Snapshot idea/138.538 from git://

a18cb3f: fix CCE
d7d596e: Groovy: Remove extra spaces after deleted statements. So no extra line feed in Introduce Variable appears
25032fc: Groovy traits : abstract trait methods are not clashing
acf850e: IDEA-126013 fix SOE : maps and lists declared recursively should not fail type inference into recursion
75e06bf: clashing trait methods inspection
7ae9c94: TypesUtil.getQualifiedName(type) should return qname even if type is not resolved
beaa518: GrClassReferenceType.rawType() should return raw type even if type is not resolved
2e95615: Groovy: don't use type.getCanonicalText() to infer type qualified name since it can lead to inferring of type parameters and wasting time
08c6e63: Skipping Ant "After Compilation" task if compilation completed with errors (IDEA-125901)
1856d07: SoftWrapModelImpl refactoring. Mocking SoftWrapPainter to make tests platform-independent.
6246ee2: unlock under finally
9ab9a99: corrected 'contains' for library scopes for files from library sources
2e7fcc7: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
5928bf7: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
718a6a5: removed explicit virtual file inequality
08cab53: Fixed shebang formatting (PY-12775).
65944db: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
5106fdd: better name: reuseActivation -> reuseToolWindowActivation
e1c9f77: Merge pull request 191 from suman-ganta for IDEA-123890
b66574a: Karma auto-rerun tests shouldn't activate Run toolwindow
56409a9: Karma auto-rerun tests shouldn't activate Run toolwindow every time
880a4db: added test for SurroundWithQuotesAnnotationParameterValueFix that checks that char '\n' replaces by "\n" correctly
f6a393d: lambda: fix parameter types comparing order (IDEA-126056)
ccdc69a: method references: avoid double substitution (IDEA-126062)
e05cddc: JavaFx SceneBuilder b-14 fix
c4e8b2c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
879c23d: PY-13210 Unused star import in Django
a4351eb: platform: profiling actions overhauled
5ec97cf: IDEA-81568 (ignore FS events from /private unless asked explicitly)
236752e: unused library: use existing graph instead of custom dependency analysis
2a1a7c8: IDEA-126047 - Git Clouds: show commit dialog on deploy
d05243d: prefer junit/testng pattern configuration: detect multiple selection directly by context component (IDEA-126045)
27f10a6: check to prevent contradicted intersection type (IDEA-67600)
046b90c: IDEA-114252 WebStorm clipboard history conflicts with external clipboard manager (ClipMenu) Fix native hangup (steps: periodical "Paste action" update() for toolbar button during Drag&Drop in AppCode UI Designer)
885a24d: don't even schedule excluded files for update upon before contents changed events
122cd32: check for invaild file
de3bf99: optimisation: reduce instances of DirectoryScope created
e2efe2e: cleanup
000bd7a: cleanup
68a5b6e: performance
732238f: performance
2f08301: check for type param numbers in java 1.6 should not rise error if super methods have type params (IDEA-57338)
598f921: testdata for IDEA-61415
6deb5bb: testdata for IDEA-65473
9853fb6: suspicious removeAll: compare type arguments, not qualifiers
1dc83a9: Added ability to pass command-line args to Gradle on project sync/refresh.
e61c327: fix binary compatibility
ef92f2f: fix binary compatibility
40875a7: fix binary compatibility
79d53fd: IDEA-118400 Update Project dialog  redesigned, IDEA-106435 ability to perform only update, IDEA-75768 checks saved for Update dialog
d218629: Remove 'zen coding' from emmet support configurable
150b674: HTML: ignore unknown filters
2fac634: @NotNull
99d5348: Emmet CSS completion
2989429: EA-57291 (severity reduced as the real reason is logged earlier)
491dc5f: contract inference initial
bc12a14: extract contract checking to a separatate inspection
75c4257: MethodContract.createConstraintArray
109906e: WEB-12316 PhpStorm performing awful when typing in HTML zones in PHP files
91b7c69: check file on updateExecutionPoint
1591844: WEB-11678 JavaScript debug: step into and step over do not change the line
ec43ad0: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
e58ce76: try unnecessary module dependencies to support exported dependencies
a9c8a08: IDEA-125568 (possible NPE in some test setup paths fixed)
2fdb004: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
39cc27d: suggest to restart IDEA if user accepted to enable/disable plugins from startup notification (IDEA-121369)
693bbf6: encapsulate fields: preserve comments inside (IDEA-124747)
fcaa3e2: add java specific debugger settings into common settings node
1a3c6c6: code cleanup optimization: run inspections over exactly one element
4c3bda0: Get rid of direct "dispose" call
539f90a: WI-23626 Breakpoint muting does not disable after run. Regression from 7.1.3 to EAP 8.
