blob: 3a7197d59cedd14432b9391cd1de4cc2f0eb0fb6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.intellij.openapi.application.PathManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
import com.intellij.util.containers.HashSet;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import static;
* Descriptor for a device frame picture (background, shadow, reflection) which can be
* painted around a screenshot or device rendering
public class DeviceArtDescriptor {
@NotNull public static final DeviceArtDescriptor NONE = new DeviceArtDescriptor(null, null);
private final String myId;
private final String myName;
private final File myFolder;
private OrientationData myPortrait;
private OrientationData myLandscape;
@NonNls private static final String FN_BASE = "device-art-resources";
@NonNls private static final String FN_DESCRIPTOR = "device-art.xml";
/** Returns the absolute path to {@link #FN_BASE} folder, or null if it couldn't be located. */
public static File getBundledDescriptorsFolder() {
// In the IDE distribution, this should be in plugins/android/lib/FN_BASE
String androidJarPath = PathManager.getJarPathForClass(DeviceArtDescriptor.class);
if (androidJarPath != null) {
File androidJar = new File(androidJarPath);
if (androidJar.isFile()) {
File base = new File(androidJar.getParentFile(), FN_BASE);
if (base.exists() && base.isDirectory()) {
return base;
// In development environments, search a few other folders
String basePath = PathManager.getHomePath();
String[] paths = new String[] {
"plugins" + File.separatorChar + "android" + File.separatorChar,
".." + File.separator + "adt" + File.separator + "idea" + File.separator + "android" + File.separatorChar,
"android" + File.separatorChar + "android" + File.separatorChar,
"community" + File.separatorChar + "android" + File.separatorChar + "android" + File.separatorChar,
for (String p : paths) {
File base = new File(basePath, p);
if (base.isDirectory()) {
File files = new File(base, FN_BASE);
if (files.isDirectory()) {
return files;
return null;
private static File getDescriptorFile(@NotNull File folder) {
File file = new File(folder, FN_DESCRIPTOR);
return file.isFile() ? file : null;
private static List<File> getDescriptorFiles(@Nullable File[] additionalRoots) {
Set<File> roots = new HashSet<File>();
File base = getBundledDescriptorsFolder();
if (base != null) {
if (additionalRoots != null) {
Collections.addAll(roots, additionalRoots);
List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>(roots.size());
for (File root : roots) {
File file = getDescriptorFile(root);
if (file != null) {
return files;
public static List<DeviceArtDescriptor> getDescriptors(@Nullable File[] folders) {
List<File> files = getDescriptorFiles(folders);
List<DeviceArtDescriptor> result = Lists.newArrayList();
for (File file : files)
try {
String xml = Files.toString(file, Charsets.UTF_8);
Document document = XmlUtils.parseDocumentSilently(xml, false);
if (document != null) {
File baseFolder = file.getParentFile();
addDescriptors(result, document, baseFolder);
else {
Logger.getInstance(DeviceArtDescriptor.class).error("Couldn't parse " + file);
catch (IOException e) {
return result;
private DeviceArtDescriptor(@Nullable File baseFolder, @Nullable Element element) {
if (element == null) {
myId = myName = "";
myFolder = null;
} else {
myId = element.getAttribute(SdkConstants.ATTR_ID);
myName = element.getAttribute(SdkConstants.ATTR_NAME);
myFolder = new File(baseFolder, myId);
List<Element> children = getChildren(element);
for (Element child : children) {
OrientationData orientation = new OrientationData(this, child);
if (orientation.isPortrait()) {
myPortrait = orientation;
} else {
myLandscape = orientation;
static void addDescriptors(List<DeviceArtDescriptor> result, Document document, File baseFolder) {
NodeList deviceList = document.getElementsByTagName("device");
for (int i = 0; i < deviceList.getLength(); i++) {
Element element = (Element)deviceList.item(i);
DeviceArtDescriptor descriptor = new DeviceArtDescriptor(baseFolder, element);
public String getId() {
return myId;
public String getName() {
return myName;
public OrientationData getArtDescriptor(@NotNull ScreenOrientation orientation) {
return orientation == ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT ? myPortrait : myLandscape;
public File getBaseFolder() {
return myFolder;
public Dimension getScreenSize(@NotNull ScreenOrientation orientation) {
return getArtDescriptor(orientation).getScreenSize();
public Point getScreenPos(@NotNull ScreenOrientation orientation) {
return getArtDescriptor(orientation).getScreenPos();
public Dimension getFrameSize(@NotNull ScreenOrientation orientation) {
return getArtDescriptor(orientation).getFrameSize();
public Rectangle getCrop(@NotNull ScreenOrientation orientation) {
return getArtDescriptor(orientation).getCrop();
public File getFrame(@NotNull ScreenOrientation orientation) {
return getArtDescriptor(orientation).getBackgroundFile();
public File getDropShadow(@NotNull ScreenOrientation orientation) {
return getArtDescriptor(orientation).getShadowFile();
public File getReflectionOverlay(@NotNull ScreenOrientation orientation) {
