blob: 054d44561128f9c3bffc9a6bc4b4372dc60797d0 [file] [log] [blame]
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'kotlin'
apply plugin: 'jacoco-tools-base'
repositories {
maven { url = uri(rootProject.cloneArtifacts.repository) }
dependencies {
testCompile project(':base:build-system:integration-test:framework')
testCompile project(':analytics-library:protos')
testCompile project(':apksig')
testCompile project(':base:builder')
testCompile project(':base:builder-model')
testCompile project(':base:gradle')
testCompile project(':base:instant-run:instant-run-client')
testCompile project(':base:sdk-common')
testCompile project(':base:testing-infrastructure:device-pool:device-provider')
testCompile project(':base:testutils')
testCompile project(':base:java-lib-model')
testCompile libs.kotlin_stdlib
testCompile libs.kotlin_test
testCompile gradleApi()
testCompile libs.apache_commons_io
testCompile libs.apache_commons_lang
testCompile libs.google_api_client
testCompile libs.google_storage_client
testCompile libs.groovy
testCompile libs.junit
testCompile libs.protobuf
testCompile libs.protobuf_util
testCompile libs.truth
testCompile libs.mockito_core
// Add dependency on plugin code. Exclude transitive dependencies to avoid conflict due to
// Groovy versions.
testCompile(project(':base:gradle-core')) {
transitive = false
testCompile(project(':base:gradle')) {
transitive = false
configurations {
// google-api-client depends on guava-jdk5.
testCompile.exclude group: '', module: 'guava-jdk5'
def testEnvironment =
* We keep the following properties:
* - starting with CUSTOM_ e.g. CUSTOM_ANDROID_HOME
* - DEBUG_INNER_TEST: to allow us to debug tests
* - starting with LC_ or LANG_, so the locale is set up correctly
* - BUILDBOT_: to get BuildBot specific information e.g. buildId used for performance tests
System.getenv().findAll { entry ->
String key = entry.key
key.startsWith("CUSTOM_") ||
key.startsWith("ACTD_") || // environment variables for uploading to Dana
key.startsWith("PERF_") || // environment variables for controlling perf tests
key == "DEBUG_INNER_TEST" ||
// For NDK tests on Windows. See
key == "OS" ||
key == "ProgramW6432" ||
key == "ProgramFiles(x86)" ||
key == "TMP" ||
key == "TEMP" ||
// For AccentCharacterAndProguardTest
key.startsWith("LC_") ||
key.startsWith("LANG") ||
key.startsWith("BUILDBOT_") ||
// For local benchmarking
testEnvironment << [
System.env.TEST_TMPDIR != null
? new File(System.env.TEST_TMPDIR)
: project.buildDir, // Use the same environment variable as Bazel for now.
CUSTOM_REPO: new File(rootProject.ext.androidHostOut, "repo").toString()
+ File.pathSeparator
+ rootProject.file("../prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/").toString(),
// These tasks will not depend on publishLocal, so they will run integration
// tests against whatever version of the plugin is in ../../../out/repo. This
// allows us to run integration tests with different versions of Java, without
// rebuilding the plugin.
task testPrebuilts(type: Test)
task connectedIntegrationTestPrebuilts(type: Test)
task connectedIntegrationTestPrebuiltsQuarantine(type: Test)
File tempFile = new File(project.buildDir, 'tmp')
configure([test, testPrebuilts]) {
description =
"Runs the project integration tests. This requires an SDK either from the Android " +
"source tree, under out/..., or an env var ANDROID_HOME."
systemProperties['jar.path'] = jar.archivePath
systemProperties[''] = tempFile.absolutePath
environment = testEnvironment
// Always run the task, when requested.
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
maxParallelForks = Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors() / 4
useJUnit {
if (['test.includeCategories'] != null) {
def categories =['test.includeCategories'].split(',')
String defaultPackage = ""
categories = categories.collect { it.charAt(0).isUpperCase() ? defaultPackage + it : it }
includeCategories categories as String[]
excludeCategories ""
excludeCategories ""
excludeCategories ""
exclude "com/android/build/gradle/integration/performance/**"
exclude "com/android/build/gradle/integration/automatic/**"
exclude "**/BazelIntegrationTestsSuite*"
task automaticTest(type: Test) {
include "com/android/build/gradle/integration/automatic/**"
// Always run the task, when requested.
