blob: e108d34e6586790e61e1289780c492048314b0dc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.intellij.openapi.util.SystemInfo;
import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import static;
import static;
import static java.awt.RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION;
import static java.awt.RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR;
* A rendered image from layoutlib, which can be zoomed, can have decorations
* such as drop shadows or even device chrome, and so on.
public class RenderedImage {
/** Type of shadow to paint into the image, if any */
enum ShadowType {
/** Don't draw a drop shadow */
/** Draw a rectangular shadow. This is faster than {@link #ARBITRARY} */
/** Draw an arbitrarily shaped drop shadow */
@NotNull private final BufferedImage myImage;
@Nullable private BufferedImage myScaledImage;
@NotNull private Configuration myConfiguration;
@Nullable private Rectangle myImageBounds;
private final boolean myAlphaChannelImage;
private final ShadowType myShadowType;
private double myScale = 1;
private int myMaxWidth;
private int myMaxHeight;
private boolean myUseLargeShadows = true;
private boolean myDeviceFrameEnabled = true;
/** Whether current thumbnail actually has a device frame */
private boolean myThumbnailHasFrame;
public RenderedImage(@NotNull Configuration configuration,
@NotNull BufferedImage image,
boolean alphaChannelImage,
@NotNull ShadowType shadowType) {
myConfiguration = configuration;
myImage = image;
myAlphaChannelImage = alphaChannelImage;
myShadowType = shadowType;
public boolean hasAlphaChannel() {
return myAlphaChannelImage;
* Returns whether this image overlay should be painted with a drop shadow.
* This is usually the case, but not for transparent themes like the dialog
* theme (Theme.*Dialog), which already provides its own shadow.
* @return true if the image overlay should be shown with a drop shadow.
public boolean hasDropShadow() {
return myShadowType != ShadowType.NONE;
public double getScale() {
return myScale;
public void setScale(double scale) {
if (myMaxWidth > 0) {
// If we have a fixed size, ignore scale factor
assert myMaxHeight > 0;
double imageWidth = myImage.getWidth();
double imageHeight = myImage.getHeight();
scale = Math.min(1, Math.min(myMaxWidth / imageWidth, myMaxHeight / imageHeight));
if (myScale != scale) {
myScaledImage = null;
myScale = scale;
// Normalize the scale:
// Some operations are faster if the zoom is EXACTLY 1.0 rather than ALsMOST 1.0.
// (This is because there is a fast-path when image copying and the scale is 1.0;
// in that case it does not have to do any scaling).
// If you zoom out 10 times and then back in 10 times, small rounding errors mean
// that you end up with a scale=1.0000000000000004. In the cases, when you get close
// to 1.0, just make the zoom an exact 1.0.
if (Math.abs(myScale - 1.0) < 0.01) {
myScale = 1.0;
* Returns the bounds of the image itself, if it is surrounded by a device frame.
* Null otherwise.
* @return the image bounds, or null
public Rectangle getImageBounds() {
if (myImageBounds == null && myScaledImage == null) {
// Haven't painted and computed the image bounds yet, but need computation such that we can
if (myScale <= 1 && myDeviceFrameEnabled) {
DeviceArtPainter framePainter = DeviceArtPainter.getInstance();
Device device = myConfiguration.getDevice();
if (device != null) {
AndroidEditorSettings.GlobalState settings = AndroidEditorSettings.getInstance().getGlobalState();
if (settings.isShowDeviceFrames()) {
State deviceState = myConfiguration.getDeviceState();
if (deviceState != null) {
double scale = myScale;
ScreenOrientation orientation = deviceState.getOrientation();
double frameFactor = framePainter.getFrameMaxOverhead(device, orientation);
scale /= frameFactor;
myImageBounds = framePainter.computeBounds(myImage.getWidth(), myImage.getHeight(), device, orientation, scale);
myThumbnailHasFrame = true;
return myImageBounds;
* Zooms the view to fit.
