Opening Android Studio in the IDE

  • Open the project in //tools/adt/idea
  • Set a Path Variable named SDK_PLATFORM for the platform to use:
    • Linux: linux/android-studio
    • Mac: darwin/android-studio/Contents
    • Windows: windows/android-studio
Please note that in order for this Path Variable to take full effect, you need to close and reopen the project

If you are using IntelliJ 2020.2 or earlier, create a template JUnit configuration as described in Running tests using IntelliJ

Updating the platform prebuilts

From go/ab

The official way of updating prebuilts that can be commited to prebuilts/studio/intellij-sdk is to get them from the IntelliJ target from ab/studio-main. First identify the numeric build_id <bid> (as of September 2021, a seven-digit number beginning with 7) you want to update to; you can also use the presubmit build identifier P followed by an 8-digit number, findable from presubmit build display or from go/studio-presubmits. Then you can run the following command:

./tools/adt/idea/studio/ --download <bid>

which will update tools/adt/idea and prebuilts/studio/intellij-sdk with the new prebuilts. Note that if the jars are the same and there are no major version changes, tools/adt/idea won't need to be updated. At this point you are ready to upload the changes for review.

From a locally built platform

In order to locally try changes to the platform, the prebuilts can be rebuilt as follows:

cd $SRC/tools/idea

which will generate a set of artifacts in tools/idea/out/studio/dist. To update the prebuilts with these, run:

$SRC/tools/adt/idea/studio/ --path $SRC/tools/idea/out/studio/dist

Note: does a clean build by default. You can use the --incremental flag to do an incremental build instead, which is much faster for repeated builds. There are also some additional build options you can set via system properties; see $SRC/tools/idea/platform/build-scripts/src/org/jetbrains/intellij/build/BuildOptions.kt for details.

Isolated builds

Note that in go/ab the prebuilts are built on a separate checkout to ensure that the ant build only has access to a few git repos. If you want to have an isolated check out to build prebuilts you can checkout a separate repo like this:

repo init -u sso:// -b studio-main -m studio-sdk.xml
repo sync -j10

And execute from the main repo with the path pointing to this isolated checkout.

Prebuilt Zipfile Errors

Running as described in either of the previous two sections currently results in a broken build as of November 2022. See b/234037608#comment7 for context and workarounds.

Building Android Studio

To build Android Studio run

bazel build //tools/adt/idea/studio:android-studio

and it will produce the following files:


Running Android Studio

Unzipping the files produced in the last step, should be all that is needed. But there is a handy utility on linux to do this:

bazel run //tools/adt/idea/studio:android-studio

will unzip the linux binary in a directory in /tmp, and will run it from there. The even handier:

bazel run //tools/adt/idea/studio:android-studio -- --debug

will set it up to wait for a remote debugger connection on the :5005 port.

Optimized builds

In order to build all dependencies with c++ optimized builds, stripped binaries, full zip compression, please use

bazel build //tools/adt/idea/studio:android-studio --config=release

Or our remote configuration which also implies release

bazel build //tools/adt/idea/studio:android-studio --config=remote