Snapshot idea/136.1761 from git://

3608216: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
0d16248: Django inspection HTMLs moved to appropriate place
1ed8715: PY-1194 Provide completion and navigation for url tag in django template Inspection added.
4c6ec52: Naive fix for EA-53569
44c2a03: Do not wrap border with TitledBorder if there is not title
8591130: omg2 [r=ignatov]
dce57e7: omg
3b164b9: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9c04fe7: Ctrl-Q: process java 8 signature style as 1.8 javadoc could also be run on sources 1.6 (IDEA-124175)
b073132: javadoc: ensure that generic arguments are shown in error presentation
b8fb550: IDEA-124271
209d176: disable stream api conversion on iterable (IDEA-124222)
6ca89eb: default external javadoc url for java 8 fixed (IDEA-124175)
2fe28f0: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
f65712c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7de60e2f: Don't escape spaces as it brakes mappings and they are escaped later in GeneralCommandLine (PY-12550).
2bd67bc: IDEA-90194 Ability to disable drag & drop in Project View
f772fb2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
817908d: fixed importing for the iron python
053b716: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
1d04dc7: fixed unittest folder tests
76f35f3: suppress doCancelAction
0d9b47d: IDEA-124260 Data Sources and Drivers: can't apply changes to schemas that are shown and used to resolve
f72e4f5: testdata for IDEA-124148
1c431a8: create meth reference from usage: substitute param types (IDEA-124322)
c160fc5: copy to temp/array for non-effectively final variables used in lambda expressions
265f0dc: lambda -> anonymous: static calls (IDEA-124187)
2200bba: method hierarchy: search functional expressions by current method only (IDEA-124320); navigation (IDEA-124319)
54ced00: highlight all pairs of methods with same erasures (IDEA-124116)
f3efd90: IDEA-120865 jre7 osx fullscreen: "space" is not freed when project is closed
6924cc4: IDEA-118062 Gradle Run Configuration: 'working directory' is set incorrectly
09333b1: External system: source package prefix support added; fix for out-of-process mode support
6de52dc: Gradle: update Tooling API version up to 1.12-rc-1, fix classpath for out-of-process mode
4ff20d5: InconsistentResourceBundle test fixed
90bb5ab: IDEA-124301 jdk9 builds cannot be used for project/module compilation
1236318: always go to file if nothing found
43f40bf: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b2d0942: Add default mapping to /vagrant only in case of absent mappings in Vagrantfile (PY-12700).
fc31680: IDEA-124290
773f103: Offer to launch Vagrant if it is down on getting ssh-config (PY-12672).
460ef41: DumbService.smartInvokeLater(...)
577579d: cleanup after extracting java postfix template provider
214f99b: IDEA-103836
a41e7d8: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
4076596: fixed memory leak
c5207b2: fixed PY-12543 Project Interpreters: too big or too small details popup
40d91f5: IDEA-63106 new inspections added to InconsistentResourceBundleInspection
4bc9f42: fixed PY-12690 Detected from creating virtualenv interpreter has invalid slashes
e6d8c98: extract right arrow
43b861b: don't use borders and insets in output html/rtf (IDEA-67767)
6c4dbea: use service instead of application component (IDEA-67767)
aa6fb9f: remove 'Strip common indent' setting from UI (IDEA-67767)
5651ab5: IDEA-123775 (String.equals("") inspection fixes code incorrectly)
c1d9f5f: fixed PY-12696 Create VirtualEnv: when adding first base interpreter it is not selected right away
482491a: Platform: Local History can survive for more than 30 days now (int overflow fixed)
a0125dc: Platform: always allow writing module files (IDEA-123899)
3a294e9: removed unused component methods
7cc124e: optimisation: avoid containingfile calculation
06f574a: readable toString()
60f2a36: perforce tests fixed
46fea0f: fewer create/delete operations
7269bce: drain file type detection queue in tests
d0c6ef5: cleanup
9df7136: Gradle: installer build fix
152c230: Platform: Local History can survive for more than 30 days now
f5e7215: do not rely on memory index storage isBufferedFlag to process physical file contents
ebe62cf: customize password field labels
97ade8d: ability to enable only visible components
3541938: introduce beforeOKAction()
13bf7e1: cleanup
4a12b1f: junit: workaround for old junit versions (IDEA-124201)
21003e0: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
c2067ff: PY-1194 Provide completion and navigation for url tag in django template PY-3591  Support {% url %} tag arguments completion
5f295fe: do not cancel offline inspections
2b8e2e8: add unchecked warning calls also for method references
57e886f: testdata: check that method ref on static interface method is accepted
8bad807: lambda: do not skip generic method when non-generic method exist in the same class
7d74b9d: NPE
0da9f91: testdata: ensure overload resolution prefer correct one from methods with boxed types
2c49817: NPE
d5107d6: testdata: ensure intersection type is not missed during inference
7898108: testdata: ensure lambda can't be inferred from type parameter
5b91054: testdata: ensure overload resolution by return type should not take place for interrupted control flow
9aa2f3a: testdata: ensure correct parameters number in functional interface method
1698f7b: testdata: ensure method ref qualified are checked over static problems
b49d8e75: testdata
f1f6fcf: functional interfaces: ignore methods with type parameters during abstract method choosing
