blob: 558810cb8fb011a6ebfd36b49e24fb53b2c25760 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package {
default_applicable_licenses: ["system_sepolicy_license"],
// Added automatically by a large-scale-change that took the approach of
// 'apply every license found to every target'. While this makes sure we respect
// every license restriction, it may not be entirely correct.
// e.g. GPL in an MIT project might only apply to the contrib/ directory.
// Please consider splitting the single license below into multiple licenses,
// taking care not to lose any license_kind information, and overriding the
// default license using the 'licenses: [...]' property on targets as needed.
// For unused files, consider creating a 'filegroup' with "//visibility:private"
// to attach the license to, and including a comment whether the files may be
// used in the current project.
// http://go/android-license-faq
license {
name: "system_sepolicy_license",
visibility: [":__subpackages__"],
license_kinds: [
license_text: [
cc_defaults {
name: "selinux_policy_version",
cflags: ["-DSEPOLICY_VERSION=30"],
// For vts_treble_sys_prop_test
filegroup {
name: "private_property_contexts",
srcs: ["private/property_contexts"],
visibility: [
se_build_files {
name: "se_build_files",
srcs: [
se_build_files {
name: "sepolicy_technical_debt",
srcs: ["technical_debt.cil"],
phony {
// Currently used only for aosp_cf_system_x86_64
// TODO(b/329208946): migrate selinux_policy_system to Soong
name: "selinux_policy_system_soong",
required: [
] + select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_VERSION"), {
"202404": [],
default: [
}) + select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "PRODUCT_PRECOMPILED_SEPOLICY"), {
true: ["plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256"],
default: [],
true: ["plat_tee_service_contexts"],
default: [],
reqd_mask_policy = [":se_build_files{.reqd_mask}"]
plat_public_policy = [":se_build_files{.plat_public}"]
plat_private_policy = [":se_build_files{.plat_private}"]
system_ext_public_policy = [":se_build_files{.system_ext_public}"]
system_ext_private_policy = [":se_build_files{.system_ext_private}"]
product_public_policy = [":se_build_files{.product_public}"]
product_private_policy = [":se_build_files{.product_private}"]
// reqd_policy_mask - a policy.conf file which contains only the bare minimum
// policy necessary to use checkpolicy.
// This bare-minimum policy needs to be present in all policy.conf files, but
// should not necessarily be exported as part of the public policy.
// The rules generated by reqd_policy_mask will allow the compilation of public
// policy and subsequent removal of CIL policy that should not be exported.
se_policy_conf {
name: "reqd_policy_mask.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: reqd_mask_policy,
installable: false,
se_policy_cil {
name: "reqd_policy_mask.cil",
src: ":reqd_policy_mask.conf",
secilc_check: false,
installable: false,
// pub_policy - policy that will be exported to be a part of non-platform
// policy corresponding to this platform version.
// This is a limited subset of policy that would not compile in checkpolicy on
// its own.
// To get around this limitation, add only the required files from private
// policy, which will generate CIL policy that will then be filtered out by the
// reqd_policy_mask.
// There are three pub_policy.cil files below:
// - pub_policy.cil: exported 'product', 'system_ext' and 'system' policy.
// - system_ext_pub_policy.cil: exported 'system_ext' and 'system' policy.
// - plat_pub_policy.cil: exported 'system' policy.
// Those above files will in turn be used to generate the following versioned cil files:
// - product_mapping_file: the versioned, exported 'product' policy in product partition.
// - system_ext_mapping_file: the versioned, exported 'system_ext' policy in system_ext partition.
// - plat_mapping_file: the versioned, exported 'system' policy in system partition.
// - plat_pub_versioned.cil: the versioned, exported 'product', 'system_ext' and 'system' policy
// in vendor partition.
se_policy_conf {
name: "pub_policy.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
system_ext_public_policy +
product_public_policy +
vendor: true,
installable: false,
se_policy_cil {
name: "pub_policy.cil",
src: ":pub_policy.conf",
filter_out: [":reqd_policy_mask.cil"],
secilc_check: false,
vendor: true,
installable: false,
se_policy_conf {
name: "system_ext_pub_policy.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
system_ext_public_policy +
system_ext_specific: true,
installable: false,
se_policy_cil {
name: "system_ext_pub_policy.cil",
src: ":system_ext_pub_policy.conf",
filter_out: [":reqd_policy_mask.cil"],
secilc_check: false,
system_ext_specific: true,
installable: false,
se_policy_conf {
name: "plat_pub_policy.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
installable: false,
se_policy_cil {
name: "plat_pub_policy.cil",
src: ":plat_pub_policy.conf",
filter_out: [":reqd_policy_mask.cil"],
secilc_check: false,
installable: false,
// plat_policy.conf - A combination of the private and public platform policy
// which will ship with the device.
