blob: 881dc410020421cd62edaa85e125219daf55c7d8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.softwrap.mapping;
import com.intellij.diagnostic.Dumpable;
import com.intellij.diagnostic.LogMessageEx;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ex.ApplicationManagerEx;
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentEvent;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentListener;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.VisibleAreaEvent;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.VisibleAreaListener;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.DocumentEx;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.EditorEx;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.ScrollingModelEx;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.util.EditorUtil;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.softwrap.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.TextAttributes;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
import org.intellij.lang.annotations.JdkConstants;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* The general idea of soft wraps processing is to build a cache to use for quick document dimensions mapping
* ({@code 'logical position -> visual position'}, {@code 'offset -> logical position'} etc) and update it incrementally
* on events like document modification fold region(s) expanding/collapsing etc.
* <p/>
* This class encapsulates document parsing logic. It notifies {@link SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener registered listeners}
* about parsing and they are free to store necessary information for further usage.
* <p/>
* Not thread-safe.
* @author Denis Zhdanov
* @since Jul 5, 2010 10:01:27 AM
public class SoftWrapApplianceManager implements DocumentListener, Dumpable {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#" + SoftWrapApplianceManager.class.getName());
/** Enumerates possible type of soft wrap indents to use. */
enum IndentType {
/** Don't apply special indent to soft-wrapped line at all. */
* Indent soft wraps for the {@link EditorSettings#getCustomSoftWrapIndent() user-defined number of columns}
* to the start of the previous visual line.
private final List<SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener> myListeners = new ArrayList<SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener>();
private final List<IncrementalCacheUpdateEvent> myActiveEvents = new ArrayList<IncrementalCacheUpdateEvent>();
private final CacheUpdateEventsStorage myEventsStorage = new CacheUpdateEventsStorage();
private final ProcessingContext myContext = new ProcessingContext();
private final FontTypesStorage myOffset2fontType = new FontTypesStorage();
private final WidthsStorage myOffset2widthInPixels = new WidthsStorage();
private final SoftWrapsStorage myStorage;
private final EditorEx myEditor;
private SoftWrapPainter myPainter;
private final SoftWrapDataMapper myDataMapper;
* Visual area width change causes soft wraps addition/removal, so, we want to update <code>'y'</code> coordinate
* of the editor viewport then. For example, we observe particular text region at the 'vcs diff' control and change
* its width. We would like to see the same text range at the viewport then.
* <p/>
* This field holds offset of the text range that is shown at the top-left viewport position. It's used as an anchor
* during viewport's <code>'y'</code> coordinate adjustment on visual area width change.
private int myLastTopLeftCornerOffset = -1;
private int myVerticalScrollBarWidth = -1;
private VisibleAreaWidthProvider myWidthProvider;
private LineWrapPositionStrategy myLineWrapPositionStrategy;
private IncrementalCacheUpdateEvent myEventBeingProcessed;
private boolean myVisualAreaListenerAttached;
private boolean myCustomIndentUsedLastTime;
private int myCustomIndentValueUsedLastTime;
private int myVisibleAreaWidth;
private boolean myInProgress;
private boolean myHasLinesWithFailedWrap;
public SoftWrapApplianceManager(@NotNull SoftWrapsStorage storage,
@NotNull EditorEx editor,
@NotNull SoftWrapPainter painter,
SoftWrapDataMapper dataMapper)
myStorage = storage;
myEditor = editor;
myPainter = painter;
myDataMapper = dataMapper;
myWidthProvider = new DefaultVisibleAreaWidthProvider(editor);
* @return <code>true</code> if soft wraps processing detected line(s) that exceeds viewport's size but can't be soft-wrapped;
* i.e. part of it lays outside of the screen;
* <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean hasLinesWithFailedWrap() {
return myHasLinesWithFailedWrap;
public void registerSoftWrapIfNecessary() {
public void reset() {
myEventsStorage.add(myEditor.getDocument(), new IncrementalCacheUpdateEvent(myEditor.getDocument()));
for (SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener listener : myListeners) {
public void release() {
myLineWrapPositionStrategy = null;
private void initListenerIfNecessary() {
// We can't attach the listener during this object initialization because there is a big chance that the editor is in incomplete
// state there (e.g. it's scrolling model is not initialized yet).
if (myVisualAreaListenerAttached) {
myVisualAreaListenerAttached = true;
myEditor.getScrollingModel().addVisibleAreaListener(new VisibleAreaListener() {
public void visibleAreaChanged(VisibleAreaEvent e) {
* @return <code>true</code> if soft wraps were really re-calculated;
* <code>false</code> if it's not possible to do at the moment (e.g. current editor is not shown and we don't
* have information about viewport width)
private boolean recalculateSoftWraps() {
if (myEventsStorage.getEvents().isEmpty()) {
return true;
if (myVisibleAreaWidth <= 0) {
return false;
// There is a possible case that new dirty regions are encountered during processing, hence, we iterate on regions snapshot here.
List<IncrementalCacheUpdateEvent> events = new ArrayList<IncrementalCacheUpdateEvent>(myEventsStorage.getEvents());
if (myInProgress && !events.isEmpty()) {
String state = "";
if (myEditor instanceof EditorImpl) {
state = ((EditorImpl)myEditor).dumpState();
LogMessageEx.error(LOG, "Detected race condition at soft wraps recalculation", String.format(
"Current events: %s. Concurrent events: %s, event being processed: %s%n%s",
events, myActiveEvents, myEventBeingProcessed, state
myInProgress = true;
myHasLinesWithFailedWrap = false;
try {
for (IncrementalCacheUpdateEvent event : events) {
myEventBeingProcessed = event;
finally {
myInProgress = false;
myEventBeingProcessed = null;
for (SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener listener : myListeners) {
return true;
private void recalculateSoftWraps(IncrementalCacheUpdateEvent event) {
//CachingSoftWrapDataMapper.log("xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Processing soft wraps for " + event + ". Document length: " + myEditor.getDocument().getTextLength()
// + ", document: " + System.identityHashCode(myEditor.getDocument()));
//long start;
//start = System.currentTimeMillis();
//CachingSoftWrapDataMapper.log("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Listeners notification on start is complete in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms");
boolean normalCompletion = true;
try {
//start = System.currentTimeMillis();
normalCompletion = doRecalculateSoftWraps(event);
//CachingSoftWrapDataMapper.log("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Processing is complete in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms");
finally {
//start = System.currentTimeMillis();
notifyListenersOnCacheUpdateEnd(event, normalCompletion);
// "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Listeners notification on end is complete in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)
// + " ms. Processing finished " + (normalCompletion ? "normally" : "non-normally")
private boolean doRecalculateSoftWraps(IncrementalCacheUpdateEvent event) {
// Preparation.
