Keep track of api filename for the purpose of error reporting.

Change-Id: Icccfa73b4f01d4d0f418a62d1bbb5f8ed12fe0b8
19 files changed
tree: d5e7ef9b80939dd7c5018e89cbc8df3cdc38e1c6
  1. _experimental/
  2. adb/
  3. api/
  4. atexit/
  5. atom/
  6. binary/
  7. build/
  8. builder/
  9. cc/
  10. check/
  11. config/
  12. database/
  13. device/
  14. gapii/
  15. gfxapi/
  16. image/
  17. integration/
  18. interval/
  19. log/
  20. maker/
  21. memory/
  22. multiplexer/
  23. parse/
  24. process/
  25. reflow/
  26. replay/
  27. ringbuffer/
  28. rpc/
  29. server/
  30. service/
  31. task/
  32. tools/
  33. .atom-build.json
  34. make.go

Android gpu tools

The project holds the code for the android gpu inspection, debugging and profiling tools.

You can view the full documentation on here.

Interesting points to start from are: