blob: 4144a50825e8766a0fcbac73e2db084496b1dd53 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.FileType;
import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.FileTypeManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.StdFileTypes;
import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile;
import com.intellij.psi.*;
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil;
import com.intellij.psi.xml.*;
import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
import static*;
import static*;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
* Remaining work:
* <ul>
* <li>Find some way to have event updates in this resource folder directly update parent repositories
* (typically {@link ModuleResourceRepository}</li>
* <li>consider *initializing* this repository initially from IO files to not force full modelling of
* XML objects for all these tiny files (translations etc) ? Or find some way to persist the data in the index.</li>
* <li>Add defensive checks for non-read permission reads of resource values</li>
* <li>Idea: For {@link #rescan}; compare the removed items from the added items, and if they're the same, avoid
* creating a new generation.</li>
* <li>Register the psi project listener as a project service instead</li>
* </ul>
public final class ResourceFolderRepository extends LocalResourceRepository {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(ResourceFolderRepository.class);
private final Module myModule;
private final AndroidFacet myFacet;
private final PsiListener myListener;
private final VirtualFile myResourceDir;
private final Map<ResourceType, ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem>> myItems = Maps.newEnumMap(ResourceType.class);
private final Map<PsiFile, PsiResourceFile> myResourceFiles = Maps.newHashMap();
// qualifiedName -> PsiResourceFile
private Map<String, DataBindingInfo> myDataBindingResourceFiles = Maps.newHashMap();
private long myDataBindingResourceFilesModificationCount = Long.MIN_VALUE;
private final Object SCAN_LOCK = new Object();
private Set<PsiFile> myPendingScans;
static int ourFullRescans;
private ResourceFolderRepository(@NotNull AndroidFacet facet, @NotNull VirtualFile resourceDir) {
myFacet = facet;
myModule = facet.getModule();
myListener = new PsiListener();
myResourceDir = resourceDir;
AndroidFacet getFacet() {
return myFacet;
VirtualFile getResourceDir() {
return myResourceDir;
/** NOTE: You should normally use {@link ResourceFolderRegistry#get} rather than this method. */
static ResourceFolderRepository create(@NotNull final AndroidFacet facet, @NotNull VirtualFile dir) {
return new ResourceFolderRepository(facet, dir);
private void scan() {
ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
PsiManager manager = PsiManager.getInstance(myFacet.getModule().getProject());
if (myResourceDir.isValid()) {
PsiDirectory directory = manager.findDirectory(myResourceDir);
if (directory != null) {
private PsiFile ensureValid(@NotNull PsiFile psiFile) {
if (psiFile.isValid()) {
return psiFile;
} else {
VirtualFile virtualFile = psiFile.getVirtualFile();
if (virtualFile != null && virtualFile.exists()) {
Project project = myModule.getProject();
if (!project.isDisposed()) {
return PsiManager.getInstance(project).findFile(virtualFile);
return null;
private void scanResFolder(@NotNull PsiDirectory res) {
for (PsiDirectory dir : res.getSubdirectories()) {
String name = dir.getName();
ResourceFolderType folderType = ResourceFolderType.getFolderType(name);
if (folderType != null) {
String qualifiers = getQualifiers(name);
FolderConfiguration folderConfiguration = FolderConfiguration.getConfigForFolder(name);
if (folderConfiguration == null) {
if (folderType == VALUES) {
scanValueResFolder(dir, qualifiers, folderConfiguration);
} else {
scanFileResourceFolder(dir, folderType, qualifiers, folderConfiguration);
private static String getQualifiers(String dirName) {
int index = dirName.indexOf('-');
return index != -1 ? dirName.substring(index + 1) : "";
private void scanFileResourceFolder(@NotNull PsiDirectory directory, ResourceFolderType folderType, String qualifiers,
FolderConfiguration folderConfiguration) {
List<ResourceType> resourceTypes = FolderTypeRelationship.getRelatedResourceTypes(folderType);
assert resourceTypes.size() >= 1 : folderType;
ResourceType type = resourceTypes.get(0);
boolean idGenerating = resourceTypes.size() > 1;
assert !idGenerating || resourceTypes.size() == 2 && resourceTypes.get(1) == ResourceType.ID;
ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> map = getMap(type, true);
for (PsiFile file : directory.getFiles()) {
FileType fileType = file.getFileType();
if (isRelevantFileType(fileType) || folderType == ResourceFolderType.RAW) {
scanFileResourceFile(qualifiers, folderType, folderConfiguration, type, idGenerating, map, file);
} // TODO: Else warn about files that aren't expected to be found here?
private void scanFileResourceFile(String qualifiers,
ResourceFolderType folderType,
FolderConfiguration folderConfiguration,
ResourceType type,
boolean idGenerating,
ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> map,
PsiFile file) {
// XML or Image
String name = ResourceHelper.getResourceName(file);
ResourceItem item = new PsiResourceItem(name, type, null, file);
if (idGenerating) {
List<ResourceItem> items = Lists.newArrayList();
map.put(name, item);
addIds(items, file);
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = new PsiResourceFile(file, items, qualifiers, folderType, folderConfiguration);
scanDataBinding(resourceFile, getModificationCount());
myResourceFiles.put(file, resourceFile);
} else {
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = new PsiResourceFile(file, item, qualifiers, folderType, folderConfiguration);
myResourceFiles.put(file, resourceFile);
map.put(name, item);
public DataBindingInfo getDataBindingInfoForLayout(String layoutName) {
List<ResourceItem> resourceItems = getResourceItem(ResourceType.LAYOUT, layoutName);
if (resourceItems == null) {
return null;
for (ResourceItem item : resourceItems) {
final ResourceFile source = item.getSource();
if (source instanceof PsiResourceFile && ((PsiResourceFile) source).getDataBindingInfo() != null) {
return ((PsiResourceFile) source).getDataBindingInfo();
return null;
public Map<String, DataBindingInfo> getDataBindingResourceFiles() {
long modificationCount = getModificationCount();
