blob: 5c51f03d22aedd751072fb066afdd1e038512039 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "diagnostics.h"
#include <functional>
#include <stack>
#include "aidl_language.h"
#include "logging.h"
using std::placeholders::_1;
namespace android {
namespace aidl {
const std::map<std::string, DiagnosticOption> kAllDiagnostics = {
#define DIAG(ENUM, NAME, ENABLED) {NAME, DiagnosticOption{DiagnosticID::ENUM, NAME, ENABLED}},
#include ""
#undef DIAG
static const std::map<DiagnosticID, std::string> kDiagnosticsNames = {
#define DIAG(ENUM, NAME, ENABLED) {DiagnosticID::ENUM, NAME},
#include ""
#undef DIAG
void DiagnosticMapping::Severity(DiagnosticID id, DiagnosticSeverity severity) {
mapping_[id] = severity;
DiagnosticSeverity DiagnosticMapping::Severity(DiagnosticID id) const {
std::string to_string(DiagnosticID id) {
static std::string ToUpper(const std::string& name) {
std::string nameCopy(name);
for (auto& c : nameCopy) c = std::toupper(c);
return nameCopy;
class DiagnosticsContext {
DiagnosticsContext(DiagnosticMapping mapping) : mapping_({std::move(mapping)}) {}
AidlErrorLog Report(const AidlLocation& loc, DiagnosticID id,
DiagnosticSeverity force_severity = DiagnosticSeverity::DISABLED) {
if (loc.IsInternal()) {
return AidlErrorLog(AidlErrorLog::NO_OP, loc);
const std::string suffix = " [-W" + to_string(id) + "]";
auto severity = std::max(force_severity,;
switch (severity) {
case DiagnosticSeverity::DISABLED:
return AidlErrorLog(AidlErrorLog::NO_OP, loc);
case DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING:
return AidlErrorLog(AidlErrorLog::WARNING, loc, suffix);
case DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR:
return AidlErrorLog(AidlErrorLog::ERROR, loc, suffix);
size_t ErrorCount() const { return error_count_; }
void Suppress(const AidlAnnotatable& a) {
const auto& warnings = a.SuppressWarnings();
DiagnosticMapping new_mapping =;
for (const auto& w : warnings) {
auto it = kAllDiagnostics.find(w);
if (it == kAllDiagnostics.end()) {
Report(a.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::unknown_warning, DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR)
<< "unknown warning: " << w;
new_mapping.Severity(it->, DiagnosticSeverity::DISABLED);
void Restore(const AidlAnnotatable&) {
std::stack<DiagnosticMapping> mapping_;
size_t error_count_ = {};
class DiagnosticsVisitor : public AidlVisitor {
DiagnosticsVisitor(DiagnosticsContext& diag) : diag(diag) {}
void Check(const AidlDocument& doc) {
DiagnosticsVisitor* visitor = this;
using Fun = std::function<void(const AidlAnnotatable&)>;
struct Hook : public AidlVisitor {
Fun fun;
Hook(Fun fun) : fun(fun) {}
void Visit(const AidlInterface& a) override { fun(a); }
void Visit(const AidlEnumDeclaration& a) override { fun(a); }
void Visit(const AidlStructuredParcelable& a) override { fun(a); }
void Visit(const AidlUnionDecl& a) override { fun(a); }
void Visit(const AidlParcelable& a) override { fun(a); }
void Visit(const AidlMethod& a) override { fun(a.GetType()); }
Hook suppress{std::bind(&DiagnosticsContext::Suppress, &diag, _1)};
Hook restore{std::bind(&DiagnosticsContext::Restore, &diag, _1)};
std::function<void(const AidlNode&)> top_down = [&top_down, &suppress, &restore,
visitor](const AidlNode& a) {
DiagnosticsContext& diag;
struct DiagnoseInterfaceName : DiagnosticsVisitor {
DiagnoseInterfaceName(DiagnosticsContext& diag) : DiagnosticsVisitor(diag) {}
void Visit(const AidlInterface& i) override {
if (auto name = i.GetName(); name.size() < 1 || name[0] != 'I') {
diag.Report(i.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::interface_name)
<< "Interface names should start with I.";
struct DiagnoseInoutParameter : DiagnosticsVisitor {
DiagnoseInoutParameter(DiagnosticsContext& diag) : DiagnosticsVisitor(diag) {}
void Visit(const AidlArgument& a) override {
if (a.GetDirection() == AidlArgument::INOUT_DIR) {
diag.Report(a.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::inout_parameter)
<< a.GetName()
<< " is 'inout'. Avoid inout parameters. This is somewhat confusing for clients "
"because although the parameters are 'in', they look out 'out' parameters.";
struct DiagnoseConstName : DiagnosticsVisitor {
DiagnoseConstName(DiagnosticsContext& diag) : DiagnosticsVisitor(diag) {}
void Visit(const AidlEnumerator& e) override {
if (ToUpper(e.GetName()) != e.GetName()) {
diag.Report(e.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::const_name)
<< "Enum values should be named in upper case: " << e.GetName();
void Visit(const AidlConstantDeclaration& c) override {
if (ToUpper(c.GetName()) != c.GetName()) {
diag.Report(c.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::const_name)