ffcf607: junit: accept custom matcher descriptions (IDEA-125942)
de7387f: provide remove assignment fix for silly assignment inspection (IDEA-125993)
54e38ee: IDEA-121664 Search Everywhere: results from different categories appear mixed
99adcfd: EA-55292 (NPE fixed)
a87bf9b: Unneeded exception dropped
128b05b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
abc4ba7: GWT builder: test added
f76fea5: test added
30fe2c4: invoke 'save' after 'mark root' action to update iml files immediately
9f6fa54: registering output-to-buildTarget mapping instead of output-to-source mapping to address cases when multiple sources compile into the same output (e.g. Kotlin)
f06f5a6: Handle '@' symbol in ssh username
c142a3c: OC-9609 [Refactoring: common approach for Non-DumbAware mode in folding] +review CR-OC-1561
e4dbc27: fix problem with extending sorted set by one and attempting to increase random access capacity in case of value removal
aa0e217: use more detailed path to file only when opened file name is not unique (IDEA-125958)
fe72975: Marking DuplicateIndex as PsiDependentIndex to attempt to avoid problems with unsaved document indexing being asynchronously committed (EA-36001)
22db3a8: get rid of RowSorters to fix a few exceptions. New Plugin UI has its own table header without swing's row sorters
e5541c8: deprecation inspection uses default serialization
24077b1: push 'change method return type' fix down when variable is checked
65ec59f: icon decoration for external annotations (IDEA-39633)
8f10d71: option to warn about members in deprecated classes (IDEA-112084)
27ec65a: optimize imports under progress (IDEA-125761)
14d3780: Cleanup (formatting)
e5fcad3: revert (java: minor optimization)
f8e2be2: do not recreate breakpoint highlighter if not requested implicitly, this fixes jumping breakpoints on several quick line insertions
44fc624: sql: better varchar and varchar2 completion
b5d09fe: getEqualityObject() fixed for JS debugger
dc3bd73: call applyInformation for all EditorBoundPass for each editor
47336a6: cleanup
67c4e4b: calculate default inspection name by trimming Inspection or InspectionBase
4a0d396: notnull
a3f3988: cleanup
c8337a2: cleanup
8ad9eb1: moved long-running tests into performance suite
395ae29: expand javadoc on PSI validity
48c2fc4: special PIEAE handling for NULL_PSI_ELEMENT (its getUserData throws exceptions)
f3fe82e: IDEA-114252 WebStorm clipboard history conflicts with external clipboard manager (ClipMenu)
3d7f7d2: IDEA-125820 DOM Generator: problem with XML element names matching default/generated imports CR-IC-5549
eadc889: build initial foldings in background (improvements as per CR-IC-5531)
350760c: rename: detect "field would hide local" conflict (IDEA-125934)
0de6aa9: move: do not convert classes to files before move
35005bc: IDEA-125947 not initialized final field should not be raised on any refs from inner classes
62f7acd: plugins: take into account already installed plugins during dependencies check (IDEA-123767)
a673a47: softReference to cache known plugin extensions
3995088: update info: link to the product home page (IDEA-124023)
aa9a7b1: move: filter out nested dirs/files on actionPerformed, update should be fast (IDEA-111413)
e887cc3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
24c1fab:  fix thread crash in debug console after syntax error (PY-12600)
49b602b: java: minor optimization
f5f8124: java: helper method for Kotlin
e674dd1: fixed PY-13177 PyCharm hangs on adding incorrect interpreter (python3-pyinotify)
5c41c76: Maven: manifest generation fixes - use ApplicationNamesInfo#getFullProductName for "Created-By" attribute value, redundant code removed
d2752f1: invalidNames is a bit confusing, let's use existingNames; also small cleanup
7b282c4: lots of EA-57109 - PIEAE: LeafPsiElement.invalid. attempt 2.
