Fillout requesting SID.

Bug: 121035042
Test: boot and check for SIDs coming into hwservicemanager instances
    which were retrieved w/ IServiceManager::getService

Change-Id: I3a7f6c0b3cc8bab24e0639a3e7121ef536b2603b
Merged-In: I3a7f6c0b3cc8bab24e0639a3e7121ef536b2603b
(cherry picked from commit e61254463c7c441952b34ac4fe674b13ad4f875a)
1 file changed
tree: 570e29d956c5a2373a25ab49cd5a95b1467e63d8
  1. c2hal/
  2. include_hash/
  3. test/
  4. utils/
  5. Android.bp
  6. Annotation.cpp
  7. Annotation.h
  8. ArrayType.cpp
  9. ArrayType.h
  10. AST.cpp
  11. AST.h
  12. CompoundType.cpp
  13. CompoundType.h
  14. ConstantExpression.cpp
  15. ConstantExpression.h
  16. Coordinator.cpp
  17. Coordinator.h
  18. DeathRecipientType.cpp
  19. DeathRecipientType.h
  20. EnumType.cpp
  21. EnumType.h
  22. FmqType.cpp
  23. FmqType.h
  24. generateCpp.cpp
  25. generateCppImpl.cpp
  26. generateJava.cpp
  27. generateVts.cpp
  28. HandleType.cpp
  29. HandleType.h
  30. Hash.cpp
  31. hidl-gen_l.ll
  32. hidl-gen_y.yy
  33. HidlTypeAssertion.cpp
  34. HidlTypeAssertion.h
  35. Interface.cpp
  36. Interface.h
  37. Location.h
  38. main.cpp
  39. MemoryType.cpp
  40. MemoryType.h
  41. Method.cpp
  42. Method.h
  44. NamedType.cpp
  45. NamedType.h
  46. NOTICE
  47. PointerType.cpp
  48. PointerType.h
  50. RefType.cpp
  51. RefType.h
  52. ScalarType.cpp
  53. ScalarType.h
  54. Scope.cpp
  55. Scope.h
  56. StringType.cpp
  57. StringType.h
  58. Type.cpp
  59. Type.h
  60. TypeDef.cpp
  61. TypeDef.h
  63. VectorType.cpp
  64. VectorType.h

hidl-gen user guide

1. Build

make hidl-gen

2. Run

hidl-gen -o output-path -L language (-r interface-root) fqname

output-path: directory to store the output files.
language: output file for given language. e.g.c++, vts..

fqname: fully qualified name of the input files.
For singe file input, follow the format: package@version::fileName
For directory input, follow the format: package@version

interface-root(optional): prefix and root path for fqname.
If not set, use the default prefix: android.hardware and default root path
defined in $TOP.


hidl-gen -o output -L c++ -r android.hardware:hardware/interfaces -r android.hidl:system/libhidl/transport android.hardware.nfc@1.0::INfc.hal
hidl-gen -o output -L vts -r android.hardware:hardware/interfaces -r android.hidl:system/libhidl/transport android.hardware.nfc@1.0
hidl-gen -o test -L c++ -r android.hardware:hardware/interfaces -r android.hidl:system/libhidl/transport android.hardware.nfc@1.0