<< "Constants should be named in upper case: " << c.GetName();
struct DiagnoseExplicitDefault : DiagnosticsVisitor {
DiagnoseExplicitDefault(DiagnosticsContext& diag) : DiagnosticsVisitor(diag) {}
void Visit(const AidlStructuredParcelable& p) override {
for (const auto& var : p.GetFields()) {
void Visit(const AidlUnionDecl& u) override {
AIDL_FATAL_IF(u.GetFields().empty(), u) << "The union '" << u.GetName() << "' has no fields.";
const auto& first = u.GetFields()[0];
void CheckExplicitDefault(const AidlVariableDeclaration& v) {
if (v.IsDefaultUserSpecified()) return;
if (v.GetType().IsNullable()) return;
if (v.GetType().IsArray()) return;
const auto defined_type = v.GetType().GetDefinedType();
if (defined_type && defined_type->AsEnumDeclaration()) {
diag.Report(v.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::enum_explicit_default)
<< "The enum field '" << v.GetName() << "' has no explicit value.";
struct DiagnoseMixedOneway : DiagnosticsVisitor {
DiagnoseMixedOneway(DiagnosticsContext& diag) : DiagnosticsVisitor(diag) {}
void Visit(const AidlInterface& i) override {
bool has_oneway = false;
bool has_twoway = false;
for (const auto& m : i.GetMethods()) {
if (!m->IsUserDefined()) continue;
if (Suppressed(*m)) continue;
if (m->IsOneway()) {
has_oneway = true;
} else {
has_twoway = true;
if (has_oneway && has_twoway) {
diag.Report(i.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::mixed_oneway)
<< "The interface '" << i.GetName()
<< "' has both one-way and two-way methods. This makes it hard to reason about threading "
"of client code.";
bool Suppressed(const AidlMethod& m) const {
for (const auto& w : m.GetType().SuppressWarnings()) {
if (w == to_string(DiagnosticID::mixed_oneway)) {
return true;
return false;
struct DiagnoseRedundantOneway : DiagnosticsVisitor {
DiagnoseRedundantOneway(DiagnosticsContext& diag) : DiagnosticsVisitor(diag) {}
void Visit(const AidlInterface& i) override {
if (i.HasOnewayAnnotation()) {
for (const auto& m : i.GetMethods()) {
if (!m->IsUserDefined()) continue;
if (Suppressed(*m)) continue;
if (m->HasOnewayAnnotation()) {
diag.Report(i.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::redundant_oneway)
<< "The interface '" << i.GetName()
<< "' is oneway. Redundant oneway annotation for method '" << m->GetName() << "'.";
bool Suppressed(const AidlMethod& m) const {
for (const auto& w : m.GetType().SuppressWarnings()) {
if (w == to_string(DiagnosticID::redundant_oneway)) {
return true;
return false;
struct DiagnoseOutArray : DiagnosticsVisitor {
DiagnoseOutArray(DiagnosticsContext& diag) : DiagnosticsVisitor(diag) {}
void Visit(const AidlMethod& m) override {
for (const auto& a : m.GetArguments()) {
if (a->GetType().IsArray() && a->IsOut()) {
diag.Report(m.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::out_array)
<< "The method '" << m.GetName() << "' an array output parameter '" << a->GetName()
<< "'. Instead prefer APIs like '" << a->GetType().Signature() << " " << m.GetName()
<< "(...).";
struct DiagnoseFileDescriptor : DiagnosticsVisitor {
DiagnoseFileDescriptor(DiagnosticsContext& diag) : DiagnosticsVisitor(diag) {}
void Visit(const AidlTypeSpecifier& t) override {
if (t.GetName() == "FileDescriptor") {
diag.Report(t.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::file_descriptor)
<< "Please use ParcelFileDescriptor instead of FileDescriptor.";
struct DiagnoseOutNullable : DiagnosticsVisitor {
DiagnoseOutNullable(DiagnosticsContext& diag) : DiagnosticsVisitor(diag) {}
void Visit(const AidlArgument& a) override {
if (a.GetType().IsArray()) return;
if (a.IsOut() && a.GetType().IsNullable()) {
diag.Report(a.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::out_nullable)
<< "'" << a.GetName() << "' is an " << a.GetDirectionSpecifier()
<< " parameter and also nullable. Some backends don't support setting null value to out "
"parameters. Please use it as return value or drop @nullable to avoid potential "
struct DiagnoseImports : DiagnosticsVisitor {
DiagnoseImports(DiagnosticsContext& diag) : DiagnosticsVisitor(diag) {}
void Visit(const AidlDocument& doc) override {
auto collide_with_decls = [&](const auto& import) {
for (const auto& type : doc.DefinedTypes()) {
if (type->GetCanonicalName() != import && type->GetName() == SimpleName(import)) {
return true;
return false;
std::set<std::string> imported_names;
for (const auto& import : doc.Imports()) {
if (collide_with_decls(import)) {
diag.Report(doc.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::unique_import)
<< SimpleName(import) << " is already defined in this file.";
auto [_, inserted] = imported_names.insert(SimpleName(import));
if (!inserted) {
