tree: dcf65412456e1ae1230f97ec70c9baf51f5836b2 [path history] [tgz]
  1. parser/
  2. psi/
  3. refactoring/
  4. resolution/
  5. room/
  7. AndroidSqlContext.kt
  9. AndroidSqlRenameVetoCondition.kt
  10. FileType.kt
  11. Inspections.kt
  12. MatchingCharacters.kt
  14. SyntaxHighlighter.kt

AndroidSQL language support



For every token in a Room query that is defined as a column (column_name/AndroidSqlColumnName) in grammar, we create a AndroidSqlColumnPsiReference. AndroidSqlColumnPsiReference can be one of two types: UnqualifiedColumnPsiReference or QualifiedColumnPsiReference. It depends on whether we know the table a given column belongs to. If we use column in query like this: TableName.columnName we say that we know the table and use QualifiedColumnPsiReference.

For tables there are two types of references: AndroidSqlSelectedTablePsiReference and AndroidSqlDefinedTablePsiReference.

AndroidSqlSelectedTablePsiReference for table that is already in scope for the current query. In practice it means for table name inside column reference i.e. selected_table_name ‘.’ column_name.

AndroidSqlDefinedTablePsiReference for table defined in the schema or using a WITH clause. It's used everywhere where we refer to table except ‘full’ columns names.

Resolution process

In order to resolve AndroidSqlColumnPsiReference we need to find a SqlColumn that corresponds to a given reference. This logic is inside resolveColumn method.

For QualifiedColumnPsiReference it's pretty simple. We know tableName and try to find a SqlTable that corresponds to it. If we found the SqlTable we just call SqlTable.processColumn(Processor).

For UnqualifiedColumnPsiReference we need to find all possible sources (see SqlTable/ Column sources) of columns in given query. And do SqlTable.processColumn(Processor) for each of them.

Let's see example

We have a Room Entity kotlin @Entity class User { val age:String } We have a RoomQuery "SELECT age FROM User" and by clicking on age or User we want to find defining element for it (actual field or Class). The process of finding that element calls resolution process. All classes that help to do it are in ./resolution directory.

Let's look into example for age field. Steps of parsing text file and creating PsiElements/Reference are described here and in Intellij SDK Documentation

Start with the step when we already have AndroidSqlColumnPsiReference for age field. In this example we have UnqualifiedColumnPsiReference because in the query from language perspective we didn't specify the source table like User.age.

UnqualifiedColumnPsiReference.resolve() should return PsiElement that corresponds to age field in User class. In order to do that we try to find SqlColumn with name age in one of SqlTables in the given query. In our simple example it will be just User table. Our next step is to obtain from the query all SqlTables, and call SqlTable.processColumn on each of them. That is exactly what processSelectedSqlTables method in Resolution.kt does.

Resolution process for UnqualifiedColumnPsiReference:

  1. Inside processSelectedSqlTables we traverse PSI tree in DFS style
  2. For every PsiElement that implements AndroidSqlTableElement we get SqlTable. Note that in general obtaining SqlTable from AndroidSqlTableElement runs another resolution process.
  3. For every SqlTable we run SqlTable.processColumn that processes every column in table. Be aware that sometimes (e.g for SubqueryTable) processColumn starts another resolution process.
  4. Continue until SqlTable.processColumn returns false, or we traverse all the PSI tree.

SqlTable and AndroidSqlTableElement

SqlTable is a class that represents the source of columns, the key functionality of SqlTable is that it can feed its column to the processor. Also SqlTable has a link to the defining element e.g Room Entity, SELECT statement, AndroidSqlFakePsiElement.

AndroidSqlTableElement is a PsiElement that is created during parsing of a SQL query. AndroidSqlTableElement.sqlTable contains link to corresponding SqlTable. For different subclasses of AndroidSqlTableElement there are different implementations of AndroidSqlTableElement.sqlTable see PsiImplUtil.getSqlTable. In most cases AndroidSqlTableElement.sqlTable runs resolution process for the table, see resolve method in AndroidSqlDefinedTablePsiReferenceand AndroidSqlSelectedTablePsiReference.

Column sources

During the resolution process, we need to traverse all valid sources for a certain column. Everything that can be source of column implements SqlTable interface. Examples:

  • SubqueryTable - In query SELECT * FROM (SELECT column1, column2 FROM MyTable) inner SELECT creates SubqueryTable for toplevel SELECT.
  • RoomTable - table based on Room Entity class
  • AliasColumnTable - In query SELECT id as aliasId, name as aliasName FROM User part id as aliasId, name as aliasName creates AliasColumnTable with two columns aliasId and aliasName.
  • WithClauseTable
  • Table from SqliteSchema see SqliteTable.convertToSqlTable in SqliteSchemaContext.

If SqlTable is not defined in a query (e.g. WITH close, AliasColumnTable) we find it by calling processTables on a known AndroidSqlContext. You can provide AndroidSqlContext for PsiFile that contains sql query through extension point.


RoomSchema is the schema of the database defined in Java/Kotlin classes. We build and store RoomSchema per module in RoomSchemaManager. Every module can contain 3 schemas depends on visibility scope:

  • MAIN

For more about scopes see TestArtifactSearchScopes.

If Room is present in a module we traverse all files in current scope and build RoomTables (implementation of SqlTable) with RoomColumns. In most cases RoomColumn is defined by class field, but in order to support rowid when a user hasn't specified integer primary key we have PsiElementForFakeColumn.


SqlTable.processColumns takes sqlTablesInProcess: MutableSet<PsiElement> as the second argument. We need this set to avoid infinite recursion. In query Columns of A SqlTable can be defined through B SqlTable and at the same time Columns of B SqlTable can be defined through A SqlTable. When we try to process all columns of A we can end up in infinite recursion. Just like in simple DFS we store table that currently in process to avoid it.

Example of valid recursive query:

WITH recTable AS (SELECT 1 AS level UNION ALL SELECT level + 1 FROM recTable WHERE level < 10) SELECT level FROM recTable

Example of invalid recursive query:

WITH t1 AS (SELECT * FROM t2), t2 AS (select * from t1 WHERE <caret>) SELECT * FROM t1"