// The platform will always reflect the most recent platform version and is not
// currently being attributized.
se_policy_conf {
name: "plat_sepolicy.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
installable: false,
se_policy_cil {
name: "plat_sepolicy.cil",
src: ":plat_sepolicy.conf",
additional_cil_files: [":sepolicy_technical_debt{.plat_private}"],
dist: {
targets: ["sepolicy_finalize"],
// userdebug_plat_policy.conf - the userdebug version plat_sepolicy.cil
se_policy_conf {
name: "userdebug_plat_sepolicy.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
build_variant: "userdebug",
installable: false,
se_policy_cil {
name: "userdebug_plat_sepolicy.cil",
src: ":userdebug_plat_sepolicy.conf",
additional_cil_files: [":sepolicy_technical_debt{.plat_private}"],
debug_ramdisk: true,
dist: {
targets: ["droidcore"],
// A copy of the userdebug_plat_policy in GSI.
soong_config_module_type {
name: "gsi_se_policy_cil",
module_type: "se_policy_cil",
config_namespace: "ANDROID",
bool_variables: [
properties: [
gsi_se_policy_cil {
name: "system_ext_userdebug_plat_sepolicy.cil",
stem: "userdebug_plat_sepolicy.cil",
src: ":userdebug_plat_sepolicy.conf",
additional_cil_files: [":sepolicy_technical_debt{.plat_private}"],
system_ext_specific: true,
enabled: false,
installable: false,
soong_config_variables: {
enabled: true,
installable: true,
// system_ext_policy.conf - A combination of the private and public system_ext
// policy which will ship with the device. System_ext policy is not attributized
se_policy_conf {
name: "system_ext_sepolicy.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
plat_private_policy +
system_ext_public_policy +
system_ext_specific: true,
installable: false,
se_policy_cil {
name: "system_ext_sepolicy.cil",
src: ":system_ext_sepolicy.conf",
system_ext_specific: true,
filter_out: [":plat_sepolicy.cil"],
remove_line_marker: true,
// product_policy.conf - A combination of the private and public product policy
// which will ship with the device. Product policy is not attributized
se_policy_conf {
name: "product_sepolicy.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
plat_private_policy +
system_ext_public_policy +
system_ext_private_policy +
product_public_policy +
product_specific: true,
installable: false,
se_policy_cil {
name: "product_sepolicy.cil",
src: ":product_sepolicy.conf",
product_specific: true,
filter_out: [
remove_line_marker: true,
// policy mapping files
// auto-generate the mapping file for current platform policy, since it needs to
// track platform policy development
se_versioned_policy {
name: "plat_mapping_file",
base: ":plat_pub_policy.cil",
mapping: true,
version: "current",
relative_install_path: "mapping", // install to /system/etc/selinux/mapping
dist: {
targets: ["sepolicy_finalize"],
se_versioned_policy {
name: "system_ext_mapping_file",
base: ":system_ext_pub_policy.cil",
mapping: true,
version: "current",
filter_out: [":plat_mapping_file"],
relative_install_path: "mapping", // install to /system_ext/etc/selinux/mapping
system_ext_specific: true,
se_versioned_policy {
name: "product_mapping_file",
base: ":pub_policy.cil",
mapping: true,
version: "current",
filter_out: [
relative_install_path: "mapping", // install to /product/etc/selinux/mapping
product_specific: true,
// vendor/odm sepolicy
// plat_pub_versioned.cil - the exported platform policy associated with the version
// that non-platform policy targets.
se_versioned_policy {
name: "plat_pub_versioned.cil",
base: ":pub_policy.cil",
target_policy: ":pub_policy.cil",
version: "vendor",
vendor: true,
// vendor_policy.cil - the vendor sepolicy. This needs attributization and to be combined
// with the platform-provided policy. It makes use of the reqd_policy_mask files from private
// policy and the platform public policy files in order to use checkpolicy.
