Clean up benchmarks.

Use the MemoryTracker class to remove copy pasted code in benchmarks.
Switch to using MALLOC_PURGE_ALL now since it is more accurate.
purging code.

Move the MemoryTracker objects out of the test classes, and create them
around the benchmark loop.

Renamed all of the BM_elf_and_symbol to just BM_symbol_lookup since
this allows running those tests easily using a filter.

Change the GatherRss() to GetRSSBytes() with a return value. It didn't
make sense to pass in a variable to set, so the new function returns
the total RSS instead.

Fix the eval benchmarks to do the calculations of memory during the

Fix bug that initialized the min_rss_bytes_ variable incorrectly.

Change all benchmark loops from for (auto _ : state) to
for (const auto& _ : state).

Test: Ran benchmarks and verified RSS numbers seem realistic.
Change-Id: I354dc47c5d95feb2a1c88df4c834d7dcb757b0fe
10 files changed
tree: acb40ac61dc6655e04da9f01fdf3550562f35198
  1. libunwindstack/
  3. PREUPLOAD.cfg