blob: 29a30a7ff9eb18c8e995215fe42aa44c9d9d51c9 [file] [log] [blame]
load("//tools/base/bazel:coverage.bzl", "coverage_java_test")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "rbe_debian8",
constraint_values = [
remote_execution_properties = """
properties: {
name: "container-image"
# This test is run explicitly on the foundry bot as will not pass on
# a standard linux machine, because validates a very custom /dev/random condition.
name = "test",
srcs = [""],
data = [
jvm_flags = [""],
tags = [
test_class = "FoundryTest",
deps = [
# CPU, disk and memory benchmark baseline tests to measure go/adt-perfgate
# foundry remote build execution pool.
name = "perfgate-baseline-tests",
srcs = [""],
# The memory test stresses memory usage, thus the jvm memory arg.
jvm_flags = [
tags = ["no_rbe_windows"], # Too much memory needed for rbe win.
test_class = "FoundryPerfgateMetrics",
deps = [