blob: b445a739143fdc99ae5a06b26306a5d95ae9f64f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.BackgroundTaskQueue;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.Task;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair;
import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsException;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile;
import com.intellij.util.Consumer;
import com.intellij.util.Function;
import com.intellij.util.ThrowableConsumer;
import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil;
import com.intellij.util.containers.HashSet;
import com.intellij.util.messages.Topic;
import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil;
import com.intellij.vcs.log.*;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* <p>Holds the commit data loaded from the VCS, and is capable to refresh this data by
* {@link VcsLogProvider#subscribeToRootRefreshEvents(Collection, VcsLogRefresher) events from the VCS}.</p>
* <p>The commit data is acquired via {@link #getDataPack()}.</p>
* <p>If refresh is in progress, {@link #getDataPack()} returns the previous data pack (possible not actual anymore).
* When refresh completes, the data pack instance is updated. Refreshes are chained.</p>
* <p><b>Thread-safety:</b> the class is thread-safe:
* <ul>
* <li>All write-operations made to the log and data pack are made sequentially, from the same background queue;</li>
* <li>Once a refresh request is received, we read logs and refs from all providers, join refresh data, join repositories,
* and build the new data pack sequentially in a single thread.</li>
* <li>Whilst we are in the middle of this refresh process, anyone who requests the data pack (and possibly the log if this would
* be available in the future), will get the consistent previous version of it.</li>
* </ul></p>
* <p><b>Initialization:</b><ul>
* <li>Initially the first part of the log is loaded and is shown to the user.</li>
* <li>Right after that, the whole log is loaded in the background. We need the whole log for two reasons:
* we don't want to hang for a minute if user decides to go to an old commit or even scroll;
* we need the whole log to properly perform the optimized refresh procedure.</li>
* <li>Once the whole log information is loaded, we don't rebuild the graphical log, because users rarely need old commits while
* memory would be occupied and performance would suffer.</li>
* <li>If user requests a commit that is not displayed (by clicking on an old branch reference, by going to a hash,
* just by scrolling down to the end of the table), we take the whole log, build the graph and show to the user.</li>
* <li>Once the whole log was once requested, we never hide it after a refresh, because it could annoy the user if the log would hide
* because of some external event which forces log refresh (fetch, branch switch, etc.) while he was looking at old history.</li>
* </li></ul>
* </p>
* <p><b>Refresh procedure:</b><ul>
* <li>When a refresh request comes, we ask {@link VcsLogProvider log providers} about the last N commits unordered (which
* adds a significant performance gain in the case of Git).</li>
* <li>Then we order and attach these commits to the log with the help of {@link VcsLogJoiner}.</li>
* <li>In the multiple repository case logs from different providers are joined together in a single log.</li>
* <li>If user was looking at the top part of the log, the log is rebuilt, and new top of the log is shown to the user.
* If, however, he was looking at the whole log, the data pack for the whole log is rebuilt and shown to the user.
* </li></ul></p>
* TODO: error handling
* @author Kirill Likhodedov
public class VcsLogDataHolder implements Disposable {
public static final Topic<Runnable> REFRESH_COMPLETED = Topic.create("Vcs.Log.Completed", Runnable.class);
@NotNull private final Project myProject;
@NotNull private final VcsLogObjectsFactory myFactory;
@NotNull private final Map<VirtualFile, VcsLogProvider> myLogProviders;
@NotNull private final BackgroundTaskQueue myDataLoaderQueue;
@NotNull private final MiniDetailsGetter myMiniDetailsGetter;
@NotNull private final CommitDetailsGetter myDetailsGetter;
@NotNull private final VcsLogJoiner myLogJoiner;
@NotNull private final VcsLogMultiRepoJoiner myMultiRepoJoiner;
// all write-access to myDataPack & myLogData is performed only via the myDataLoaderQueue
@Nullable private volatile DataPack myDataPack;
@Nullable private volatile LogData myLogData;
private volatile boolean myFullLogShowing;
public VcsLogDataHolder(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull VcsLogObjectsFactory logObjectsFactory,
@NotNull Map<VirtualFile, VcsLogProvider> logProviders) {
myProject = project;
myLogProviders = logProviders;
myDataLoaderQueue = new BackgroundTaskQueue(project, "Loading history...");
myMiniDetailsGetter = new MiniDetailsGetter(this, logProviders);
myDetailsGetter = new CommitDetailsGetter(this, logProviders);
myLogJoiner = new VcsLogJoiner();
myMultiRepoJoiner = new VcsLogMultiRepoJoiner();
myFactory = logObjectsFactory;
* Initializes the VcsLogDataHolder in background in the following sequence:
* <ul>
* <li>Loads the first part of the log with details.</li>
* <li>Invokes the Consumer to initialize the UI with the initial data pack.</li>
* <li>Loads the whole log in background. When completed, substitutes the data and tells the UI to refresh itself.</li>
* </ul>
* @param onInitialized This is called when the holder is initialized with the initial data received from the VCS.
