blob: 45cefca5c65b6204d35032d958f77aefb862974e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package analysis
import (
// Value represents the data flow analysis representation of a variable or
// expression. Unlike the value of a variable or expression at runtime, the
// static analysis representation of a value usually represents a range of
// possible runtime values. As such many of the value implementations are backed
// by some sort of set.
// Values are immutable. All transformation methods on a value should return a
// new value.
// Values that have go-equality can be considered to have algerbraic equality,
// even if that Value represents a wide range of possible runtime values.
type Value interface {
// Print returns a textual representation of the value.
Print(results *Results) string
// Type returns the semantic type of the value.
Type() semantic.Type
// Equivalent returns true iff this and v are equivalent.
// Unlike Equals() which returns the possibility of two values being equal,
// Equivalent() returns true iff the set of possible values are exactly
// equal.
// Examples:
// [5] and [5] are equivalent.
// [1-5] and [1-5] are equivalent.
// [1-3] and [1] are not equivalent.
// [1] and [2] are not equivalent.
Equivalent(v Value) bool
// Equals returns the possibility of this value being equal to v.
// If this and v have go-equality then Equals() will return True.
// Examples:
// [5] and [5] returns True.
// [1-5] and [1-5] returns Maybe.
// [1-3] and [5-7] returns False.
// [1] and [2] returns False.
Equals(v Value) Possibility
// Valid returns true if there is any possibility of this value equaling
// any other.
Valid() bool
// Clone returns a copy of this value with a unique instance.
// The cloned value will not have go-equality with this and so will not be
// considered to have algerbraic equality.
Clone() Value
// Union (∪) returns the values that are found in this or v.
// Examples:
// [5] ∪ [5] -> [5]
// [1-3] ∪ [2-5] -> [1-5]
// [1-3] ∪ [4-6] -> [1-3] [4-6]
// [1] ∪ [3] -> [1] [3]
Union(v Value) Value
// Intersect (∩) returns the values that are found in both this and v.
// Examples:
// [5] ∩ [5] -> [5]
// [1-3] ∩ [2-5] -> [2-3]
// [1-3] ∩ [4-6] -> [-]
// [1] ∩ [3] -> [-]
Intersect(v Value) Value
// Difference (\) returns the values that are found in this but not found in v.
// Examples:
// [5] \ [5] -> [-]
// [1-3] \ [2-5] -> [1]
// [1-3] \ [4-6] -> [1-3]
// [1] \ [3] -> [1]
Difference(v Value) Value
// Relational is the interface implemented by values that can perform relational
// comparisons.
type Relational interface {
// GreaterThan returns the possibility of this value being greater than v.
// Examples:
// [5] > [5] -> False
// [1-3] > [2-5] -> Maybe
// [1-3] > [4-6] -> False
// [4-6] > [1-3] -> True
GreaterThan(v Value) Possibility
// GreaterEqual returns the possibility of this value being greater or equal
// to v.
// Examples:
// [5] >= [5] -> True
// [1-3] >= [2-5] -> Maybe
// [1-3] >= [4-6] -> False
// [4-6] >= [1-3] -> True
GreaterEqual(v Value) Possibility
// LessThan returns the possibility of this value being less than v.
// Examples:
// [5] < [5] -> False
// [1-3] < [2-5] -> Maybe
// [1-3] < [4-6] -> True
// [4-6] < [1-3] -> False
LessThan(v Value) Possibility
// LessEqual returns the possibility of this value being less than or equal
// to v.
// Examples:
// [5] <= [5] -> True
// [1-3] <= [2-5] -> Maybe
// [1-3] <= [4-6] -> True
// [4-6] <= [1-3] -> False
LessEqual(v Value) Possibility
// SetRelational is the interface implemented by values that produce new
// constrained values.
type SetRelational interface {
// SetGreaterThan returns a new value that represents the range of possible
// values in this value that are greater than the lowest in v.
// Examples:
// [1-9] and [5] -> [6-9]
// [1-9] and [2-5] -> [3-9]
// [1-3] and [4-6] -> [-]
// [4-6] and [1-3] -> [4-6]
SetGreaterThan(v Value) Value
// SetGreaterEqual returns a new value that represents the range of possible
// values in this value that are greater than or equal to the lowest in v.
