>java.lang.StringBuilder</b> and <b>java.lang.StringBuffer</b> or the <b>trace()</b>, <b>debug()</b>, <b>info()</b>,
<b>warn()</b> and <b>error()</b> methods of <b>org.slf4j.Logger</b>. In these cases the conversion
to string will be handled by the underlying library methods and an explicit call to <b>String.valueOf()</b> is not needed.
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