cf78c48: External System + Gradle:  support for running a task before launch of another configuration added. Related issue for Gradle: IDEA-113437 'Before Launch' should support running a Gradle task
6396cd8: IDEA-125900 (resolve of synthetic enum methods in class files fixed)
bb35b26: Cleanup (cached value manager instead of boilerplate)
6f417af: reuse LocalQuickFix because several instances can be handled badly
c44d318: IDEA-104484 Console ExceptionFilters are added twice for debugging java app
e67157d: IDEA-125470 While in editor, wild re-displaying occurs when soft wraps are enabled
2de7658: folding model implementation cleanup
c7a1fbb: fixed NPE in debuggers that do not use value markers
159a46b: JavaRearranger: fixed field caching in case of multiple classes in java file (IDEA-123733)
b3f67525: Added scope and file mask filter to reformat directory/project/module dialogs (IDEA-59850) [CR-IC-5534]
c3a1eb8: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9d5429e: remove variable: do not leave tailing loops/ifs (IDEA-124489)
d6c14fb: Delete LightLexerTestCase
83abbd0: fixing OOME in tests
fd0acc2: temp disable 6520348e0292c4bb47389cb12926dc83826796e7
22c687d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9102909: use goto.nonProjectScopeDisabler EP to  show/hide 'include non-project files' checkbox
0dca1c3: use goto.nonProjectScopeDisabler EP to  show/hide non-project items checkbox
def9b6f: EP to disable using Non-project scope for IDEs where this doesn't make sence
6520348: lots of EA-57109 - PIEAE: LeafPsiElement.invalid
1ecc94f: don't set Darcula UI in search text field if it's already set
2357251: rollback NPE fix (found the real problem)
f52fccd: Cleanup (optimization; formatting)
5d85b2b: spped search by value in debugger trees
7e5f8a2: fixed VM leak in debugger tree listener
8771d61: fixed VM leak in object marks
b9abbfb: template ConstructorInsertHandler test (IDEA-101429)
6713978: start type template if at least object was inferred
8540bac: RefCountHolder: allow referenced files' ast to be gc-ed during highlighting
716aa5a: generate name for save scheme dialog
c86e3af: external annotation change should drop all psi cachedValues
ae0bd0f: cleanup
26af3f5: implement equals and hashCode to make two LocalQuickFix instances equal if they refer to one and the same IntentionAction
0ade045: IDEA-125645 On breakpoint hit, opens file in new tab in "active" split -- even if file is already open in tab in "inactive" split
1881ceb: test — auto expressions: filter out expression contained unresolved local variable
3677585: IDEA-103523 MethodMayBeStaticInspection replace qualified usages by class name (reused MakeMethodStaticProcessor)
89905f6: don't hold reference to PsiFile
83bc4af: move to lang-impl
769a599: WEB-12348 Quick fixes not always working in Inspection window
18b220c: IDEA-90008 (editor files are refreshed elsewhere, no need to watch)
894818e: Cleanup (deprecated code dropped)
aba3f2f: CreateSwitchIntention removed all operations with Document to exclude possible problems
4c6818a: removed from IdeaPlugin SurroundWithQoutesIntention
044671d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a109c22: IDEA-121370 Failed Gradle task doesn't block the dependent run configurations
fbf4eb5: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
89f5018: imports optimized
baa6389: SurroundWithQuotesAnnotationParameter: intention replaced by quick fix to the corresponding error
5f7a426: no later runnable for anonymous class creation template
05d13a3: Get rid of needless filtering
a8660f4: use "OS user" term
cb71334: fix NPE on linux
930235e: notnull and remove unused field
c7cd901: notnull
83d5484: Color & Fonts panel: generate new name when copy
6cc553f: cleanup
fa4e0deb: remove unused class
e291480: correct checking read-only status for CreateSwitchIntention
cdd07a4: CreateSwitchIntention checks language level and that file is witable
11adc57: Cleanup (warning; unneeded reflection)
b6b5bbd: start template when anonymous class is completed with Object params (need better heuristic)
f9a561c: enable change type signature for anonymous classes
d645cf9: optimize icon
b393a47: IDEA-125825 Surround with quotes annotation parameter value intention
f5f2f31: IDEA-99541 New run configuration type to run Ant Return back ProcessHandler.waitFor() for standard task execution (not Run Configuration)
4112da6: IDEA-125872 (avoid resetting mod. stamp)
4b93641: fix html parsing (big thanks to cdr)
0b6b37c: notnull
4ffddd7: IDEA-125829 ClassInheritorSearch should find traits
2fe5331: fix compilation
9ddfbc8: IDEA-125730 Declare explicit type: broken template should revert all its changes and move the caret back to the original position.
8f5e205: IDEA-125759 correct assert check
59aef31: IDEA-125781 ReadAction in GroovyTraitFieldSearcher
d946471: IDEA-125730 correct item order in ChooseTypeExpression
9c99488: JS debugger in Chrome: support breakpoint conditions, better support for 'log evaluated expression', non-strict column number comparison
6b9f4a4: goto related localizations for properties files
3c06c05: fixed truncated object id
ee5bba7: ResourceBundleEditor: subeditors without virtual spaces (part of IDEA-85572)
9e358f4: CR-IC-5505 (cleanup)
69b649e: Offer to launch vagrant on skeletons generation in popup balloon.
82b7f75: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
86ada28: Don't show modal dialog about vagrant start from packages list (PY-12838).