* @param availableWidth the available view width
* @param availableHeight the available view height
* @param allowZoomIn if true, apply the scale such that it always fills the available space; if
* false, allow zoom out, but never zoom in more than 100% (the real size)
* @param horizontalMargin optional horizontal margin to reserve room for
* @param verticalMargin optional vertical margin to reserve room for
public void zoomToFit(int availableWidth, int availableHeight, boolean allowZoomIn, int horizontalMargin, int verticalMargin) {
int sceneWidth = myImage.getWidth();
int sceneHeight = myImage.getHeight();
int shadowSize = hasDropShadow() ? myUseLargeShadows ? SHADOW_SIZE : SMALL_SHADOW_SIZE : 0;
availableWidth -= shadowSize;
availableHeight -= shadowSize;
if (sceneWidth > 0 && sceneHeight > 0) {
// Reduce the margins if necessary
int hDelta = availableWidth - sceneWidth;
int xMargin = 0;
if (hDelta > 2 * horizontalMargin) {
xMargin = horizontalMargin;
} else if (hDelta > 0) {
xMargin = hDelta / 2;
int vDelta = availableHeight - sceneHeight;
int yMargin = 0;
if (vDelta > 2 * verticalMargin) {
yMargin = verticalMargin;
} else if (vDelta > 0) {
yMargin = vDelta / 2;
double hScale = (availableWidth - 2 * xMargin) / (double) sceneWidth;
double vScale = (availableHeight - 2 * yMargin) / (double) sceneHeight;
double scale = Math.min(hScale, vScale);
if (!allowZoomIn) {
scale = Math.min(1.0, scale);
private static final double ZOOM_FACTOR = 1.2;
public void zoomIn() {
setScale(myScale * ZOOM_FACTOR);
public void zoomOut() {
setScale(myScale / ZOOM_FACTOR);
public void zoomActual() {
if (SystemInfo.isMac && UIUtil.isRetina()) {
} else {
/** Returns the original full size rendered image */
public BufferedImage getOriginalImage() {
return myImage;
/** Returns the original width of the image itself, not scaled */
public int getOriginalWidth() {
return myImage.getWidth();
/** Returns the original height of the image itself, not scaled */
public int getOriginalHeight() {
return myImage.getHeight();
/** Returns the width of the image itself, when scaled */
public int getScaledWidth() {
return (int)(myScale * myImage.getWidth());
/** Returns the height of the image itself, when scaled */
public int getScaledHeight() {
return (int)(myScale * myImage.getHeight());
public Dimension getScaledSize() {
return new Dimension(getScaledWidth(), getScaledHeight());
/** Returns the required width to show the scaled image, including drop shadows if applicable */
public int getRequiredWidth() {
int width = (int)(myScale * myImage.getWidth());
if (myThumbnailHasFrame || myImageBounds == null && myScaledImage == null && myDeviceFrameEnabled &&
AndroidEditorSettings.getInstance().getGlobalState().isShowDeviceFrames()) {
DeviceArtPainter framePainter = DeviceArtPainter.getInstance();
Device device = myConfiguration.getDevice();
if (device != null) {
State deviceState = myConfiguration.getDeviceState();
if (deviceState != null) {
double frameFactor = framePainter.getFrameWidthOverhead(device, deviceState.getOrientation());
width *= frameFactor;
return width;
if (hasDropShadow()) {
width += myUseLargeShadows ? SHADOW_SIZE : SMALL_SHADOW_SIZE;
return width;
/** Returns the required height to show the scaled image, including drop shadows if applicable */
public int getRequiredHeight() {
int height = (int)(myScale * myImage.getHeight());
if (myThumbnailHasFrame || myImageBounds == null && myScaledImage == null && myDeviceFrameEnabled &&
AndroidEditorSettings.getInstance().getGlobalState().isShowDeviceFrames()) {
DeviceArtPainter framePainter = DeviceArtPainter.getInstance();
Device device = myConfiguration.getDevice();
if (device != null) {
State deviceState = myConfiguration.getDeviceState();
if (deviceState != null) {
double frameFactor = framePainter.getFrameHeightOverhead(device, deviceState.getOrientation());
height *= frameFactor;
return height;
if (hasDropShadow()) {
height += myUseLargeShadows ? SHADOW_SIZE : SMALL_SHADOW_SIZE;
return height;
/** Returns the required size to show the scaled image, including drop shadows if applicable */
public Dimension getRequiredSize() {
return new Dimension(getRequiredWidth(), getRequiredHeight());
public void paint(@NotNull Graphics g, int x, int y) {
if (UIUtil.isRetina() && paintRetina(g, x, y)) {
if (myScaledImage == null) {
// Special cases myScale=1 to be fast
myImageBounds = null;
myThumbnailHasFrame = false;
if (myScale <= 1 && myDeviceFrameEnabled) {
DeviceArtPainter framePainter = DeviceArtPainter.getInstance();
Device device = myConfiguration.getDevice();
if (device != null) {
AndroidEditorSettings.GlobalState settings = AndroidEditorSettings.getInstance().getGlobalState();
if (settings.isShowDeviceFrames()) {
boolean showEffects = settings.isShowEffects();
State deviceState = myConfiguration.getDeviceState();
if (deviceState != null) {
double scale = myScale;
ScreenOrientation orientation = deviceState.getOrientation();
double frameFactor = framePainter.getFrameMaxOverhead(device, orientation);
scale /= frameFactor;
myImageBounds = new Rectangle();
myScaledImage = framePainter.createFrame(myImage, device, orientation, showEffects, scale, myImageBounds);
myThumbnailHasFrame = true;
paint(g, x, y);
if (myScale == 1) {
// Scaling to 100% is easy!
myScaledImage = myImage;
// ...unless we need to clip:
Device device = myConfiguration.getDevice();
if (device != null && device.isScreenRound()) {
int imageType = myScaledImage.getType();
if (imageType == BufferedImage.TYPE_CUSTOM) {
imageType = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB;
@SuppressWarnings("UndesirableClassUsage") // layoutlib doesn't create retina images
BufferedImage clipped = new BufferedImage(myImage.getWidth(), myImage.getHeight(), imageType);
Graphics2D g2 = clipped.createGraphics();
//noinspection UseJBColor
g2.setColor(new Color(0, true));
g2.fillRect(0, 0, clipped.getWidth(), clipped.getHeight());
paintClipped(g2, myImage, device, 0, 0, true);
myScaledImage = clipped;
if (myShadowType == ShadowType.RECTANGULAR) {
// Just need to draw drop shadows
if (myUseLargeShadows) {
myScaledImage = ShadowPainter.createRectangularDropShadow(myScaledImage);
} else {
myScaledImage = ShadowPainter.createSmallRectangularDropShadow(myScaledImage);
} else if (myShadowType == ShadowType.ARBITRARY) {
int shadowSize = myUseLargeShadows ? SHADOW_SIZE : SMALL_SHADOW_SIZE;
myScaledImage = ShadowPainter.createDropShadow(myScaledImage, shadowSize);
//noinspection ConstantConditions
UIUtil.drawImage(g, myScaledImage, x, y, null);
} else if (myScale < 1) {
// When scaling down we need to do an expensive scaling to ensure that
// the thumbnails look good
if (myShadowType != ShadowType.NONE) {
int shadowSize = myUseLargeShadows ? SHADOW_SIZE : SMALL_SHADOW_SIZE;
