blob: 1549c778a86f9fae17d0e92c7f7229bd05106a09 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl;
import com.intellij.diagnostic.Dumpable;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationInfoImpl;
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentEvent;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
import com.intellij.util.LocalTimeCounter;
import com.intellij.util.text.CharArrayCharSequence;
import com.intellij.util.text.CharArrayUtil;
import com.intellij.util.text.CharSequenceBackedByArray;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
* @author cdr
abstract class CharArray implements CharSequenceBackedByArray, Dumpable {
private static final boolean CHECK_DOCUMENT_CONSISTENCY = ApplicationManager.getApplication() != null && ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode();
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#" + CharArray.class.getName());
private static final boolean DISABLE_DEFERRED_PROCESSING = Boolean.getBoolean("idea.document.deny.deferred.changes");
private static final boolean DEBUG_DEFERRED_PROCESSING = LOG.isDebugEnabled() || Boolean.getBoolean("idea.document.debug.bulk.processing");
* We can't exclude possibility of situation when <code>'defer changes'</code> state is {@link #setDeferredChangeMode(boolean) entered}
* but not exited, hence, we want to perform automatic flushing if necessary in order to avoid memory leaks. This constant holds
* a value that defines that 'automatic flushing' criteria, i.e. every time number of stored deferred changes exceeds this value,
* they are automatically flushed.
private static final int MAX_DEFERRED_CHANGES_NUMBER = 10000;
private final TextChangesStorage myDeferredChangesStorage;
private volatile int myStart; // start offset in myArray (used as an optimization when call substring())
private volatile int myCount;
private volatile CharSequence myOriginalSequence;
private volatile char[] myArray;
private volatile Reference<String> myStringRef; // buffers String value - for not to generate it every time
private volatile int myBufferSize;
private volatile int myDeferredShift;
private volatile boolean myDeferredChangeMode;
private volatile boolean myHasDeferredChanges;
// this lock is for mutual exclusion during read action access
// (some fields are changed in read action too)
private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
// We had a problems with bulk document text processing, hence, debug facilities were introduced. The fields group below work with them.
// The main idea is to hold all history of bulk processing iteration in order to be able to retrieve it from client and reproduce the
// problem.
private final boolean myDebug = isDebug();
boolean isDebug() {
return DEBUG_DEFERRED_PROCESSING || CHECK_DOCUMENT_CONSISTENCY && !ApplicationInfoImpl.isInPerformanceTest();
* Duplicate instance of the current char array that is used during debug processing as follows - apply every text change
* from the bulk changes group to this instance immediately in order to be able to check if the current 'deferred change-aware'
* instance functionally behaves at the same way as 'straightforward' one.
private CharArray myDebugArray;
* Holds deferred changes create during the current bulk processing iteration.
private List<TextChangeImpl> myDebugDeferredChanges;
* Document text on bulk processing start.
private String myDebugTextOnBatchUpdateStart;
// bufferSize == 0 means unbounded
CharArray(final int bufferSize, @NotNull char[] data, int length) {
myBufferSize = bufferSize;
myDeferredChangesStorage = new TextChangesStorage();
myArray = Arrays.copyOf(data, length);
myCount = length;
if (myDebug) {
myDebugArray = new CharArray(bufferSize, data, length) {
protected DocumentEvent beforeChangedUpdate(int offset,
CharSequence oldString,
CharSequence newString,
boolean wholeTextReplaced) {
return CharArray.this.beforeChangedUpdate(offset, oldString, newString, wholeTextReplaced);
protected void afterChangedUpdate(@NotNull DocumentEvent event, long newModificationStamp) {
protected void assertWriteAccess() {
protected void assertReadAccess() {
boolean isDebug() {
return false;
myDebugDeferredChanges = new ArrayList<TextChangeImpl>();
public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize) {
assert bufferSize >= 0 : bufferSize;
myBufferSize = bufferSize;
private DocumentEvent startChange(int offset,
@Nullable CharSequence oldString,
@Nullable CharSequence newString,
boolean wholeTextReplaced) {
assert myStart == 0; // can't change substring
return beforeChangedUpdate(offset, oldString, newString, wholeTextReplaced);
protected abstract DocumentEvent beforeChangedUpdate(int offset,
@Nullable CharSequence oldString,