af40fe8: DataPointHolderConversionIntention not supports fields without initializer for conflicts escapings
0455ae8: NPE
02ca2bd: PsiBundle: fix typo in bundle name, cleanup
cc8d259: don't cache language level in JavaDirectoryService
60cbfb0: allow to create java classes named pkg.Class (IDEA-125442, CR-IC-5537)
b673277: ensure canonical module order in CE modules.xml
1388cfb: BaseElementAtCaretIntentionAction extends BaseElementAtCaretIntentionAction
a777074: IDEA-125558 new debugger: double result in evaluate expression - updated fix
add5377: reverted fix for IDEA-125558
5ad334b: AddJavadocIntention moved to "Declaration" category
b4f899b: notnull
dd53334: allow com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.ModuleRootManagerImpl#getFileIndex to work in upsource
a28c2f4: register ExternalResourceManagerExImpl
9aa5346: EA-53941 - assert: FileManagerImpl.getCachedPsiFile
3b946e3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
62eeced: show notification if power save mode is on on startup (IDEA-125847)
d13982b: most specific: do not start java 8 algorithm for provided type args (IDEA-125855)
12a99d8: virtual array by selection rule (IDEA-125862)
610b0ba: IDEA-125820 DOM Generator: problem with XML element names matching default/generated imports
80199b4: DBE-19 0xDBE: edit description at Settings / Passwords
85c5cf1: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
3efe19e: added help id for evaluate dialog
8456e04: IDEA-123787 "No live templates selected" label in multiple selection
9ce90b8: IDEA-124362 No scrollbar in Settings | Code Style | General
c04939b: auto expressions: don't compute for nested values
56917b3: make it by default and look at the performance
f30498b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
adae926: Don't ask to start Vagrant in a modal dialog on skeleton generation (PY-12838).
1315295: watches in tasks
57f4bbf: IDEA-125462 Unable to execute simple platform test with IDEA Ultimate Plugin SDK
9a56986: do not evaluate values twice
b7b995b: IDEA-54137 All alarms in RBE deleted. Save to file on focus change
c3b697a: IDEA-39879 Background color and gutter stripe color for bookmarks should be configurable
b893466: close editors only
08d3b73: NPE fixed
37cb86b6: fixed Color object icon renderer
a1ecb55: fixed switching multiple suspended threads in java
0c7e893: correctly load old enabled state of debugger expressions
6847fc3: IDEA-119364 (not introduces case statements for enum)
673d730: wrong shortcut suggested in goto test popup (IDEA-125857)
6a73a71: IDEA-108141 reused code of FixDocCommentAction
d03289c: IDEA-85274 Tasks: the detached editors are not affected by context change
a375d1e: java: correct stub for enums compiled by Groovy
c4edd41: aware of debugger communication error on break event
fd6ccfc: IDEA-125678 ConvertInterfaceToClassIntention.moveExtendsToImplements improved
0b0873d: IDEA-58422 implemented in IPP
ef6b09a: more possible reasons for non-physical file invalidation
745c9b0: IDEA-68916 "Zoom" for Mac OS
5372371: cleanup
c1810c1: cleanup
24cc395: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
fd72f3e: javac 6 workaround (from IDEA-16723)
19af1ec: refactoring (following CR-IC-5531)
784512b: enum constants access inside enum constant initializers fixed (IDEA-125816)
b1b3b1d: accept intersection types in foreach stmts (IDEA-125800)
f1d927b: Mac: add app-title if project-title is empty
08f4caf: fix sorting
4559c7f: IDEA-123189 Project wizard: tree entries text cutoff
90bd11d: javadoc
6a6fa53: cleanup
b8be4e2: IDEA-125805 (language level increase quickfix for switch on enum/string)
75a492a: Cleanup (less repeated checks; less parameter pinballing)
b159632: testdata for IDEA-57388
656ce72: testdata for IDEA-67578
88a9ace: old inference: take only EQUALS bounds from sibling param (IDEA-119757)
dc3b3a9: try 'generate missed tests' without names check (IDEA-125818)
1dfcabe: javadoc fix
9b09325: moved to psi, register more services
f3cc359: register find usage providers
a0f8840: moved to psi
25fe38e: javadoc fix
6f7574c: dfa: invalid type diagnostics (IDEA-125179)
c9dff24: don't advertise Quick Definition when completion doesn't contain psi items (IDEA-87208)
43c06cfc: always use forward slashes in copy reference (IDEA-125292)
3dd0451: IDEA-125442 Strip .java from classname when creating new class
571196f: IDEA-125749 Create New Class Dialog - Pressing 'e' in Kind selects 'Interface' instead of 'Enum'
7a71a4d: External system: code cleanup
a635296: fix popup width jumping
9ea2438: IDEA-125609 - Built-in Git SSH executable ignores IDEA http proxy settings
f894389: IDEA-122962 - Clouds: perform connection test in background - auto-reload in CloudFoundry run configuration
494fbfe: renamed and more factories
309e1b1: provide empty quick fix factories for upsource
b78b8d0: initialize and register stub serializers
da59ab8: IDEA-125498 Search Everywhere: sometimes after navigation the list of search results reappears in the left corner of the screen
6549903: External System:  IDEA-123031 Import sources and docs for module level libraries
b8d02c9: isValid
c59fbba: Reimplement parameter info test
