blob: b6d368b918ed588fb0ac5538860f48f00b1f2f43 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Generates the tzlookup.xml file using the information from countryzones.txt and
* See {@link #main(String[])} for commandline information.
public final class TzLookupGenerator {
* The start time (inclusive) for calculating country zone rules. 19700101 00:00:00 UTC. Chosen
* because this is the point in time for which the tzdb data is supposed to be correct.
public static final Instant ZONE_USAGE_CALCS_START = Instant.EPOCH;
* The end time (exclusive) for generating country zone usage. 20380119 03:14:07 UTC. Any times
* after this will be considered "infinity" for the "notAfter" value and not included. Chosen
* because this is a "nice round number" and has historical significance for people that deal
* with computer time. There is no particular reason to choose this over another time; any
* future time after the last time we expect the code to reasonably encounter will do.
public static final Instant ZONE_USAGE_NOT_AFTER_CUT_OFF =
* The end time (exclusive) for calculating country zone usage. The time zone periods are
* calculated to this point. The main requirement is that it's after
* {@link #ZONE_USAGE_NOT_AFTER_CUT_OFF} by an amount larger than the usual daylight savings
* period; here we use 2 years.
public static final Instant ZONE_USAGE_CALCS_END = * 365, ChronoUnit.DAYS);
private final String countryZonesFile;
private final String zoneTabFile;
private final String backwardFile;
private final String outputFile;
* Executes the generator.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 4) {
"usage: java"
+ " <input proto file> < file> <backward file>"
+ " <output xml file>");
boolean success = new TzLookupGenerator(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]).execute();
System.exit(success ? 0 : 1);
TzLookupGenerator(String countryZonesFile, String zoneTabFile, String backwardFile,
String outputFile) {
this.countryZonesFile = countryZonesFile;
this.zoneTabFile = zoneTabFile;
this.backwardFile = backwardFile;
this.outputFile = outputFile;
boolean execute() {
Errors errors = new Errors();
try {
// Parse the countryzones input file.
CountryZonesFile.CountryZones countryZonesIn =
parseAndValidateCountryZones(countryZonesFile, errors);
// Check the countryzones.txt rules version matches the version that ICU is using.
String icuTzDataVersion = TimeZone.getTZDataVersion();
String inputIanaVersion = countryZonesIn.getIanaVersion();
if (!icuTzDataVersion.equals(inputIanaVersion)) {
throw errors.addFatalAndHalt("Input data (countryzones.txt) is for "
+ inputIanaVersion + " but the ICU you have is for " + icuTzDataVersion);
// Pull out information we want to validate against from (which we have to
// assume matches the ICU version since it doesn't contain its own version info).
Map<String, List<String>> zoneTabMapping = parseZoneTabFile(zoneTabFile, errors);
List<CountryZonesFile.Country> countriesIn = countryZonesIn.getCountriesList();
List<String> countriesInIsos = CountryZonesFileSupport.extractIsoCodes(countriesIn);
// Sanity check the countryzones file only contains lower-case country codes. The output
// file uses them and the on-device code assumes lower case.
if (!Utils.allLowerCaseAscii(countriesInIsos)) {
throw errors.addFatalAndHalt(
"Non-lowercase country ISO codes found in: " + countriesInIsos);
// Sanity check the countryzones file doesn't contain duplicate country entries.
if (!Utils.allUnique(countriesInIsos)) {
throw errors.addFatalAndHalt(
"Duplicate input country entries found: " + countriesInIsos);
// Validate the country iso codes found in the countryzones.txt against those in
// uses upper case, countryzones uses lower case.
List<String> upperCaseCountriesInIsos = Utils.toUpperCase(countriesInIsos);
Set<String> timezonesCountryIsos = new HashSet<>(upperCaseCountriesInIsos);
Set<String> zoneTabCountryIsos = zoneTabMapping.keySet();
if (!zoneTabCountryIsos.equals(timezonesCountryIsos)) {
throw errors.addFatalAndHalt(zoneTabFile + " contains "
+ Utils.subtract(zoneTabCountryIsos, timezonesCountryIsos)
+ " not present in countryzones, "
+ countryZonesFile + " contains "
+ Utils.subtract(timezonesCountryIsos, zoneTabCountryIsos)
+ " not present in zonetab.");
// Obtain and validate a mapping from old IDs to new IDs.
