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<p class="text">&quot;Resharper has been making its way through my team like a virus. I've been using it for a couple of months now, and I think I can say I'm sold.&quot;</p>
<p class="author"><a target="" href=",guid,c84fb408-a764-48f4-870e-498191031c89.aspx">Steve Maine</a>, <br/>Solutions developer,<br/> Avanade</p>
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<p class="text">&quot;Incidentally, if you want excellent refactoring support for C# in Visual Studio.Net
today, check out JetBrains' super ReSharper tool. It supports renaming, extracting methods, turning fields
into properties, encapsulating code with if or while constructs, templates and much more!&quot;</p>
<p class="author"><a target="" href="">Roy Dictus</a>, <br/>Architect and Trainer,<br/> U2U, Belgium's leading .Net Competence Center</p>
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<p class="text">&quot;If you are a C# developer you simply owe it to yourself to get this tool. It has
dramatically made my life better (SERIOUSLY!). I put it up there with amazing tools…&quot;</p>
<p class="author"><a target="" href="">Damon Wilder Carr</a>, <br/>Chief Technologist and CEO,<br/> Agilerfactor</p>
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<p class="aw"><a title="opens in a new window" href="" target="blank">ADT Magazine reviews ReSharper 1.0.1</a></p>
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<p class="aw"><a title="opens in a new window" href="" target="blank">&quot;Another IDEA: JetBrains to Launch C#, RAD Tools&quot;</a></p>
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<h1>The Most Intelligent Add-In To VisualStudio.NET</h1>
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<p style="margin-bottom:3.5em; margin-top:0.5em;"><img src="../img/resharper1.gif" width="266" height="45" alt="ReSharper 1.0"/></p>
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<p class="moredownload"><a href="download/index.html" title="Download IntelliJ IDEA Java IDE"><b>download</b></a></p>
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<div id="overview">
<p class="bigtext">ReSharper was created with the single purpose in mind: to increase the productivity of
C# developers. It comes equipped with a rich set of features, such as intelligent coding assistance, on-the-fly
error highlighting and quick error correction, unmatched support for code refactoring, and a whole lot more.
ReSharper's tight integration with Visual Studio .NET provides quick and easy access to all of its advanced
features right from the IDE.</p>
<p class="more"><a class="nol" href="documentation/1.0_DataSheet.pdf" target="blank"><img src="../img/icon_pdf.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="PDF"/></a>&nbsp; <a href="documentation/1.0_DataSheet.pdf" target="blank">ReSharper Data Sheet</a> <span class="number">(111 Kb)</span></p>
<p class="more"><a class="nol" href="documentation/1.0_ReferenceCard.pdf" target="blank"><img src="../img/icon_pdf.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="PDF"/></a>&nbsp; <a href="documentation/1.0_ReferenceCard.pdf" target="blank">ReSharper 1.0 Default Keymap</a> <span class="number">(44 Kb)</span></p>
<h3>ReSharper Key Features</h3>
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<h3>Refactoring Support</h3>
<p>Refactoring can significantly improve your code design and efficiency. ReSharper's automated refactoring
support takes care of code consistency and compilability after even the most dramatic modifications.</p>
<p>ReSharper supports the following types of refactoring:</p>
<p><a href="features/refactoring.html">More about this feature…</a></p>
<p>To get the full story on ReSharper&#146;s feature set, please visit the <a href="features/index.html">Features</a> page.</p>
<h3>Why ReSharper</h3>
<p>ReSharper makes C# development a real pleasure. It decreases the time you spend on routine, repetitive
handwork, giving you more time to focus on the task at hand. Its robust set of features for automatic error-checking
and code correction cuts development time and increases your efficiency. You'll find that ReSharper quickly
pays back it's cost in increased developer productivity and improved code quality.</p>
<p>The wait is over… ReSharper is here and now C# developers can experience what we mean when we say
"Develop with pleasure!" <a href="download">Download a copy today</a>!</p>
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