50e11e6: fixed PY-13150 Pyramid run configuration fails when specifing '--reload' in additional option
320ecac: IDEA-39879 Background color and gutter stripe color for bookmarks should be configurable
ab780e0: WEB-12346 Watches pane: Adding/removing variable not possible when dragged out
4cdca43: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
347094c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b75e6ed: fixed tests
ae2b6c6: testdata fixed
37b352f: changelist preselection for file fixed and refactored
982e039: fix rendering issues
4dbfccf: registry ui improvements
16ce85a: notnull
4568663: IDEA-114011 Github: work with HTTP, not only with HTTPS
8cb550e: ExternalResourceManagerImpl inlined, moved to psi
ecff152: moved to core
2ff189c: removed "new in" which are not that new anymore
8787917: toString
6afd4f4: build initial foldings in background
9a121b2: EA-57104 - assert: PsiFileImpl.navigate
1080da4: IDEA-77640 Warn if the current subscription license will not work with the new version in the Update Info dialog
478fc87: test fixes and code unification
fda1430: update inspection and quickfix
287c944: OC-9609 [Java doc only] +review CR-OC-1561
71594cc: OC-9609 broken based on AST-tree folding at project opening +review CR-OC-1561
80ea2b9: better name for static method newOne -> of
b97e528: suppress contract validation for wrong Logger.assertTrue
5d8ee45: IDEA-112222 Validate @Contract annotation is related to the code
b09762d: cache properties files by bundle name and module
f25f58e: fix invalid PsiTreeUtil contract
97e0bde: remove unused VfsUtil.virtualToIFile
1f4d0df: notify BuildManager only if file events affect opened and watched projects (second part of IDEA-122685)
c503439: quickfix for IDEA-125710 (Wrong selection behavior in file history window)
5318e0e: fix assertion / comments / better transformation policy of array of changes / sorted ints into bit set
edeb5d2: testdata for IDEA-57290
b1b3964: testdata for IDEA-58692
af3e413: testdata for IDEA-24496
ae57176: provide 'place' language level for convertible check to allow types from old libraries to be casted to primitives (IDEA-117684)
2f6d5c9: testdata for IDEA-118362
f55b7ff:  equality asymmetry fixed (IDEA-118533)
fdcb20b: type distinct prover asymmetry fixed (IDEA-118533)
6b5c924: suspicious collections call: process removeAll (IDEA-108755)
e9e9523: IDEA-125414 DB keys/indices to columns navigation
756b77b: accumulate index changes into array and convert it into bitset as needed
29f2788: track index info when encountering duplicated inputId
5803a5f: to Peter: addAll for emptySet doesn't work
61dbfe9: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
95bc1fb: some more @MagicConstant
c3c31bd: EA-57052 - assert: MasterKeyPasswordSafe.decryptPassword
e761dd8: @NotNull'ed for EA-56831 - NPE: RemoteProcessSupport.release
9463bb3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
ff49bd1: use VirtualFile.nameSequence for isProjectOrWorkspaceFile check
248d752: restore classes merge with fix of foreach processing
fedbba7: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a494959: WeakReference objects used for vfile->document mapping should not stay in memory forever
8110e0b: less allocations in FileBasedIndexImpl.getUnsavedDocuments
180df2c: completion: don't suggest true/false literals where boolean is not expected
76939c8: restore query mismatch inspection
fffde12: new inference: mark erased for type params/raw types compatibility (IDEA-122932)
a2615d0: new inference: accept raw equality
67daae0: leave capture during bound composition of unbounded wildcards (IDEA-125423)
01c9bba: old inference: ignore java 1.6 bug in new versions (IDEA-125744)
b7ab465: old inference: choose child type between types in subtypes constraint (IDEA-118536)
d311a4e: perform target.findUsages() if no psi found
98302cc: IDEA-125186 Shorten reference with an import even if there is a conflicting class from Groovy default packages
d47756d: show initial value only for strings and primitive types
13986db: IDEA-125693 Creating a project in dir '~/Desktop/test' creates the project in the dir '/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 13'
ae7d190: NPE when using from UML
530189b: a little bit smarter methods matching
8150b8b: IDEA-125566 Start From Scratch: can't close Customize IDEA dialog
ab7b2a0: IDEA-122962 - Clouds: perform connection test in background - auto-reload in frameworks
1a7ab39: restore (wrong) Logger.assertTrue contracts
c12b68d: dumb-aware error dropping actions
ac9d1e8: get java language level from the root model when pushers haven't finished yet
bd93483: IDEA-125565 Start from Scratch: Customize IDEA dialog: UI Themes page looks bad on Linux
6ea44e9: Gradle:  use module library level for local dependencies, update library name to contain groupId
7d4dae9: IDEA-125565 Start from Scratch: Customize IDEA dialog: UI Themes page looks bad on Linux
fb173cc: IDEA-124461 New Module (Maven, Gradle) created in Empty project don't get the specified jdk
be064c3: cleanup
89dc105: show mark for a stack frame executing a method from marked object
f48b9fa: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