if (myDataBindingResourceFilesModificationCount == modificationCount) {
return myDataBindingResourceFiles;
Map<String, DataBindingInfo> selected = Maps.newHashMap();
for (PsiResourceFile file : myResourceFiles.values()) {
DataBindingInfo info = file.getDataBindingInfo();
if (info != null) {
selected.put(info.getQualifiedName(), info);
myDataBindingResourceFiles = Collections.unmodifiableMap(selected);
myDataBindingResourceFilesModificationCount = modificationCount;
return myDataBindingResourceFiles;
private static XmlTag getLayoutTag(PsiElement element) {
if (!(element instanceof XmlFile)) {
return null;
final XmlTag rootTag = ((XmlFile) element).getRootTag();
if (rootTag != null && TAG_LAYOUT.equals(rootTag.getName())) {
return rootTag;
return null;
private static XmlTag getDataTag(XmlTag layoutTag) {
return layoutTag.findFirstSubTag(TAG_DATA);
private static void scanDataBindingDataTag(PsiResourceFile resourceFile, @Nullable XmlTag dataTag, long modificationCount) {
DataBindingInfo info = resourceFile.getDataBindingInfo();
assert info != null;
List<PsiDataBindingResourceItem> items = Lists.newArrayList();
if (dataTag == null) {
info.replaceItems(items, modificationCount);
Set<String> usedNames = Sets.newHashSet();
for (XmlTag tag : dataTag.findSubTags(TAG_VARIABLE)) {
String nameValue = tag.getAttributeValue(ATTR_NAME);
if (nameValue == null) {
String name = StringUtil.unescapeXml(nameValue);
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(name)) {
if (usedNames.add(name)) {
PsiDataBindingResourceItem item = new PsiDataBindingResourceItem(name, DataBindingResourceType.VARIABLE, tag);
Set<String> usedAliases = Sets.newHashSet();
for (XmlTag tag : dataTag.findSubTags(TAG_IMPORT)) {
String nameValue = tag.getAttributeValue(ATTR_TYPE);
if (nameValue == null) {
String name = StringUtil.unescapeXml(nameValue);
String aliasValue = tag.getAttributeValue(ATTR_ALIAS);
String alias = null;
if (aliasValue != null) {
alias = StringUtil.unescapeXml(aliasValue);
if (alias == null) {
int lastIndexOfDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastIndexOfDot >= 0) {
alias = name.substring(lastIndexOfDot + 1);
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(alias)) {
if (usedAliases.add(name)) {
PsiDataBindingResourceItem item = new PsiDataBindingResourceItem(name, DataBindingResourceType.IMPORT, tag);
info.replaceItems(items, modificationCount);
private void scanDataBinding(PsiResourceFile resourceFile, long modificationCount) {
if (resourceFile.getFolderType() != LAYOUT) {
XmlTag layout = getLayoutTag(resourceFile.getPsiFile());
if (layout == null) {
XmlTag dataTag = getDataTag(layout);
String className;
String classPackage;
String modulePackage = ManifestInfo.get(myFacet.getModule(), false).getPackage();
String classAttrValue = null;
if (dataTag != null) {
classAttrValue = dataTag.getAttributeValue(ATTR_CLASS);
if (classAttrValue != null) {
classAttrValue = StringUtil.unescapeXml(classAttrValue);
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(classAttrValue)) {
className = DataBindingUtil.convertToJavaClassName(resourceFile.getName()) + "Binding";
classPackage = modulePackage + ".databinding";
} else {
int firstDotIndex = classAttrValue.indexOf('.');
if (firstDotIndex < 0) {
classPackage = modulePackage + ".databinding";
className = classAttrValue;
} else {
int lastDotIndex = classAttrValue.lastIndexOf('.');
if (firstDotIndex == 0) {
classPackage = modulePackage + classAttrValue.substring(0, lastDotIndex);
} else {
classPackage = classAttrValue.substring(0, lastDotIndex);
className = classAttrValue.substring(lastDotIndex + 1);
if (resourceFile.getDataBindingInfo() == null) {
resourceFile.setDataBindingInfo(new DataBindingInfo(myFacet, resourceFile, className, classPackage));
} else {
resourceFile.getDataBindingInfo().update(className, classPackage, modificationCount);
scanDataBindingDataTag(resourceFile, dataTag, modificationCount);
protected Map<ResourceType, ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem>> getMap() {
return myItems;
@Contract("_, true -> !null")
protected ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> getMap(ResourceType type, boolean create) {
ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> multimap = myItems.get(type);
if (multimap == null && create) {
multimap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
myItems.put(type, multimap);
return multimap;
public void clear() {
private void addIds(List<ResourceItem> items, PsiFile file) {
addIds(items, file, file);
private void addIds(List<ResourceItem> items, PsiElement element, PsiFile file) {
// "@+id/" names found before processing the view tag corresponding to the id.
Map<String, XmlTag> pendingResourceIds = Maps.newHashMap();
Collection<XmlTag> xmlTags = PsiTreeUtil.findChildrenOfType(element, XmlTag.class);
if (element instanceof XmlTag) {
addId(items, file, (XmlTag)element, pendingResourceIds);
if (!xmlTags.isEmpty()) {
for (XmlTag tag : xmlTags) {
addId(items, file, tag, pendingResourceIds);
// Add any remaining ids.
if (!pendingResourceIds.isEmpty()) {
ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> map = getMap(ResourceType.ID, true);
for (Map.Entry<String, XmlTag> entry : pendingResourceIds.entrySet()) {
String id = entry.getKey();
map.put(id, new PsiResourceItem(id, ResourceType.ID, entry.getValue(), file));
private void addId(List<ResourceItem> items, PsiFile file, XmlTag tag, Map<String, XmlTag> pendingResourceIds) {
assert tag.isValid();
for (XmlAttribute attribute : tag.getAttributes()) {
if (ANDROID_URI.equals(attribute.getNamespace())) {
// For all attributes in the android namespace, check if something has a value of the form "@+id/"
// If the attribute is not android:id, and an item for it hasn't been created yet, add it to
// the list of pending ids.
String value = attribute.getValue();
if (value != null && value.startsWith(NEW_ID_PREFIX) && !ATTR_ID.equals(attribute.getLocalName())) {
ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> map = myItems.get(ResourceType.ID);
String id = value.substring(NEW_ID_PREFIX.length());
if (map != null && !map.containsKey(id) && !pendingResourceIds.containsKey(id)) {
pendingResourceIds.put(id, tag);
// Now process the android:id attribute.
String id = tag.getAttributeValue(ATTR_ID, ANDROID_URI);
if (id != null) {
if (id.startsWith(ID_PREFIX)) {
// If the id is not "@+id/", it may still have been declared as "@+id/" in a preceding view (eg. layout_above).
// So, we test if this is such a pending id.
id = id.substring(ID_PREFIX.length());
if (!pendingResourceIds.containsKey(id)) {
} else if (id.startsWith(NEW_ID_PREFIX)) {
id = id.substring(NEW_ID_PREFIX.length());
} else {
PsiResourceItem item = new PsiResourceItem(id, ResourceType.ID, tag, file);
getMap(ResourceType.ID, true).put(id, item);
private void scanValueResFolder(@NotNull PsiDirectory directory, String qualifiers, FolderConfiguration folderConfiguration) {
//noinspection ConstantConditions
assert directory.getName().startsWith(FD_RES_VALUES);
for (PsiFile file : directory.getFiles()) {
scanValueFile(qualifiers, file, folderConfiguration);
private boolean scanValueFile(String qualifiers, PsiFile file, FolderConfiguration folderConfiguration) {
boolean added = false;
FileType fileType = file.getFileType();
if (fileType == StdFileTypes.XML) {
XmlFile xmlFile = (XmlFile)file;
assert xmlFile.isValid();
XmlDocument document = xmlFile.getDocument();
if (document != null) {
XmlTag root = document.getRootTag();
if (root == null) {
return false;
if (!root.getName().equals(TAG_RESOURCES)) {
return false;
XmlTag[] subTags = root.getSubTags(); // Not recursive, right?
List<ResourceItem> items = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(subTags.length);
for (XmlTag tag : subTags) {
String name = tag.getAttributeValue(ATTR_NAME);
if (name != null) {
ResourceType type = getType(tag);
if (type != null) {
ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> map = getMap(type, true);
ResourceItem item = new PsiResourceItem(name, type, tag, file);
map.put(name, item);
added = true;
if (type == ResourceType.DECLARE_STYLEABLE) {
// for declare styleables we also need to create attr items for its children
XmlTag[] attrs = tag.getSubTags();
if (attrs.length > 0) {
map = myItems.get(ResourceType.ATTR);
if (map == null) {
map = ArrayListMultimap.create();
myItems.put(ResourceType.ATTR, map);
for (XmlTag child : attrs) {
String attrName = child.getAttributeValue(ATTR_NAME);
if (attrName != null && !attrName.startsWith(ANDROID_NS_NAME_PREFIX)
// Only add attr nodes for elements that specify a format or have flag/enum children; otherwise
// it's just a reference to an existing attr
&& (child.getAttribute(ATTR_FORMAT) != null || child.getSubTags().length > 0)) {
ResourceItem attrItem = new PsiResourceItem(attrName, ResourceType.ATTR, child, file);
map.put(attrName, attrItem);
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = new PsiResourceFile(file, items, qualifiers, ResourceFolderType.VALUES, folderConfiguration);
myResourceFiles.put(file, resourceFile);
return added;
* Returns the type of the ResourceItem based on a node's attributes.
* @param node the node
* @return the ResourceType or null if it could not be inferred.
private static ResourceType getType(XmlTag node) {
String nodeName = node.getLocalName();
String typeString = null;
if (TAG_ITEM.equals(nodeName)) {
String attribute = node.getAttributeValue(ATTR_TYPE);
if (attribute != null) {
typeString = attribute;
} else {
// the type is the name of the node.
typeString = nodeName;
if (typeString != null) {
return ResourceType.getEnum(typeString);
return null;
private boolean isResourceFolder(@Nullable PsiElement parent) {
// Returns true if the given element represents a resource folder (e.g. res/values-en-rUS or layout-land, *not* the root res/ folder)
if (parent instanceof PsiDirectory) {
PsiDirectory directory = (PsiDirectory)parent;
PsiDirectory parentDirectory = directory.getParentDirectory();
if (parentDirectory != null) {
VirtualFile dir = parentDirectory.getVirtualFile();
return dir.equals(myResourceDir);
return false;
private boolean isResourceFile(PsiFile psiFile) {
return isResourceFolder(psiFile.getParent());
public boolean isScanPending(@NonNull PsiFile psiFile) {
synchronized (SCAN_LOCK) {
return myPendingScans != null && myPendingScans.contains(psiFile);
void rescan(@NonNull final PsiFile psiFile, final @NonNull ResourceFolderType folderType) {
synchronized(SCAN_LOCK) {
if (isScanPending(psiFile)) {
if (myPendingScans == null) {
myPendingScans = Sets.newHashSet();
ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
boolean rescan;
synchronized (SCAN_LOCK) {
// Handled by {@link #sync()} after the {@link #rescan} call and before invokeLater ?
rescan = myPendingScans != null && myPendingScans.contains(psiFile);
if (rescan) {
rescanImmediately(psiFile, folderType);
synchronized (SCAN_LOCK) {
// myPendingScans can't be null here because the only method which clears it
// is sync() which also requires a write lock, and we've held the write lock
// since null checking it above
if (myPendingScans.isEmpty()) {
myPendingScans = null;
public void sync() {
final List<PsiFile> files;
synchronized(SCAN_LOCK) {
if (myPendingScans == null || myPendingScans.isEmpty()) {
files = new ArrayList<PsiFile>(myPendingScans);
ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (PsiFile file : files) {
if (file.isValid()) {
ResourceFolderType folderType = ResourceHelper.getFolderType(file);
if (folderType != null) {
rescanImmediately(file, folderType);
synchronized(SCAN_LOCK) {
myPendingScans = null;
private void rescanImmediately(@NonNull final PsiFile psiFile, final @NonNull ResourceFolderType folderType) {
PsiFile file = psiFile;
if (folderType == VALUES) {
// For unit test tracking purposes only
//noinspection AssignmentToStaticFieldFromInstanceMethod
// First delete out the previous items
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = myResourceFiles.get(file);
boolean removed = false;
if (resourceFile != null) {
for (ResourceItem item : resourceFile) {
removed |= removeItems(resourceFile, item.getType(), item.getName(), false); // Will throw away file
file = ensureValid(file);
boolean added = false;
if (file != null) {
// Add items for this file
PsiDirectory parent = file.getParent();
assert parent != null; // since we have a folder type
String dirName = parent.getName();
PsiDirectory fileParent = psiFile.getParent();
if (fileParent != null) {
FolderConfiguration folderConfiguration = FolderConfiguration.getConfigForFolder(fileParent.getName());
if (folderConfiguration != null) {
added = scanValueFile(getQualifiers(dirName), file, folderConfiguration);
if (added || removed) {
// TODO: Consider doing a deeper diff of the changes to the resource items
// to determine if the removed and added items actually differ
} else {
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = myResourceFiles.get(file);
if (resourceFile != null) {
// Already seen this file; no need to do anything unless it's a layout or
// menu file; in that case we may need to update the id's
if (folderType == LAYOUT || folderType == MENU) {
// For unit test tracking purposes only
//noinspection AssignmentToStaticFieldFromInstanceMethod
// We've already seen this resource, so no change in the ResourceItem for the
// file itself (e.g. @layout/foo from layout-land/foo.xml). However, we may have
// to update the id's:
Set<String> idsBefore = Sets.newHashSet();
Set<String> idsAfter = Sets.newHashSet();
ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> map = myItems.get(ResourceType.ID);
if (map != null) {
List<ResourceItem> idItems = Lists.newArrayList();
for (ResourceItem item : resourceFile) {
if (item.getType() == ResourceType.ID) {
for (String id : idsBefore) {
// Note that ResourceFile has a flat map (not a multimap) so it doesn't
// record all items (unlike the myItems map) so we need to remove the map
// items manually, can't just do map.remove(item.getName(), item)
List<ResourceItem> mapItems = map.get(id);
if (mapItems != null && !mapItems.isEmpty()) {
List<ResourceItem> toDelete = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(mapItems.size());
for (ResourceItem mapItem : mapItems) {
if (mapItem.getSource() == resourceFile) {
for (ResourceItem delete : toDelete) {
map.remove(delete.getName(), delete);
// Add items for this file
List<ResourceItem> idItems = Lists.newArrayList();
file = ensureValid(file);
if (file != null) {
addIds(idItems, file);
if (!idItems.isEmpty()) {
for (ResourceItem item : idItems) {
if (!idsBefore.equals(idsAfter)) {
scanDataBinding(resourceFile, myGeneration);
// Identities may have changed even if the ids are the same, so update maps
} else {
// For unit test tracking purposes only
//noinspection AssignmentToStaticFieldFromInstanceMethod
PsiDirectory parent = file.getParent();
assert parent != null; // since we have a folder type
String dirName = parent.getName();
List<ResourceType> resourceTypes = FolderTypeRelationship.getRelatedResourceTypes(folderType);
assert resourceTypes.size() >= 1 : folderType;
ResourceType type = resourceTypes.get(0);
boolean idGenerating = resourceTypes.size() > 1;
assert !idGenerating || resourceTypes.size() == 2 && resourceTypes.get(1) == ResourceType.ID;
ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> map = getMap(type, true);
file = ensureValid(file);
if (file != null) {
PsiDirectory fileParent = psiFile.getParent();
if (fileParent != null) {
FolderConfiguration folderConfiguration = FolderConfiguration.getConfigForFolder(fileParent.getName());
if (folderConfiguration != null) {
scanFileResourceFile(getQualifiers(dirName), folderType, folderConfiguration, type, idGenerating, map, file);
private boolean removeItems(PsiResourceFile resourceFile, ResourceType type, String name, boolean removeFromFile) {
boolean removed = false;
// Remove the item of the given name and type from the given resource file.
// We CAN'T just remove items found in ResourceFile.getItems() because that map
// flattens everything down to a single item for a given name (it's using a flat
// map rather than a multimap) so instead we have to look up from the map instead
ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> map = myItems.get(type);
if (map != null) {
List<ResourceItem> mapItems = map.get(name);
if (mapItems != null) {
ListIterator<ResourceItem> iterator = mapItems.listIterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
ResourceItem next =;
if (next.getSource() == resourceFile) {
if (removeFromFile) {
removed = true;
return removed;
* Called when a bitmap has been changed/deleted. In that case we need to clear out any caches for that
* image held by layout lib.
private void bitmapUpdated() {
ConfigurationManager configurationManager = myFacet.getConfigurationManager(false);
if (configurationManager != null) {
IAndroidTarget target = configurationManager.getTarget();
if (target != null) {
Module module = myFacet.getModule();
AndroidTargetData targetData = AndroidTargetData.getTargetData(target, module);
if (targetData != null) {
public PsiTreeChangeListener getPsiListener() {
return myListener;
/** PSI listener which keeps the repository up to date */
private final class PsiListener extends PsiTreeChangeAdapter {
private boolean myIgnoreChildrenChanged;
public void childAdded(@NotNull PsiTreeChangeEvent event) {
PsiFile psiFile = event.getFile();
if (psiFile == null) {
// Called when you've added a file
PsiElement child = event.getChild();
if (child instanceof PsiFile) {
psiFile = (PsiFile)child;
if (isRelevantFile(psiFile)) {
} else if (child instanceof PsiDirectory) {
PsiDirectory directory = (PsiDirectory)child;
if (isResourceFolder(directory)) {
for (PsiFile file : directory.getFiles()) {
if (isRelevantFile(file)) {
} else if (isRelevantFile(psiFile)) {
if (isScanPending(psiFile)) {
// Some child was added within a file
ResourceFolderType folderType = getFolderType(psiFile);
if (folderType != null && isResourceFile(psiFile)) {
PsiElement child = event.getChild();
PsiElement parent = event.getParent();
if (folderType == ResourceFolderType.VALUES) {
if (child instanceof XmlTag) {
XmlTag tag = (XmlTag)child;
if (isItemElement(tag)) {
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = myResourceFiles.get(psiFile);
if (resourceFile != null) {
String name = tag.getAttributeValue(ATTR_NAME);
if (name != null) {
ResourceType type = getType(tag);
if (type == ResourceType.DECLARE_STYLEABLE) {
// Can't handle declare styleable additions incrementally yet; need to update paired attr items
rescan(psiFile, folderType);
if (type != null) {
ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> map = getMap(type, true);
ResourceItem item = new PsiResourceItem(name, type, tag, psiFile);
map.put(name, item);
// See if you just added a new item inside a <style> or <array> or <declare-styleable> etc
XmlTag parentTag = tag.getParentTag();
if (parentTag != null && ResourceType.getEnum(parentTag.getName()) != null) {
// Yes just invalidate the corresponding style value
ResourceItem style = findValueResourceItem(parentTag, psiFile);
if (style instanceof PsiResourceItem) {
if (((PsiResourceItem)style).recomputeValue()) {
rescan(psiFile, folderType);
// Else: fall through and do full file rescan
} else if (parent instanceof XmlText) {
// If the edit is within an item tag
XmlText text = (XmlText)parent;
handleValueXmlTextEdit(text.getParentTag(), psiFile);
} else if (child instanceof XmlText) {
// If the edit is within an item tag
handleValueXmlTextEdit(parent, psiFile);
} else if (parent instanceof XmlComment || child instanceof XmlComment) {
// Can ignore comment edits or new comments
rescan(psiFile, folderType);
} else if (folderType == LAYOUT || folderType == MENU) {
if (parent instanceof XmlComment || child instanceof XmlComment) {
if (parent instanceof XmlText ||
(child instanceof XmlText && child.getText().trim().isEmpty())) {
if (parent instanceof XmlElement && child instanceof XmlElement) {
if (child instanceof XmlTag) {
List<ResourceItem> ids = Lists.newArrayList();
addIds(ids, child, psiFile);
if (!ids.isEmpty()) {
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = myResourceFiles.get(psiFile);
if (resourceFile != null) {
} else if (child instanceof XmlAttributeValue) {
assert parent instanceof XmlAttribute : parent;
XmlAttribute attribute = (XmlAttribute)parent;
// warning for separate if branches suppressed because to do.
