Enforce only vintf stable interfaces in the vintf manifest

The VINTF manifest is only used for communication across the vendor
interface where stability is necessary in order to update partitions

Now that AIDL is allowed to be used for the vendor interface and it's
possible to have non-vintf-stable AIDL interfaces, we need a check the
stability of the interfaces here in VTS.

This is only checking on new devices as we can't impose this restriction
on older devices that previously passed VTS.

Test: add a non-vintf interface to the device manifest with workarounds
in libvintf
Test: atest vts_treble_vintf_vendor_test
Test: add a non-vintf interface to the framework manifest
Test: atest vts_treble_vintf_framework_test
Bug: 323989070

Change-Id: Ia468486324b5efc3918e321ab938e15784d943f3
1 file changed