* The consumer is called on the EDT.
public static void init(@NotNull final Project project, @NotNull VcsLogObjectsFactory logObjectsFactory,
@NotNull Map<VirtualFile, VcsLogProvider> logProviders,
@NotNull final Consumer<VcsLogDataHolder> onInitialized) {
final VcsLogDataHolder dataHolder = new VcsLogDataHolder(project, logObjectsFactory, logProviders);
private void initialize(@NotNull final Consumer<VcsLogDataHolder> onInitialized) {
loadFirstPart(new Consumer<DataPack>() {
public void consume(DataPack dataPack) {
// after first part is loaded and shown to the user, load the whole log in background
}, true);
private void loadAllLog() {
runInBackground(new ThrowableConsumer<ProgressIndicator, VcsException>() {
public void consume(ProgressIndicator indicator) throws VcsException {
Map<VirtualFile, List<TimedVcsCommit>> logs = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
Map<VirtualFile, Collection<VcsRef>> refs = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
for (Map.Entry<VirtualFile, VcsLogProvider> entry : myLogProviders.entrySet()) {
VirtualFile root = entry.getKey();
VcsLogProvider logProvider = entry.getValue();
logs.put(root, logProvider.readAllHashes(root));
refs.put(root, logProvider.readAllRefs(root));
myLogData = new LogData(logs, refs);
public void showFullLog(@NotNull final Runnable onSuccess) {
runInBackground(new ThrowableConsumer<ProgressIndicator, VcsException>() {
public void consume(ProgressIndicator indicator) throws VcsException {
if (myLogData != null) {
List<TimedVcsCommit> compoundLog = myMultiRepoJoiner.join(myLogData.myLogsByRoot.values());
myDataPack =, myLogData.getAllRefs(), indicator);
myFullLogShowing = true;
UIUtil.invokeAndWaitIfNeeded(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
* Loads the top part of the log and rebuilds the graph & log table.
* @param onSuccess this task is called {@link UIUtil#invokeAndWaitIfNeeded(Runnable) on the EDT} after loading and graph
* building completes.
* @param invalidateWholeLog if the whole log data should be invalidated and will be retrieved in onSuccess.
