Git clone project created with NPW

Simple test

  1. Create a new basic java project with an Empty Activity

  2. Make sure the project syncs and builds correctly

  3. Create a git repository (based on http://go/gob/users/user-repository#create-repo):

    1. gob-ctl create user/$USER/git-smoke-test-$(date +%F)
  4. Initialize git repository on project folder and make an initial commit with all the files:

    1. git init
    2. git add .
    3. git commit -m "First commit"
    4. git remote add origin sso://user/$USER/git-smoke-test-$(date +%F)
    5. git push origin master
  5. Clone the project from the repository into a new location using git cli

    1. git clone sso://user/$USER/git-smoke-test-$(date +%F)
  6. Open project from cloned location

    Expected results
    • Cloned project should be created correctly
    • Project can be synced and built correctly
  7. If successful, you can delete the created repository:

    1. gob-ctl delete user/$USER/git-smoke-test-$(date +%F)