// Define start of the visual line that holds target range start.
int start = event.getNewStartOffset();
final LogicalPosition logical;
final Point point;
if (start == 0 && myEditor.getPrefixTextWidthInPixels() <= 0) {
logical = new LogicalPosition(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
point = new Point(0, 0);
else {
logical = myDataMapper.offsetToLogicalPosition(start);
VisualPosition visual = new VisualPosition(
myDataMapper.logicalToVisualPosition(logical, myEditor.logicalToVisualPosition(logical, false)).line,
point = myEditor.visualPositionToXY(visual);
start = myEditor.logicalPositionToOffset(logical);
Document document = myEditor.getDocument();
myContext.text = document.getCharsSequence();
myContext.tokenStartOffset = start;
IterationState iterationState = new IterationState(myEditor, start, document.getTextLength(), false);
TextAttributes attributes = iterationState.getMergedAttributes();
myContext.fontType = attributes.getFontType();
myContext.rangeEndOffset = event.getNewEndOffset();
EditorPosition position = new EditorPosition(logical, start, myEditor);
position.x = point.x;
int spaceWidth = EditorUtil.getSpaceWidth(myContext.fontType, myEditor);
int plainSpaceWidth = EditorUtil.getSpaceWidth(Font.PLAIN, myEditor);
myContext.logicalLineData.update(logical.line, spaceWidth, plainSpaceWidth);
myContext.currentPosition = position;
myContext.lineStartPosition = position.clone();
myContext.fontType2spaceWidth.put(myContext.fontType, spaceWidth);
myContext.softWrapStartOffset = position.offset;
myContext.contentComponent = myEditor.getContentComponent();
myContext.reservedWidthInPixels = myPainter.getMinDrawingWidth(SoftWrapDrawingType.BEFORE_SOFT_WRAP_LINE_FEED);
// Perform soft wraps calculation.
while (!iterationState.atEnd() && myContext.currentPosition.offset <= event.getNewEndOffset()) {
FoldRegion currentFold = iterationState.getCurrentFold();
if (currentFold == null) {
myContext.tokenEndOffset = iterationState.getEndOffset();
else {
boolean continueProcessing = processCollapsedFoldRegion(currentFold);
if (!continueProcessing) {
return false;
// 'myOffset2widthInPixels' contains information necessary to processing soft wraps that lay before the current offset.
// We do know that soft wraps are not allowed to go backward after processed collapsed fold region, hence, we drop
// information about processed symbols width.
attributes = iterationState.getMergedAttributes();
myContext.fontType = attributes.getFontType();
myContext.tokenStartOffset = iterationState.getStartOffset();
myOffset2fontType.fill(myContext.tokenStartOffset, iterationState.getEndOffset(), myContext.fontType);
return true;
* Encapsulates logic of processing given collapsed fold region.
* @param foldRegion target collapsed fold region to process
* @return <code>true</code> if processing should be continued; <code>false</code> otherwise
private boolean processCollapsedFoldRegion(FoldRegion foldRegion) {
if (processOutOfDateFoldRegion(foldRegion)) {
return false;
String placeholder = foldRegion.getPlaceholderText();
if (placeholder.isEmpty()) {
return true;
int placeholderWidthInPixels = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < placeholder.length(); i++) {
placeholderWidthInPixels += SoftWrapModelImpl.getEditorTextRepresentationHelper(myEditor)
.charWidth(placeholder.charAt(i), myContext.fontType);
int newX = myContext.currentPosition.x + placeholderWidthInPixels;
if (!myContext.exceedsVisualEdge(newX) || myContext.currentPosition.offset == myContext.lineStartPosition.offset) {
myContext.advance(foldRegion, placeholderWidthInPixels);
return true;
SoftWrap softWrap;
if (myContext.exceedsVisualEdge(myContext.currentPosition.x + myContext.reservedWidthInPixels)) {
softWrap = registerSoftWrap(
myContext.softWrapStartOffset, myContext.tokenStartOffset, myContext.tokenStartOffset, myContext.getSpaceWidth(),
else {
softWrap = registerSoftWrap(foldRegion.getStartOffset(), myContext.getSpaceWidth(), myContext.logicalLineData);
if (softWrap == null) {
// If we're here that means that we can't find appropriate soft wrap offset before the fold region.
// However, we expect that it's always possible to wrap collapsed fold region placeholder text
softWrap = registerSoftWrap(myContext.tokenStartOffset, myContext.getSpaceWidth(), myContext.logicalLineData);
myContext.softWrapStartOffset = softWrap.getStart();
if (softWrap.getStart() < myContext.tokenStartOffset) {
revertListeners(softWrap.getStart(), myContext.currentPosition.visualLine);
for (int j = foldRegion.getStartOffset() - 1; j >= softWrap.getStart(); j--) {
int pixelsDiff =[j - myOffset2widthInPixels.anchor];
int columnsDiff = calculateWidthInColumns(myContext.text.charAt(j), pixelsDiff, myContext.getPlainSpaceWidth());
myContext.currentPosition.logicalColumn -= columnsDiff;
myContext.currentPosition.visualColumn -= columnsDiff;
myContext.currentPosition.visualColumn = 0;
myContext.currentPosition.softWrapColumnDiff = myContext.currentPosition.visualColumn - myContext.currentPosition.foldingColumnDiff
- myContext.currentPosition.logicalColumn;
myContext.currentPosition.x = softWrap.getIndentInPixels();
myContext.currentPosition.visualColumn = softWrap.getIndentInColumns();
myContext.currentPosition.softWrapColumnDiff += softWrap.getIndentInColumns();
for (int j = softWrap.getStart(); j < myContext.tokenStartOffset; j++) {
char c = myContext.text.charAt(j);
newX = calculateNewX(c);
myContext.onNonLineFeedSymbol(c, newX);
myContext.advance(foldRegion, placeholderWidthInPixels);
return true;
* There is a possible case that user just removed text that contained fold region and fold model is not updated yet.