//noinspection IfStatementWithIdenticalBranches
if (ATTR_ID.equals(attribute.getLocalName()) &&
ANDROID_URI.equals(attribute.getNamespace())) {
// TODO: Update it incrementally
rescan(psiFile, folderType);
} else if (ArrayUtil.contains(attribute.getLocalName(), ATTRS_DATA_BINDING)
&& ArrayUtil.contains(attribute.getParent().getLocalName(), TAGS_DATA_BINDING)) {
rescan(psiFile, folderType);
myIgnoreChildrenChanged = true;
public void childRemoved(@NotNull PsiTreeChangeEvent event) {
PsiFile psiFile = event.getFile();
if (psiFile == null) {
// Called when you've removed a file
PsiElement child = event.getChild();
if (child instanceof PsiFile) {
psiFile = (PsiFile)child;
if (isRelevantFile(psiFile)) {
} else if (child instanceof PsiDirectory) {
// We can't iterate the children here because the dir is already empty.
// Instead, try to locate the files
String dirName = ((PsiDirectory)child).getName();
ResourceFolderType folderType = ResourceFolderType.getFolderType(dirName);
if (folderType != null) {
// Make sure it's really a resource folder. We can't look at the directory
// itself since the file no longer exists, but make sure the parent directory is
// a resource directory root
PsiDirectory parentDirectory = ((PsiDirectory)child).getParent();
if (parentDirectory != null) {
VirtualFile dir = parentDirectory.getVirtualFile();
if (!myFacet.getLocalResourceManager().isResourceDir(dir)) {
} else {
int index = dirName.indexOf('-');
String qualifiers;
if (index == -1) {
qualifiers = "";
} else {
qualifiers = dirName.substring(index + 1);
// Copy file map so we can delete while iterating
Collection<PsiResourceFile> resourceFiles = new ArrayList<PsiResourceFile>(myResourceFiles.values());
for (PsiResourceFile file : resourceFiles) {
if (folderType == file.getFolderType() && qualifiers.equals(file.getQualifiers())) {
} else if (isRelevantFile(psiFile)) {
if (isScanPending(psiFile)) {
// Some child was removed within a file
ResourceFolderType folderType = getFolderType(psiFile);
if (folderType != null && isResourceFile(psiFile)) {
PsiElement child = event.getChild();
PsiElement parent = event.getParent();
if (folderType == ResourceFolderType.VALUES) {
if (child instanceof XmlTag) {
XmlTag tag = (XmlTag)child;
// See if you just removed an item inside a <style> or <array> or <declare-styleable> etc
if (parent instanceof XmlTag) {
XmlTag parentTag = (XmlTag)parent;
if (ResourceType.getEnum(parentTag.getName()) != null) {
// Yes just invalidate the corresponding style value
ResourceItem style = findValueResourceItem(parentTag, psiFile);
if (style instanceof PsiResourceItem) {
if (((PsiResourceItem)style).recomputeValue()) {
if (style.getType() == ResourceType.ATTR) {
parentTag = parentTag.getParentTag();
if (parentTag != null && parentTag.getName().equals(ResourceType.DECLARE_STYLEABLE.getName())) {
ResourceItem declareStyleable = findValueResourceItem(parentTag, psiFile);
if (declareStyleable instanceof PsiResourceItem) {
if (((PsiResourceItem)declareStyleable).recomputeValue()) {
if (isItemElement(tag)) {
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = myResourceFiles.get(psiFile);
if (resourceFile != null) {
String name;
if (!tag.isValid()) {
ResourceItem item = findValueResourceItem(tag, psiFile);
if (item != null) {
name = item.getName();
} else {
// Can't find the name of the deleted tag; just do a full rescan
rescan(psiFile, folderType);
} else {
name = tag.getAttributeValue(ATTR_NAME);
if (name != null) {
ResourceType type = getType(tag);
if (type != null) {
ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> map = myItems.get(type);
if (map == null) {
if (removeItems(resourceFile, type, name, true)) {
rescan(psiFile, folderType);
} else if (parent instanceof XmlText) {
// If the edit is within an item tag
XmlText text = (XmlText)parent;
handleValueXmlTextEdit(text.getParentTag(), psiFile);
} else if (child instanceof XmlText) {
handleValueXmlTextEdit(parent, psiFile);
} else if (parent instanceof XmlComment || child instanceof XmlComment) {
// Can ignore comment edits or removed comments
} else {
// Some other change: do full file rescan
rescan(psiFile, folderType);
} else if (folderType == LAYOUT || folderType == MENU) {
// TODO: Handle removals of id's (values an attributes) incrementally
rescan(psiFile, folderType);
myIgnoreChildrenChanged = true;
private void removeFile(@Nullable PsiResourceFile resourceFile) {
if (resourceFile == null) {
// No resources for this file
for (Map.Entry<PsiFile, PsiResourceFile> entry : myResourceFiles.entrySet()) {
PsiResourceFile file = entry.getValue();
if (resourceFile == file) {
PsiFile psiFile = entry.getKey();
ResourceFolderType folderType = resourceFile.getFolderType();
if (folderType == VALUES || folderType == LAYOUT || folderType == MENU) {
} else if (folderType != null) {
// Remove the file item
List<ResourceType> resourceTypes = FolderTypeRelationship.getRelatedResourceTypes(folderType);
for (ResourceType type : resourceTypes) {
if (type != ResourceType.ID) {
String name = LintUtils.getBaseName(resourceFile.getName());
removeItems(resourceFile, type, name, false); // no need since we're discarding the file
} // else: not a resource folder
private void removeFile(PsiFile psiFile) {
assert !psiFile.isValid() || isRelevantFile(psiFile);
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = myResourceFiles.get(psiFile);
if (resourceFile == null) {
// No resources for this file
ResourceFolderType folderType = getFolderType(psiFile);
if (folderType == VALUES || folderType == LAYOUT || folderType == MENU) {
} else if (folderType != null) {
if (folderType == DRAWABLE) {
FileType fileType = psiFile.getFileType();
if (fileType.isBinary() && fileType == FileTypeManager.getInstance().getFileTypeByExtension(EXT_PNG)) {
// Remove the file item
List<ResourceType> resourceTypes = FolderTypeRelationship.getRelatedResourceTypes(folderType);
for (ResourceType type : resourceTypes) {
if (type != ResourceType.ID) {
String name = ResourceHelper.getResourceName(psiFile);
removeItems(resourceFile, type, name, false); // no need since we're discarding the file
} // else: not a resource folder
private void addFile(PsiFile psiFile) {
assert isRelevantFile(psiFile);
// Same handling as rescan, where the initial deletion is a no-op
ResourceFolderType folderType = getFolderType(psiFile);
if (folderType != null && isResourceFile(psiFile)) {
rescanImmediately(psiFile, folderType);
public void childReplaced(@NotNull PsiTreeChangeEvent event) {
PsiFile psiFile = event.getFile();
if (psiFile != null) {
if (isScanPending(psiFile)) {
// This method is called when you edit within a file
if (isRelevantFile(psiFile)) {
// First determine if the edit is non-consequential.