Map<String, String> zoneIdLinks = parseAndValidateBackwardFile(backwardFile, errors);
errors.throwIfError("Errors accumulated");
TzLookupFile.TimeZones timeZonesOut = createOutputTimeZones(
inputIanaVersion, zoneTabMapping, countriesIn, zoneIdLinks, errors);
errors.throwIfError("Errors accumulated");
// Write the output structure if there wasn't an error.
logInfo("Writing " + outputFile);
try {
TzLookupFile.write(timeZonesOut, outputFile);
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
throw errors.addFatalAndHalt("Unable to write output file", e);
return true;
} catch (HaltExecutionException | IOException e) {
logError("Stopping due to fatal condition", e);
return false;
} finally {
// Report all warnings / errors
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
logInfo("Issues:\n" + errors.asString());
private Map<String, List<String>> parseZoneTabFile(String zoneTabFile, Errors errors)
throws HaltExecutionException {
errors.pushScope("Parsing " + zoneTabFile);
try {
ZoneTabFile zoneTabIn;
zoneTabIn = ZoneTabFile.parse(zoneTabFile);
return ZoneTabFile.createCountryToOlsonIdsMap(zoneTabIn);
} catch (ParseException | IOException e) {
throw errors.addFatalAndHalt("Unable to parse " + zoneTabFile, e);
} finally {
* Load the backward file and return the links contained within. This is used as the source of
* equivalent time zone IDs.
private static Map<String, String> parseAndValidateBackwardFile(
String backwardFile, Errors errors) {
errors.pushScope("Parsing " + backwardFile);
try {
BackwardFile backwardIn = BackwardFile.parse(backwardFile);
// Validate the links.
Map<String, String> zoneIdLinks = backwardIn.getDirectLinks();
(k, v) -> {
if (invalidTimeZoneId(k)) {
errors.addError("Bad 'from' link: " + k + "->" + v);
if (invalidTimeZoneId(v)) {
errors.addError("Bad 'to' link: " + k + "->" + v);
return zoneIdLinks;
} catch (ParseException | IOException e) {
errors.addError("Unable to parse " + backwardFile, e);
return null;
} finally {
private static CountryZonesFile.CountryZones parseAndValidateCountryZones(
String countryZonesFile, Errors errors) throws HaltExecutionException {
errors.pushScope("Parsing " + countryZonesFile);
try {
CountryZonesFile.CountryZones countryZonesIn;
countryZonesIn = CountryZonesFileSupport.parseCountryZonesTextFile(countryZonesFile);
return countryZonesIn;
} catch (ParseException | IOException e) {
throw errors.addFatalAndHalt("Unable to parse " + countryZonesFile, e);
} finally {
private static TzLookupFile.TimeZones createOutputTimeZones(String inputIanaVersion,
Map<String, List<String>> zoneTabMapping, List<CountryZonesFile.Country> countriesIn,
Map<String, String> zoneIdLinks, Errors errors)
throws HaltExecutionException {
// Start constructing the output structure.
TzLookupFile.TimeZones timeZonesOut = new TzLookupFile.TimeZones(inputIanaVersion);
TzLookupFile.CountryZones countryZonesOut = new TzLookupFile.CountryZones();
// The time use when sampling the offsets for a zone.
final long offsetSampleTimeMillis = getSampleOffsetTimeMillisForData(inputIanaVersion);
// The start time to use when working out whether a zone has used UTC.
// We don't care about historical use of UTC (e.g. parts of Europe like France prior
// to WW2) so we start looking at the beginning of "this year".
long everUseUtcStartTimeMillis = getYearStartTimeMillisForData(inputIanaVersion);
// Process each Country.
for (CountryZonesFile.Country countryIn : countriesIn) {
String isoCode = countryIn.getIsoCode();
List<String> zoneTabCountryTimeZoneIds = zoneTabMapping.get(isoCode.toUpperCase());
if (zoneTabCountryTimeZoneIds == null) {
errors.addError("Country=" + isoCode + " missing from");
// No point in continuing.
TzLookupFile.Country countryOut = processCountry(
offsetSampleTimeMillis, everUseUtcStartTimeMillis, countryIn,
zoneTabCountryTimeZoneIds, zoneIdLinks, errors);
if (countryOut == null) {
// Continue processing countries if there are only errors.
errors.throwIfError("One or more countries failed");
return timeZonesOut;
private static TzLookupFile.Country processCountry(long offsetSampleTimeMillis,
long everUseUtcStartTimeMillis, CountryZonesFile.Country countryIn,
List<String> zoneTabCountryTimeZoneIds, Map<String, String> zoneIdLinks,
Errors errors) {
String isoCode = countryIn.getIsoCode();
errors.pushScope("country=" + isoCode);
try {
// Each Country must have >= 1 time zone.
List<CountryZonesFile.TimeZoneMapping> timeZonesIn =
if (timeZonesIn.isEmpty()) {
errors.addError("No time zones");
// No point in continuing.
return null;
List<String> countryTimeZoneIds = CountryZonesFileSupport.extractIds(timeZonesIn);
// Look for duplicate time zone IDs.
if (!Utils.allUnique(countryTimeZoneIds)) {
errors.addError("country's zones=" + countryTimeZoneIds + " contains duplicates");
// No point in continuing.
return null;
// Each Country needs a default time zone ID (but we can guess in some cases).
String defaultTimeZoneId = determineCountryDefaultZoneId(countryIn, errors);
if (defaultTimeZoneId == null) {
// No point in continuing.
return null;
boolean defaultTimeZoneBoost =
determineCountryDefaultTimeZoneBoost(countryIn, errors);
// Validate the default.
if (!countryTimeZoneIds.contains(defaultTimeZoneId)) {
errors.addError("defaultTimeZoneId=" + defaultTimeZoneId
+ " is not one of the country's zones=" + countryTimeZoneIds);
// No point in continuing.
return null;
// Validate the other zone IDs.
try {
errors.pushScope("validate country zone ids");
for (String countryTimeZoneId : countryTimeZoneIds) {
if (invalidTimeZoneId(countryTimeZoneId)) {
errors.addError("countryTimeZoneId=" + countryTimeZoneId
+ " is not a valid zone ID");
if (errors.hasError()) {
// No point in continuing.
return null;
} finally {
// Work out the hint for whether the country uses a zero offset from UTC.
boolean everUsesUtc = anyZonesUseUtc(countryTimeZoneIds, everUseUtcStartTimeMillis);
// Validate the country information against the equivalent information in
errors.pushScope(" comparison");
try {
// Look for unexpected duplicate time zone IDs in
if (!Utils.allUnique(zoneTabCountryTimeZoneIds)) {
errors.addError("Duplicate time zone IDs found:" + zoneTabCountryTimeZoneIds);
// No point in continuing.
return null;
// Validate the IDs being used against the IANA data for the country. If it fails
// the countryzones.txt needs to be updated with new IDs (or an alias can be added
// if there's some reason to keep using the old ID).
validateCountryZonesTzIdsAgainstIana(isoCode, zoneTabCountryTimeZoneIds,
timeZonesIn, zoneIdLinks, errors);
if (errors.hasError()) {
// No point in continuing.
return null;
} finally {
// Calculate countryZoneUsage.
CountryZoneUsage countryZoneUsage = calculateCountryZoneUsage(countryIn, errors);
if (countryZoneUsage == null) {
// No point in continuing with this country.
return null;
// Add the country to the output structure.
TzLookupFile.Country countryOut = new TzLookupFile.Country(
isoCode, defaultTimeZoneId, defaultTimeZoneBoost, everUsesUtc);
// Process each input time zone.
for (CountryZonesFile.TimeZoneMapping timeZoneIn : timeZonesIn) {
"id=" + timeZoneIn.getId() + ", offset=" + timeZoneIn.getUtcOffset()
+ ", shownInPicker=" + timeZoneIn.getShownInPicker());
try {
// Validate the offset information in countryIn.
validateNonDstOffset(offsetSampleTimeMillis, countryIn, timeZoneIn, errors);
String timeZoneInId = timeZoneIn.getId();
boolean shownInPicker = timeZoneIn.getShownInPicker();
if (!countryZoneUsage.hasEntry(timeZoneInId)) {
// This implies a programming error.
errors.addError("No entry in CountryZoneUsage for " + timeZoneInId);
return null;
// The notUsedAfterInstant can be null if the zone is used until at least
// ZONE_CALCS_END_INSTANT. That's what we want.
Instant notUsedAfterInstant =
// Add the id mapping and associated metadata.
TzLookupFile.TimeZoneMapping timeZoneIdOut =
new TzLookupFile.TimeZoneMapping(
timeZoneInId, shownInPicker, notUsedAfterInstant);
} finally {
return countryOut;
} finally{
// End of country processing.
private static void validateCountryZonesTzIdsAgainstIana(String isoCode,
List<String> zoneTabCountryTimeZoneIds,
List<CountryZonesFile.TimeZoneMapping> timeZoneMappings,
Map<String, String> zoneIdLinks, Errors errors) {
List<String> expectedIanaTimeZoneIds = new ArrayList<>();
for (CountryZonesFile.TimeZoneMapping mapping : timeZoneMappings) {
String timeZoneId = mapping.getId();
String expectedIanaTimeZoneId;
if (!mapping.hasAliasId()) {
expectedIanaTimeZoneId = timeZoneId;
} else {
String aliasTimeZoneId = mapping.getAliasId();
// Confirm the alias is valid.
if (!aliasTimeZoneId.equals(zoneIdLinks.get(timeZoneId))) {
errors.addError(timeZoneId + " does not link to " + aliasTimeZoneId);
expectedIanaTimeZoneId = aliasTimeZoneId;
if (!Utils.setEquals(zoneTabCountryTimeZoneIds, expectedIanaTimeZoneIds)) {
errors.addError("IANA lists " + isoCode
+ " as having zones: " + zoneTabCountryTimeZoneIds
+ ", but countryzones has " + expectedIanaTimeZoneIds);
* Determines the default zone ID for the country.
private static String determineCountryDefaultZoneId(
CountryZonesFile.Country countryIn, Errors errors) {
List<CountryZonesFile.TimeZoneMapping> timeZonesIn = countryIn.getTimeZoneMappingsList();
String defaultTimeZoneId;
if (countryIn.hasDefaultTimeZoneId()) {
defaultTimeZoneId = countryIn.getDefaultTimeZoneId();
if (invalidTimeZoneId(defaultTimeZoneId)) {
"Default time zone ID " + defaultTimeZoneId + " is not valid");
// No point in continuing.
return null;
} else {
if (timeZonesIn.size() > 1) {
"To pick a default time zone there must be a single offset group");
// No point in continuing.
return null;
defaultTimeZoneId = timeZonesIn.get(0).getId();
return defaultTimeZoneId;
* Determines the defaultTimeZoneBoost value for the country.
private static boolean determineCountryDefaultTimeZoneBoost(
CountryZonesFile.Country countryIn, Errors errors) {
if (!countryIn.hasDefaultTimeZoneBoost()) {
return false;
boolean defaultTimeZoneBoost = countryIn.getDefaultTimeZoneBoost();
if (!countryIn.hasDefaultTimeZoneId() && defaultTimeZoneBoost) {
"defaultTimeZoneBoost is specified but defaultTimeZoneId is not explicit");
return defaultTimeZoneBoost;
* Returns true if any of the zones use UTC after the time specified.
private static boolean anyZonesUseUtc(List<String> timeZoneIds, long startTimeMillis) {
for (String timeZoneId : timeZoneIds) {
BasicTimeZone timeZone = (BasicTimeZone) TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZoneId);
TimeZoneRule[] rules = timeZone.getTimeZoneRules(startTimeMillis);
for (TimeZoneRule rule : rules) {
int utcOffset = rule.getRawOffset() + rule.getDSTSavings();
if (utcOffset == 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns a sample time related to the IANA version to enable any offset validation to be
* repeatable (rather than depending on the current time when the tool is run).
private static long getSampleOffsetTimeMillisForData(String inputIanaVersion) {
// Uses <year>/07/02 12:00:00 UTC, where year is taken from the IANA version + 1.
