blob: 37e18e2c4903e5c1b4a6d85200b00df744ff718a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package interval
import "sort"
// intersection holds the full set of calculated information when testing for
// list intersections
type intersection struct {
overlap int // the count of intervals that overlap the span
lowIndex int // the index of the low interval
low U64Span // the span at the low index
intersectsLow bool // whether the low span intersected, or was just before
highIndex int // the index of the high interval
high U64Span // the span at the high index
intersectsHigh bool // whether the high span intersected, or was just after
// findSpanFor searches a list for the span that encompasses a value, returning
// the index if found, or -1 otherwise
func findSpanFor(l List, value uint64) int {
index := sort.Search(l.Length(), func(at int) bool {
return value < l.GetSpan(at).Start
if index >= 0 {
if value < l.GetSpan(index).End {
return index
return -1
// search the list for the first interval that matches the predicate.
// If no interval matches, it will return the list length.
func search(l List, t Predicate) int {
i := 0
j := l.Length()
for i < j {
h := i + (j-i)/2
if !t(l.GetSpan(h)) {
i = h + 1
} else {
j = h
return i
// intersect a span with a list, calculating the intersection span and interval range
func (s *intersection) intersect(l List, span U64Span, expand bool) {
var beforeLen, afterIndex int
if expand {
beforeLen = search(l, func(test U64Span) bool {
return span.Start <= test.End
afterIndex = search(l, func(test U64Span) bool {
return span.End < test.Start
} else {
beforeLen = search(l, func(test U64Span) bool {
return span.Start < test.End
afterIndex = search(l, func(test U64Span) bool {
return span.End <= test.Start
if afterIndex < beforeLen {
afterIndex, beforeLen = beforeLen, afterIndex
s.lowIndex = beforeLen
s.highIndex = afterIndex - 1
s.overlap = afterIndex - beforeLen
s.intersectsLow = false
s.intersectsHigh = false
if s.overlap > 0 {
s.low = l.GetSpan(s.lowIndex)
s.intersectsLow = s.low.Start < span.Start
s.high = l.GetSpan(s.highIndex)
s.intersectsHigh = span.End < s.high.End
// merges a new span into a list, returning the index of the span
func merge(l List, span U64Span, joinAdj bool) int {
s := intersection{}
s.intersect(l, span, joinAdj)
adjust(l, s.lowIndex, 1-s.overlap)
if s.intersectsLow {
span.Start = s.low.Start
if s.intersectsHigh {
span.End = s.high.End
l.SetSpan(s.lowIndex, span)
return s.lowIndex
// cut slices a hole matching the specified span from a list.
// If add is true, it puts a new span in that space
// It is used to implement both Remove and Replace
func cut(l List, span U64Span, add bool) (int, U64Span) {
s := intersection{}
s.intersect(l, span, false)
if s.overlap == 0 {
if add {
adjust(l, s.lowIndex, 1)
return s.lowIndex, span
insertLen := 0
insertPoint := s.lowIndex
if s.intersectsLow {
s.low.End = span.Start
if add {
if s.intersectsHigh {
s.high.Start = span.End
delta := insertLen - s.overlap
adjust(l, insertPoint, delta)
if s.intersectsLow {
l.SetSpan(s.lowIndex, s.low)
if s.intersectsHigh {
l.SetSpan(s.lowIndex+insertLen-1, s.high)
return insertPoint, span
// adjust implements list size adjustment logic, given a delta in size, and an
// index to adjust at
func adjust(l List, at, delta int) {
if delta == 0 {
oldLen := l.Length()
newLen := oldLen + delta
if delta > 0 {
copyStart := at - delta
copyTo := at
if copyStart < 0 {
copyTo -= copyStart
copyStart = 0
l.Copy(copyTo, copyStart, newLen-copyTo)
if delta < 0 {