diag.Report(doc.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::unique_import)
<< SimpleName(import) << " is already imported.";
struct DiagnoseUntypedCollection : DiagnosticsVisitor {
DiagnoseUntypedCollection(DiagnosticsContext& diag) : DiagnosticsVisitor(diag) {}
void Visit(const AidlTypeSpecifier& t) override {
if (t.GetName() == "List" || t.GetName() == "Map") {
if (!t.IsGeneric()) {
diag.Report(t.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::untyped_collection)
<< "Use List<V> or Map<K,V> instead.";
struct DiagnosePermissionAnnotations : DiagnosticsVisitor {
DiagnosePermissionAnnotations(DiagnosticsContext& diag) : DiagnosticsVisitor(diag) {}
void Visit(const AidlInterface& intf) override {
const std::string diag_message =
" is not annotated for permissions. Declare which permissions are "
"required using @EnforcePermission. If permissions are manually "
"verified within the implementation, use @PermissionManuallyEnforced. "
"If no permissions are required, use @RequiresNoPermission.";
if (intf.IsPermissionAnnotated()) {
const auto& methods = intf.GetMethods();
std::vector<size_t> methods_without_annotations;
size_t num_user_defined_methods = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < methods.size(); ++i) {
auto& m = methods[i];
if (!m->IsUserDefined()) continue;
if (m->GetType().IsPermissionAnnotated()) {
if (methods_without_annotations.size() == num_user_defined_methods) {
diag.Report(intf.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::missing_permission_annotation)
<< intf.GetName() << diag_message
<< " This can be done for the whole interface or for each method.";
} else {
for (size_t i : methods_without_annotations) {
auto& m = methods[i];
diag.Report(m->GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::missing_permission_annotation)
<< m->GetName() << diag_message;
struct DiagnoseRedundantNames : DiagnosticsVisitor {
DiagnoseRedundantNames(DiagnosticsContext& diag) : DiagnosticsVisitor(diag) {}
// tokenize the name with either capital letters or '_' being the delimiters
static std::vector<std::string> TokenizeName(const std::string& name) {
// if a name is all capitals with no '_', then we don't want to tokenize it.
if (std::all_of(name.begin(), name.end(), [](unsigned char c) { return isupper(c); })) {
return {name};
// if a name has an `_` in it, it will be tokenized based on '_',
// otherwise based on capital letters
if (name.find('_') != std::string::npos) {
return base::Tokenize(name, "_");
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
size_t size = name.size();
std::string tmp{name.front()};
// Skip the first character to avoid an empty substring for common cases
for (size_t i = 1; i < size; i++) {
if (std::isupper(name[i])) {
// This uppercase letter belongs to the next token
tmp += name[i];
} else {
tmp += name[i];
if (!tmp.empty()) tokens.push_back(tmp);
return tokens;
void Visit(const AidlEnumDeclaration& e) override {
const std::vector<std::string> parent = TokenizeName(e.GetName());
for (const auto& enumerator : e.GetEnumerators()) {
const std::vector<std::string> child = TokenizeName(enumerator->GetName());
for (const auto& parentSubStr : parent) {
for (const auto& childSubStr : child) {
if (ToUpper(parentSubStr) == ToUpper(childSubStr)) {
diag.Report(e.GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::redundant_name)
<< "The enumerator '" << enumerator->GetName() << "' has a redundant substring '"
<< childSubStr << "' being defined in '" << e.GetName() << "'";
void CheckConstantDeclarations(
const std::string& name,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AidlConstantDeclaration>>& consts) {
const std::vector<std::string> parent = TokenizeName(name);
for (const auto& member : consts) {
const std::vector<std::string> child = TokenizeName(member->GetName());
for (const auto& parentSubStr : parent) {
for (const auto& childSubStr : child) {
if (ToUpper(parentSubStr) == ToUpper(childSubStr)) {
diag.Report(member->GetLocation(), DiagnosticID::redundant_name)
<< "The constant '" << member->GetName() << "' has a redundant substring '"
<< childSubStr << "' being defined in '" << name << "'";
void Visit(const AidlInterface& t) override {
CheckConstantDeclarations(t.GetName(), t.GetConstantDeclarations());
void Visit(const AidlUnionDecl& t) override {
CheckConstantDeclarations(t.GetName(), t.GetConstantDeclarations());
void Visit(const AidlStructuredParcelable& t) override {
CheckConstantDeclarations(t.GetName(), t.GetConstantDeclarations());
bool Diagnose(const AidlDocument& doc, const DiagnosticMapping& mapping) {
DiagnosticsContext diag(mapping);
return diag.ErrorCount() == 0;
} // namespace aidl
} // namespace android