blob: c31db3894f53cb003f09f02e2528145fe90cc5bb [file] [log] [blame]
import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Disposer;
import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsException;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile;
import com.intellij.util.Function;
import com.intellij.util.ThrowableConsumer;
import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil;
import com.intellij.util.containers.MultiMap;
import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil;
import com.intellij.vcs.log.Hash;
import com.intellij.vcs.log.VcsLogProvider;
import com.intellij.vcs.log.VcsShortCommitDetails;
import com.intellij.vcs.log.ui.tables.AbstractVcsLogTableModel;
import com.intellij.vcs.log.util.SequentialLimitedLifoExecutor;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* The DataGetter realizes the following pattern of getting some data (parametrized by {@code T}) from the VCS:
* <ul>
* <li>it tries to get it from the cache;</li>
* <li>if it fails, it tries to get it from the VCS, and additionally loads several commits around the requested one,
* to avoid querying the VCS if user investigates details of nearby commits.</li>
* <li>The loading happens asynchronously: a fake {@link LoadingDetails} object is returned </li>
* </ul>
* @author Kirill Likhodedov
public abstract class DataGetter<T extends VcsShortCommitDetails> implements Disposable {
private static final int UP_PRELOAD_COUNT = 20;
private static final int DOWN_PRELOAD_COUNT = 40;
private static final int MAX_LOADING_TASKS = 10;
@NotNull protected final VcsLogDataHolder myDataHolder;
@NotNull private final Map<VirtualFile, VcsLogProvider> myLogProviders;
@NotNull private final VcsCommitCache<T> myCache;
@NotNull private final SequentialLimitedLifoExecutor<TaskDescriptor> myLoader;
* The sequence number of the current "loading" task.
private long myCurrentTaskIndex = 0;
@NotNull private final Collection<Runnable> myLoadingFinishedListeners = new ArrayList<Runnable>();
DataGetter(@NotNull VcsLogDataHolder dataHolder, @NotNull Map<VirtualFile, VcsLogProvider> logProviders,
@NotNull VcsCommitCache<T> cache) {
myDataHolder = dataHolder;
myLogProviders = logProviders;
myCache = cache;
Disposer.register(dataHolder, this);
myLoader = new SequentialLimitedLifoExecutor<TaskDescriptor>(this, MAX_LOADING_TASKS,
new ThrowableConsumer<TaskDescriptor, VcsException>() {
public void consume(TaskDescriptor task) throws VcsException {
UIUtil.invokeAndWaitIfNeeded(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (Runnable loadingFinishedListener : myLoadingFinishedListeners) {;
public void dispose() {
public T getCommitData(int row, @NotNull AbstractVcsLogTableModel<?> tableModel) {
assert EventQueue.isDispatchThread();
Hash hash = tableModel.getHashAtRow(row);
if (hash == null) {
return null;
T details = getFromCache(hash);
if (details != null) {
return details;
runLoadAroundCommitData(row, tableModel);
return myCache.get(hash); // now it is in the cache as "Loading Details".
public T getCommitDataIfAvailable(@NotNull Hash hash) {
return getFromCache(hash);
private T getFromCache(@NotNull Hash hash) {
T details = myCache.get(hash);
if (details != null) {
if (details instanceof LoadingDetails) {
if (((LoadingDetails)details).getLoadingTaskIndex() <= myCurrentTaskIndex - MAX_LOADING_TASKS) {
// don't let old "loading" requests stay in the cache forever
return null;
return details;
return getFromAdditionalCache(hash);
* Lookup somewhere else but the standard cache.
protected abstract T getFromAdditionalCache(@NotNull Hash hash);
private void runLoadAroundCommitData(int row, @NotNull AbstractVcsLogTableModel<?> tableModel) {
long taskNumber = myCurrentTaskIndex++;
MultiMap<VirtualFile, Hash> commits = getCommitsAround(row, tableModel, UP_PRELOAD_COUNT, DOWN_PRELOAD_COUNT);
for (Map.Entry<VirtualFile, Collection<Hash>> hashesByRoots : commits.entrySet()) {
VirtualFile root = hashesByRoots.getKey();
Collection<Hash> hashes = hashesByRoots.getValue();
// fill the cache with temporary "Loading" values to avoid producing queries for each commit that has not been cached yet,
// even if it will be loaded within a previous query
for (Hash hash : hashes) {
if (!myCache.isKeyCached(hash)) {
myCache.put(hash, (T)new LoadingDetails(hash, taskNumber, root));
TaskDescriptor task = new TaskDescriptor(commits);
private static MultiMap<VirtualFile, Hash> getCommitsAround(int selectedRow, @NotNull AbstractVcsLogTableModel<?> model,
int above, int below) {
MultiMap<VirtualFile, Hash> commits = MultiMap.create();
for (int row = Math.max(0, selectedRow - above); row < selectedRow + below && row < model.getRowCount(); row++) {
Hash hash = model.getHashAtRow(row);
if (hash != null) {
VirtualFile root = model.getRoot(row);
commits.putValue(root, hash);
return commits;
private void preLoadCommitData(@NotNull MultiMap<VirtualFile, Hash> commits) throws VcsException {
for (Map.Entry<VirtualFile, Collection<Hash>> entry : commits.entrySet()) {
List<String> hashStrings =, new Function<Hash, String>() {
public String fun(Hash hash) {
return hash.asString();
List<? extends T> details = readDetails(myLogProviders.get(entry.getKey()), entry.getKey(), hashStrings);
public void saveInCache(final List<? extends T> details) {
UIUtil.invokeAndWaitIfNeeded(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (T data : details) {
myCache.put(data.getId(), data);
protected abstract List<? extends T> readDetails(@NotNull VcsLogProvider logProvider, @NotNull VirtualFile root,
@NotNull List<String> hashes) throws VcsException;
* This listener will be notified when any details loading process finishes.
* The notification will happen in the EDT.
public void addDetailsLoadedListener(@NotNull Runnable runnable) {
private static class TaskDescriptor {
private final MultiMap<VirtualFile, Hash> myCommits;
private TaskDescriptor(MultiMap<VirtualFile, Hash> commits) {
myCommits = commits;