Add generated GLES api code.

The code is generated using combination of Khronos xml registry file,
parsed online manual pages, hand-written tables, and the old api file.
A lot of the complexity is related to trying to obtain the set
of acceptable enum values for function parameters.

GLES 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1 are suppored.  GLES 1.0 is not.

Change-Id: I1131e4b40136431efefdeaddb71b85910ffa4b57
24 files changed
tree: 031a973717c5cd45373126d65981e90d2728dd14
  1. _experimental/
  2. adb/
  3. api/
  4. atexit/
  5. atom/
  6. binary/
  7. build/
  8. builder/
  9. cc/
  10. check/
  11. config/
  12. database/
  13. device/
  14. gapii/
  15. gfxapi/
  16. image/
  17. integration/
  18. interval/
  19. log/
  20. maker/
  21. memory/
  22. multiplexer/
  23. parse/
  24. process/
  25. reflow/
  26. replay/
  27. ringbuffer/
  28. rpc/
  29. server/
  30. service/
  31. task/
  32. tools/
  33. .atom-build.json
  34. make.go

Android gpu tools

The project holds the code for the android gpu inspection, debugging and profiling tools.

You can view the full documentation on here.

Interesting points to start from are: