Material2 : Palette & Property Inspector

First, create a new empty project with “API 28” or “API P” as the min SDK level. Next, open “activity_main.xml” in design

Next, choosing any of the following M2 components from the palette, should offer to add the material library to the project (hit cancel every time):

  • TextInputLayout
  • ChipGroup
  • Chip
  • FloatingActionButton
  • AppBarLayout
  • BottomAppBar
  • NavigationView
  • BottomNavigationView
  • TabLayout
  • TabItem Next, make sure all the above components is on the palette and has an icon

Next, Add one of the above components to activity_main.xml Next, change the AppTheme to “Theme.MaterialComponents” in values/styles.xml

  • make sure the library was added and a sync was initiated (the user has to accept)
  • make sure there are properties in the inspector for each component

Next, drop a “Button” on activity_main.xml

  • make sure the button has extra properties including “cornerRadius”

Second test scenario

First, create a new empty project with “API 28” or “API P” as the min SDK level. Next, open “activity_main.xml” in design Next, In project structure dialog: Add a dependency on “”

Next, choosing any of the following components from the palette, should NOT offer to add the material library to the project:

  • TextInputLayout
  • FloatingActionButton
  • AppBarLayout
  • NavigationView
  • TabLayout
  • TabItem

None of the following components should be available on the palette:

  • ChipGroup
  • Chip
  • BottomAppBar
  • BottomNavigationView