Prevent uncleared memory leaking in

Bug: 139738828
Test: manual
Merged-In: I4e330d4ad1380dbd1e695f81b8183ca8b182b114
Change-Id: I4e330d4ad1380dbd1e695f81b8183ca8b182b114
(cherry picked from commit aa578e007b6d535d78442a1e0ecdf61eb9888782)
diff --git a/src/nfc/tags/rw_i93.c b/src/nfc/tags/rw_i93.c
index cbce920..00417c2 100644
--- a/src/nfc/tags/rw_i93.c
+++ b/src/nfc/tags/rw_i93.c
@@ -2397,12 +2397,20 @@
       /* get buffer to store CC, zero length NDEF TLV and Terminator TLV */
-      p_i93->p_update_data = (uint8_t*)GKI_getbuf(RW_I93_FORMAT_DATA_LEN);
+      /* Block size could be either 4 or 8 or 16 or 32 bytes */
+      /* Get buffer for the largest block size I93_MAX_BLOCK_LENGH */
+      p_i93->p_update_data = (uint8_t*)GKI_getbuf(I93_MAX_BLOCK_LENGH);
       if (!p_i93->p_update_data) {
         RW_TRACE_ERROR0("rw_i93_sm_format (): Cannot allocate buffer");
+      } else if (p_i93->block_size > RW_I93_FORMAT_DATA_LEN) {
+        /* Possible leaking information from previous NFC transactions */
+        /* Clear previous values */
+        memset(p_i93->p_update_data, I93_ICODE_TLV_TYPE_NULL,
+               I93_MAX_BLOCK_LENGH);
+        android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "139738828");
       p = p_i93->p_update_data;