@Nullable CharSequence newString,
boolean wholeTextReplaced);
protected abstract void afterChangedUpdate(@NotNull DocumentEvent event, long newModificationStamp);
protected abstract void assertWriteAccess();
protected abstract void assertReadAccess();
private void setText(@NotNull CharSequence chars) {
myOriginalSequence = chars.toString();
myArray = null;
myStringRef = null;
myCount = chars.length();
assert myStart == 0; // can't change substring
myHasDeferredChanges = false;
if (myDebug) {
private void assertConsistency() {
if (isDeferredChangeMode()) {
assert myOriginalSequence == null;
CharSequence originalSequence = myOriginalSequence;
int origLen = originalSequence == null ? -1 : originalSequence.length();
String string = com.intellij.reference.SoftReference.dereference(myStringRef);
int stringLen = string == null ? -1 : string.length();
assert origLen == stringLen || origLen==-1 || stringLen==-1;
int count = myCount + myDeferredShift;
assert count == origLen || origLen==-1;
assert count == stringLen || stringLen==-1;
if (!myDebug) return;
final CharSequence seqFromCharArray;
if (myArray != null) {
assert myCount <= myArray.length;
seqFromCharArray = new CharArrayCharSequence(myArray, myStart, myCount);
else {
seqFromCharArray = null;
if (seqFromCharArray != null && originalSequence != null) {
assert StringUtil.equals(seqFromCharArray, originalSequence);
if (!isDeferredChangeMode() && seqFromCharArray != null && string != null) {
assert StringUtil.equals(seqFromCharArray, string);
if (originalSequence != null && string != null) {
assert string.equals(originalSequence.toString());
CharSequence str = com.intellij.reference.SoftReference.dereference(myStringRef);
if (str == null) {
if (myHasDeferredChanges) {
str = doSubString(0, myCount + myDeferredShift).toString();
else if (myOriginalSequence != null) {
str = myOriginalSequence.toString();
else {
str = seqFromCharArray;
assert count == str.length();
if (isDeferredChangeMode()) {
String expected = myDebugArray.toString();
checkStrings("toString()", expected, str);
public void replace(int startOffset,
int endOffset,
@NotNull CharSequence toDelete,
@NotNull CharSequence newString,
long newModificationStamp,
boolean wholeTextReplaced) {
final DocumentEvent event = startChange(startOffset, toDelete, newString, wholeTextReplaced);
startOffset += myStart;
endOffset += myStart;
doReplace(startOffset, endOffset, newString);
afterChangedUpdate(event, newModificationStamp);
private void doReplace(int startOffset, int endOffset, @NotNull CharSequence newString) {
if (isDeferredChangeMode()) {
storeChange(new TextChangeImpl(newString, startOffset, endOffset));
if (myDebug) {
myDebugArray.doReplace(startOffset, endOffset, newString);
else {
int newLength = newString.length();
int oldLength = endOffset - startOffset;
CharArrayUtil.getChars(newString, myArray, startOffset, Math.min(newLength, oldLength));
myStringRef = null;
if (newLength > oldLength) {
doInsert(newString.subSequence(oldLength, newLength), endOffset);
else if (newLength < oldLength) {
doRemove(startOffset + newLength, startOffset + oldLength);
public void remove(int startIndex, int endIndex, @NotNull CharSequence toDelete) {
DocumentEvent event = startChange(startIndex, toDelete, null, false);
startIndex += myStart;
endIndex += myStart;
doRemove(startIndex, endIndex);
afterChangedUpdate(event, LocalTimeCounter.currentTime());
private void doRemove(int startIndex, int endIndex) {
if (startIndex == endIndex) {
if (isDeferredChangeMode()) {
storeChange(new TextChangeImpl("", startIndex, endIndex));
if (myDebug) {
myDebugArray.doRemove(startIndex, endIndex);
else {
if (endIndex < myCount) {
System.arraycopy(myArray, endIndex, myArray, startIndex, myCount - endIndex);
myStringRef = null;
myCount -= endIndex - startIndex;
public void insert(@NotNull CharSequence s, int startIndex) {
DocumentEvent event = startChange(startIndex, null, s, false);
startIndex += myStart;
doInsert(s, startIndex);
afterChangedUpdate(event, LocalTimeCounter.currentTime());
private void doInsert(@NotNull CharSequence s, final int startIndex) {
if (isDeferredChangeMode()) {
storeChange(new TextChangeImpl(s, startIndex));
if (myDebug) {
myDebugArray.doInsert(s, startIndex);
else {
int insertLength = s.length();
myArray = resizeArray(myArray, myCount + insertLength);
if (startIndex < myCount) {
System.arraycopy(myArray, startIndex, myArray, startIndex + insertLength, myCount - startIndex);
CharArrayUtil.getChars(s, myArray, startIndex);
myCount += insertLength;
myStringRef = null;
* Stores given change at collection of deferred changes (merging it with others if necessary) and updates current object
* state ({@link #length() length} etc).
