Add --local-system_dlkm-image

system_dlkm has been a new requirement since Android 13. Generally it is
built from the kernel branches and in different formats. Cuttlefish
requires the flattened ext4 image. system_dlkm image has to be mixed
with cuttlefish images into a super image. The user has to provide OTA
tools and cuttlefish target_files zip as parameters to acloud.

Bug: 298075407
Test: acloud-dev create -vv --host \
      --host-user vsoc-01 --host-ssh-private-key-path ~/id_rsa \
      --local-system_dlkm-image ~/system_dlkm.flatten.ext4.img \
      --local-boot-image ~/boot.img \
      --local-image ~/ \
      --cvd-host-package ~/cvd-host_package.tar.gz \
      --local-tool ~/otatools
Change-Id: I17b9d7a1318f3357a4384d939a25d6ecf2e734b5
6 files changed