tree: cba1f18a346f747d1d7b00e99c9f203e817bc961 [path history] [tgz]
  1. linux/
  2. mac/
  3. mac_arm/
  4. win/
  5. BUILD
  6. ImageConverter.c
  8. sbom.none

When ImageConverter.c is changed, the prebuilt libimage_converter native libraries has to be updated for all platforms. To update the libimage_converter library for the current platform, run

bazel build //tools/adt/idea/streaming/native:update_libimage_converter

Note: The Mac Arm version of the library (tools/adt/idea/streaming/native/mac_arm/libimage_converter.dylib) cannot be built using the above method yet. The current version was obtained from an Emulator build (