// Examples:
// [1-9] and [5] -> [5-9]
// [1-9] and [2-5] -> [2-9]
// [1-3] and [4-6] -> [-]
// [4-6] and [1-3] -> [4-6]
SetGreaterEqual(v Value) Value
// SetLessThan returns a new value that represents the range of possible
// values in this value that are less than to the highest in v.
// Examples:
// [1-9] and [5] -> [1-4]
// [1-9] and [2-5] -> [1-4]
// [1-3] and [4-6] -> [1-3]
// [4-6] and [1-3] -> [-]
SetLessThan(v Value) Value
// SetLessEqual returns a new value that represents the range of possible
// values in this value that are less than or equal to the highest in v.
// Examples:
// [1-9] and [5] -> [1-5]
// [1-9] and [2-5] -> [1-5]
// [1-3] and [4-6] -> [1-3]
// [4-6] and [1-3] -> [-]
SetLessEqual(v Value) Value
// unionOf returns the union of all the values in the slice vals.
// nil values in the slice are ignored.
func unionOf(vals ...Value) Value {
var out Value
for _, v := range vals {
switch {
case v == nil:
// skip
case out == nil:
out = v
out = out.Union(v)
return out
// unknownOf returns the unbounded value for the given type.
func (s *scope) unknownOf(ty semantic.Type) (out Value) {
if ty == nil { // sanity check.
panic("unknownOf passed nil type")
if v, ok := s.shared.unknowns[ty]; ok {
return v.Clone() // Clone a pre-cached copy of this value type.
defer func() { s.shared.unknowns[ty] = out.Clone() }()
switch ty := ty.(type) {
case *semantic.Pseudonym:
return s.unknownOf(ty.To)
case *semantic.Class:
out := &ClassValue{Class: ty, Fields: map[string]Value{}}
for _, f := range ty.Fields {
out.Fields[f.Name()] = s.unknownOf(f.Type)
return out
case *semantic.Map:
return &MapValue{
Map: ty,
KeyToValue: map[Value]Value{},
ValueToKey: map[Value]Value{},
case *semantic.Enum:
// TODO: Replace enums with labels.
return s.unknownOf(semantic.Uint64Type)
case *semantic.Reference:
// Fake a semantic create node for this unknown reference.
create := &semantic.Create{}
s.instances[create] = s.unknownOf(ty.To)
return &ReferenceValue{
Ty: ty.To,
Unknown: s.unknownOf(ty.To),
Assignments: map[*semantic.Create]struct{}{
create: struct{}{},
case *semantic.Builtin:
switch ty {
case semantic.BoolType:
return &BoolValue{Maybe}
case semantic.Int8Type, semantic.Uint8Type:
return newUintRange(ty, 0, 0xff)
case semantic.Int16Type, semantic.Uint16Type:
return newUintRange(ty, 0, 0xffff)
case semantic.Int32Type, semantic.Uint32Type:
return newUintRange(ty, 0, 0xffffffff)
case semantic.Int64Type, semantic.Uint64Type, semantic.IntType:
// TODO: Fix interval package to allow for entire range!
return newUintRange(ty, 0, 0xfffffffffffffffe)
return &UntrackedValue{ty}
// defaultOf returns the default value for the given type.
func (s *scope) defaultOf(ty semantic.Type) (out Value) {
if ty == nil { // sanity check.
panic("valueOf passed nil type")
if v, ok := s.shared.defaults[ty]; ok {
return v.Clone() // Clone a pre-cached copy of this value type.