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
environment = testEnvironment
task onlineTest(type: Test) {
// Always run the task, when requested.
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
environment = testEnvironment
useJUnit {
includeCategories ""
check.dependsOn automaticTest
task connectedIntegrationTest(type: Test)
task connectedIntegrationTestQuarantine(type: Test)
def allConnectedTestTasks = [
configure(allConnectedTestTasks) {
testClassesDirs = sourceSets.test.output.classesDirs
classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
description =
"Runs the project integration tests with device tests. This requires an SDK either " +
"from the Android source tree, under out/..., or an env var ANDROID_HOME " +
"and a device."
group = "verification"
systemProperties['jar.path'] = jar.archivePath
systemProperties[''] = tempFile.absolutePath
environment testEnvironment
// Always run the task, when requested.
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
def count = Math.ceil(Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors() / 4)
if (count > 8) {
count = 8
maxParallelForks = count
exclude "com/android/build/gradle/integration/performance/**"
exclude "com/android/build/gradle/integration/automatic/**"
configure([connectedIntegrationTest, connectedIntegrationTestPrebuilts]) {
useJUnit {
includeCategories ""
excludeCategories ""
configure([connectedIntegrationTestQuarantine, connectedIntegrationTestPrebuiltsQuarantine]) {
useJUnit {
includeCategories ""
task performanceTest(type: Test) {
include "com/android/build/gradle/integration/performance/**"
testClassesDirs = sourceSets.test.output.classesDirs
classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
description =
"Runs the project performance tests. This requires an SDK either " +
"from the Android source tree, under out/..., or an env var ANDROID_HOME."
group = "verification"
systemProperties['jar.path'] = jar.archivePath
environment = testEnvironment
reports {
junitXml.destination project.file("${project.buildDir}/perf-results")
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
configure([test, testPrebuilts, onlineTest, connectedIntegrationTest,
connectedIntegrationTestPrebuilts, performanceTest]) {
testLogging {
displayGranularity = 2 // Show test class and method.
exceptionFormat = 'full'
showCauses = true
task buildTestDependencies {
dependsOn ':base:instant-run:instant-run-server:jar'
DevicePool devicePool = new DevicePool();
task('startDevicePool').doLast {
// This port number needs to be kept in sync with DevicePoolClient.
task('stopDevicePool').doLast {
startDevicePool.finalizedBy stopDevicePool
allConnectedTestTasks.forEach({task -> stopDevicePool.mustRunAfter(task)})
automaticTest.dependsOn ':publishLocal'
onlineTest.dependsOn ':publishLocal'
test.dependsOn buildTestDependencies, ':publishAndroidGradleLocal'
testPrebuilts.dependsOn buildTestDependencies
allConnectedTestTasks.forEach({task -> task.dependsOn buildTestDependencies, startDevicePool})
connectedIntegrationTest.dependsOn ':publishLocal'
connectedIntegrationTestQuarantine.dependsOn ':publishLocal'
performanceTest.dependsOn ':publishLocal'
if (tasks.findByName("jacocoTestReport") != null) {
jacocoTestReport {
sourceSets project(':base:gradle').sourceSets.main
sourceSets project(':base:gradle-core').sourceSets.main
sourceSets project(':base:builder').sourceSets.main
sourceSets project(':base:builder-model').sourceSets.main
sourceSets project(':base:builder-test-api').sourceSets.main
// Due to memory constraints, apply jacoco only when jacocoTestReport is invoked. Make sure to
// rerun tests when generating report jacoco.
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { TaskExecutionGraph taskGraph ->
if (taskGraph.hasTask(jacocoTestReport)) {
test.environment("ATTACH_JACOCO_AGENT", "yes")