se_policy_conf {
name: "vendor_sepolicy.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
system_ext_public_policy +
product_public_policy +
reqd_mask_policy + [
vendor: true,
installable: false,
se_policy_cil {
name: "vendor_sepolicy.cil.raw",
src: ":vendor_sepolicy.conf",
filter_out: [":reqd_policy_mask.cil"],
secilc_check: false, // will be done in se_versioned_policy module
vendor: true,
installable: false,
se_versioned_policy {
name: "vendor_sepolicy.cil",
base: ":pub_policy.cil",
target_policy: ":vendor_sepolicy.cil.raw",
version: "vendor",
dependent_cils: [
filter_out: [":plat_pub_versioned.cil"],
vendor: true,
// odm_policy.cil - the odl sepolicy. This needs attributization and to be combined
// with the platform-provided policy. It makes use of the reqd_policy_mask files from private
// policy and the platform public policy files in order to use checkpolicy.
se_policy_conf {
name: "odm_sepolicy.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
system_ext_public_policy +
product_public_policy +
reqd_mask_policy + [
device_specific: true,
installable: false,
se_policy_cil {
name: "odm_sepolicy.cil.raw",
src: ":odm_sepolicy.conf",
filter_out: [
secilc_check: false, // will be done in se_versioned_policy module
device_specific: true,
installable: false,
se_versioned_policy {
name: "odm_sepolicy.cil",
base: ":pub_policy.cil",
target_policy: ":odm_sepolicy.cil.raw",
version: "vendor",
dependent_cils: [
filter_out: [
device_specific: true,
// Precompiled sepolicy is loaded if and only if:
// - plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256 equals
// precompiled_sepolicy.plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256
// AND
// - system_ext_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256 equals
// precompiled_sepolicy.system_ext_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256
// AND
// - product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256 equals
// precompiled_sepolicy.product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256
// See system/core/init/selinux.cpp for details.
java_genrule {
name: "plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256_gen",
srcs: [
out: ["plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256"],
cmd: "cat $(in) | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1 > $(out)",
prebuilt_etc {
name: "plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256",
filename: "plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256",
src: ":plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256_gen",
relative_install_path: "selinux",
java_genrule {
name: "system_ext_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256_gen",
srcs: [
out: ["system_ext_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256"],
cmd: "cat $(in) | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1 > $(out)",
prebuilt_etc {
name: "system_ext_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256",
filename: "system_ext_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256",
src: ":system_ext_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256_gen",
relative_install_path: "selinux",
system_ext_specific: true,
java_genrule {
name: "product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256_gen",
srcs: [
out: ["product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256"],
cmd: "cat $(in) | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1 > $(out)",
prebuilt_etc {
name: "product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256",
filename: "product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256",
src: ":product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256_gen",
relative_install_path: "selinux",
product_specific: true,
sepolicy_vers {
name: "plat_sepolicy_vers.txt",
version: "vendor",
vendor: true,
genrule {
name: "genfs_labels_version.txt.gen",
out: ["genfs_labels_version.txt"],
cmd: select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "BOARD_GENFS_LABELS_VERSION"), {
any @ value: "echo " + value + " > $(out)",
default: "echo > $(out)",
prebuilt_etc {
name: "genfs_labels_version.txt",
src: ":genfs_labels_version.txt.gen",
relative_install_path: "selinux",
vendor: true,
soong_config_module_type {
name: "precompiled_sepolicy_prebuilts_defaults",
module_type: "prebuilt_defaults",
config_namespace: "ANDROID",
bool_variables: ["BOARD_USES_ODMIMAGE"],
properties: [
precompiled_sepolicy_prebuilts_defaults {
name: "precompiled_sepolicy_prebuilts",
soong_config_variables: {
device_specific: true,
conditions_default: {
vendor: true,
// SHA-256 digest of the plat_sepolicy.cil and plat_mapping_file against
// which precompiled_policy was built.
prebuilt_etc {
defaults: ["precompiled_sepolicy_prebuilts"],
name: "precompiled_sepolicy.plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256",
filename: "precompiled_sepolicy.plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256",
src: ":plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256_gen",
relative_install_path: "selinux",
// SHA-256 digest of the system_ext_sepolicy.cil and system_ext_mapping_file against
// which precompiled_policy was built.
prebuilt_etc {
defaults: ["precompiled_sepolicy_prebuilts"],
name: "precompiled_sepolicy.system_ext_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256",
filename: "precompiled_sepolicy.system_ext_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256",
src: ":system_ext_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256_gen",
relative_install_path: "selinux",
// SHA-256 digest of the product_sepolicy.cil and product_mapping_file against
// which precompiled_policy was built.
