blob: 0487ee1be7710078cab803bb3b5b9fdf467fde54 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
* The {@link IncludeOverlay} class renders masks to <b>partially</b> hide everything outside
* an included file's own content. This overlay is in use when you are editing an included
* file shown within a different file's context (e.g. "Show In > other").
* <p>
* TODO: Instead of masking out the entire viewport, consider only masking out the root
* layout, and leaving the system bars alone? One problem with that approach is that
* we may be rendering the action bar from the outer layout, which is really system UI
* that should be grayed out. Perhaps we can consider combining the root bounds with the
* bottom bounds of the root layout? We also need to handle the case where the surrounding
* layout does not fill up the full height of the available screen (e.g. its layout_height
* is wrap_content).
public class IncludeOverlay extends Overlay {
/** Mask transparency - 0 is transparent, 255 is opaque */
private static final int MASK_TRANSPARENCY = 160;
private final OverlayContainer myContainer;
* Constructs an {@link IncludeOverlay} tied to the given result.
* @param container The {@link OverlayContainer} containing this overlay
public IncludeOverlay(@NotNull OverlayContainer container) {
myContainer = container;
public void paint(@Nullable Component component, @NotNull Graphics2D gc, int deltaX, int deltaY) {
RenderedViewHierarchy viewHierarchy = myContainer.getViewHierarchy();
if (viewHierarchy == null) {
List<RenderedView> includedRoots = viewHierarchy.getIncludedRoots();
if (includedRoots == null || includedRoots.size() == 0 || component == null) {
// We don't support multiple included children yet. When that works,
// this code should use a BSP tree to figure out which regions to paint
// to leave holes in the mask.
//noinspection UseJBColor
Composite prevComposite = gc.getComposite();
gc.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, MASK_TRANSPARENCY / 255.0f));
Shape prevClip = gc.getClip();
Shape clip = setScreenClip(myContainer, component, gc, deltaX, deltaY);
Collection<Rectangle> masks = computeMasks(component, includedRoots);
for (Rectangle r : masks) {
gc.fillRect(r.x + deltaX, r.y + deltaY, r.width, r.height);
if (clip != null) {
/** Computes the set of rectangles we should paint to cover everything up <b>except</b> for
* the included root bounds. The coordinates will be in the coordinate system of the given
* component.
protected Collection<Rectangle> computeMasks(Component component, List<RenderedView> includedRoots) {
Dimension fullImageSize = myContainer.getFullImageSize();
Rectangle whole = new Rectangle(0, 0, fullImageSize.width, fullImageSize.height);
whole = myContainer.fromModel(component, whole);
List<Rectangle> includedBounds = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(includedRoots.size());
for (RenderedView view : includedRoots) {
includedBounds.add(myContainer.fromModel(component, view.getBounds()));
return subtractRectangles(whole, includedBounds);
* Given a Rectangle, remove holes from it (specified as a collection of Rectangles) such
* that the result is a list of rectangles that cover everything that is not a hole.
* @param rectangle the rectangle to subtract from
* @param holes the holes to subtract from the rectangle
* @return a list of sub rectangles that remain after subtracting out the given list of holes
static Collection<Rectangle> subtractRectangles(Rectangle rectangle, Collection<Rectangle> holes) {
List<Rectangle> result = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
for (Rectangle hole : holes) {
List<Rectangle> tempResult = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
for (Rectangle r : result) {
if (hole.intersects(r)) {
// Clip the hole to fit the rectangle bounds
Rectangle h = hole.intersection(r);
// Split the rectangle
// Above (includes the NW and NE corners)
if (h.y > r.y) {
tempResult.add(new Rectangle(r.x, r.y, r.width, h.y - r.y));
// Left (not including corners)
if (h.x > r.x) {
tempResult.add(new Rectangle(r.x, h.y, h.x - r.x, h.height));
int hx2 = h.x + h.width;
int hy2 = h.y + h.height;
int rx2 = r.x + r.width;
int ry2 = r.y + r.height;
// Below (includes the SW and SE corners)
if (hy2 < ry2) {
tempResult.add(new Rectangle(r.x, hy2, r.width, ry2 - hy2));
// Right (not including corners)
if (hx2 < rx2) {
tempResult.add(new Rectangle(hx2, h.y, rx2 - hx2, h.height));
} else {
result = tempResult;
return result;