blob: 87891d0d5bc3d4008a102e9a4bf70a72b9ad90dd [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.*;
<error descr="Static imports are not supported at this language level">import static java.lang.Math.*;</error>
@interface <error descr="Annotations are not supported at this language level">Anno</error> { }
<error descr="Annotations are not supported at this language level">@Anno</error>
class UnsupportedFeatures {
void m(<error descr="Variable arity methods are not supported at this language level">String... args</error>) throws Exception {
<error descr="For-each loops are not supported at this language level">for (String s : args) { System.out.println(s); }</error>
List<error descr="Generics are not supported at this language level"><String></error> list =
new ArrayList<error descr="Generics are not supported at this language level"><></error>();
<error descr="For-each loops are not supported at this language level">for (String s : list) {}</error>
Arrays.asList<error descr="'asList(java.lang.String...)' in 'java.util.Arrays' cannot be applied to '(java.lang.String)'">("")</error>;
<error descr="Incompatible types. Found: 'boolean', required: 'java.lang.Boolean'">Boolean b = true;</error>
<error descr="Incompatible types. Found: 'java.lang.Boolean', required: 'boolean'">boolean b1 = Boolean.TRUE;</error>
java.lang.annotation.ElementType t = null;
switch (<error descr="Incompatible types. Found: 'java.lang.annotation.ElementType', required: 'byte, char, short or int'">t</error>) { }