// That's the case if the XML edited is not a resource file (e.g. the manifest file),
// or if it's within a file that is not a value file or an id-generating file (layouts and menus),
// such as editing the content of a drawable XML file.
ResourceFolderType folderType = getFolderType(psiFile);
if (folderType == LAYOUT || folderType == MENU) {
// The only way the edit affected the set of resources was if the user added or removed an
// id attribute. Since these can be added redundantly we can't automatically remove the old
// value if you renamed one, so we'll need a full file scan.
// However, we only need to do this scan if the change appears to be related to ids; this can
// only happen if the attribute value is changed.
PsiElement parent = event.getParent();
PsiElement child = event.getChild();
if (parent instanceof XmlText || child instanceof XmlText ||
parent instanceof XmlComment || child instanceof XmlComment) {
if (parent instanceof XmlElement && child instanceof XmlElement) {
if (event.getOldChild() == event.getNewChild()) {
// We're not getting accurate PSI information: we have to do a full file scan
rescan(psiFile, folderType);
if (child instanceof XmlAttributeValue) {
assert parent instanceof XmlAttribute : parent;
@SuppressWarnings("CastConflictsWithInstanceof") // IDE bug? Cast is valid.
XmlAttribute attribute = (XmlAttribute)parent;
if (ATTR_ID.equals(attribute.getLocalName()) &&
ANDROID_URI.equals(attribute.getNamespace())) {
// for each id attribute!
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = myResourceFiles.get(psiFile);
if (resourceFile != null) {
XmlTag xmlTag = attribute.getParent();
PsiElement oldChild = event.getOldChild();
PsiElement newChild = event.getNewChild();
if (oldChild instanceof XmlAttributeValue && newChild instanceof XmlAttributeValue) {
XmlAttributeValue oldValue = (XmlAttributeValue)oldChild;
XmlAttributeValue newValue = (XmlAttributeValue)newChild;
String oldName = stripIdPrefix(oldValue.getValue());
String newName = stripIdPrefix(newValue.getValue());
if (oldName.equals(newName)) {
// Can happen when there are error nodes (e.g. attribute value not yet closed during typing etc)
ResourceItem item = findResourceItem(ResourceType.ID, psiFile, oldName, xmlTag);
if (item != null) {
ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> map = myItems.get(item.getType());
if (map != null) {
// Found the relevant item: delete it and create a new one in a new location
map.remove(oldName, item);
ResourceItem newItem = new PsiResourceItem(newName, ResourceType.ID, xmlTag, psiFile);
map.put(newName, newItem);
resourceFile.replace(item, newItem);
rescan(psiFile, folderType);
} else if (parent instanceof XmlAttributeValue) {
assert parent.getParent() instanceof XmlAttribute : parent;
XmlAttribute attribute = (XmlAttribute)parent.getParent();
if (ATTR_ID.equals(attribute.getLocalName()) &&
ANDROID_URI.equals(attribute.getNamespace())) {
// for each id attribute!
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = myResourceFiles.get(psiFile);
if (resourceFile != null) {
XmlTag xmlTag = attribute.getParent();
PsiElement oldChild = event.getOldChild();
PsiElement newChild = event.getNewChild();
String oldName = stripIdPrefix(oldChild.getText());
String newName = stripIdPrefix(newChild.getText());
if (oldName.equals(newName)) {
// Can happen when there are error nodes (e.g. attribute value not yet closed during typing etc)
ResourceItem item = findResourceItem(ResourceType.ID, psiFile, oldName, xmlTag);
if (item != null) {
ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> map = myItems.get(item.getType());
if (map != null) {
// Found the relevant item: delete it and create a new one in a new location
map.remove(oldName, item);
ResourceItem newItem = new PsiResourceItem(newName, ResourceType.ID, xmlTag, psiFile);
map.put(newName, newItem);
resourceFile.replace(item, newItem);
rescan(psiFile, folderType);
} else if (ArrayUtil.contains(attribute.getLocalName(), ATTRS_DATA_BINDING)
&& ArrayUtil.contains(attribute.getParent().getLocalName(), TAGS_DATA_BINDING)) {
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = myResourceFiles.get(psiFile);
if (resourceFile != null) {
scanDataBinding(resourceFile, myGeneration);
// TODO: Handle adding/removing elements in layouts incrementally
rescan(psiFile, folderType);
} else if (folderType == VALUES) {
PsiElement parent = event.getParent();
if (parent instanceof XmlElement) {
// Editing within an XML file
// An edit in a comment can be ignored
// An edit in a text inside an element can be used to invalidate the ResourceValue of an element
// (need to search upwards since strings can have HTML content)
// An edit between elements can be ignored
// An edit to an attribute name (not the attribute value for the attribute named "name"...) can
// sometimes be ignored (if you edit type or name, consider what to do)
// An edit of an attribute value can affect the name of type so update item
// An edit of other parts; for example typing in a new <string> item character by character.
// etc.
// See if you just removed an item inside a <style> or <array> or <declare-styleable> etc
if (parent instanceof XmlTag) {
XmlTag parentTag = (XmlTag)parent;
if (ResourceType.getEnum(parentTag.getName()) != null) {
// Yes just invalidate the corresponding style value
ResourceItem style = findValueResourceItem(parentTag, psiFile);
if (style instanceof PsiResourceItem) {
if (((PsiResourceItem)style).recomputeValue()) {
if (parentTag.getName().equals(TAG_RESOURCES)
&& event.getOldChild() instanceof XmlText
&& event.getNewChild() instanceof XmlText) {
if (parent instanceof XmlText) {
XmlText text = (XmlText)parent;
handleValueXmlTextEdit(text.getParentTag(), psiFile);
} else if (parent instanceof XmlComment) {
// Nothing to do
if (parent instanceof XmlAttributeValue) {
PsiElement attribute = parent.getParent();
if (attribute instanceof XmlProcessingInstruction) {
// Don't care about edits in the processing instructions, e.g. editing the encoding attribute in
// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
PsiElement tag = attribute.getParent();
assert attribute instanceof XmlAttribute : attribute;
XmlAttribute xmlAttribute = (XmlAttribute)attribute;
assert tag instanceof XmlTag : tag;
XmlTag xmlTag = (XmlTag)tag;
String attributeName = xmlAttribute.getName();
// We could also special case handling of editing the type attribute, and the parent attribute,
// but editing these is rare enough that we can just stick with the fallback full file scan for those
// scenarios.