* @param change new change to store
private void storeChange(@NotNull TextChangeImpl change) {
if (!change.isWithinBounds(length())) {
"Invalid change attempt detected - given change bounds are not within the current char array. Change: " +
change.getText().length()+":" + change.getStart()+"-" + change.getEnd(), dumpState());
if (myDeferredChangesStorage.size() >= MAX_DEFERRED_CHANGES_NUMBER) {
myHasDeferredChanges = true;
myDeferredShift += change.getDiff();
if (myDebug) {
private void prepareForModification() {
if (myOriginalSequence != null) {
myArray = new char[myOriginalSequence.length()];
CharArrayUtil.getChars(myOriginalSequence, myArray, 0);
myCount = myArray.length;
myOriginalSequence = null;
myStart = 0;
myStringRef = null;
public CharSequence getCharArray() {
CharSequence originalSequence = myOriginalSequence;
return originalSequence == null ? this : originalSequence;
public String toString() {
String str = com.intellij.reference.SoftReference.dereference(myStringRef);
if (str == null) {
if (myHasDeferredChanges) {
str = substring(0, length()).toString();
else {
str = myOriginalSequence == null ? new String(myArray, myStart, myCount) : myOriginalSequence.toString();
myStringRef = new SoftReference<String>(str);
return str;
public final int length() {
final int result = myCount + myDeferredShift;
if (myDebug && isDeferredChangeMode()) {
int expected = myDebugArray.length();
if (expected != result) {
dumpDebugInfo("Incorrect length() processing. Expected: '" + expected + "', actual: '" + result + "'");
return result;
public final char charAt(int i) {
if (i < 0 || i >= length()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Wrong offset: " + i + "; count:" + length());
i += myStart;
final char result;
if (!myHasDeferredChanges) {
if (myOriginalSequence != null) {
result = myOriginalSequence.charAt(i);
else {
result = myArray[i];
else {
result = myDeferredChangesStorage.charAt(myArray, i);
if (myDebug && isDeferredChangeMode()) {
char expected = myDebugArray.charAt(i);
if (expected != result) {
dumpDebugInfo("Incorrect charAt() processing for index " + i + ". Expected: '" + expected + "', actual: '" + result + "'");
return result;
public CharSequence subSequence(final int start, final int end) {
if (start == 0 && end == length()) return this;
if (myOriginalSequence != null) {
return myOriginalSequence.subSequence(start, end);
return new CharArrayCharSequence(myArray, start, end);
public char[] getChars() {
char[] array = myArray;
CharSequence originalSequence = myOriginalSequence;
if (myHasDeferredChanges || originalSequence != null && array == null) {
// slow track
try {
if (myOriginalSequence != null && myArray == null) {
myArray = array = CharArrayUtil.fromSequence(myOriginalSequence);
myStringRef = null;
finally {
return array;
public void getChars(@NotNull final char[] dst, final int dstOffset) {
if (myOriginalSequence == null) {
System.arraycopy(myArray, myStart, dst, dstOffset, length());
else {
CharArrayUtil.getChars(myOriginalSequence, dst, dstOffset);
if (myDebug && isDeferredChangeMode()) {
char[] expected = new char[dst.length];
myDebugArray.getChars(expected, dstOffset);
for (int i = dstOffset, j = myStart; i < dst.length && j < myArray.length; i++, j++) {
if (expected[i] != myArray[j]) {
dumpDebugInfo("getChars(char[], int). Given array of length " + dst.length + ", offset " + dstOffset + ". Found char '" + myArray[j] +
"' at index " + i + ", expected to find '" + expected[i] + "'");
public CharSequence substring(final int start, final int end) {
final CharSequence result = doSubString(start, end);
return result;
private CharSequence doSubString(int start, int end) {
if (start == end) return "";
final CharSequence result;
if (myOriginalSequence == null) {
result = myDeferredChangesStorage.substring(myArray, start + myStart, end + myStart);
else {
result = myOriginalSequence.subSequence(start, end);
return result;
private static char[] resizeArray(@NotNull char[] array, int newSize) {
if (newSize < array.length) {
return array;
int newArraySize = array.length;
if (newArraySize == 0) {
newArraySize = 16;
while (newArraySize <= newSize) {
newArraySize = newArraySize * 12 / 10 + 1;
char[] newArray = new char[newArraySize];
System.arraycopy(array, 0, newArray, 0, array.length);
return newArray;
private void trimToSize() {
if (myBufferSize != 0 && length() > myBufferSize) {
// make a copy
int endIndex = myCount - myBufferSize;
String toDelete = getCharArray().subSequence(0, endIndex).toString();
remove(0, endIndex, toDelete);
* @return <code>true</code> if this object is in the defer changes mode, see {@link #setDeferredChangeMode(boolean)};
public boolean isDeferredChangeMode() {
return myDeferredChangeMode;
public boolean hasDeferredChanges() {
return myHasDeferredChanges;
* There is a possible case that client of this class wants to perform great number of modifications in a short amount of time
* (e.g. end-user performs formatting of the document backed by the object of the current class). It may result in significant
* performance degradation is the changes are performed one by one (every time the change is applied tail content is shifted to
* the left or right). So, we may want to optimize that by avoiding actual array modification until information about
* all target changes is provided and perform array data moves only after that.