defer func() { s.shared.defaults[ty] = out.Clone() }()
switch ty := ty.(type) {
case *semantic.Pseudonym:
return s.defaultOf(ty.To)
case *semantic.Class:
out := &ClassValue{Class: ty, Fields: map[string]Value{}}
for _, f := range ty.Fields {
if f.Default != nil {
v, _ := s.valueOf(f.Default)
out.Fields[f.Name()] = v
} else {
out.Fields[f.Name()] = s.defaultOf(f.Type)
return out
case *semantic.Map:
return &MapValue{
Map: ty,
KeyToValue: map[Value]Value{},
ValueToKey: map[Value]Value{},
case *semantic.Enum:
return s.defaultOf(semantic.Uint64Type)
case *semantic.Reference:
return &ReferenceValue{
Ty: ty.To,
Unknown: s.unknownOf(ty.To),
Assignments: map[*semantic.Create]struct{}{},
case *semantic.Builtin:
switch ty {
case semantic.BoolType:
return &BoolValue{False}
case semantic.Int8Type:
return newInt8Value(0)
case semantic.Int16Type:
return newInt16Value(0)
case semantic.Int32Type:
return newInt32Value(0)
case semantic.Int64Type, semantic.IntType:
return newInt64Value(0)
case semantic.Uint8Type, semantic.Uint16Type, semantic.Uint32Type, semantic.Uint64Type:
return newUintValue(ty, 0)
return &UntrackedValue{ty}
type fieldHolder interface {
field(scope *scope, name string) Value
setField(scope *scope, name string, val Value) Value
// valueOf evaluates the expression n and returns a value and a function that
// can change the value within the scope s.
func (s *scope) valueOf(n semantic.Expression) (out Value, setter func(Value)) {
if n == nil { // sanity check.
panic("valueOf passed nil expression")
if l, ok := s.shared.literals[n]; ok {
return l, nil // use cached literal value
switch n := n.(type) {
case *semantic.Local:
return s.getLocal(n), func(v Value) { s.locals[n] = v }
case *semantic.Parameter:
return s.getParameter(n), func(v Value) { s.parameters[n] = v }
case *semantic.Global:
return s.getGlobal(n), func(v Value) { s.globals[n] = v }
case *semantic.Unknown:
return s.valueOf(n.Inferred)
case *semantic.Observed:
return s.valueOf(n.Parameter)
case semantic.BoolValue:
defer func() { s.shared.literals[n] = out }()
v := &BoolValue{False}
if n {
v.Possibility = True
return v, nil
case semantic.Null:
return s.defaultOf(n.Type), nil
case *semantic.Label:
return s.valueOf(n.Value)
case *semantic.EnumEntry:
return s.valueOf(semantic.Uint64Value(n.Value))
case *semantic.Cast:
v, _ := s.valueOf(n.Object)
to := semantic.Underlying(n.Type)
if from, ok := v.(*UintValue); ok && semantic.IsInteger(to) {
return &UintValue{Ty: to.(*semantic.Builtin), Ranges: from.Ranges}, nil
case semantic.Int8Value, semantic.Int16Value, semantic.Int32Value, semantic.Int64Value:
defer func() { s.shared.literals[n] = out }()
i := reflect.ValueOf(n).Int()
switch n.(type) {
case semantic.Int8Value:
return newInt8Value(int8(i)), nil
case semantic.Int16Value:
return newInt16Value(int16(i)), nil
case semantic.Int32Value:
return newInt32Value(int32(i)), nil
case semantic.Int64Value:
return newInt64Value(int64(i)), nil
case semantic.Uint8Value, semantic.Uint16Value, semantic.Uint32Value, semantic.Uint64Value:
defer func() { s.shared.literals[n] = out }()
ty := n.ExpressionType().(*semantic.Builtin)
i := reflect.ValueOf(n).Uint()
return newUintValue(ty, i), nil
case *semantic.Member:
obj, set := s.valueOf(n.Object)
m, ok := obj.(fieldHolder)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Attempted to index field on type %T", obj))
name := n.Field.Name()
v := m.field(s, name)
if set != nil {
return v, func(v Value) { set(m.setField(s, name, v)) }
return v, nil
case *semantic.ClassInitializer:
c := s.defaultOf(n.Class).(*ClassValue)
for _, f := range n.Fields {
v, _ := s.valueOf(f.Value)
c.Fields[f.Field.Name()] = v
return c, nil
case *semantic.Create:
s.instances[n], _ = s.valueOf(n.Initializer)
return &ReferenceValue{
Ty: n.Type.To,
Unknown: s.unknownOf(n.Type.To),
Assignments: map[*semantic.Create]struct{}{
n: struct{}{},
}, nil
case *semantic.MapIndex:
m, set := s.valueOf(n.Map)
k, _ := s.valueOf(n.Index)
