Change timeouts for VtsKernelNetBpfTest#BpfRaceTest

Increase timeout for the flaky testRaceWithoutBarrier,
since it sometimes flakes.  It normally finds the race
in seconds.

Decrease timeout for testRaceWithBarrier, it just burns
time/cpu since it normally runs till it times out to prove
race doesn't happen..

Example run:
  x86_64 bpf_module_test
  bpf_module_test (3 Tests)
  [1/3] BpfTest#bpfMapPinTest: PASSED (3ms)
  [2/3] BpfRaceTest#testRaceWithBarrier: PASSED (29.941s)
  [3/3] BpfRaceTest#testRaceWithoutBarrier: PASSED (76ms)

Test: TreeHugger
Bug: 159783201
Signed-off-by: Maciej Żenczykowski <>
Change-Id: Ib824235dbc2985f7a8609f1f492e06bebd99972d
1 file changed