Building webp jni library

The webp support requires a native library (libwebp_jni) and libwebp.jar. The native libraries are added to the tools/adt/idea/ project in adt-ui/lib/libwebp/[platform].

This describes how to build libwebp_jni for each of the platforms. The steps must be repeated for each platform - once for 32 bit and once for 64 bit architectures. Make sure to do a clean build when switching architectures: git clean -dfX.

libwebp.jar is copied directly from <libwebp>/swig/ to adt-ui/lib/


  1. Install Visual Studio 2015 with the following components:
    • Visual C++ (including all sub components)
    • Universal Windows App Development Tools
    • Git for Windows
  2. Open “Git Bash”, clone libwebp and checkout appropriate branch:
    git clone
  3. Open “Developer Command Prompt for VS2015”
  4. Make the webp_jni library as per the following commands:
    # For 64 bit arch (not needed for 32 bit arch)
    cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC"
    vcvarsall amd64
    cd \git\clone\location\libwebp
    # Make libwebp
    nmake /f CFG=release-static RTLIBCFG=static OBJDIR=output
    # Make jni binding now
    cd swig
    # For 32 bit
    cl /I..\src /I"%JDK%\include" ^
    /I"%JDK%\include\win32" ^
    libwebp_java_wrap.c /MT /LD /Fe:webp_jni.dll ^
    # For 64 bit
    cl /I..\src /I"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_55\include" ^
    /I"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_55\include\win32" ^
    libwebp_java_wrap.c /MT /LD /Fe:webp_jni64.dll ^
  5. Note that unlike mac and linux, windows library is named webp_jni and not libwebp_jni.


  1. Clone libwebp and checkout appropriate branch:
    git clone
  2. Edit makefile.unix:
    --- a/makefile.unix
    +++ b/makefile.unix
    @@ -14,10 +14,11 @@
     # These flags assume you have libpng, libjpeg, libtiff and libgif installed. If
     # not, either follow the install instructions below or just comment out the next
     # four lines.
    -DWEBP_LIBS= -lpng -lz
    -CWEBP_LIBS= $(DWEBP_LIBS) -ljpeg -ltiff
    -GIF_LIBS = -lgif
    +EXTRA_FLAGS= -fPIC -m32
    +#DWEBP_LIBS= -lpng -lz
    +#CWEBP_LIBS= $(DWEBP_LIBS) -ljpeg -ltiff
    +#GIF_LIBS = -lgif
     ifeq ($(strip $(shell uname)), Darwin)
       # Work around a problem linking tables marked as common symbols,
  3. The above diff is for building for 32 bit arch. To build for 64 bit arch, do not add -m32 to EXTRA_FLAGS.
  4. Make the libwebp_jni library as per the following commands
    cd /git/clone/location/libwebp
    make -f makefile.unix
    cd swig
    gcc -shared -fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing -O2 \
        -m32 \
        -I/path/to/your/jdk/include \
        -I/path/to/your/jdk/include/[platform] \
        -I../src \
        -L../src \
        libwebp_java_wrap.c \
        -lwebp \
        -o libwebp_jni.[ext]
  5. When building for 64 bit, use -o libwebp_jni64.[ext] instead and do not specify the -m32 option.
  6. The [ext] for linux is so and for mac is dylib.
  7. No need to build the 32 bit variant for mac.