Support Color picker for more Color declarations in Compose

Support open Color Picker for the constructions of class. After this CL only
Color(Float,Float,Float,Float,ColorSpaces) function is not supported.

Fixes: 176808581
Test: Covered and updated ComposeColorAnnotatorTest.kt
Change-Id: If0973984c94c9ab0a58be5fbc33a05a18038e489
2 files changed
tree: e25cbdbe3e809be97670141f27e67a05270ff71a
  1. .idea/
  2. adt-testutils/
  3. adt-ui/
  4. adt-ui-model/
  5. analytics/
  6. android/
  7. android-adb/
  8. android-common/
  9. android-kotlin/
  10. android-lang/
  11. android-lang-databinding/
  12. android-layout-inspector/
  13. android-npw/
  14. android-plugin/
  15. android-templates/
  16. android-test-framework/
  17. android-test-retention/
  18. android-transport/
  19. android-uitests/
  20. androidx-integration-tests/
  21. apkanalyzer/
  22. app-inspection/
  23. artwork/
  24. assistant/
  25. bleak/
  26. build-attribution/
  27. build-common/
  28. compose-designer/
  29. compose-ide-plugin/
  30. connection-assistant/
  31. dagger/
  32. databinding/
  33. debuggers/
  34. deploy/
  35. designer/
  36. designer-perf-tests/
  37. emulator/
  38. gradle-dsl/
  39. gradle-tooling/
  40. ide-perf-tests/
  41. inspectors-common/
  43. jps-plugin/
  44. kotlin-integration/
  45. layout-inspector/
  46. layout-ui/
  47. layoutlib/
  48. layoutlib-loader/
  49. lint/
  50. manual-tests/
  51. mlkit/
  52. native/
  53. native-symbolizer/
  54. nav/
  55. observable/
  56. observable-demo/
  57. observable-ui/
  58. old-agp-tests/
  59. profilers/
  60. profilers-android/
  61. profilers-atrace/
  62. profilers-ui/
  63. project-system/
  64. project-system-gradle/
  65. project-system-gradle-models/
  66. project-system-gradle-psd/
  67. project-system-gradle-repository-search/
  68. project-system-gradle-sync/
  69. resources-base/
  70. room/
  71. rt/
  72. sdk-updates/
  73. searchable-options/
  74. server-flags/
  75. smali/
  76. studio/
  77. studio-updater/
  78. swingp/
  79. sync-perf-tests/
  80. transport-database/
  81. uitest-framework/
  82. ultimate/
  83. updater-ui/
  84. utp/
  85. whats-new-assistant/
  86. wizard/
  87. wizard-model/
  88. .editorconfig
  89. .gitignore
  91. icon-robots.txt