c4dc543: IDEA-125745 Controls on breakpoints dialog resize differently
a105b5b: IDEA-125736 new debugger: disabled all exceptions breakpoint stops at every exception even in mute mode
5fd6a23: IDEA-124082 default changelist for Commit dialog fixed when 'commit directory' called
3a9e539: IDEA-124347 Master Password prompt strategy changed for mercurial authentication
74d52dd: introduce CvsFilePath to prevent public api changes
a489967: fix typo
f2c14b5: Start plugins wizard #30 for Mac OS X should be "native" keymap by default
a16bfe6: External-system: IDEA-124927 Don't refresh projects on opening when auto-import is disabled
78ee0a2: IDEA-125551 Start From Scratch: Customize IDEA dialog: JBoss plugin should not appear in JavaFrameworks group
e276bfa: unregistering obsolete service components
fbb0f39: jasper validation tests: fixes and cleanup
0d5f295: clean up: - replaced 2 usages isAssociated method from ValueContainer with getValueAssociationPredicate() delegation - rewrote serialization of input ids to be independent from concrete input id set implementation via usage of int iterator - inlined saveInvalidateCommand in ValueContainermpl and added comments
7321069: ad text in 'go to' actions
b57a8ca: get python language level from the root model when pushers haven't finished yet
a30a74e8: fix dfa contract believing that nullable is always null
9c29b95: fix dfa contract IOOBE with varargs
31be027: relax time in MessageBusTest.testPostingPerformanceWithLowListenerDensityInHierarchy
4955009: remove mostly non-useful Integer.valueOf completion suggestions
41b974e: anonym -> lambda: disable if target SAM type is raw and methods are called on params with Object erasure (IDEA-125613)
032faad: EIAE
2f4d4fb: register container provider
ba6e884: initialize file types
2f3db6a: UOE
73bfc96: NPE
3a8647f: reverted changes blocking inner classes in libraries to work
b66623a: do not fail position manager if assert happened in one of the providers
6dc93a1: skip binary files earlier, no need to get psi for that
91f7c25: do not scan all files when trigram index is available
7d81587: register extension points
4489140: -contributor
5fe5352: rw detector
707e584: IDEA-125649
6a28780: notnull
a7d14fe: IDEA-107588 (Mismatched query and update of collection - include Collections.addAll())
39d4dfb: fix 'as Trait' result type
b1e9f66: EA-57003 - NPE: WatchInplaceEditor.doOKAction
2d0aa2a: BlockMarkerCommentsInspection changes after review
98954e2: EA-57004 - NPE: XBreakpointManagerImpl.createBreakpointDefaults
3b09eea: fix compilation
40f7150: low priority 'create getters/setters' quickfixes
a34a01d: duplicated code
c6d539f: disable assert for Groovy clients
7459b0b: cleanup
f008f98: IDEA-125584 Groovy: NPE at org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.annotator.intentions.CreateMethodFromUsageFix.invokeImpl
93d7ac9: IDEA-125576 Groovy: 'Create trait' could be added to 'Create From Usage'
6975411: get rid of 'public' keyword in templates
53fbe15: IDEA-125556 New Groovy class dialog contains trait option IDEA-125577 new icons for Groovy traits
90ec82d: more diagnostics for gdsl scripts
60c7d6f: EA-57072 - IOOBE: EditorImpl.offsetToLogicalLine
5801886: External-system: IDEA-124927 Don't refresh projects on opening when auto-import is disabled
2b0a1b9: One more condition for go to actions history
3ab65e6: (EA-55107) case with empty parents in history fixed
d67e9b4: IDEA-118279 create constructor params: apply cleanup
11d1e29: one test rewritten in Kotlin
9b3b90d: EA-56987 - NPE: DebuggerTreeNodeImpl.updateCaches
91005a8: added a separator above annotate action
32874b1: renamed to PropertiesPlugin.xml to avoid conflict inside upsource jar
05191a3: renamed to GroovyPlugin.xml to avoid conflict inside upsource jar
08caf4f: add to watches action should work from evaluate and inspect
d85d443: more moves to groovy-psi
fadd451: moved properties to properties-psi
b9fa2ab: register folding builder in env
ab8b582: moved to psi
c1da4f3: moved away from openapi
4bf725a: moved away from java-impl
41f2d2c: moved to core
5366e96: moved to psi
cf298fc: ensure editor is released in EDT
5b09e28: EA-57008 (pair was good enough)
1144d7b: extend java-class instead of groovy-class (to migrate to Kotlin)
3b85f7c: removing obsolete extension point
7ac28ba: remove outdated action id
53ddc21: Simplify condition in go to actions history
2807e38: rerun failed: include concrete class if containing is abstract (IDEA-125425)
9758f97: return inside finally: stop at lambda (IDEA-125605)
b90111f: more reliable keeping of reference on stack (following CR-IC-5487)
203d7fb: remove unused code
75c7630: cleanup
dc11403: cleanup
9d2b9ae: maven compiler tests to use external compiler only
ff05505: standalone jps updated: load path variables specified in gant scripts
05c2f31: history for go to actions, initial
0918150: combine two classes into one to reduce duplication
806c8d2: more accurate collection query detection for method references
19bf6b9: add "stream" and "parallelStream" query names
c0a470f: EA-57015 - SOE: AbstractTreeUi.access$
48a01b0: add common actions to all variable views
0529ff5: NPE if a previous focus owner is null.