if (myShadowType == ShadowType.ARBITRARY) {
int scaledWidth = (int)(myImage.getWidth() * myScale);
int scaledHeight = (int)(myImage.getHeight() * myScale);
Shape clip = getClip(myConfiguration.getDevice(), 0, 0, scaledWidth, scaledHeight);
myScaledImage = ImageUtils.scale(myImage, myScale, myScale, clip);
myScaledImage = ShadowPainter.createDropShadow(myScaledImage, shadowSize);
} else {
// Clip should not apply here
// Reserve room for the shadow; then paint directly into the target image
myScaledImage = ImageUtils.scale(myImage, myScale, myScale, shadowSize, shadowSize);
if (myUseLargeShadows) {
ShadowPainter.drawRectangleShadow(myScaledImage, 0, 0, myScaledImage.getWidth() - shadowSize,
myScaledImage.getHeight() - shadowSize);
} else {
ShadowPainter.drawSmallRectangleShadow(myScaledImage, 0, 0, myScaledImage.getWidth() - shadowSize,
myScaledImage.getHeight() - shadowSize);
} else {
// Clip should not apply here
myScaledImage = ImageUtils.scale(myImage, myScale, myScale);
//noinspection ConstantConditions
UIUtil.drawImage(g, myScaledImage, x, y, null);
} else {
// Do a direct scaled paint when scaling up; we don't want to create giant internal images
// for a zoomed in version of the canvas, since only a small portion is typically shown on the screen
// (without this, you can easily zoom in 10 times and hit an OOM exception)
double scale = myScale;
int w = myImage.getWidth();
int h = myImage.getHeight();
int scaledWidth = (int)(scale * w);
int scaledHeight = (int)(scale * h);
myThumbnailHasFrame = false;
Device device = myConfiguration.getDevice();
boolean round = device != null && device.isScreenRound();
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g.create();
try {
Shape prevClip = null;
if (round) {
prevClip = g.getClip();
int extra = 0;
g2.setClip(new Ellipse2D.Double(x - extra, y - extra, scaledWidth + 2 * extra, scaledHeight + 2 * extra));
g2.drawImage(myImage, x, y, x + scaledWidth, y + scaledHeight, 0, 0, w, h, null);
if (round) {
} finally {
myThumbnailHasFrame = false;
if (myDeviceFrameEnabled) {
DeviceArtPainter framePainter = DeviceArtPainter.getInstance();
if (device != null) {
AndroidEditorSettings.GlobalState settings = AndroidEditorSettings.getInstance().getGlobalState();
if (settings.isShowDeviceFrames()) {
State state = myConfiguration.getDeviceState();
if (state != null) {
// Scaling larger than 1
boolean showEffects = settings.isShowEffects();
framePainter.paintFrame(g, device, state.getOrientation(), showEffects, x + 1, y, scaledHeight);
myThumbnailHasFrame = true;
} // else: fall through and do usual drop shadow painting
if (hasDropShadow() && myShadowType == ShadowType.RECTANGULAR) {
// We don't draw arbitrary drop shadows in up-scale mode; hopefully the visual artifacts aren't too noticeable
ShadowPainter.drawRectangleShadow(g, x, y, scaledWidth, scaledHeight);
} else {
//noinspection ConstantConditions
UIUtil.drawImage(g, myScaledImage, x, y, null);
public boolean paintRetina(@NotNull Graphics g, int x, int y) {
if (!ImageUtils.supportsRetina()) {
return false;
AndroidEditorSettings.GlobalState settings = AndroidEditorSettings.getInstance().getGlobalState();
if (!settings.isRetina()) {
return false;
if (myScale > 1.01) {
// When scaling up significantly, use normal painting logic; no need to pixel double into a
// double res image buffer!
