blob: f9cc3dcbf97f77c700d428b03e9579cb6d7c3a82 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
#include <memory>
#include "gpio_impl.h"
#include "led_impl.h"
#include "peripheral_manager_client_impl.h"
#include "peripheralmanager/peripheral_manager_client.h"
#include "spi_device_impl.h"
#include "uart_device_impl.h"
namespace {
// This is horrible. Get rid of it!!!
static char** ConvertStringVectorToC(const std::vector<std::string>& strings) {
char** c_strings = (char**)malloc(strings.size() * sizeof(*c_strings));
for (size_t i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) {
c_strings[i] = (char*)malloc(strings[i].size() + 1);
memset(c_strings[i], 0, strings[i].size() + 1);
strcpy(c_strings[i], strings[i].c_str());
return c_strings;
} // namespace
struct BPeripheralManagerClient {
PeripheralManagerClientImpl* impl;
struct BGpio {
GpioImpl* impl;
struct BSpiDevice {
SpiDeviceImpl* impl;
struct BLed {
LedImpl* impl;
struct BI2cDevice {
I2cDeviceImpl* impl;
struct BUartDevice {
UartDeviceImpl* impl;
BPeripheralManagerClient* BPeripheralManagerClient_new() {
std::unique_ptr<PeripheralManagerClientImpl> impl(
new PeripheralManagerClientImpl);
if (impl->Init()) {
return new BPeripheralManagerClient{impl.release()};
return NULL;
void BPeripheralManagerClient_delete(BPeripheralManagerClient* client) {
delete client->impl;
delete client;
char** BPeripheralManagerClient_listGpio(const BPeripheralManagerClient* client,
int* num_gpio) {
std::vector<std::string> gpios;
*num_gpio = gpios.size();
return ConvertStringVectorToC(gpios);
int BPeripheralManagerClient_openGpio(const BPeripheralManagerClient* client,
const char* name,
BGpio** gpio) {
std::unique_ptr<GpioImpl> tmp;
int ret = client->impl->OpenGpio(name, &tmp);
if (!ret) {
*gpio = new BGpio{tmp.release()};
return ret;
int BGpio_setDirection(const BGpio* gpio, int direction) {
android::GpioDirection dir;
if (!DirectionFromInt(direction, &dir))
return EINVAL;
return gpio->impl->SetDirection(dir);
int BGpio_setEdgeTriggerType(const BGpio* gpio, int type) {
android::GpioEdgeType t;
if (!EdgeTypeFromInt(type, &t))
return EINVAL;
return gpio->impl->SetEdgeTriggerType(t);
int BGpio_setActiveType(const BGpio* gpio, int type) {
android::GpioActiveType t;
if (!ActiveTypeFromInt(type, &t))
return EINVAL;
return gpio->impl->SetActiveType(t);
int BGpio_setValue(const BGpio* gpio, int value) {
return gpio->impl->SetValue(value);
int BGpio_getValue(const BGpio* gpio, int* value) {
return gpio->impl->GetValue(value);
int BGpio_getPollingFd(const BGpio* gpio, int* fd) {
return gpio->impl->GetPollingFd(fd);
int BGpio_ackInterruptEvent(int fd) {
uint8_t buf[2];
lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
read(fd, buf, 2);
return 0;
void BGpio_delete(BGpio* gpio) {
delete gpio->impl;
delete gpio;
char** BPeripheralManagerClient_listSpiBuses(
const BPeripheralManagerClient* client,
int* num_spi_buses) {
std::vector<std::string> list;
*num_spi_buses = list.size();
return ConvertStringVectorToC(list);
int BPeripheralManagerClient_openSpiDevice(
const BPeripheralManagerClient* client,
const char* name,
BSpiDevice** dev) {
std::unique_ptr<SpiDeviceImpl> impl;
int ret = client->impl->OpenSpiDevice(name, &impl);
if (impl) {
*dev = new BSpiDevice{impl.release()};
return ret;
int BSpiDevice_writeByte(const BSpiDevice* device, uint8_t val) {
return device->impl->WriteByte(val);
int BSpiDevice_writeBuffer(const BSpiDevice* device,
const void* data,
size_t len) {
return device->impl->WriteBuffer(static_cast<const uint8_t*>(data), len);
int BSpiDevice_transfer(const BSpiDevice* device,
const void* tx_data,
void* rx_data,
size_t len) {
return device->impl->Transfer(static_cast<const uint8_t*>(tx_data),
static_cast<uint8_t*>(rx_data), len);
int BSpiDevice_setFrequency(const BSpiDevice* device, uint32_t freq_hz) {
return device->impl->SetFrequency(freq_hz);
int BSpiDevice_setMode(const BSpiDevice* device, int mode) {
if (mode == SPI_MODE0 || mode == SPI_MODE1 || mode == SPI_MODE2 ||
mode == SPI_MODE3) {
return device->impl->SetMode(mode);
return EINVAL;
int BSpiDevice_setBitJustification(const BSpiDevice* device,
int bit_justification) {
