blob: 071cfcd037a7865a9f60fa0c3df74b2c5eeb5f1f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2011, The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
set -e
function cleanup_output() {
rm -f $log_file
rm -f $baseline_file
function log() {
echo "$@"
append $log_file \# "$@"
append $baseline_file \# "$@"
function expect() {
append $baseline_file "$@"
function append() {
declare -r file=$1
echo "$@" >> $file
function run() {
# strip out carriage returns from adb
# strip out date/time from ls -l
"$@" | tr -d '\r' | sed -E 's/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} +[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2} //' >> $log_file
function keystore() {
declare -r user=$1
run adb shell su $user keystore_cli "$@"
function keystore_in() {
declare -r user=$1
declare -r input=$2
shift; shift
run adb shell "echo '$input' | su $user keystore_cli $@"
function list_keystore_directory() {
run adb shell ls -al /data/misc/keystore$@
function compare() {
log "comparing $baseline_file and $log_file"
diff $baseline_file $log_file || (log $tag FAILED && exit 1)
function test_basic() {
# reset
log "reset keystore as system user"
keystore system reset
expect "reset: No error (1)"
expect "-rw------- keystore keystore 4 .metadata"
expect "drwx------ keystore keystore user_0"
# basic tests as system/root
log "root does not have permission to run test"
keystore root test
expect "test: Permission denied (6)"
log "but system user does"
keystore system test
expect "test: Uninitialized (3)"
expect "-rw------- keystore keystore 4 .metadata"
expect "drwx------ keystore keystore user_0"
log "password is now bar"
keystore system password bar
expect "password: No error (1)"
list_keystore_directory /user_0
expect "-rw------- keystore keystore 84 .masterkey"
log "no error implies initialized and unlocked"
keystore system test
expect "test: No error (1)"
log "saw with no argument"
keystore system saw
log "saw nothing"
keystore system saw ""
log "add key baz"
keystore_in system quux insert baz
expect "insert: No error (1)"
log "1000 is uid of system"
list_keystore_directory /user_0
expect "-rw------- keystore keystore 84 .masterkey"
expect "-rw------- keystore keystore 52 1000_baz"
log "saw baz"
keystore system saw
expect "baz"
log "get baz"
keystore system get baz
expect "quux"
log "root can read system user keys (as can wifi or vpn users)"
keystore root get baz
expect "quux"
# app user tests
# u0_a0 has uid 10000, as seen below
log "other uses cannot see the system keys"
keystore u0_a0 get baz
log "app user cannot use reset, password, lock, unlock"
keystore u0_a0 reset
expect "reset: Permission denied (6)"
keystore u0_a0 password some_pass
expect "password: Permission denied (6)"
keystore u0_a0 lock
expect "lock: Permission denied (6)"
keystore u0_a0 unlock some_pass
expect "unlock: Permission denied (6)"
log "install u0_a0 key"
keystore_in u0_a0 deadbeef insert 0x
expect "insert: No error (1)"
list_keystore_directory /user_0
expect "-rw------- keystore keystore 84 .masterkey"
expect "-rw------- keystore keystore 52 10000_0x"
expect "-rw------- keystore keystore 52 1000_baz"
log "get with no argument"
keystore u0_a0 get
expect "Usage: keystore_cli get <name>"
log "few get tests for an app"
keystore u0_a0 get 0x
expect "deadbeef"
keystore_in u0_a0 barney insert fred
expect "insert: No error (1)"
keystore u0_a0 saw
expect "0x"
expect "fred"
log "note that saw returns the suffix of prefix matches"
keystore u0_a0 saw fr # fred
expect "ed" # fred
# lock tests
log "lock the store as system"
keystore system lock
expect "lock: No error (1)"
keystore system test
expect "test: Locked (2)"
log "saw works while locked"
keystore u0_a0 saw
expect "0x"
expect "fred"
log "...and app can read keys..."
keystore u0_a0 get 0x
expect "deadbeef"
log "...but they cannot be deleted."
keystore u0_a0 exist 0x
expect "exist: No error (1)"
keystore u0_a0 del_key 0x
expect "del_key: Key not found (7)"
# password
log "wrong password"
keystore system unlock foo
expect "unlock: Wrong password (4 tries left) (13)"
log "right password"
keystore system unlock bar
expect "unlock: No error (1)"
log "make the password foo"
keystore system password foo
expect "password: No error (1)"
# final reset
log "reset wipes everything for all users"
keystore system reset
expect "reset: No error (1)"
expect "-rw------- keystore keystore 4 .metadata"
expect "drwx------ keystore keystore user_0"
list_keystore_directory /user_0
keystore system test
expect "test: Uninitialized (3)"
function test_grant() {
log "test granting"
keystore system reset
expect "reset: No error (1)"
keystore system password test_pass
expect "password: No error (1)"
keystore_in system granted_key_value insert granted_key
expect "insert: No error (1)"
# Cannot read before grant.
keystore u10_a0 get granted_key
# Grant and read.
log "System grants to u0_a1"
keystore system grant granted_key 10001
expect "Working with uid 10001"
expect "grant: No error (1)"
keystore u0_a1 get 1000_granted_key
expect "granted_key_value"
function test_4599735() {
# http://b/4599735
log "start regression test for b/4599735"
keystore system reset
expect "reset: No error (1)"
list_keystore_directory /user_0
keystore system password foo
expect "password: No error (1)"
keystore_in system quux insert baz
expect "insert: No error (1)"
keystore root get baz
expect "quux"
keystore system lock
expect "lock: No error (1)"
keystore system password foo
expect "password: No error (1)"
log "after unlock, regression led to result of '8 Value corrupted'"
keystore root get baz
expect "quux"
keystore system reset
expect "reset: No error (1)"
log "end regression test for b/4599735"
function main() {
log $tag START
log $tag PASSED