return false;
if (myScaledImage == null) {
myImageBounds = null;
myThumbnailHasFrame = false;
BufferedImage image = null;
ShadowType shadowType = myShadowType;
if (myScale <= 1 && myDeviceFrameEnabled) {
DeviceArtPainter framePainter = DeviceArtPainter.getInstance();
Device device = myConfiguration.getDevice();
if (device != null) {
if (settings.isShowDeviceFrames()) {
boolean showEffects = settings.isShowEffects();
State deviceState = myConfiguration.getDeviceState();
if (deviceState != null) {
double scale = myScale;
ScreenOrientation orientation = deviceState.getOrientation();
double frameFactor = framePainter.getFrameMaxOverhead(device, orientation);
scale /= frameFactor;
myImageBounds = new Rectangle();
image = framePainter.createFrame(myImage, device, orientation, showEffects, 2 * scale, myImageBounds);
myImageBounds.x /= 2;
myImageBounds.y /= 2;
myImageBounds.width /= 2;
myImageBounds.height /= 2;
myThumbnailHasFrame = true;
shadowType = ShadowType.NONE;
if (image == null) {
image = myImage;
Device device = myConfiguration.getDevice();
if (device != null && device.isScreenRound()) {
int imageType = image.getType();
if (imageType == BufferedImage.TYPE_CUSTOM) {
imageType = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB;
@SuppressWarnings("UndesirableClassUsage") // layoutlib doesn't create retina images
BufferedImage clipped = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), imageType);
Graphics2D g2 = clipped.createGraphics();
//noinspection UseJBColor
g2.setColor(new Color(0, true));
g2.fillRect(0, 0, clipped.getWidth(), clipped.getHeight());
paintClipped(g2, image, device, 0, 0, true);
image = clipped;
// No scaling if very close to 1.0
double retinaScale = 2 * myScale;
if (Math.abs(myScale - 1.0) > 0.01) {
image = ImageUtils.scale(image, retinaScale, retinaScale);
myScaledImage = ImageUtils.convertToRetina(image);
if (myScaledImage == null) {
return false;
if (shadowType == ShadowType.RECTANGULAR) {
// Just need to draw drop shadows
if (myUseLargeShadows) {
myScaledImage = ShadowPainter.createRectangularDropShadow(myScaledImage);
else {
myScaledImage = ShadowPainter.createSmallRectangularDropShadow(myScaledImage);
else if (shadowType == ShadowType.ARBITRARY) {
int shadowSize = myUseLargeShadows ? SHADOW_SIZE : SMALL_SHADOW_SIZE;
myScaledImage = ShadowPainter.createDropShadow(myScaledImage, shadowSize);
//noinspection ConstantConditions
UIUtil.drawImage(g, myScaledImage, x, y, null);
return true;
public void setMaxSize(int width, int height) {
myMaxWidth = width;
myMaxHeight = height;
public int getMaxWidth() {
return myMaxWidth;
public int getMaxHeight() {
return myMaxHeight;
public void setUseLargeShadows(boolean useLargeShadows) {
myUseLargeShadows = useLargeShadows;
public void setDeviceFrameEnabled(boolean deviceFrameEnabled) {
if (myDeviceFrameEnabled != deviceFrameEnabled) {
myDeviceFrameEnabled = deviceFrameEnabled;
myScaledImage = null;
/** Does the current image have a device frame around it? Returns true, false, or null if no image computed yet */
public Boolean isFramed() {
if (myScaledImage == null) {
return null;
return myThumbnailHasFrame;
public boolean getShowDropShadow() {
return myShadowType != ShadowType.NONE;
public void imageChanged() {
myScaledImage = null;
myImageBounds = null;
public static Shape getClip(@Nullable Device device, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
boolean round = device != null && device.isScreenRound();
if (round) {
int slop = 3; // to hide mask aliasing effects under device chrome by a pixel or two
return new Ellipse2D.Double(x - slop, y - slop, width + 2 * slop, height + 2 * slop);
return null;
/** Paints a rendered device image into the given graphics context */
public static void paintClipped(@NotNull Graphics2D g,
@NotNull BufferedImage image,
@Nullable Device device,
int x,
int y,
boolean withRetina) {
Shape prevClip = null;
Shape clip = getClip(device, x, y, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
if (clip != null) {
prevClip = g.getClip();
if (withRetina) {
//noinspection ConstantConditions
UIUtil.drawImage(g, image, x, y, null);
} else {
g.drawImage(image, x, y, null);
if (clip != null) {