if (isItemElement(xmlTag) && attributeName.equals(ATTR_NAME)) {
// Edited the name of the item: replace it
ResourceType type = getType(xmlTag);
if (type != null) {
String oldName = event.getOldChild().getText();
String newName = event.getNewChild().getText();
if (oldName.equals(newName)) {
// Can happen when there are error nodes (e.g. attribute value not yet closed during typing etc)
ResourceItem item = findResourceItem(type, psiFile, oldName, xmlTag);
if (item != null) {
ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> map = myItems.get(item.getType());
if (map != null) {
// Found the relevant item: delete it and create a new one in a new location
map.remove(oldName, item);
ResourceItem newItem = new PsiResourceItem(newName, type, xmlTag, psiFile);
map.put(newName, newItem);
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = myResourceFiles.get(psiFile);
if (resourceFile != null) {
resourceFile.replace(item, newItem);
else {
assert false : item;
// Invalidate surrounding declare styleable if any
if (type == ResourceType.ATTR) {
XmlTag parentTag = xmlTag.getParentTag();
if (parentTag != null && parentTag.getName().equals(ResourceType.DECLARE_STYLEABLE.getName())) {
ResourceItem style = findValueResourceItem(parentTag, psiFile);
if (style instanceof PsiResourceItem) {
} else {
XmlTag parentTag = xmlTag.getParentTag();
if (parentTag != null && ResourceType.getEnum(parentTag.getName()) != null) {
// <style>, or <plurals>, or <array>, or <string-array>, ...
// Edited the attribute value of an item that is wrapped in a <style> tag: invalidate parent cached value
ResourceItem style = findValueResourceItem(parentTag, psiFile);
if (style instanceof PsiResourceItem) {
if (((PsiResourceItem)style).recomputeValue()) {
// Fall through: We were not able to directly manipulate the repository to accommodate
// the edit, so re-scan the whole value file instead
rescan(psiFile, folderType);
} // else: can ignore this edit
} else {
PsiElement parent = event.getParent();
if (isResourceFolder(parent)) {
PsiElement oldChild = event.getOldChild();
PsiElement newChild = event.getNewChild();
if (oldChild instanceof PsiFile) {
PsiFile oldFile = (PsiFile)oldChild;
if (isRelevantFile(oldFile)) {
if (newChild instanceof PsiFile) {
PsiFile newFile = (PsiFile)newChild;
if (isRelevantFile(newFile)) {
myIgnoreChildrenChanged = true;
private void handleValueXmlTextEdit(@Nullable PsiElement parent, @NotNull PsiFile psiFile) {
if (!(parent instanceof XmlTag)) {
// Edited text outside the root element
XmlTag parentTag = (XmlTag)parent;
String parentTagName = parentTag.getName();
if (parentTagName.equals(TAG_RESOURCES)) {
// Editing whitespace between top level elements; ignore
if (parentTagName.equals(TAG_ITEM)) {
XmlTag style = parentTag.getParentTag();
if (style != null && ResourceType.getEnum(style.getName()) != null) {
// <style>, or <plurals>, or <array>, or <string-array>, ...
// Edited the text value of an item that is wrapped in a <style> tag: invalidate
ResourceItem item = findValueResourceItem(style, psiFile);
if (item instanceof PsiResourceItem) {
boolean cleared = ((PsiResourceItem)item).recomputeValue();
if (cleared) { // Only bump revision if this is a value which has already been observed!
// Find surrounding item
while (parentTag != null) {
if (isItemElement(parentTag)) {
ResourceItem item = findValueResourceItem(parentTag, psiFile);
if (item instanceof PsiResourceItem) {
// Edited XML value
boolean cleared = ((PsiResourceItem)item).recomputeValue();
if (cleared) { // Only bump revision if this is a value which has already been observed!
parentTag = parentTag.getParentTag();
// Fully handled; other whitespace changes do not affect resources
public void childMoved(@NotNull PsiTreeChangeEvent event) {
PsiElement child = event.getChild();
PsiFile psiFile = event.getFile();
//noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
if (psiFile == null) {
// This is called when you move a file from one folder to another
if (child instanceof PsiFile) {
psiFile = (PsiFile)child;
if (!isRelevantFile(psiFile)) {
// If you are renaming files, determine whether we can do a simple replacement
// (e.g. swap out ResourceFile instances), or whether it changes the type
// (e.g. moving foo.xml from layout/ to animator/), or whether it adds or removes
// the type (e.g. moving from invalid to valid resource directories), or whether
// it just affects the qualifiers (special case of swapping resource file instances).
String name = psiFile.getName();
PsiElement oldParent = event.getOldParent();
PsiDirectory oldParentDir;
if (oldParent instanceof PsiDirectory) {
oldParentDir = (PsiDirectory)oldParent;
} else {
// Can't find old location: treat this as a file add
String oldDirName = oldParentDir.getName();
ResourceFolderType oldFolderType = ResourceFolderType.getFolderType(oldDirName);
ResourceFolderType newFolderType = getFolderType(psiFile);
boolean wasResourceFolder = oldFolderType != null && isResourceFolder(oldParentDir);
boolean isResourceFolder = newFolderType != null && isResourceFile(psiFile);
if (wasResourceFolder == isResourceFolder) {
if (!isResourceFolder) {
// Moved a non-resource file around: nothing to do
// Moved a resource file from one resource folder to another: we need to update
// the ResourceFile entries for this file. We may also need to update the types.
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = findResourceFile(oldDirName, name);
if (resourceFile != null) {
if (oldFolderType != newFolderType) {
// In some cases we can do this cheaply, e.g. if you move from layout to menu
// we can just look up and change @layout/foo to @menu/foo, but if you move
// to or from values folder it gets trickier, so for now just treat this as a delete
// followed by an add
} else {
myResourceFiles.put(psiFile, resourceFile);
PsiDirectory newParent = psiFile.getParent();
assert newParent != null; // Since newFolderType != null
String newDirName = newParent.getName();
resourceFile.setPsiFile(psiFile, getQualifiers(newDirName));
myGeneration++; // qualifiers may have changed: can affect configuration matching
// We need to recompute resource values too, since some of these can point to
// the old file (e.g. a drawable resource could have a DensityBasedResourceValue
// pointing to the old file
for (ResourceItem item : resourceFile) { // usually just 1
if (item instanceof PsiResourceItem) {
} else {
// Couldn't find previous file; just add new file
} else if (isResourceFolder) {
// Moved file into resource folder: treat it as a file add
} else {
//noinspection ConstantConditions
assert wasResourceFolder;
// Moved file out of resource folders: treat it as a file deletion.