a55db18: lambda: accept intersection type when exactly one conjunct is functional
4a34bd5: do not report unrelated return type error only for generics methods
76a9293: testdata
17b020f: new overload resolution: covariant comparison of return types
98ab76f: new overload resolution: most specific check on invalid class exceptions fixed
552dfe9: lambda: intersection type produces conjunction of abstract methods
bd9dbfc: testdata
9914757: warn about underscore identifier
72ae579: IDEA-109187  new HgReference validator implemented
d86307e: tip reference moved as a separated static constant to HgUtil
71cd276: Fix scrolling in module aware configurables [r=ushakov]
37ed33e: Missed commit for IDEA-79312
da52f84: IDEA-79312 text cursor gets lost - could bee disabled by focus.fix.lost.cursor key
a39b289: [git log] IDEA-122305 Fix structure filter.
339dd23: beforeShown() & preselect laf-default editor scheme 2
f9d8704: PY-1194 Provide completion and navigation for url tag in django template PY-3591  Support {% url %} tag arguments completion
17e8b30: ctrl+delete/ctrl+backspace enhancements IDEA-100906 Ruby-Editor: CTRL+BACKSPACE Could Not Delete A String
a95fd00: remove copyright messages
bf06d9d: read-action for getFilesForFastWordSearch
cdcd770: IDEA-123687 Velocity formatter inserts wrong linebreak
562443f: Fixed WI-17474 Custom Folding:  defaultstate="collapsed" does not seem to have any effect (the node itself is already a line comment)
d86998d: Cleanup warnings
4bbd22c: jb v8 debug protocol: evaluate
46eaf0b: NPE
4101b8c: cleanup
399e745: write action required
004dfc4: IDEA-124220 Auto-popup parameter info should work after smart completion which inserted a comma
0bd06e5: More on comparison that is always false due to being out of type range on implicit type conversion (IDEA-124210)
b6bccb7: AppCode: minimum OS X version specified in .app
ca8a657: add aliases for Lafs
e254ebf: Merge branch 'master' of
5c594f6: Gradle: update Tooling API version up to 1.12-rc-1
17fcca3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
5248eb0: IDEA-119996 FilePathImpl: avoid VFS refresh from getVirtualFile etc.
9c69111: [vcs] Reuse the VirtualFile instead of creating FilePathImpl on File
c08f50b: fixed EA-54835 - NPE: PythonNoseTestConfigurationProducer.isAvailable
d627711: fixed EA-55749 - AIOOBE: PyStructuredDocstringFormatter.formatDocstring
c9a1c11: apply laf once, fix stale bg, add beforeShown() & preselect laf-default editor scheme
3e576c2: fixed EA-55872 - NPE: PyProtectedMemberInspection$Visitor.checkReference
147c647: use ValueType enum instead of plain numbers
2e517c5: IDEA-112050 vcs: fix ByteBuffer to array conversion
97a6a21: possible race condition fixed
cb20ef5: Prevent horizontal scrollbar appearance if an error message is too long
cbb86d4: IDEA-124021 Cannot resolve method 'print(int)' with JSP custom tags: comment
362b4d7: IDEA-123986 New project wizard: remove highlighting from disabled templates
cc57b39: do not include runtime dependencies to compilation scope (ZD-25927)
7ac3c11: paste rich-text data: NPE fixed
89ca157: Extract Java live postfix templates provider
e5eb7aa: EA-31437 - assert: DocumentFoldingInfo.writeExternal
e2461d5: use JBImageIcon
e9eb171: initial
ed33f35: fix Keymap page on Mac/Darcula. see same in LafManager for more info.
99bc2e9: open some API
d9aed3f: process class names just once in completion
094f040: IDEA-122362 'getClass()' should be suggested in smart completion if Class<? extends SomeAncestorOfCurrentClass> is expected
1a34573: IDEA-120139 Autopopup doesn't popup sometimes after completion
e8c981a: create LookupUi and move there some ui-related code from LookupImpl; skip this code in tests
89d771e: @NotNull
8d25ba3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7fcce27: fix darcula lafinfo
bfef59e: Start plugins wizard #19 usability improvements
5cbd491: minor fix
58d2f15: fix bg
40fa260: don't create content entry for temp directory of temp project when opening single file
e31a4c1: Correctly handle custom folding "desc" attribute followed by "defaultstate"
448e9f8: don't report on incomplete code or comparisons that are already reported by "Constant conditions & exceptions"
6e68111: remove superfluous inspection
a2cc5ba: expand description
814378f: Gradle: gradle distribution pattern updated
e9485f0: use TransparentPanel
db66426: initial
a712571: suppress unused params inspection
640ddf3: make labels have constant height to avoid relayout and blinking
921f39e: don't fill bg if component is not opaque
a43d7f8: added new test for live postfix templates
50addd3: IDEA-123935 New Project wizard: no project/global libraries are created on new module adding via project structure
6021da6: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
36848a5: fixed test data
7a63d2b: Gradle: tooling extensions integration tests, avoid dependency for explicit distributions downloading in a separate run configuration (like this one
405332a: make richCopy functionality work properly on Linux (IDEA-67767)
3dca908: some 'finally' blocks
00a4968: reverted content-dependent flag
6064460: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
5f203cb: Fixed IDEA-124191 Code style preference : space within empty method call/declaration parentheses are not saved
0419dcc: EA-56035 - NCDFE: UnixProcessManager.<clinit>
0285ece: cleanup: use ordinary invokeLater and avoid unnecessary synchronization
0922a97: Vagrant error messaging fixed.
2676330: Save vagrant executable path to application settings (PY-12680).