prebuilt_etc {
defaults: ["precompiled_sepolicy_prebuilts"],
name: "precompiled_sepolicy.product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256",
filename: "precompiled_sepolicy.product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256",
src: ":product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256_gen",
relative_install_path: "selinux",
soong_config_module_type {
name: "precompiled_se_policy_binary",
module_type: "se_policy_binary",
config_namespace: "ANDROID",
bool_variables: ["BOARD_USES_ODMIMAGE"],
properties: [
filegroup {
name: "precompiled_sepolicy_srcs",
device_common_srcs: [
device_first_srcs: select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "BOARD_GENFS_LABELS_VERSION"), {
"202504": [":plat_sepolicy_genfs_202504.cil"],
default: [],
// Make precompiled_sepolicy_srcs as public so that OEMs have access to them.
// Useful when some partitions need to be bind mounted across VM boundaries.
visibility: ["//visibility:public"],
precompiled_se_policy_binary {
name: "precompiled_sepolicy",
srcs: [
soong_config_variables: {
device_specific: true,
conditions_default: {
vendor: true,
required: [
dist: {
targets: ["base-sepolicy-files-for-mapping"],
// policy for recovery
se_policy_conf {
name: "recovery_sepolicy.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
plat_private_policy +
system_ext_public_policy +
system_ext_private_policy +
product_public_policy +
product_private_policy + [
target_recovery: true,
installable: false,
recovery: true,
se_policy_cil {
name: "recovery_sepolicy.cil",
src: ":recovery_sepolicy.conf",
secilc_check: false, // will be done in se_policy_binary module
installable: false,
recovery: true,
se_policy_binary {
name: "sepolicy.recovery",
srcs: [":recovery_sepolicy.cil"],
stem: "sepolicy",
recovery: true,
// SELinux policy embedded into CTS.
// CTS checks neverallow rules of this policy against the policy of the device under test.
se_policy_conf {
name: "general_sepolicy.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
build_variant: "user",
cts: true,
exclude_build_test: true,
dist: {
targets: ["sepolicy_finalize"],
// Base system policy for treble sepolicy tests.
// If system sepolicy is extended (e.g. by SoC vendors), their plat_pub_versioned.cil may differ
// with system/sepolicy/prebuilts/api/{version}/plat_pub_versioned.cil. In that case,
// BOARD_PLAT_PUB_VERSIONED_POLICY can be used to specify extended plat_pub_versioned.cil.
// See for more details.
se_policy_conf {
name: "base_plat_sepolicy.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
build_variant: "user",
installable: false,
se_policy_cil {
name: "base_plat_sepolicy.cil",
src: ":base_plat_sepolicy.conf",
additional_cil_files: ["private/technical_debt.cil"],
installable: false,
secilc_check: false, // done by se_policy_binary
se_policy_binary {
name: "base_plat_sepolicy",
srcs: [":base_plat_sepolicy.cil"],
installable: false,
dist: {
targets: ["base-sepolicy-files-for-mapping"],
se_policy_conf {
name: "base_product_sepolicy.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
plat_private_policy +
system_ext_public_policy +
system_ext_private_policy +
product_public_policy +
build_variant: "user",
installable: false,
product_specific: true,
se_policy_cil {
name: "base_product_sepolicy.cil",
src: ":base_product_sepolicy.conf",
additional_cil_files: ["private/technical_debt.cil"],
product_specific: true,
installable: false,
secilc_check: false, // done by se_policy_binary
se_policy_binary {
name: "base_product_sepolicy",
srcs: [":base_product_sepolicy.cil"],
product_specific: true,
installable: false,
se_policy_conf {
name: "base_plat_pub_policy.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
build_variant: "user",
installable: false,
se_policy_cil {
name: "base_plat_pub_policy.cil",
src: ":base_plat_pub_policy.conf",
filter_out: [":reqd_policy_mask.cil"],
secilc_check: false,
installable: false,
dist: {
targets: ["base-sepolicy-files-for-mapping"],
se_policy_conf {
name: "base_product_pub_policy.conf",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
system_ext_public_policy +
product_public_policy +
build_variant: "user",
installable: false,
product_specific: true,
se_policy_cil {
name: "base_product_pub_policy.cil",
src: ":base_product_pub_policy.conf",
filter_out: [":reqd_policy_mask.cil"],
secilc_check: false,
installable: false,
product_specific: true,
// bug_map - Bug tracking information for selinux denials loaded by auditd.