return getArtDescriptor(orientation).getReflectionFile();
public File getMask(@NotNull ScreenOrientation orientation) {
return getArtDescriptor(orientation).getMaskFile();
public double getAspectRatio(ScreenOrientation orientation) {
return getArtDescriptor(orientation).getAspectRatio();
public boolean isStretchable() {
return myId.equals("phone") || myId.equals("tablet");
/** Returns whether this descriptor can frame the given image. */
public boolean canFrameImage(BufferedImage image, ScreenOrientation orientation) {
if (isStretchable()) {
return true;
// Not all devices are available in all orientations
if (orientation == ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT && myPortrait == null) {
return false;
} else if (orientation == ScreenOrientation.LANDSCAPE && myLandscape == null) {
return false;
// Don't support framing images smaller than our screen size (we don't want to stretch the image)
Dimension screenSize = getArtDescriptor(orientation).getScreenSize();
if (image.getWidth() < screenSize.getWidth() || image.getHeight() < screenSize.getHeight()) {
return false;
// Make sure that the aspect ratio is nearly identical to the image aspect ratio
double imgAspectRatio = image.getWidth() / (double) image.getHeight();
double descriptorAspectRatio = getAspectRatio(orientation);
return Math.abs(imgAspectRatio - descriptorAspectRatio) < ImageUtils.EPSILON;
/** Descriptor for a particular device frame (e.g. a set of images for a particular device in a particular orientation) */
private static class OrientationData {
private final DeviceArtDescriptor myDevice;
private final String myShadowName;
private final String myBackgroundName;
private final String myReflectionName;
private final String myMaskName;
private final Dimension myScreenSize;
private final Point myScreenPos;
private final Dimension myFrameSize;
private final Rectangle myCrop;
private final ScreenOrientation myOrientation;
OrientationData(DeviceArtDescriptor device, Element element) {
myDevice = device;
String orientation = element.getAttribute(SdkConstants.ATTR_NAME);
if ("port".equals(orientation)) {
myOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT;
} else {
assert "land".equals(orientation) : orientation;
myOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LANDSCAPE;
myFrameSize = getDimension(element.getAttribute("size"));
myScreenSize = getDimension(element.getAttribute("screenSize"));
myScreenPos = getPoint(element.getAttribute("screenPos"));
myCrop = getRectangle(element.getAttribute("crop"));
myBackgroundName = getFileName(element, "back");
myShadowName = getFileName(element, "shadow");
myReflectionName = getFileName(element, "lights");
myMaskName = getFileName(element, "mask");
private static String getFileName(Element element, String name) {
return name != null && !name.isEmpty() ? element.getAttribute(name) : null;
private static Dimension getDimension(String value) {
if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) {
return null;
int comma = value.indexOf(',');
if (comma == -1) {
return null;
return new Dimension(getInteger(value.substring(0, comma)), getInteger(value.substring(comma + 1)));
private static Point getPoint(String value) {
if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) {
return null;
int comma = value.indexOf(',');
if (comma == -1) {
return null;
return new Point(getInteger(value.substring(0, comma)), getInteger(value.substring(comma + 1)));
private static Rectangle getRectangle(String value) {
if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) {
return null;
int comma1 = value.indexOf(',');
if (comma1 == -1) {
return null;
int comma2 = value.indexOf(',', comma1 + 1);
if (comma2 == -1) {
return null;
int comma3 = value.indexOf(',', comma2 + 1);
if (comma3 == -1) {
return null;
String x = value.substring(0, comma1);
String y = value.substring(comma1 + 1, comma2);
String w = value.substring(comma2 + 1, comma3);
String h = value.substring(comma3 + 1);
return new Rectangle(getInteger(x), getInteger(y), getInteger(w), getInteger(h));
private static int getInteger(String value) {
return Integer.parseInt(value);
public boolean isPortrait() {
return myOrientation == ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT;
public Dimension getScreenSize() {
return myScreenSize;
public Point getScreenPos() {
return myScreenPos;
public Dimension getFrameSize() {
return myFrameSize;
public Rectangle getCrop() {
return myCrop;
public ScreenOrientation getOrientation() {
return myOrientation;
public File getBackgroundFile() {
return !StringUtil.isEmpty(myBackgroundName) ? new File(myDevice.getBaseFolder(), myBackgroundName) : null;
public File getShadowFile() {
return !StringUtil.isEmpty(myShadowName) ? new File(myDevice.getBaseFolder(), myShadowName) : null;
public File getReflectionFile() {
return !StringUtil.isEmpty(myReflectionName) ? new File(myDevice.getBaseFolder(), myReflectionName) : null;
public File getMaskFile() {
return !StringUtil.isEmpty(myMaskName) ? new File(myDevice.getBaseFolder(), myMaskName) : null;
public double getAspectRatio() {
return myScreenSize.width / (double) myScreenSize.height;