* <p/>
* This method encapsulates logic for checking and reacting on such a situation.
* @param foldRegion fold region that may be out-of-date
* @return <code>true</code> if given fold region is really out-of-date and processing should be stopped;
* <code>false</code> otherwise;
private boolean processOutOfDateFoldRegion(FoldRegion foldRegion) {
Document document = myEditor.getDocument();
// Update to the bottom of the document because it looks that fold model is in inconsistent state now and there is a possible
// case that offsets of the trailing fold regions should be updated as well.
IncrementalCacheUpdateEvent newEvent = new IncrementalCacheUpdateEvent(document);
if (!foldRegion.isValid() || myContext.tokenStartOffset != foldRegion.getStartOffset()) {
myEventsStorage.add(document, newEvent);
return true;
if (foldRegion.getEndOffset() <= document.getTextLength()) {
return false;
// There is a possible case that user just removed text that contained fold region and fold model is not updated yet
myEventsStorage.add(document, newEvent);
return true;
//private static int normalizedOffset(int offset, Document document) {
// int textLength = document.getTextLength();
// if (offset > document.getTextLength()) {
// offset = textLength - 1;
// }
// if (offset < 0) {
// return 0;
// }
// return offset;
* Encapsulates logic of processing target non-fold region token defined by the {@link #myContext current processing context}
* (target token start offset is identified by {@link ProcessingContext#tokenStartOffset}; end offset is stored
* at {@link ProcessingContext#tokenEndOffset}).
* <p/>
* <code>'Token'</code> here stands for the number of subsequent symbols that are represented using the same font by IJ editor.
private void processNonFoldToken() {
int limit = 3 * (myContext.tokenEndOffset - myContext.lineStartPosition.offset);
int counter = 0;
int startOffset = myContext.currentPosition.offset;
while (myContext.currentPosition.offset < myContext.tokenEndOffset) {
if (counter++ > limit) {
String editorInfo = myEditor instanceof EditorImpl ? ((EditorImpl)myEditor).dumpState() : myEditor.getClass().toString();
LogMessageEx.error(LOG, "Cycled soft wraps recalculation detected", String.format(
"Start recalculation offset: %d, visible area width: %d, calculation context: %s, editor info: %s",
startOffset, myVisibleAreaWidth, myContext, editorInfo));
for (int i = myContext.currentPosition.offset; i < myContext.tokenEndOffset; i++) {
char c = myContext.text.charAt(i);
if (c == '\n') {
else {
int offset = myContext.currentPosition.offset;
if (offset > myContext.rangeEndOffset) {
if (myContext.delayedSoftWrap != null && myContext.delayedSoftWrap.getStart() == offset) {
myContext.delayedSoftWrap = null;
char c = myContext.text.charAt(offset);
if (c == '\n') {
if (myContext.skipToLineEnd) {
myContext.skipToLineEnd = false; // Assuming that this flag is set if no soft wrap is registered during processing the call below
int newX = offsetToX(offset, c);
if (myContext.exceedsVisualEdge(newX) && myContext.delayedSoftWrap == null) {
else {
myContext.onNonLineFeedSymbol(c, newX);
* Allows to retrieve 'x' coordinate of the right edge of document symbol referenced by the given offset.
* @param offset target symbol offset
* @param c target symbol referenced by the given offset
* @return 'x' coordinate of the right edge of document symbol referenced by the given offset
private int offsetToX(int offset, char c) {
if (myOffset2widthInPixels.end > offset
&& (myOffset2widthInPixels.anchor + myOffset2widthInPixels.end > offset)
&& myContext.currentPosition.symbol != '\t'/*we need to recalculate tabulation width after soft wrap*/)
return myContext.currentPosition.x +[offset - myOffset2widthInPixels.anchor];
else {
return calculateNewX(c);
private void createSoftWrapIfPossible() {
final int offset = myContext.currentPosition.offset;
int softWrapStartOffset = myContext.softWrapStartOffset;
int preferredOffset = Math.max(softWrapStartOffset, offset - 1 /* reserve a column for the soft wrap sign */);
SoftWrap softWrap = registerSoftWrap(
calculateSoftWrapEndOffset(softWrapStartOffset, myContext.logicalLineData.endLineOffset),
boolean revertedToFoldRegion = false;
if (softWrap == null) {
EditorPosition wrapPosition = null;
// Try to insert soft wrap after the last collapsed fold region that is located on the current visual line.
if (myContext.lastFoldEndPosition != null && myStorage.getSoftWrap(myContext.lastFoldEndPosition.offset) == null) {
wrapPosition = myContext.lastFoldEndPosition;
if (wrapPosition == null && myContext.lastFoldStartPosition != null
&& myStorage.getSoftWrap(myContext.lastFoldStartPosition.offset) == null
&& myContext.lastFoldStartPosition.offset < myContext.currentPosition.offset)
wrapPosition = myContext.lastFoldStartPosition;
if (wrapPosition != null){
revertListeners(wrapPosition.offset, wrapPosition.visualLine);
myContext.currentPosition = wrapPosition;
softWrap = registerSoftWrap(wrapPosition.offset, myContext.getSpaceWidth(), myContext.logicalLineData);
myContext.tokenStartOffset = wrapPosition.offset;
revertedToFoldRegion = true;
else {
myHasLinesWithFailedWrap = true;
myContext.skipToLineEnd = false;
int actualSoftWrapOffset = softWrap.getStart();
// There are three possible options:
// 1. Soft wrap offset is located before the current offset;
// 2. Soft wrap offset is located after the current offset but doesn't exceed current token end offset
// (it may occur if there are no convenient wrap positions before the current offset);
// 3. Soft wrap offset is located after the current offset and exceeds current token end offset;
// We should process that accordingly.
if (actualSoftWrapOffset > myContext.tokenEndOffset) {
// "Avoiding creating soft wrap on detected overflow on offset %d. Reason: soft wrap position (%d) lays beyond of the " +
// "recalculation offset (%d). Marked soft wrap as delayed (%s)", myContext.currentPosition.offset, actualSoftWrapOffset,
// myContext.endOffset, softWrap)
myContext.delayedSoftWrap = softWrap;
else if (actualSoftWrapOffset < offset) {
if (!revertedToFoldRegion) {
revertListeners(actualSoftWrapOffset, myContext.currentPosition.visualLine);
for (int j = offset - 1; j >= actualSoftWrapOffset; j--) {
int pixelsDiff =[j - myOffset2widthInPixels.anchor];
int columnsDiff = calculateWidthInColumns(myContext.text.charAt(j), pixelsDiff, myContext.getPlainSpaceWidth());
myContext.currentPosition.logicalColumn -= columnsDiff;
myContext.currentPosition.visualColumn -= columnsDiff;
myContext.currentPosition.x -= pixelsDiff;
else if (actualSoftWrapOffset > offset) {
for (int j = offset + 1; j < actualSoftWrapOffset; j++) {
myContext.currentPosition.offset = actualSoftWrapOffset;
if (revertedToFoldRegion && myContext.currentPosition.offset == myContext.lastFold.getStartOffset()) {
private int calculateNewX(char c) {
if (c == '\t') {
return EditorUtil.nextTabStop(myContext.currentPosition.x, myEditor);
else {
return myContext.currentPosition.x + SoftWrapModelImpl.getEditorTextRepresentationHelper(myEditor).charWidth(c, myContext.fontType);
//FontInfo fontInfo = EditorUtil.fontForChar(c, myContext.fontType, myEditor);
//return myContext.currentPosition.x + fontInfo.charWidth(c, myContext.contentComponent);
private int calculateSoftWrapEndOffset(int start, int end) {
CharSequence text = myEditor.getDocument().getCharsSequence();
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
char c = text.charAt(i);
if (c == '\n') {
return i;
return Math.max(start, end);
private static int calculateWidthInColumns(char c, int widthInPixels, int plainSpaceWithInPixels) {
if (c != '\t') {
return 1;
int result = widthInPixels / plainSpaceWithInPixels;
if (widthInPixels % plainSpaceWithInPixels > 0) {
return result;
* This method is assumed to be called in a situation when visible area width is exceeded. It tries to create and register
* new soft wrap which data is defined in accordance with the given parameters.
* <p/>
* There is a possible case that no soft wrap is created and registered. That is true, for example, for a situation when
* we have a long line of text that doesn't contain white spaces, operators or any other symbols that may be used
* as a <code>'wrap points'</code>. We just left such lines as-is.
* @param minOffset min line <code>'wrap point'</code> offset
* @param preferredOffset preferred <code>'wrap point'</code> offset, i.e. max offset which symbol doesn't exceed right margin
* @param maxOffset max line <code>'wrap point'</code> offset
* @param spaceSize current space width in pixels
* @param lineData object that encapsulates information about currently processed logical line
* @return newly created and registered soft wrap if any; <code>null</code> otherwise
private SoftWrap registerSoftWrap(int minOffset, int preferredOffset, int maxOffset, int spaceSize, LogicalLineData lineData) {
int softWrapOffset = calculateBackwardSpaceOffsetIfPossible(minOffset, preferredOffset);
if (softWrapOffset < 0) {
softWrapOffset = calculateBackwardOffsetForEasternLanguageIfPossible(minOffset, preferredOffset);
if (softWrapOffset < 0) {
Document document = myEditor.getDocument();
// Performance optimization implied by profiling results analysis.
if (myLineWrapPositionStrategy == null) {
myLineWrapPositionStrategy = LanguageLineWrapPositionStrategy.INSTANCE.forEditor(myEditor);
softWrapOffset = myLineWrapPositionStrategy.calculateWrapPosition(
document, myEditor.getProject(), minOffset, maxOffset, preferredOffset, true, true
if (softWrapOffset >= lineData.endLineOffset || softWrapOffset < 0
|| (myCustomIndentUsedLastTime && softWrapOffset == lineData.nonWhiteSpaceSymbolOffset)
|| (softWrapOffset > preferredOffset && myContext.lastFoldStartPosition != null // Prefer to wrap on fold region backwards
&& myContext.lastFoldStartPosition.offset <= preferredOffset)) // to wrapping forwards.
return null;
return registerSoftWrap(softWrapOffset, spaceSize, lineData);
private SoftWrap registerSoftWrap(int offset, int spaceSize, LogicalLineData lineData) {
int indentInColumns = 0;
int indentInPixels = myPainter.getMinDrawingWidth(SoftWrapDrawingType.AFTER_SOFT_WRAP);
if (myCustomIndentUsedLastTime) {
indentInColumns = myCustomIndentValueUsedLastTime + lineData.indentInColumns;
indentInPixels += lineData.indentInPixels + (myCustomIndentValueUsedLastTime * spaceSize);
SoftWrapImpl result = new SoftWrapImpl(
new TextChangeImpl("\n" + StringUtil.repeatSymbol(' ', indentInColumns), offset, offset),
indentInColumns + 1/* for 'after soft wrap' drawing */,
myStorage.storeOrReplace(result, true);
return result;
* It was found out that frequent soft wrap position calculation may become performance bottleneck (e.g. consider application
* that is run under IJ and writes long strings to stdout non-stop. If those strings are long enough to be soft-wrapped,
* we have the mentioned situation).
