blob: 5427485cbdec836eff6be19ff1838b049f9783e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.intellij.openapi.application.Result;
import com.intellij.openapi.command.WriteCommandAction;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlFile;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
/** A resizing operation */
public class ResizeInteraction extends Interaction {
/** The surface associated with this interaction. */
private final ScreenView myScreenView;
/** The component being resized */
private final NlComponent myComponent;
/** The top or bottom edge being resized, or null if resizing left or right edges horizontally only */
private final SegmentType myHorizontalEdge;
/** The left or right edge being resized, or null if resizing top or bottom edges vertically only */
private final SegmentType myVerticalEdge;
/** The resize handler for the layout view */
private ResizeHandler myResizeHandler;
public ResizeInteraction(@NonNull ScreenView screenView, @NonNull NlComponent component, @NonNull SelectionHandle handle) {
myScreenView = screenView;
myComponent = component;
myHorizontalEdge = handle.getHorizontalEdge();
myVerticalEdge = handle.getVerticalEdge();
public void begin(@SwingCoordinate int x, @SwingCoordinate int y, int startMask) {
super.begin(x, y, startMask);
NlComponent parent = myComponent.getParent();
if (parent != null) {
ViewGroupHandler viewGroupHandler = ViewHandlerManager.get(myScreenView.getModel().getFacet()).findLayoutHandler(parent, false);
if (viewGroupHandler != null) {
ViewEditor editor = new ViewEditorImpl(myScreenView);
myResizeHandler = viewGroupHandler.createResizeHandler(editor, myComponent, myHorizontalEdge, myVerticalEdge);
if (myResizeHandler != null) {
int androidX = Coordinates.getAndroidX(myScreenView, myStartX);
int androidY = Coordinates.getAndroidY(myScreenView, myStartY);
myResizeHandler.start(androidX, androidY, startMask);
public void update(@SwingCoordinate int x, @SwingCoordinate int y, int modifiers) {
super.update(x, y, modifiers);
moveTo(x, y, modifiers, false);
public void end(@SwingCoordinate int x, @SwingCoordinate int y, int modifiers, boolean canceled) {
super.end(x, y, modifiers, canceled);
moveTo(x, y, modifiers, !canceled);
if (!canceled) {
private void moveTo(@SwingCoordinate int x, @SwingCoordinate int y, final int modifiers, boolean commit) {
if (myResizeHandler == null) {
final int ax = Coordinates.getAndroidX(myScreenView, x);
final int ay = Coordinates.getAndroidY(myScreenView, y);
final int deltaX = Coordinates.getAndroidDimension(myScreenView, x - myStartX);
final int deltaY = Coordinates.getAndroidDimension(myScreenView, y - myStartY);
final Rectangle newBounds = getNewBounds(new Rectangle(myComponent.x, myComponent.y, myComponent.w, myComponent.h), deltaX, deltaY);
myResizeHandler.update(ax, ay, modifiers, newBounds);
if (commit) {
NlModel model = myScreenView.getModel();
Project project = model.getFacet().getModule().getProject();
XmlFile file = model.getFile();
String label = "Resize";
WriteCommandAction action = new WriteCommandAction(project, label, file) {
protected void run(@NonNull Result result) throws Throwable {
myResizeHandler.commit(ax, ay, modifiers, newBounds);
* For the new mouse position, compute the resized bounds (the bounding rectangle that
* the view should be resized to). This is not just a width or height, since in some
* cases resizing will change the x/y position of the view as well (for example, in
* RelativeLayout or in AbsoluteLayout).
private Rectangle getNewBounds(@AndroidCoordinate Rectangle b, @AndroidCoordinate int deltaX, @AndroidCoordinate int deltaY) {
int x = b.x;
int y = b.y;
int w = b.width;
int h = b.height;
if (deltaX == 0 && deltaY == 0) {
// No move - just use the existing bounds
return b;
ResizePolicy mResizePolicy = ResizePolicy.full(); // TODO
boolean isLeft = myVerticalEdge == SegmentType.LEFT || myVerticalEdge == SegmentType.START;
boolean isRight = myVerticalEdge == SegmentType.RIGHT || myVerticalEdge == SegmentType.END;
boolean isTop = myHorizontalEdge == SegmentType.TOP;
boolean isBottom = myHorizontalEdge == SegmentType.BOTTOM;
if (mResizePolicy.isAspectPreserving() && w != 0 && h != 0) {
double aspectRatio = w / (double) h;
int newW = Math.abs(b.width + (isLeft ? -deltaX : deltaX));
int newH = Math.abs(b.height + (isTop ? -deltaY : deltaY));
double newAspectRatio = newW / (double) newH;
if (newH == 0 || newAspectRatio > aspectRatio) {
deltaY = (int) (deltaX / aspectRatio);
} else {
deltaX = (int) (deltaY * aspectRatio);
if (isLeft) {
// The user is dragging the left edge, so the position is anchored on the
// right.
int x2 = b.x + b.width;
int nx1 = b.x + deltaX;
if (nx1 <= x2) {
x = nx1;
w = x2 - x;
else {
w = 0;
x = x2;
} else if (isRight) {
// The user is dragging the right edge, so the position is anchored on the
// left.
int nx2 = b.x + b.width + deltaX;
if (nx2 >= b.x) {
w = nx2 - b.x;
} else {
w = 0;
} else {
assert myVerticalEdge == null : myVerticalEdge;
if (isTop) {
// The user is dragging the top edge, so the position is anchored on the
// bottom.
int y2 = b.y + b.height;
int ny1 = b.y + deltaY;
if (ny1 < y2) {
y = ny1;
h = y2 - y;
} else {
h = 0;
y = y2;
} else if (isBottom) {
// The user is dragging the bottom edge, so the position is anchored on the
// top.
int ny2 = b.y + b.height + deltaY;
if (ny2 >= b.y) {
h = ny2 - b.y;
} else {
h = 0;
} else {
assert myHorizontalEdge == null : myHorizontalEdge;
return new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);
public List<Layer> createOverlays() {
return Collections.<Layer>singletonList(new ResizeLayer());
* An {@link Layer} for the {@link ResizeInteraction}; paints feedback from
* the current resize handler, if any
private class ResizeLayer extends Layer {
public ResizeLayer() {
public void create() {
public void dispose() {
public void paint(@NonNull Graphics2D gc) {
if (myResizeHandler != null) {
myResizeHandler.paint(new NlGraphics(gc, myScreenView));