if (bit_justification == SPI_LSB_FIRST ||
bit_justification == SPI_MSB_FIRST) {
return device->impl->SetBitJustification(bit_justification);
return EINVAL;
int BSpiDevice_setBitsPerWord(const BSpiDevice* device, uint8_t bits_per_word) {
return device->impl->SetBitsPerWord(bits_per_word);
int BSpiDevice_setDelay(const BSpiDevice* device, uint16_t delay_usecs) {
return device->impl->SetDelay(delay_usecs);
void BSpiDevice_delete(BSpiDevice* device) {
delete device->impl;
delete device;
char** BPeripheralManagerClient_listLeds(const BPeripheralManagerClient* client,
int* num_leds) {
std::vector<std::string> list;
*num_leds = list.size();
return ConvertStringVectorToC(list);
int BPeripheralManagerClient_openLed(const BPeripheralManagerClient* client,
const char* name,
BLed** led) {
std::unique_ptr<LedImpl> impl;
int ret = client->impl->OpenLed(name, &impl);
if (!ret)
*led = new BLed{impl.release()};
return ret;
int BLed_setBrightness(const BLed* led, uint32_t brightness) {
return led->impl->SetBrightness(brightness);
int BLed_getBrightness(const BLed* led, uint32_t* brightness) {
return led->impl->GetBrightness(brightness);
int BLed_getMaxBrightness(const BLed* led, uint32_t* max_brightness) {
return led->impl->GetMaxBrightness(max_brightness);
void BLed_delete(BLed* led) {
delete led->impl;
delete led;
// I2C API
char** BPeripheralManagerClient_listI2cBuses(
const BPeripheralManagerClient* client, int* num_i2c_buses) {
std::vector<std::string> list;
*num_i2c_buses = list.size();
return ConvertStringVectorToC(list);
int BPeripheralManagerClient_openI2cDevice(
const BPeripheralManagerClient* client,
const char* name,
uint32_t address,
BI2cDevice** dev) {
std::unique_ptr<I2cDeviceImpl> impl;
int ret = client->impl->OpenI2cDevice(name, address, &impl);
if (ret == 0) {
*dev = new BI2cDevice{impl.release()};
return ret;
int BI2cDevice_read(const BI2cDevice* device,
void* data,
uint32_t len,
uint32_t* bytes_read) {
return device->impl->Read(data, len, bytes_read);
int BI2cDevice_readRegByte(const BI2cDevice* device,
uint8_t reg,
uint8_t* val) {
return device->impl->ReadRegByte(reg, val);
int BI2cDevice_readRegWord(const BI2cDevice* device,
uint8_t reg,
uint16_t* val) {
return device->impl->ReadRegWord(reg, val);
int BI2cDevice_readRegBuffer(const BI2cDevice* device,
uint8_t reg,
void* data,
uint32_t len,
uint32_t* bytes_read) {
return device->impl->ReadRegBuffer(reg, data, len, bytes_read);
int BI2cDevice_write(const BI2cDevice* device,
const void* data,
uint32_t len,
uint32_t* bytes_written) {
return device->impl->Write(data, len, bytes_written);
int BI2cDevice_writeRegByte(const BI2cDevice* device,
uint8_t reg,
uint8_t val) {
return device->impl->WriteRegByte(reg, val);
int BI2cDevice_writeRegWord(const BI2cDevice* device,
uint8_t reg,
uint16_t val) {
return device->impl->WriteRegWord(reg, val);
int BI2cDevice_writeRegBuffer(const BI2cDevice* device,
uint8_t reg,
const void* data,
uint32_t len,
uint32_t* bytes_written) {
return device->impl->WriteRegBuffer(reg, data, len, bytes_written);
void BI2cDevice_delete(BI2cDevice* device) {
delete device->impl;
delete device;
char** BPeripheralManagerClient_listUartDevices(
const BPeripheralManagerClient* client, int* num_uart_devices) {
std::vector<std::string> list;
*num_uart_devices = list.size();
return ConvertStringVectorToC(list);
int BPeripheralManagerClient_openUartDevice(
const BPeripheralManagerClient* client,
const char* name,
BUartDevice** device) {
std::unique_ptr<UartDeviceImpl> impl;
int ret = client->impl->OpenUartDevice(name, &impl);
if (ret == 0) {
*device = new BUartDevice{impl.release()};
return ret;
int BUartDevice_setBaudrate(const BUartDevice* device, uint32_t baudrate) {
return device->impl->SetBaudrate(baudrate);
int BUartDevice_write(const BUartDevice* device,
const void* data,
uint32_t size,
uint32_t* bytes_written) {
return device->impl->Write(data, size, bytes_written);
int BUartDevice_read(const BUartDevice* device,
void* data,
uint32_t size,
uint32_t* bytes_read) {
return device->impl->Read(data, size, bytes_read);
void BUartDevice_delete(BUartDevice* device) {
delete device->impl;
delete device;