d27fd1e: plugin updater: accept older plugin versions for broken plugins (IDEA-125646)
eeca5a8: search for package everywhere again (IDEA-125688)
04a7434: EA-56966 - IAE: XRegularValuePresentation.<init>
f1b4acc: Enabling dialog based implementation because of always on top regression.
5ef4a59: fixing java compilers configuration UI
7322427: EA-56894 - AIOOBE: AppCodeDesignerEditor.findModule - for AppCode designer module don't needed
05e2292: IDEA-125684 appearance of JTextField component in disabled state
4660916: IDEA-125500 Terminal is not locale aware
e3c14f5: following review CR-IC-5487
80a7f69: IDEA-25183
80eba2a: IDEA-42954 Watches are not saved on restart of debug sessions
d174c22: refactoring - following review #525
535844a: IDEA-104441 Wrong auto-completion of closed XML tags: handling unbalanced xml psi
220964b: BlockMarkerCommentInspection moved to java-analysis-impl
6c6a682: Shortcut Promoter initial
dff9280: IDEA-93040
622c1df: NPE
8f1d011: reverted
31d0a47: moved to analysis
a518606: moved to psi
e0d0ffd: moved to core
282862d: moved to core
1ccdeb0: more moved to psi
5d21da5: added equals to LocalsControlFlowPolicy, notnull
15ecfbd: deleting old make implementation
fa243c5: IdePlugin fixed
0427d8e: change default action
487d93d: remove useless source roots
b5fb0b6: IDEA-100200 - Clouds: deployment to clouds ignores the http proxy settings - CloudBees
cef9a6c: IDEA-71997
05b1763: deleting old make implementation
29b98db: deleting old make implementation
f723b07: Tips added (PY-12484).
de95451: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2d108ef: Tips updated (PY-12982).
cc4b248: java: parsing of complex bounds in stub signatures fixed
66d70ab: Cleanup (unneeded concatenation)
259d59a: added dependency from devkit module to its jps-plugin
cff9f70: JPS: added method to process modules and libraries in order
36e275f: Gradle: handling of project build classpath resolving errors related issues:
6e512d0: [ review #701 ] introduce field where required to avoid multiple objects creation
98edcf4: Ruby highlighting lexer refactored for upsource core environment
bbb4d67: removed jsf-iml
c8b081a: DevKit: Goto EP declaration in plugin.xml (IDEA-86100) CR-IC-5473
c96948d: show initial value in "set value" editor
758adbb: make sure document reference is cached reliably
19cd6d5: show progress for editors opening
311406c: select only required editor in window
68aadaf: init foldings for all opened editors (otherwise saved folding state will not be restored for them)
c0511af: remove dead code
e5708cd: open editors in EDT
ffcd49d: IDEA-41226 Reference debugger-marked objects in expressions
0034f61: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a7e0137: externalization: suppress unused to .xml compatibility
0f8912f: enforce string copying (trim substring() result for java 6)
152503a: new exception creation without args: completely ignore exceptions with only no param constructor (IDEA-125660)
d64d714: customizations: check group is included in correct root group; allow to invoke moved action group, e.g. Create Run Configurations group (IDEA-125484)
aaa01e4: fix module leaks via CompilerTester
1551266: Added output folders to ModuleExtendedModel.
9874668: IDEA-104441 Wrong auto-completion of closed XML tags
b71fe91: simplification & cleanup postfix templates
9835800: Maven: plexus-archiver lib added to licenses
a7aa0df: lambda: extract parameters incompatibility check
0fac1ec: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
5eeea43: PY-13084 Variables passed to url kwargs are not suggested to template
8a3ad93: hide lang-api refactoring actions if no handlers present
86d0ff8: Merge branch 'fix4' of into fix4
6b46fcf: dfa: contracts validation should not exclude notnull validation
0212832: Better comments
463a90c: force check for update on exception from non-bundled plugin
4e95814: nullify: to run on pooled thread without progress
90b27a4: IDEA-122929 Hg: remove unrelated urls paths from pull/push dialog.
