blob: 22e9735fd4e8ed1d15f267f23c2e8ede3831a0be [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.intellij.psi.PsiArrayInitializerMemberValue
import com.intellij.psi.impl.compiled.ClsAnnotationImpl
import org.jetbrains.uast.UAnnotation
import org.jetbrains.uast.UCallExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.util.isArrayInitializer
import java.util.Arrays
internal sealed class AnnotationValuesExtractor {
companion object {
internal fun getAnnotationValuesExtractor(annotation: UAnnotation?): AnnotationValuesExtractor =
if (annotation?.javaPsi is ClsAnnotationImpl) Compiled else Source
internal abstract fun getAnnotationConstantObject(annotation: UAnnotation?, name: String): Any?
internal fun getAnnotationBooleanValue(annotation: UAnnotation?, name: String): Boolean? =
getAnnotationConstantObject(annotation, name) as? Boolean
internal fun getAnnotationLongValue(annotation: UAnnotation?, name: String): Long? =
(getAnnotationConstantObject(annotation, name) as? Number)?.toLong()
internal fun getAnnotationDoubleValue(annotation: UAnnotation?, name: String): Double? =
(getAnnotationConstantObject(annotation, name) as? Number)?.toDouble()
internal fun getAnnotationStringValue(annotation: UAnnotation?, name: String): String? =
getAnnotationConstantObject(annotation, name) as? String
internal abstract fun getAnnotationStringValues(annotation: UAnnotation?, name: String): Array<String>?
private object Source : AnnotationValuesExtractor() {
override fun getAnnotationConstantObject(annotation: UAnnotation?, name: String): Any? =
annotation?.findDeclaredAttributeValue(name)?.let { ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(null, it) }
override fun getAnnotationStringValues(annotation: UAnnotation?, name: String): Array<String>? {
val attributeValue = annotation?.findDeclaredAttributeValue(name) ?: return null
if (attributeValue.isArrayInitializer()) {
val initializers = (attributeValue as UCallExpression).valueArguments
val constantEvaluator = ConstantEvaluator()
val result =
.map { e -> constantEvaluator.evaluate(e) }
.filter { e -> e is String }
.map { e -> e as String }
.toArray<String> { size -> arrayOfNulls(size) }
return result.takeIf { result.isNotEmpty() }?.let { it }
} else {
// Use constant evaluator since we want to resolve field references as well
return when (val o = ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(null, attributeValue)) {
is String -> { arrayOf(o) }
is Array<*> -> {
.filter { e -> e is String }
.map { e -> e as String }
.toArray<String> { size -> arrayOfNulls(size) }
else -> { null }
private object Compiled : AnnotationValuesExtractor() {
private fun getClsAnnotation(annotation: UAnnotation?): ClsAnnotationImpl? =
(annotation?.javaPsi) as? ClsAnnotationImpl
override fun getAnnotationConstantObject(annotation: UAnnotation?, name: String): Any? =
getClsAnnotation(annotation)?.findDeclaredAttributeValue(name)?.let { ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(null, it) }
override fun getAnnotationStringValues(annotation: UAnnotation?, name: String): Array<String>? {
val clsAnnotation = getClsAnnotation(annotation) ?: return null
val attribute = clsAnnotation.findDeclaredAttributeValue(name) ?: return null
if (attribute is PsiArrayInitializerMemberValue) {
val initializers = attribute.initializers
val constantEvaluator = ConstantEvaluator()
val result =
.map { e -> constantEvaluator.evaluate(e) }
.filter { e -> e is String }
.map { e -> e as String }
.toArray<String> { size -> arrayOfNulls(size) }
return result.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.let { it }
} else {
// Use constant evaluator since we want to resolve field references as well
return when (val o = ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(null, attribute)) {
is String -> { arrayOf(o) }
is Array<*> -> {
.filter { e -> e is String }
.map { e -> e as String }
.toArray<String> { size -> arrayOfNulls(size) }
else -> { null }