* <p/>
* This method allows to define that <code>'defer changes'</code> mode usages, i.e. expected usage pattern is as follows:
* <pre>
* <ol>
* <li>
* Client of this class enters <code>'defer changes'</code> mode (calls this method with <code>'true'</code> argument).
* That means that all subsequent changes will not actually modify backed array data and will be stored separately;
* </li>
* <li>
* Number of target changes are applied to the current object via standard API
* ({@link #insert(CharSequence, int) insert},
* {@link #remove(int, int, CharSequence) remove} and
* {@link #replace(int, int, java.lang.CharSequence, java.lang.CharSequence, long, boolean)});
* </li>
* <li>
* Client of this class indicates that <code>'massive change time'</code> is over by calling this method with <code>'false'</code>
* argument. That flushes all deferred changes (if any) to the backed data array and makes every subsequent change to
* be immediate flushed to the backed array;
* </li>
* </ol>
* </pre>
* <p/>
* <b>Note:</b> we can't exclude possibility that <code>'defer changes'</code> mode is started but inadvertently not ended
* (due to programming error, unexpected exception etc). Hence, this class is free to automatically end
* <code>'defer changes'</code> mode when necessary in order to avoid memory leak with infinite deferred changes storing.
* @param deferredChangeMode flag that defines if <code>'defer changes'</code> mode should be used by the current object
public void setDeferredChangeMode(boolean deferredChangeMode) {
if (deferredChangeMode) {
if (myDebug) {
myDebugArray.setText(myDebugTextOnBatchUpdateStart = toString());
myDeferredChangeMode = deferredChangeMode;
else {
myDeferredChangeMode = deferredChangeMode;
private void flushDeferredChanged() {
List<TextChangeImpl> changes = myDeferredChangesStorage.getChanges();
if (changes.isEmpty()) {
try {
char[] beforeMerge = null;
if (myDebug) {
beforeMerge = new char[myArray.length];
System.arraycopy(myArray, 0, beforeMerge, 0, myArray.length);
BulkChangesMerger changesMerger = BulkChangesMerger.INSTANCE;
final boolean inPlace;
if (myArray.length < length()) {
myArray = changesMerger.mergeToCharArray(myArray, myCount, changes);
inPlace = false;
else {
changesMerger.mergeInPlace(myArray, myCount, changes);
inPlace = true;
myCount += myDeferredShift;
myDeferredShift = 0;
myHasDeferredChanges = false;
myDeferredChangeMode = false;
myStringRef = null;
if (myDebug) {
for (int i = 0, max = length(); i < max; i++) {
if (myArray[i] != myDebugArray.myArray[i]) {
dumpDebugInfo("flushDeferredChanged(). Index " + i + ", expected: '" + myDebugArray.myArray[i]+"', actual '" +
myArray[i]+"'. Text before merge: '" + Arrays.toString(beforeMerge)+"', merge inplace: "+inPlace);
finally {
public String dumpState() {
return "deferred changes mode: " + isDeferredChangeMode()+", length: " + length()+" (data array length: " + myCount+
", deferred shift: " + myDeferredShift+"); view offsets: [" + myStart+"; "+myCount+"]; deferred changes: "+myDeferredChangesStorage;
private void checkStrings(@NonNls @NotNull String operation, @NotNull String expected, @NotNull CharSequence actual) {
if (StringUtil.equals(expected, actual)) {
for (int i = 0, max = Math.min(expected.length(), actual.length()); i < max; i++) {
if (actual.charAt(i) != expected.charAt(i)) {
"Incorrect " +
operation+" processing. Expected length: " +
expected.length()+", actual length: " +
actual.length()+". Unmatched symbol at " +
i+" - expected: '" +
expected.charAt(i)+"', " +
"actual: '" +
actual.charAt(i)+"', expected document: '" +
expected+"', actual document: '" +
dumpDebugInfo("Incorrect " + operation+" processing. Expected length: " + expected.length()+", actual length: " +
actual.length()+", expected: '" + expected+"', actual: '" + actual+"'");
private void dumpDebugInfo(@NonNls @NotNull String problem) {
"Incorrect CharArray processing detected: " + problem +
". Start: " + myStart
+ ", count: " + myCount + ", text on batch update start: " +
myDebugTextOnBatchUpdateStart + ", deferred changes history: " +
myDebugDeferredChanges + ", current deferred changes: " + myDeferredChangesStorage