// This is fairly arbitrary, but reflects the fact that we want a point in the future
// WRT to the data, and once a year has been picked then half-way through seems about right.
Calendar calendar = getYearStartForData(inputIanaVersion);
calendar.set(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) + 1, Calendar.JULY, 2, 12, 0, 0);
return calendar.getTimeInMillis();
* Returns the 1st Jan 00:00:00 UTC time on the year the IANA version relates to. Therefore
* guaranteed to be before the data is ever used and can be treated as "the beginning of time"
* (assuming derived information won't be used for historical calculations).
private static long getYearStartTimeMillisForData(String inputIanaVersion) {
return getYearStartForData(inputIanaVersion).getTimeInMillis();
private static Calendar getYearStartForData(String inputIanaVersion) {
String yearString = inputIanaVersion.substring(0, inputIanaVersion.length() - 1);
int year = Integer.parseInt(yearString);
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.GMT_ZONE);
calendar.set(year, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 0, 0, 0);
return calendar;
private static boolean invalidTimeZoneId(String timeZoneId) {
TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZoneId);
return !(zone instanceof BasicTimeZone) || zone.getID().equals(TimeZone.UNKNOWN_ZONE_ID);
private static void validateNonDstOffset(long offsetSampleTimeMillis,
CountryZonesFile.Country country, CountryZonesFile.TimeZoneMapping timeZoneIn,
Errors errors) {
String utcOffsetString = timeZoneIn.getUtcOffset();
long utcOffsetMillis;
try {
utcOffsetMillis = Utils.parseUtcOffsetToMillis(utcOffsetString);
} catch (ParseException e) {
errors.addError("Bad offset string: " + utcOffsetString);
final long minimumGranularity = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(15);
if (utcOffsetMillis % minimumGranularity != 0) {
"Unexpected granularity: not a multiple of 15 minutes: " + utcOffsetString);
String timeZoneIdIn = timeZoneIn.getId();
if (invalidTimeZoneId(timeZoneIdIn)) {
errors.addError("Time zone ID=" + timeZoneIdIn + " is not valid");
// Check the offset Android has matches what ICU thinks.
TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZoneIdIn);
int[] offsets = new int[2];
timeZone.getOffset(offsetSampleTimeMillis, false /* local */, offsets);
int actualOffsetMillis = offsets[0];
if (actualOffsetMillis != utcOffsetMillis) {
errors.addError("Offset mismatch: You will want to confirm the ordering for "
+ country.getIsoCode() + " still makes sense. Raw offset for "
+ timeZoneIdIn + " is " + Utils.toUtcOffsetString(actualOffsetMillis)
+ " and not " + Utils.toUtcOffsetString(utcOffsetMillis)
+ " at " + Utils.formatUtc(offsetSampleTimeMillis));
private static CountryZoneUsage calculateCountryZoneUsage(
CountryZonesFile.Country countryIn, Errors errors) {
errors.pushScope("Building zone tree");
try {
CountryZoneTree countryZoneTree = CountryZoneTree.create(
List<String> countryIssues = countryZoneTree.validateNoPriorityClashes();
if (!countryIssues.isEmpty()) {
errors.addError("Issues validating country zone trees. Adjust priorities:");
return null;
return countryZoneTree.calculateCountryZoneUsage(ZONE_USAGE_NOT_AFTER_CUT_OFF);
} finally {
private static void logError(String msg) {
System.err.println("E: " + msg);
private static void logError(String s, Throwable e) {
private static void logInfo(String msg) {
System.err.println("I: " + msg);