se_build_files {
name: "bug_map_files",
srcs: ["bug_map"],
se_bug_map {
name: "plat_bug_map",
srcs: [":bug_map_files{.plat_private}"],
stem: "bug_map",
se_bug_map {
name: "system_ext_bug_map",
srcs: [":bug_map_files{.system_ext_private}"],
stem: "bug_map",
system_ext_specific: true,
se_bug_map {
name: "vendor_bug_map",
srcs: [
// Legacy file name of the vendor partition bug_map.
stem: "selinux_denial_metadata",
vendor: true,
se_neverallow_test {
name: "sepolicy_neverallows",
defaults: ["se_policy_conf_flags_defaults"],
srcs: plat_public_policy +
plat_private_policy +
system_ext_public_policy +
system_ext_private_policy +
product_public_policy +
product_private_policy + [
// se_freeze_test compares the plat sepolicy with the prebuilt sepolicy
// Additional directories can be specified via Makefile variables:
se_freeze_test {
name: "se_freeze_test",
// sepolicy_test checks various types of violations, which can't be easily done
// by CIL itself. Refer tests/ for more detail.
java_genrule {
name: "sepolicy_test",
srcs: [
tools: ["sepolicy_tests"],
out: ["sepolicy_test"],
cmd: "$(location sepolicy_tests) " +
"-f $(location :plat_file_contexts) " +
"-f $(location :vendor_file_contexts) " +
"-f $(location :system_ext_file_contexts) " +
"-f $(location :product_file_contexts) " +
"-f $(location :odm_file_contexts) " +
"-p $(location :precompiled_sepolicy) && " +
"touch $(out)",
// TestDevTypeViolations can't run on old devices (V or before)
soong_config_module_type {
name: "dev_type_test_genrule",
module_type: "java_genrule",
config_namespace: "ANDROID",
bool_variables: ["CHECK_DEV_TYPE_VIOLATIONS"],
properties: ["cmd"],
dev_type_test_genrule {
name: "sepolicy_dev_type_test",
srcs: [
tools: ["sepolicy_tests"],
out: ["sepolicy_dev_type_test"],
soong_config_variables: {
cmd: "$(location sepolicy_tests) " +
"-f $(location :plat_file_contexts) " +
"-f $(location :vendor_file_contexts) " +
"-f $(location :system_ext_file_contexts) " +
"-f $(location :product_file_contexts) " +
"-f $(location :odm_file_contexts) " +
"-p $(location :precompiled_sepolicy) " +
"-t TestDevTypeViolations && " +
"touch $(out)",
conditions_default: {
cmd: "touch $(out)",
phony {
name: "selinux_policy_system_ext",
required: [
//"ifdef HAS_SYSTEM_EXT_PUBLIC_SEPOLICY" check included in system_ext_pub_policy.cil
//"ifdef HAS_SYSTEM_EXT_SEPOLICY" check included in .cil
] + [
//"ifdef HAS_SYSTEM_EXT_SEPOLICY" check included in .cil
] + select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_VERSION"), {
"202404": [],
default: [
}) +
select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "PRODUCT_PRECOMPILED_SEPOLICY"), {
true: ["system_ext_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256"],
default: [],
}) + [
// $(addprefix system_ext_,$(addsuffix .compat.cil,$(PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_COMPAT_VERSIONS))) \
] + select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_VERSION"), {
"202404": [],
default: [
true: ["system_ext_tee_service_contexts"],
default: [],
system_ext_specific: true,
phony {
name: "selinux_policy_product",
required: [
// "ifdef HAS_PRODUCT_PUBLIC_SEPOLICY" check included in .cil
// "ifdef HAS_PRODUCT_SEPOLICY_DIR" in can be ignored.
] + select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "PRODUCT_PRECOMPILED_SEPOLICY"), {
true: ["product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256"],
default: [],
}) + select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_VERSION"), {
"202404": [],
default: [
true: ["product_tee_service_contexts"],
default: [],
product_specific: true,
phony {
name: "selinux_policy_nonsystem",
required: [
// Builds an additional userdebug sepolicy into the debug ramdisk.