// The only trick here is that we don't actually have the PsiFile anymore.
// Work around this by searching our PsiFile to ResourceFile map for a match.
String dirName = oldParentDir.getName();
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = findResourceFile(dirName, name);
if (resourceFile != null) {
} else {
// Change inside a file
// Ignore: moving elements around doesn't affect the resources
myIgnoreChildrenChanged = true;
public final void beforeChildrenChange(@NotNull PsiTreeChangeEvent event) {
myIgnoreChildrenChanged = false;
public void childrenChanged(@NotNull PsiTreeChangeEvent event) {
// Called after children have changed. There are typically individual childMoved, childAdded etc
// calls that we hook into for more specific details. However, there are some events we don't
// catch using those methods, and for that we have the below handling.
if (myIgnoreChildrenChanged) {
// We've already processed this change as one or more individual childMoved, childAdded, childRemoved etc calls
// However, we sometimes get some surprising (=bogus) events where the parent and the child
// are the same, and in those cases there may be other child events we need to process
// so fall through and process the whole file
if (event.getParent() != event.getChild()) {
else if (event.getNewChild() == null && event.getOldChild() == null && event.getOldParent() == null && event.getNewParent() == null
&& event.getParent() instanceof PsiFile) {
PsiFile psiFile = event.getFile();
if (psiFile != null && isRelevantFile(psiFile)) {
VirtualFile file = psiFile.getVirtualFile();
if (file != null) {
ResourceFolderType folderType = getFolderType(psiFile);
if (folderType != null && isResourceFile(psiFile)) {
// TODO: If I get an XmlText change and the parent is the resources tag or it's a layout, nothing to do.
rescan(psiFile, folderType);
} else {
Throwable throwable = new Throwable();
LOG.debug("Received unexpected childrenChanged event for inter-file operations", throwable);
// There are cases where a file is renamed, and I don't get a pre-notification. Use this flag
// to detect those scenarios, and in that case, do proper cleanup.
// (Note: There are also cases where *only* beforePropertyChange is called, not propertyChange.
// One example is the unit test for the raw folder, where we're renaming a file, and we get
// the beforePropertyChange notification, followed by childReplaced on the PsiDirectory, and
// nothing else.
private boolean mySeenPrePropertyChange;
public final void beforePropertyChange(@NotNull PsiTreeChangeEvent event) {
if (PsiTreeChangeEvent.PROP_FILE_NAME == event.getPropertyName()) {
// This is called when you rename a file (before the file has been renamed)
PsiElement child = event.getChild();
if (child instanceof PsiFile) {
PsiFile psiFile = (PsiFile)child;
if (isRelevantFile(psiFile) && isResourceFolder(event.getParent())) {
// The new name will be added in the post hook (propertyChanged rather than beforePropertyChange)
mySeenPrePropertyChange = true;
public void propertyChanged(@NotNull PsiTreeChangeEvent event) {
if (PsiTreeChangeEvent.PROP_FILE_NAME == event.getPropertyName() && isResourceFolder(event.getParent())) {
// This is called when you rename a file (after the file has been renamed)
PsiElement child = event.getElement();
if (child instanceof PsiFile) {
PsiFile psiFile = (PsiFile)child;
if (isRelevantFile(psiFile) && isResourceFolder(event.getParent())) {
if (!mySeenPrePropertyChange) {
Object oldValue = event.getOldValue();
if (oldValue instanceof String) {
PsiDirectory parent = psiFile.getParent();
String oldName = (String)oldValue;
if (parent != null && parent.findFile(oldName) == null) {
removeFile(findResourceFile(parent.getName(), oldName));
// TODO: Do we need to handle PROP_DIRECTORY_NAME for users renaming any of the resource folders?
// and what about PROP_FILE_TYPES -- can users change the type of an XML File to something else?
mySeenPrePropertyChange = false;
private PsiResourceFile findResourceFile(String dirName, String fileName) {
int index = dirName.indexOf('-');
String qualifiers;
String folderTypeName;
if (index == -1) {
qualifiers = "";
folderTypeName = dirName;
} else {
qualifiers = dirName.substring(index + 1);
folderTypeName = dirName.substring(0, index);
ResourceFolderType folderType = ResourceFolderType.getTypeByName(folderTypeName);
for (PsiResourceFile file : myResourceFiles.values()) {
String name = file.getName();
if (folderType == file.getFolderType() && fileName.equals(name) && qualifiers.equals(file.getQualifiers())) {
return file;
return null;
private void removeItemsFromFile(PsiResourceFile resourceFile) {
for (ResourceItem item : resourceFile) {
removeItems(resourceFile, item.getType(), item.getName(), false); // no need since we're discarding the file
private static boolean isItemElement(XmlTag xmlTag) {
String tag = xmlTag.getName();
if (tag.equals(TAG_RESOURCES)) {
return false;
return tag.equals(TAG_ITEM) || ResourceType.getEnum(tag) != null;
private ResourceItem findValueResourceItem(XmlTag tag, PsiFile file) {
if (!tag.isValid()) {
PsiResourceFile resourceFile = myResourceFiles.get(file);
if (resourceFile != null) {
for (ResourceItem item : resourceFile) {
PsiResourceItem pri = (PsiResourceItem)item;
XmlTag xmlTag = pri.getTag();
if (xmlTag == tag) {
return item;
return null;
String name = tag.getAttributeValue(ATTR_NAME);
return name != null ? findValueResourceItem(tag, file, name) : null;
private ResourceItem findValueResourceItem(XmlTag tag, PsiFile file, String name) {
ResourceType type = getType(tag);
return findResourceItem(type, file, name, tag);
private ResourceItem findResourceItem(@Nullable ResourceType type, @Nullable PsiFile file, @Nullable String name, @Nullable XmlTag tag) {
if (type != null && name != null) {
ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> map = myItems.get(type);
if (map != null) {
List<ResourceItem> items = map.get(name);
assert items != null;
if (tag != null) {
for (ResourceItem item : items) {
assert item instanceof PsiResourceItem;
PsiResourceItem psiItem = (PsiResourceItem)item;
if (psiItem.getTag() == tag) {
return item;
for (ResourceItem item : items) {
assert item instanceof PsiResourceItem;
PsiResourceItem psiItem = (PsiResourceItem)item;
PsiFile virtualFile = psiItem.getPsiFile();
if (virtualFile == file) {
return item;
return null;
// For debugging only
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName() + " for " + myResourceDir + ": @" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this));