return m.(*MapValue).Get(s, k), func(v Value) {
set(m.(*MapValue).Put(k, v))
case *semantic.MapContains:
m, _ := s.valueOf(n.Map)
k, _ := s.valueOf(n.Key)
return &BoolValue{m.(*MapValue).ContainsKey(k)}, nil
case *semantic.BinaryOp:
lhs, _ := s.valueOf(n.LHS)
rhs, _ := s.valueOf(n.RHS)
set := func(v Value) {
switch v.(*BoolValue).Possibility {
case True:
case False:
switch n.Operator {
case ast.OpEQ:
return &BoolValue{lhs.Equals(rhs)}, set
case ast.OpNE:
return &BoolValue{lhs.Equals(rhs).Not()}, set
case ast.OpLT:
if r, ok := lhs.(Relational); ok {
return &BoolValue{r.LessThan(rhs)}, set
case ast.OpGT:
if r, ok := lhs.(Relational); ok {
return &BoolValue{r.GreaterThan(rhs)}, set
case ast.OpLE:
if r, ok := lhs.(Relational); ok {
return &BoolValue{r.LessEqual(rhs)}, set
case ast.OpGE:
if r, ok := lhs.(Relational); ok {
return &BoolValue{r.GreaterEqual(rhs)}, set
case ast.OpAnd:
if r, ok := lhs.(*BoolValue); ok {
return r.And(rhs.(*BoolValue)), set
case ast.OpOr:
if r, ok := lhs.(*BoolValue); ok {
return r.Or(rhs.(*BoolValue)), set
case *semantic.UnaryOp:
expr, _ := s.valueOf(n.Expression)
switch n.Operator {
case ast.OpNot:
return expr.(*BoolValue).Not(), nil
case *semantic.Select:
// out is the union of all the reachable choice expressions.
var out Value
// Create a scope for evaluating the switch cases
ss, pop := s.push()
defer pop()
for _, choice := range n.Choices {
for _, cond := range choice.Conditions {
// For each choice and condition...
// Create an semantic expression that is true if the condition
// passes.
isTrue := equal(cond, n.Value)
v, _ := s.valueOf(isTrue)
possibility := v.(*BoolValue).Possibility
if !possibility.MaybeTrue() {
continue // Unreachable
// Create a new scope to evaluate this choice condition.
cs, pop := ss.push()
// The choice condition must have been true to enter this block.
// Evaluate the choice's expression and merge into the result.
val, _ := cs.valueOf(choice.Expression)
out = unionOf(out, val)
if cs.abort != nil {
// case resulted in an abort.
// Statements below the switch can consider this case false.
// Later conditions can't equal this condition
if possibility == True {
return out, nil // No later conditions can be reached.
if n.Default != nil {
// Default block can be reached.
// Create a new scope to evaluate the default block.
cs, pop := ss.push()
// Evaluate the default's expression and merge into the result.
val, _ := cs.valueOf(n.Default)
out = unionOf(out, val)
if cs.abort != nil {
// default resulted in an abort.
// Statements below the switch can consider one of the case
// conditions to be true.
if _, set := s.valueOf(n.Value); set != nil {
conditions := []Value{}
for _, choice := range n.Choices {
for _, cond := range choice.Conditions {
v, _ := s.valueOf(cond)
conditions = append(conditions, v)
if len(conditions) > 0 {
if out == nil {
// No choice or default was reachable
out = s.unknownOf(n.Type)
return out, nil
case *semantic.Call:
f := n.Target.Function
if f.Subroutine {
// Calling a subroutine.
// Evaluate the subroutine inline (without pushing a child scope).
params := make(map[*semantic.Parameter]Value, len(n.Arguments))
for i, v := range n.Arguments {
p := f.FullParameters[i]
// Evaluate the argument.
val, set := s.valueOf(v)
s.parameters[p] = val
params[p] = val
if set != nil {
// Once the function has returned, constrain the argument
// expressions to those that didn't result in an abort.
defer func() { set(s.parameters[p]) }()
s.callstack.enter(s.shared.mappings.CST(f.AST), f, params)
defer s.callstack.exit()
if ret := s.returnVal; ret != nil {
s.returnVal = nil
return ret, nil
if f.Extern {
// If we're passing a callable to an extern, it's likely to be used
// as a callback. Process this callable function as a public
// function.
for _, v := range n.Arguments {
if f, ok := v.(*semantic.Callable); ok {
// Was not handled above. Fallback to unknown value.
return s.unknownOf(n.ExpressionType()), nil