* <p/>
* Hence, we introduce an optimization here - try to find offset of white space symbol that belongs to the target interval and
* use its offset as soft wrap position.
* @param minOffset min offset to use (inclusive)
* @param preferredOffset max offset to use (inclusive)
* @return offset of the space symbol that belongs to <code>[minOffset; preferredOffset]</code> interval if any;
* <code>'-1'</code> otherwise
private int calculateBackwardSpaceOffsetIfPossible(int minOffset, int preferredOffset) {
// There is a possible case that we have a long line that contains many non-white space symbols eligible for performing
// soft wrap that are preceded by white space symbol. We don't want to create soft wrap that is located so far from the
// preferred position then, hence, we check white space symbol existence not more than specific number of symbols back.
int maxTrackBackSymbolsNumber = 10;
int minOffsetToUse = minOffset;
if (preferredOffset - minOffset > maxTrackBackSymbolsNumber) {
minOffsetToUse = preferredOffset - maxTrackBackSymbolsNumber;
for (int i = preferredOffset - 1; i >= minOffsetToUse; i--) {
char c = myContext.text.charAt(i);
if (c == ' ') {
return i + 1;
return -1;
* There is a possible case that current line holds eastern language symbols (e.g. japanese text). We want to allow soft
* wrap just after such symbols and this method encapsulates the logic that tries to calculate soft wraps offset on that basis.
* @param minOffset min offset to use (inclusive)
* @param preferredOffset max offset to use (inclusive)
* @return soft wrap offset that belongs to <code>[minOffset; preferredOffset]</code> interval if any;
* <code>'-1'</code> otherwise
public int calculateBackwardOffsetForEasternLanguageIfPossible(int minOffset, int preferredOffset) {
// There is a possible case that we have a long line that contains many non-white space symbols eligible for performing
// soft wrap that are preceded by white space symbol. We don't want to create soft wrap that is located so far from the
// preferred position then, hence, we check white space symbol existence not more than specific number of symbols back.
int maxTrackBackSymbolsNumber = 10;
int minOffsetToUse = minOffset;
if (preferredOffset - minOffset > maxTrackBackSymbolsNumber) {
minOffsetToUse = preferredOffset - maxTrackBackSymbolsNumber;
for (int i = preferredOffset - 1; i >= minOffsetToUse; i--) {
char c = myContext.text.charAt(i);
if (c >= 0x2f00) { // Check this document for eastern languages unicode ranges -
return i + 1;
return -1;
private void processSoftWrap(SoftWrap softWrap) {
EditorPosition position = myContext.currentPosition;
position.visualColumn = 0;
position.softWrapColumnDiff = position.visualColumn - position.foldingColumnDiff - position.logicalColumn;
position.x = softWrap.getIndentInPixels();
position.visualColumn = softWrap.getIndentInColumns();
position.softWrapColumnDiff += softWrap.getIndentInColumns();
myContext.softWrapStartOffset = softWrap.getStart() + 1;
* There is a possible case that we need to reparse the whole document (e.g. visible area width is changed or user-defined
* soft wrap indent is changed etc). This method encapsulates that logic, i.e. it checks if necessary conditions are satisfied
* and updates internal state as necessary.
* @return <code>true</code> if re-calculation logic was performed;
* <code>false</code> otherwise (e.g. we need to perform re-calculation but current editor is now shown, i.e. we don't
* have information about viewport width
public boolean recalculateIfNecessary() {
if (myInProgress) {
return false;
// Check if we need to recalculate soft wraps due to indent settings change.
boolean indentChanged = false;
IndentType currentIndentType = getIndentToUse();
boolean useCustomIndent = currentIndentType == IndentType.CUSTOM;
int currentCustomIndent = myEditor.getSettings().getCustomSoftWrapIndent();
if (useCustomIndent ^ myCustomIndentUsedLastTime || (useCustomIndent && myCustomIndentValueUsedLastTime != currentCustomIndent)) {
indentChanged = true;
myCustomIndentUsedLastTime = useCustomIndent;
myCustomIndentValueUsedLastTime = currentCustomIndent;
// Check if we need to recalculate soft wraps due to visible area width change.
int currentVisibleAreaWidth = myWidthProvider.getVisibleAreaWidth();
if (!indentChanged && myVisibleAreaWidth == currentVisibleAreaWidth) {
return recalculateSoftWraps(); // Recalculate existing dirty regions if any.
final JScrollBar scrollBar = myEditor.getScrollPane().getVerticalScrollBar();
if (myVerticalScrollBarWidth < 0) {
myVerticalScrollBarWidth = scrollBar.getWidth();
if (myVerticalScrollBarWidth <= 0) {
myVerticalScrollBarWidth = scrollBar.getPreferredSize().width;
// We experienced the following situation:
// 1. Editor is configured to show scroll bars only when necessary;
// 2. Editor with active soft wraps is changed in order for the vertical scroll bar to appear;
// 3. Vertical scrollbar consumes vertical space, hence, soft wraps are recalculated because of the visual area width change;
// 4. Newly recalculated soft wraps trigger editor size update;
// 5. Editor size update starts scroll pane update which, in turn, disables vertical scroll bar at first (the reason for that
// lays somewhere at the swing depth);
// 6. Soft wraps are recalculated because of visible area width change caused by the disabled vertical scroll bar;
// 7. Go to the step 4;
// I.e. we have an endless EDT activity that stops only when editor is re-sized in a way to avoid vertical scroll bar.