private void loadFirstPart(@NotNull final Consumer<DataPack> onSuccess, final boolean invalidateWholeLog) {
runInBackground(new ThrowableConsumer<ProgressIndicator, VcsException>() {
public void consume(ProgressIndicator indicator) throws VcsException {
if (invalidateWholeLog) {
myLogData = null;
boolean ordered = !isFullLogReady(); // full log is not ready (or it is initial loading) => need to fairly query the VCS
Map<VirtualFile, List<TimedVcsCommit>> logsToBuild = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
Collection<VcsRef> allRefs = ContainerUtil.newHashSet();
for (Map.Entry<VirtualFile, VcsLogProvider> entry : myLogProviders.entrySet()) {
VirtualFile root = entry.getKey();
VcsLogProvider logProvider = entry.getValue();
List<? extends VcsFullCommitDetails> firstBlockDetails = logProvider.readFirstBlock(root, ordered);
Collection<VcsRef> newRefs = logProvider.readAllRefs(root);
List<TimedVcsCommit> firstBlockCommits =, new Function<VcsFullCommitDetails, TimedVcsCommit>() {
public TimedVcsCommit fun(VcsFullCommitDetails details) {
return myFactory.createTimedCommit(details.getHash(), details.getParents(), details.getAuthorTime());
List<TimedVcsCommit> refreshedLog;
int newCommitsCount;
if (ordered) {
// the whole log is not loaded before the first refresh
refreshedLog = new ArrayList<TimedVcsCommit>(firstBlockCommits);
newCommitsCount = 0;
else {
Pair<List<TimedVcsCommit>, Integer> joinResult = myLogJoiner.addCommits(myLogData.getLog(root), myLogData.getRefs(root),
firstBlockCommits, newRefs);
refreshedLog = joinResult.getFirst();
newCommitsCount = joinResult.getSecond();
if (myFullLogShowing) {
logsToBuild.put(root, refreshedLog);
else {
int commitsToShow;
if (myDataPack != null) {
commitsToShow = myDataPack.getGraphModel().getGraph().getNodeRows().size() + newCommitsCount;
else {
commitsToShow = firstBlockDetails.size();
logsToBuild.put(root, refreshedLog.subList(0, Math.min(commitsToShow, refreshedLog.size())));
if (myLogData != null) {
myLogData.setRefs(root, newRefs); // update references, because the joiner needs to know reference changes after each refresh
// log is not updated: once loaded, joiner always join to the old part of it
List<TimedVcsCommit> compoundLog = myMultiRepoJoiner.join(logsToBuild.values());
myDataPack =, allRefs, indicator);
UIUtil.invokeAndWaitIfNeeded(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
private void runInBackground(final ThrowableConsumer<ProgressIndicator, VcsException> task) { Task.Backgroundable(myProject, "Loading history...") {
public void run(@NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) {
try {
catch (VcsException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e); // TODO
private void refresh(@NotNull final Runnable onSuccess) {
loadFirstPart(new Consumer<DataPack>() {
public void consume(DataPack dataPack) {;
}, false);
* Makes the log perform complete refresh for all roots.
* It fairly retrieves the data from the VCS and rebuilds the whole log.
public void refreshCompletely() {
initialize(new Consumer<VcsLogDataHolder>() {
public void consume(VcsLogDataHolder holder) {
* Makes the log perform refresh for the given root.
* This refresh can be optimized, i. e. it can query VCS just for the part of the log.
public void refresh(@NotNull VirtualFile root) {
// TODO refresh only the given root, not all roots
refresh(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
* Makes the log refresh only the reference labels for the given root.
public void refreshRefs(@NotNull VirtualFile root) {
// TODO no need to query the VCS for commit & rebuild the whole log; just replace refs labels.
public DataPack getDataPack() {
return myDataPack;
private void notifyAboutDataRefresh() {
if (!myProject.isDisposed()) {
public CommitDetailsGetter getCommitDetailsGetter() {
return myDetailsGetter;
public MiniDetailsGetter getMiniDetailsGetter() {
return myMiniDetailsGetter;
public void dispose() {
myLogData = null;
public boolean isFullLogReady() {
return myLogData != null;
public VcsLogProvider getLogProvider(@NotNull VirtualFile root) {
return myLogProviders.get(root);
* Contains full logs per repository root & references per root.
private static class LogData {
@NotNull private final Map<VirtualFile, List<TimedVcsCommit>> myLogsByRoot;
@NotNull private final Map<VirtualFile, Collection<VcsRef>> myRefsByRoot;
private LogData(@NotNull Map<VirtualFile, List<TimedVcsCommit>> logsByRoot,
@NotNull Map<VirtualFile, Collection<VcsRef>> refsByRoot) {
myLogsByRoot = logsByRoot;
myRefsByRoot = refsByRoot;
public List<TimedVcsCommit> getLog(@NotNull VirtualFile root) {
return myLogsByRoot.get(root);
public Collection<VcsRef> getRefs(@NotNull VirtualFile root) {
return myRefsByRoot.get(root);
public Collection<VcsRef> getAllRefs() {
Collection<VcsRef> allRefs = new HashSet<VcsRef>();
for (Collection<VcsRef> refs : myRefsByRoot.values()) {
return allRefs;
public void setRefs(@NotNull VirtualFile root, @NotNull Collection<VcsRef> refs) {
myRefsByRoot.put(root, refs);