phony {
name: "selinux_policy_vendor",
required: [
true: ["vendor_tee_service_contexts"],
default: [],
vendor: true,
phony {
name: "selinux_policy_odm",
required: [
] + select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "PRODUCT_PRECOMPILED_SEPOLICY"), {
true: [
default: [],
device_specific: true,
phony {
name: "selinux_policy_system",
required: [
] + select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_VERSION"), {
"202404": [],
default: [
}) + select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "PRODUCT_PRECOMPILED_SEPOLICY"), {
true: ["plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256"],
default: [],
}) + select((
soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "ASAN_ENABLED"),
), {
(true, true): [
(default, default): [
}) + select((
soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_VERSION"),
soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "ASAN_ENABLED"),
), {
("202404", true, true): [],
(default, true, true): [],
(default, default, default): [
}) + select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "RELEASE_BOARD_API_LEVEL_FROZEN"), {
true: ["se_freeze_test"],
default: [],
true: ["plat_tee_service_contexts"],
default: [],
phony {
name: "selinux_policy",
required: [
// Runs checkfc against merged service_contexts files
// selinux_policy is a main goal and triggers lots of tests.
// Most tests are FAKE modules, so aren'triggered on normal builds. (e.g. 'm')
// By setting as droidcore's dependency, tests will run on normal builds.
phony_rule {
name: "droidcore",
phony_deps: ["selinux_policy"],
// TODO - remove this. Keep around until we get the filesystem creation stuff
// taken care of.
// The file_contexts.bin is built in the following way:
// 1. Collect all file_contexts files in THIS repository and process them with
// m4 into a tmp file called file_contexts.local.tmp.
// 2. Collect all device specific file_contexts files and process them with m4
// into a tmp file called file_contexts.device.tmp.
// 3. Run checkfc -e (allow no device fc entries ie empty) and fc_sort on
// file_contexts.device.tmp and output to file_contexts.device.sorted.tmp.
// 4. Concatenate file_contexts.local.tmp and file_contexts.device.sorted.tmp
// into file_contexts.concat.tmp.
// 5. Run checkfc and sefcontext_compile on file_contexts.concat.tmp to produce
// file_contexts.bin.
// Note: That a newline file is placed between each file_context file found to
// ensure a proper build when an fc file is missing an ending newline.
// 1. Collect all file_contexts files in THIS repository and process them with
// m4 into a tmp file called file_contexts.local.tmp.
java_genrule {
name: "file_contexts.local.tmp",
srcs: [
tools: [
out: ["file_contexts.local.tmp"],
cmd: "$(location m4) --fatal-warnings " +
"-s $(in) > $(out)",
// 2. Collect all device specific file_contexts files and process them with m4
// into a tmp file called file_contexts.device.tmp.
PRIVATE_ADDITIONAL_M4DEFS = select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "ADDITIONAL_M4DEFS"), {
any @ m4defs: m4defs,
default: "",
java_genrule {
name: "file_contexts.device.tmp",
srcs: [
tools: [
out: ["file_contexts.device.tmp"],
cmd: "$(location m4) --fatal-warnings " +
" $(in) > $(out)",
// 3. Run checkfc -e (allow no device fc entries ie empty) and fc_sort on
// file_contexts.device.tmp and output to file_contexts.device.sorted.tmp.
java_genrule {
name: "file_contexts.device.sorted.tmp",
srcs: [
tools: [
out: ["file_contexts.device.sorted.tmp"],
cmd: "$(location checkfc) " +
"-e $(location :precompiled_sepolicy) " +
"$(location :file_contexts.device.tmp) && " +
"$(location fc_sort) " +
"-i $(location :file_contexts.device.tmp) " +
"-o $(out)",
// 4. Concatenate file_contexts.local.tmp and file_contexts.device.sorted.tmp
// into file_contexts.concat.tmp.
java_genrule {
name: "file_contexts.concat.tmp",
srcs: [
tools: [
out: ["file_contexts.concat.tmp"],
cmd: "$(location m4) --fatal-warnings " +
"-s $(location :file_contexts.local.tmp) " +
"$(location :file_contexts.device.sorted.tmp) > $(out)",
// 5. Run checkfc and sefcontext_compile on file_contexts.concat.tmp to produce
// file_contexts.bin.
java_genrule {
name: "file_contexts_bin_gen",
srcs: [
tools: [
out: ["file_contexts.bin"],
cmd: "$(location checkfc) " +
"$(location :precompiled_sepolicy) " +
"$(location :file_contexts.concat.tmp) && " +
"$(location sefcontext_compile) " +
"-o $(out) $(location :file_contexts.concat.tmp)",
prebuilt_etc {
name: "file_contexts.bin",
src: ":file_contexts_bin_gen",