947d8ab: missing test data
6154126: IDEA-124137 (Inspection: "equals() between objects of inconvertible types" should support java.util.Objects.equals() or
c9fd1bb: fix name
f3ec0f7: lookup arranger tweak [zolotov, shrago] relates to IDEA-121998 SQL code completion too aggressive
c324511: fix escaping, parse decimal literals #WEB-11938 fixed
a5bcae9: Github: fix error message
95d057d: Github: fix invalid condition
dda5341: Github: log invalid requests
d493d76: it is even better to store deltas for direct mapping values
a67ac0b: proper unpacking code
3ea5951: Properties AST factory moved to impl
c0550f7: save keys of particular snapshot before and out of index update optimistically load keys of particular snapshot before and out of index update
d6a5968: custom implementation for IdIndex inputs mapping: -20% for saving deltas
b52691e: saving / reading longs in compact variable byte format + using it for simplier code in PersistentHashMapValueStorage
0ae869e: cleanup
3222cd0: cleanup
e96aa7b: use Gray.TRANSPARENT
2861f10: use Gray.TRANSPARENT
c009821: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
caa86fc: what a nice NPE!
3c769ac: goto popup calculations should be cancellable even after Ctrl+Space (IDEA-123714 ?)
c6fcabf: IDEA-122250 New Package: qualified name is checked against ignored directories as a whole
3af306c: IDEA-55556 Inspection suggestion: Comparison that is always false due to being out of type range on implicit type conversion
996d0c6: IDEA-123782 "Complete current statement" doesn't put colon for case branches
7a2cc54: IDEA-122383 PageUp/PageDown don't work in ShowUsages popup (Ctrl-Alt-F7)
29fec22: IDEA-123948 Constant condition and exceptions: false positive on MappedByteBuffer.getInt
0fd86de: IDEA-122946 final modifier not inserted when completing a sequence of parameters from an inner method IDEA-123493 Smart completion makes completed variable final
019a68b: IDEA-123289 Infer nullability of 'for each' variable from type annotations of the collection parameter
c18c4ff: IDEA-120964 Make it more obvious that background compiler is disabled in power save mode
dc2f64a: use superclass for inner class variable name suggestion (IDEA-122109)
c47713f: prefer T if Class<? extends T> is expected (IDEA-121339)
c960901: OC-9559 IDEA-107592
64fc873: cleanup
c159a1a: Start plugins wizard #17
043fa14: extra assert
7eac40c: larger btree block size / load factor increased for better space utilization
a4598a1: enable snapshot mapping
e80c2b3: trigram index enabled in internal mode
527f139: delta encoding of file id set to decrease output size ~3x
a47785b: move to MnemonicHelper
5b12f32: cleanup
27ef5f4: bg progresses for presentation mode
656e311: add transparent color
ddce960: EA-55788 - assert: GitRepositoryImpl
dfc2ef7: external-system: project import fixed to use correct fileToImport
675d14e: OC-9559 IDEA-107592
e6d5ea6: IDEA-86665 hg annotate: ignore whitespace changes
6e551ba: test hg executor updated with ignoreNonZeroExitCode addition option
8798162d: cleanup
45f98c5: IDEA-124021 Cannot resolve method 'print(int)' with JSP custom tags
67f1d44: Better fix for IDEA-124096 open commit actions popup on ctrl+alt+P
8aab4ce: IDEA-123691 Minor project wizard edits: moving settings to the first page
9cb1c40: IDEA-122845 Try to fetch issues, if resource with information about user is not available in this version of Redmine
a2c9393: Add key to JiraRepository to enable old behavior where credentials were sent with every request via basic auth
ce17994: Add special type of exception to indicate request failure from response handlers and other callbacks. ResponseHandler has option to suppress exceptions, if requested resource was not found.
de0f3df: notnull, toString
10c30e2: IDEA-123886, dropped UTF guessing setting
bf14e11: remove obsolete cruft
7b15687: notnull
c82fb9d: mem leak
de48566: test
8a9b3d0: doc leak
d163e52: comment
1274dba: removed confusing createTempPath()
057c5f9: do not expand usage tree if there are too many nodes
e7f245f: debugging IDEA-120167 Phantom eternal Ant task on make
6bf1671: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
be70ee8: PY-2880: Django: provide completion for context_object_name value in django template * test added * fixture:complete() is reenterable now
1a99a14: Start plugins wizard #16 and it works
30f6e0e: fix false positive with smart tabs
76fcb91: use provided value description instead of just classname don't compute object presentation by custom configured properties if value description is not equals to class name
014c0e3: jb v8 debug protocol: load full string value
223f19a: typo
339e7d6: WEB-11834 IIS ACL Permissions when creating foundation/bootstrap projects from templates
b875e62: remove freemarker leftovers from html lexer #WEB-11907 fixed
b84c236: push language levels synchronously for non-refresh vfs events (IDEA-123876)
a32e2eb: code style
a593533: Github: mark invalid password as invalid
10d5070: [git] IDEA-124081 implement IDEA-98189 for clone
a9fa3a2: IDEA-124096 open commit actions popup on ctrl+alt+P
83bc60b: AppCode: Xcode keymap tunes for tool windows  +review CR-IC-5162
c976200: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
48d5f8c: Refactoring: getImportSourceQName() is used
d324bc0: GeneratedFolder icon
5d90886: Add "try-with-resources" live postfix template
cfec5b0: cleanup
e587000: Platform: bug-typo in DnDSupport
814a79a: Unify prefix calculation rules for live templates
f447531: IDEA-124005 Reading resources out of a source directory doesn't make it a resource directory