// That's why we don't recalculate soft wraps when visual area width is changed to the vertical scroll bar width value assuming
// that such a situation is triggered by the scroll bar (dis)appearance.
if (Math.abs(currentVisibleAreaWidth - myVisibleAreaWidth) == myVerticalScrollBarWidth) {
myVisibleAreaWidth = currentVisibleAreaWidth;
return recalculateSoftWraps();
// We want to adjust viewport's 'y' coordinate on complete recalculation, so, we remember number of soft-wrapped lines
// before the target offset on recalculation start and compare it with the number of soft-wrapped lines before the same offset
// after the recalculation.
int softWrapsBefore = -1;
final ScrollingModelEx scrollingModel = myEditor.getScrollingModel();
int yScrollOffset = scrollingModel.getVerticalScrollOffset();
int anchorOffset = myLastTopLeftCornerOffset;
if (anchorOffset >= 0) {
softWrapsBefore = getNumberOfSoftWrapsBefore(anchorOffset);
// Drop information about processed lines.
myVisibleAreaWidth = currentVisibleAreaWidth;
final boolean result = recalculateSoftWraps();
if (!result) {
return false;
// Adjust viewport's 'y' coordinate if necessary.
if (softWrapsBefore >= 0) {
int softWrapsNow = getNumberOfSoftWrapsBefore(anchorOffset);
if (softWrapsNow != softWrapsBefore) {
try {
scrollingModel.scrollVertically(yScrollOffset + (softWrapsNow - softWrapsBefore) * myEditor.getLineHeight());
finally {
return true;
private void updateLastTopLeftCornerOffset() {
final LogicalPosition logicalPosition = myEditor.visualToLogicalPosition(
new VisualPosition(1 + myEditor.getScrollingModel().getVisibleArea().y / myEditor.getLineHeight(), 0)
myLastTopLeftCornerOffset = myEditor.logicalPositionToOffset(logicalPosition);
private int getNumberOfSoftWrapsBefore(int offset) {
final int i = myStorage.getSoftWrapIndex(offset);
return i >= 0 ? i : -i - 1;
private IndentType getIndentToUse() {
return myEditor.getSettings().isUseCustomSoftWrapIndent() ? IndentType.CUSTOM : IndentType.NONE;
* Registers given listener within the current manager.
* @param listener listener to register
* @return <code>true</code> if this collection changed as a result of the call; <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean addListener(@NotNull SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener listener) {
return myListeners.add(listener);
public boolean removeListener(@NotNull SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener listener) {
return myListeners.remove(listener);
private void revertListeners(int offset, int visualLine) {
for (int i = 0; i < myListeners.size(); i++) {
// Avoid unnecessary Iterator object construction as this method is expected to be called frequently.
SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener listener = myListeners.get(i);
listener.revertToOffset(offset, visualLine);
private void notifyListenersOnFoldRegion(@NotNull FoldRegion foldRegion, int collapsedFoldingWidthInColumns, int visualLine) {
for (int i = 0; i < myListeners.size(); i++) {
// Avoid unnecessary Iterator object construction as this method is expected to be called frequently.
SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener listener = myListeners.get(i);
listener.onCollapsedFoldRegion(foldRegion, collapsedFoldingWidthInColumns, visualLine);
private void notifyListenersOnVisualLineStart(@NotNull EditorPosition position) {
for (int i = 0; i < myListeners.size(); i++) {
// Avoid unnecessary Iterator object construction as this method is expected to be called frequently.
SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener listener = myListeners.get(i);
private void notifyListenersOnVisualLineEnd() {
for (int i = 0; i < myListeners.size(); i++) {
// Avoid unnecessary Iterator object construction as this method is expected to be called frequently.
SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener listener = myListeners.get(i);
private void notifyListenersOnTabulation(int widthInColumns) {
for (int i = 0; i < myListeners.size(); i++) {
// Avoid unnecessary Iterator object construction as this method is expected to be called frequently.
SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener listener = myListeners.get(i);
listener.onTabulation(myContext.currentPosition, widthInColumns);
private void notifyListenersOnSoftWrapLineFeed(boolean before) {
for (int i = 0; i < myListeners.size(); i++) {
// Avoid unnecessary Iterator object construction as this method is expected to be called frequently.
SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener listener = myListeners.get(i);
if (before) {
else {
private void notifyListenersOnCacheUpdateStart(IncrementalCacheUpdateEvent event) {
for (int i = 0; i < myListeners.size(); i++) {
// Avoid unnecessary Iterator object construction as this method is expected to be called frequently.
SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener listener = myListeners.get(i);
private void notifyListenersOnCacheUpdateEnd(IncrementalCacheUpdateEvent event, boolean normal) {
for (int i = 0; i < myListeners.size(); i++) {
// Avoid unnecessary Iterator object construction as this method is expected to be called frequently.
SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener listener = myListeners.get(i);
listener.onRecalculationEnd(event, normal);
public void onFoldRegionStateChange(int startOffset, int endOffset) {
assert ApplicationManagerEx.getApplicationEx().isDispatchThread();
myEventsStorage.add(myEditor.getDocument(), new IncrementalCacheUpdateEvent(myEditor, startOffset, endOffset));
public void onFoldProcessingEnd() {
//CachingSoftWrapDataMapper.log("xxxxxxxxxxx On fold region processing end");
public void beforeDocumentChange(DocumentEvent event) {
myEventsStorage.add(event.getDocument(), new IncrementalCacheUpdateEvent(event, myEditor));
public void documentChanged(DocumentEvent event) {
public void setWidthProvider(@NotNull VisibleAreaWidthProvider widthProvider) {
myWidthProvider = widthProvider;
public String dumpState() {
return String.format(
"recalculation in progress: %b; stored update events: %s; active update events: %s, event being processed: %s",
myInProgress, myEventsStorage, myActiveEvents, myEventBeingProcessed
public String toString() {
return dumpState();
public void setSoftWrapPainter(SoftWrapPainter painter) {
myPainter = painter;
* We need to use correct indent for soft-wrapped lines, i.e. they should be indented to the start of the logical line.
