tree: 342499c4b2c86d844f93c077e8e9ea585a3cd261 [path history] [tgz]
  1. agent/
  2. src/
  3. android.sdktools.tracer.iml
  4. BUILD
  5. deploy.profile
  6. gradle.profile
  7. jarjar_rules.txt
  8. lint_baseline.xml


This package contains a lightweight utility to add trace points to java applications.

How to add trace points

There are several ways to add trace points to an application

Direct API usage

For ultimate control of where the events are created:

public void foo() {
    Trace.begin("Start expensive foo");

Notice that every started event must be explicitly ended.


However, in order to make sure an event is properly closed if exceptions are thrown, it might be more convinent to use:

public void foo() {
    try (Trace ignored = Trace.begin("Start expensive foo")) {


If the method name is enough as the event tag, an even easier way is to use annotations:


public void foo() {

A trace profile

The last way of instrumenting is by building a profile file:

Output: /tmp/report.json
Trace: com.package.Clazz::method
Trace: com.package.Clazz
Trace: com.package.*
Flush: com.package.Clazz::end

For those cases where the code is not available or recompiling is not an options it is possible to set up a file describing what methods want to be traced.

  • Start before tracing this method, the output file will be cleared.
  • Output The output .json report file, or /tmp/report.json if unspecified.
  • Trace allows specifying which class, method or package will be instrumented.
  • Annotation if a method is annotated with this it will be traced, by default only is traced.
  • Flush at the end of which method will a synchronous flush be performed.
  • Trace-Agent if set to true a special event is traced from the agent's premain to the VM shutdown.

How to build the tracing agent

Use bazel to build the tracing agent:

bazel build //tools/base/tracer:trace_agent

Now the agent is located at:


How to enable tracing

Tracing is performed when the tracing agent is attached at startup to an application. To attach to studio simply add to the run configuration the following:


If you want to pass a profile file then:


Note that there is special code to automatically forward the tracing agent down to the gradle daemons.

In a BUILD file, the following can be added to have a java_binary always tracing:

jvm_flags = ["-javaagent:$(location //tools/base/tracer:trace_agent)"],

How to use tracing in Gradle directly

In your gradle project directory, edit file and add:

org.gradle.jvmargs = "-javaagent:$SRC/bazel-bin/tools/base/tracer/trace_agent.jar"

Where $SRC is your studio-main full path.

In order to use a trace profile:

org.gradle.jvmargs = "-javaagent:$SRC/bazel-bin/tools/base/tracer/trace_agent.jar=/path/to/profile.json"

It might be necessary to stop gradle daemons to force a reload of your profile:

./gradlew --stop

The report

The report is saved by default to /tmp/report.json. To open navigate to chrome://tracing and load the file.