Change-Id: Ie2989b1157ae12b92c48d9556db64999ea68e83e
745 files changed
tree: 3caf947bbfceeb37eda9c4a1bee319fdd7678fe5
  1. .idea/
  2. bin/
  3. build/
  4. colorSchemes/
  5. community-resources/
  6. community-tests/
  7. images/
  8. java/
  9. jps/
  10. lib/
  11. license/
  12. native/
  13. platform/
  14. plugins/
  15. python/
  16. RegExpSupport/
  17. resources/
  18. resources-en/
  19. samples/
  20. spellchecker/
  21. tools/
  22. updater/
  23. xml/
  24. .gitattributes
  25. .gitignore
  26. build.txt
  27. build.xml
  28. community-main.iml
  29. LICENSE.txt
  30. NOTICE.txt
  32. test-log.xml

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

This is the official GitHub mirror of the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition and PyCharm Community Edition source code.


To develop IntelliJ IDEA, you can use either IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. To build and run the code:

  • Make sure you have the Groovy plugin enabled. Parts of IntelliJ IDEA are written in Groovy, and you will get compilation errors if you don't have the plugin enabled.
  • Make sure you have the UI Designer plugin enabled. Most of IntelliJ IDEA‘s UI is built using the UI Designer, and the version you build will not run correctly if you don’t have the plugin enabled.
  • Open the directory with the source code as a directory-based project
  • Configure a JSDK named “IDEA jdk”, pointing to an installation of JDK 1.6
  • On Windows or Linux, add lib\tools.jar from the JDK installation directory to the classpath of IDEA jdk
  • Use Build | Make Project to build the code
  • To run the code, use the provided shared run configuration “IDEA”.

To build the distribution archive of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, execute build.xml Ant build script in the root directory of the source code. The results of the build execution can be found at out/artifacts.


Pull requests are welcome. Please make sure that you follow the IntelliJ Coding Guidelines. Note that you'll need to submit a Contributor Agreement before we can accept your pull request.

See for more information.

Developer Documentation

You can find information on the internal architecture of IntelliJ IDEA and plugin development at the PluginDevelopment site.