* This class stores information about logical line start indent.
private class LogicalLineData {
public int indentInColumns;
public int indentInPixels;
public int endLineOffset;
public int nonWhiteSpaceSymbolOffset;
public void update(int logicalLine, int spaceWidth, int plainSpaceWidth) {
Document document = myEditor.getDocument();
int startLineOffset;
if (logicalLine >= document.getLineCount()) {
startLineOffset = endLineOffset = document.getTextLength();
else {
startLineOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(logicalLine);
endLineOffset = document.getLineEndOffset(logicalLine);
CharSequence text = document.getCharsSequence();
indentInColumns = 0;
indentInPixels = 0;
nonWhiteSpaceSymbolOffset = -1;
for (int i = startLineOffset; i < endLineOffset; i++) {
char c = text.charAt(i);
switch (c) {
case ' ': indentInColumns += 1; indentInPixels += spaceWidth; break;
case '\t':
int x = EditorUtil.nextTabStop(indentInPixels, myEditor);
indentInColumns += calculateWidthInColumns(c, x - indentInPixels, plainSpaceWidth);
indentInPixels = x;
default: nonWhiteSpaceSymbolOffset = i; return;
* There is a possible case that all document line symbols before the first soft wrap are white spaces. We don't want to use
* such a big indent then.
* <p/>
* This method encapsulates logic that 'resets' indent to use if such a situation is detected.
* @param softWrapOffset offset of the soft wrap that occurred on document line which data is stored at the current object
public void update(int softWrapOffset) {
if (nonWhiteSpaceSymbolOffset >= 0 && softWrapOffset > nonWhiteSpaceSymbolOffset) {
indentInColumns = 0;
indentInPixels = 0;
public void reset() {
indentInColumns = 0;
indentInPixels = 0;
endLineOffset = 0;
* This interface is introduced mostly for encapsulating GUI-specific values retrieval and make it possible to write
* tests for soft wraps processing.
public interface VisibleAreaWidthProvider {
int getVisibleAreaWidth();
private static class DefaultVisibleAreaWidthProvider implements VisibleAreaWidthProvider {
private final Editor myEditor;
DefaultVisibleAreaWidthProvider(Editor editor) {
myEditor = editor;
public int getVisibleAreaWidth() {
return myEditor.getScrollingModel().getVisibleArea().width;
* Primitive array-based data structure that contain mappings like {@code int -> int}.
* <p/>
* The key is array index plus anchor; the value is array value.
private static class WidthsStorage {
public int[] data = new int[256];
public int anchor;
public int end;
public void clear() {
anchor = 0;
end = 0;
* We need to be able to track back font types to offsets mappings because text processing may be shifted back because of soft wrap.
* <p/>
* <b>Example</b>
* Suppose with have this line of text that should be soft-wrapped
* <pre>
* | &lt;- right margin
* token1 token2-toke|n3
* | &lt;- right margin
* </pre>
* It's possible that <code>'token1'</code>, white spaces and <code>'token2'</code> use different font types and
* soft wrapping should be performed between <code>'token1'</code> and <code>'token2'</code>. We need to be able to
* match offsets of <code>'token2'</code> to font types then.
* <p/>
* There is an additional trick here - there is a possible case that a bunch number of adjacent symbols use the same font
* type (are marked by {@link IterationState} as a single token. That is often the case for plain text). We don't want to
* store those huge mappings then (it may take over million records) because it's indicated by profiling as extremely expensive
* and causing unnecessary garbage collections that dramatically reduce overall application throughput.
* <p/>
* Hence, we want to restrict ourselves by storing information about particular sub-sequence of overall token offsets.
* <p/>
* This is primitive array-based data structure that contains {@code offset -> font type} mappings.
private static class FontTypesStorage {
private int[] myStarts = new int[256];
private int[] myEnds = new int[256];
private int[] myData = new int[256];
private int myLastIndex = -1;
public void fill(int start, int end, int value) {
if (myLastIndex >= 0 && myData[myLastIndex] == value && myEnds[myLastIndex] == start) {
myEnds[myLastIndex] = end;
if (++myLastIndex >= myData.length) {
myStarts[myLastIndex] = start;
myEnds[myLastIndex] = end;
myData[myLastIndex] = value;
* Tries to retrieve stored value for the given offset if any;
* @param offset target offset
* @return target value if any is stored; <code>-1</code> otherwise
public int get(int offset) {
// The key is array index plus anchor; the value is array value.
if (myLastIndex < 0) {
return -1;
for (int i = myLastIndex; i >= 0 && myEnds[i] >= offset; i--) {
if (myStarts[i] <= offset) {
return myData[i];
return -1;
public void clear() {
myLastIndex = -1;
private void expand() {
int[] tmp = new int[myStarts.length * 2];
System.arraycopy(myStarts, 0, tmp, 0, myStarts.length);
myStarts = tmp;
tmp = new int[myEnds.length * 2];
System.arraycopy(myEnds, 0, tmp, 0, myEnds.length);
myEnds = tmp;
tmp = new int[myData.length * 2];
System.arraycopy(myData, 0, tmp, 0, myData.length);
myData = tmp;
private class ProcessingContext {
public final PrimitiveIntMap fontType2spaceWidth = new PrimitiveIntMap();
public final LogicalLineData logicalLineData = new LogicalLineData();
public CharSequence text;
public EditorPosition lineStartPosition;
public EditorPosition currentPosition;
* Start position of the last collapsed fold region that is located at the current visual line and can be used as a fall back
* position for soft wrapping.