e2e243b: CompositeFilter#forceUseAllFilters=false by default to restore previous behaviour Deprecated public fields in Filter#Result and getters to give warning about possible danger
aa83182: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
a9aaf0c: Maven: fix artifact layouts tests for added generated
a1d93e0: Use union of types of members as iteration type for tuples
06a130f: Interpret tuple default parameter value as a weak type (PY-10967)
24b18f8: IDEA-119804 second click on item in watches panel should toggle edit mode
a479d46: IDEA-81789 Expression Evaluation goes crazy when multiline expression is inserted
3f1d913: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
1b010d0: PY-12981 django apps don't resolve when INSTALLED_APPS is set with '+='
846b42a: Nullity annotations and explicit TypeEvalContext for PyUnionType.excludeNull()
5352177: IDEA-97915 Mercurial incoming/outgoing widgets updated
e618345: EA-51820 check that root from mappings is a valid vcs root
2f5f8f9: IDEA-122562 - Warning from SettingsEditor#applyEditorTo prevents runconfig editor from closing
12272ec: cosmetic: "Remember on disk" -> "Save on disk" in all places
ef5ae1c: ensure rename is performed inside project only, do not search for a package inside libraries!
0dd4ead: generate missed tests intention (IDEA-90247; IDEA-122790)
8ee7f6d: ignore setup/teardown generation when methods already exist and additional methods are not expected
dc043ce: IDEA-121972 - Map help button of the Clouds page
71f507b: Cleanup
2322568: Don't suggest Python live templates inside parameter list (PY-12395)
9b96bc0: common style for expressions
f9685fd: Don't suggest Python live templates in string literals (PY-12349)
a554bba: Don't suggest Python live templates in comments (PY-13076)
511b7db: IDEA-125624 Run tool window does not have deployments list in debug mode
73dce39: Use 'Python' context for 'super' live template (PY-13080)
8e0bbd5: cover with tests
ce036b5: IDEA-125129 I would like to reopen IDEA-117698: regression fixed
2475299: IDEA-61480 DocBook5: complains about xlink:href in <link>
2fd7151: IDEA-125557 Start From Scratch: on Darcula selecting as UI Theme in the Customize IDEA wisard it is applied incorrectly
fa9f7fe: Fixed messy usage of colons in the Breakpoints window
6b7841e: format
f3c2fa2: IDEA-117949 Xml editor doesn't treat xml namespace correctly
08c14cb: Cleanup (optimization)
298bf22: Cleanup (formatting)
c026ff3: java: missing deprecated attribute on inner classes fixed
301b5e7: java: injected methods excluded from enum stub
06f261c: Maven: artifact's manifest generation support related issues:
1913bdc: IDEA-119640 Problem with goto declaration of XML attribute defined in XSD: re-fixed, completion fixed
ee89d4f: cleanup
560924a: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
80dbfb5: byte code viewer in same colors as editor
7fea4ff: fix failing tests: OverrideImplementTest.testEnumConstant ImplementMethodsTest.runSingle(
590e025: add example to postfix templates tree
9457946: cleanup
9307a77: better colors for ctrl + shift + a

Change-Id: I63f543234051b4bfd5588e9307dad56cdff7aa1b
2329 files changed
tree: b9d56f49fde137a6098f7cec1aebeda51af705ef
  1. .idea/
  2. bin/
  3. build/
  4. colorSchemes/
  5. community-resources/
  6. community-tests/
  7. images/
  8. java/
  9. jps/
  10. lib/
  11. license/
  12. native/
  13. platform/
  14. plugins/
  15. python/
  16. RegExpSupport/
  17. resources/
  18. resources-en/
  19. samples/
  20. spellchecker/
  21. tools/
  22. updater/
  23. xml/
  24. .gitattributes
  25. .gitignore
  26. build.txt
  27. build.xml
  28. community-main.iml
  29. LICENSE.txt
  30. NOTICE.txt
  32. test-log.xml

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

This is the official GitHub mirror of the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition and PyCharm Community Edition source code.


To develop IntelliJ IDEA, you can use either IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. To build and run the code:

  • Make sure you have the Groovy plugin enabled. Parts of IntelliJ IDEA are written in Groovy, and you will get compilation errors if you don't have the plugin enabled.
  • Make sure you have the UI Designer plugin enabled. Most of IntelliJ IDEA‘s UI is built using the UI Designer, and the version you build will not run correctly if you don’t have the plugin enabled.
  • Open the directory with the source code as a directory-based project
  • Configure a JSDK named “IDEA jdk”, pointing to an installation of JDK 1.6
  • On Windows or Linux, add lib\tools.jar from the JDK installation directory to the classpath of IDEA jdk
  • Use Build | Make Project to build the code
  • To run the code, use the provided shared run configuration “IDEA”.

To build the distribution archive of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, execute build.xml Ant build script in the root directory of the source code. The results of the build execution can be found at out/artifacts.


Pull requests are welcome. Please make sure that you follow the IntelliJ Coding Guidelines. Note that you'll need to submit a Contributor Agreement before we can accept your pull request.

See for more information.

Developer Documentation

You can find information on the internal architecture of IntelliJ IDEA and plugin development at the PluginDevelopment site.