public EditorPosition lastFoldStartPosition;
public EditorPosition lastFoldEndPosition;
/** A fold region referenced by the {@link #lastFoldStartPosition}. */
public FoldRegion lastFold;
public SoftWrap delayedSoftWrap;
public JComponent contentComponent;
public int reservedWidthInPixels;
* Min offset to use when new soft wrap should be introduced. I.e. every time we detect that text exceeds visual width,
public int softWrapStartOffset;
public int rangeEndOffset;
public int tokenStartOffset;
public int tokenEndOffset;
public int fontType;
public boolean notifyListenersOnLineStartPosition;
public boolean skipToLineEnd;
public String toString() {
return "reserved width: " + reservedWidthInPixels + ", soft wrap start offset: " + softWrapStartOffset + ", range end offset: "
+ rangeEndOffset + ", token offsets: [" + tokenStartOffset + "; " + tokenEndOffset + "], font type: " + fontType
+ ", skip to line end: " + skipToLineEnd + ", delayed soft wrap: " + delayedSoftWrap + ", current position: "+ currentPosition
+ "line start position: " + lineStartPosition;
public void reset() {
text = null;
lineStartPosition = null;
currentPosition = null;
lastFoldStartPosition = null;
lastFoldEndPosition = null;
lastFold = null;
delayedSoftWrap = null;
contentComponent = null;
reservedWidthInPixels = 0;
softWrapStartOffset = 0;
rangeEndOffset = 0;
tokenStartOffset = 0;
tokenEndOffset = 0;
fontType = 0;
notifyListenersOnLineStartPosition = false;
skipToLineEnd = false;
public int getSpaceWidth() {
return getSpaceWidth(fontType);
public int getPlainSpaceWidth() {
return getSpaceWidth(Font.PLAIN);
private int getSpaceWidth(@JdkConstants.FontStyle int fontType) {
int result = fontType2spaceWidth.get(fontType);
if (result <= 0) {
result = EditorUtil.getSpaceWidth(fontType, myEditor);
fontType2spaceWidth.put(fontType, result);
assert result > 0;
return result;
* Asks current context to update its state assuming that it begins to point to the line next to its current position.
public void onNewLine() {
softWrapStartOffset = currentPosition.offset;
lastFoldStartPosition = null;
lastFoldEndPosition = null;
lastFold = null;
logicalLineData.update(currentPosition.logicalLine, getSpaceWidth(), getPlainSpaceWidth());
fontType = myOffset2fontType.get(currentPosition.offset);
public void onNonLineFeedSymbol(char c) {
int newX;
if (myOffset2widthInPixels.end > myContext.currentPosition.offset
&& (myOffset2widthInPixels.anchor + myOffset2widthInPixels.end > myContext.currentPosition.offset)
&& myContext.currentPosition.symbol != '\t'/*we need to recalculate tabulation width after soft wrap*/)
newX = myContext.currentPosition.x +[myContext.currentPosition.offset - myOffset2widthInPixels.anchor];
else {
newX = calculateNewX(c);
onNonLineFeedSymbol(c, newX);
public void onNonLineFeedSymbol(char c, int newX) {
int widthInPixels = newX - myContext.currentPosition.x;
if (myOffset2widthInPixels.anchor <= 0) {
myOffset2widthInPixels.anchor = currentPosition.offset;
if (currentPosition.offset - myOffset2widthInPixels.anchor >= {
int newLength = Math.max( * 2, currentPosition.offset - myOffset2widthInPixels.anchor + 1);
int[] newData = new int[newLength];
System.arraycopy(, 0, newData, 0,; = newData;
}[currentPosition.offset - myOffset2widthInPixels.anchor] = widthInPixels;
int widthInColumns = calculateWidthInColumns(c, widthInPixels, myContext.getPlainSpaceWidth());
if (c == '\t') {
currentPosition.logicalColumn += widthInColumns;
currentPosition.visualColumn += widthInColumns;
currentPosition.x = newX;
fontType = myOffset2fontType.get(currentPosition.offset);
* Updates state of the current context object in order to point to the end of the given collapsed fold region.
* @param foldRegion collapsed fold region to process
private void advance(FoldRegion foldRegion, int placeHolderWidthInPixels) {
lastFoldStartPosition = currentPosition.clone();
lastFold = foldRegion;
int visualLineBefore = currentPosition.visualLine;
int logicalLineBefore = currentPosition.logicalLine;
int logicalColumnBefore = currentPosition.logicalColumn;
currentPosition.advance(foldRegion, -1);
currentPosition.x += placeHolderWidthInPixels;
int collapsedFoldingWidthInColumns = currentPosition.logicalColumn;
if (currentPosition.logicalLine <= logicalLineBefore) {
// Single-line fold region.
collapsedFoldingWidthInColumns = currentPosition.logicalColumn - logicalColumnBefore;
else {
final DocumentEx document = myEditor.getDocument();
int endFoldLine = document.getLineNumber(foldRegion.getEndOffset());
logicalLineData.endLineOffset = document.getLineEndOffset(endFoldLine);
notifyListenersOnFoldRegion(foldRegion, collapsedFoldingWidthInColumns, visualLineBefore);
tokenStartOffset = myContext.currentPosition.offset;
softWrapStartOffset = foldRegion.getEndOffset();
lastFoldEndPosition = currentPosition.clone();
* Asks current context to update its state in order to show to the first symbol of the next visual line if it belongs to
* [{@link #tokenStartOffset}; {@link #skipToLineEnd} is set to <code>'true'</code> otherwise
public void tryToShiftToNextLine() {
for (int i = currentPosition.offset; i < tokenEndOffset; i++) {
char c = text.charAt(i);
currentPosition.offset = i;
if (c == '\n') {
onNewLine(); // Assuming that offset is incremented during this method call
skipToLineEnd = false;
else {
onNonLineFeedSymbol(c, offsetToX(i, c));
skipToLineEnd = true;
* Allows to answer if point with the given <code>'x'</code> coordinate exceeds visual area's right edge.
* @param x target <code>'x'</code> coordinate to check
* @return <code>true</code> if given <code>'x'</code> coordinate exceeds visual area's right edge; <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean exceedsVisualEdge(int x) {
return x >= myVisibleAreaWidth;
* Primitive data structure to hold {@code int -> int} mappings assuming that the following is true:
* <pre>
* <ul>
* <li>number of entries is small;</li>
* <li>the keys are roughly adjacent;</li>
* </ul>
* </pre>
private static class PrimitiveIntMap {
private int[] myData = new int[16];
private int myShift;
public int get(int key) {
int index = key + myShift;
if (index < 0 || index >= myData.length) {
return -1;
return myData[index];
public void put(int key, int value) {
int index = key + myShift;
if (index < 0) {
int[] tmp = new int[myData.length - index];
System.arraycopy(myData, 0, tmp, -index, myData.length);
myData = tmp;
myShift -= index;
index = 0;
myData[index] = value;
public void reset() {
myShift = 0;
Arrays.fill(myData, 0);